following publication. Other rates on request. 6.00 p.m. Classifield Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢. In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line verse. Addtional four lines, .25¢. Billing charge of 25¢ if not paid by Friday Classified display $1.00 per column inch. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to Closed all day Saturday. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 pm. TUESDAY CARD OF THANKS COMING EVENTS I would like to take this op- portunity of Thanking Dr. Kandel and Dr. M. B. Dymond, and nurses and staff of Port Perry Hospital and also friends for their flowers, & cards, and kindness to me while in the hospital. Mrs. Lloyd Wakeford Words cannot express our feelings to all the kind people of Port Perry and surrounding country, who took part recently in the search for our son, Ricky. Many thanks to everyone. Es- pecially to Chief Cameron, Rev. Alec. Rice, his son Sam, Roy Cornish, 'Stan Ploughman, the Rovers, Guide Mothers, the Michie boys, and our neigh- bours, Thank you all. The Hall's COMING EVENTS SCOUT MOTHERS AUXILIARY MEETING The regular meeting of the Scout Mothers Auxiliary will be held Tuesday, April 26th at the Scout Hall, at 8.30 p.m. "All interested welcome, ' EXHIBITION of Oil Paintings by young Port Perry artists, to be held in the Scout Hall base- ment, APRIL 23rd & 24th, 1.00 pm. to 6 p.m, The artists re- presented are pupils of Mrs. Douglas Wallace. Admission Free. Apr.21l THE PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH CHOIR will be appearing in their ver- sion of a live T.V. Show. Guest artist, Mr. Norman Watson from G.M. Choir. Tickets now available from choir members. Apr. 21-28 Baseball . Registration To be held at Ball Park, Water St. on SAT., APRIL 30th, 10 am. - 12 am. MONDAY, MAY 2nd, 6.30 p.m. - 8 p.m, AGE GROUPS-- Tykes--b - 8 years Squirt--Under 11 years Pee Wee--Under 13 years BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lea- gue, Friday, April 22nd at 8.15 p.m. Jackpot $230.00. Lucky door prize and raffle. ANNUAL CARNIVAL Friday, April 22nd at 8.30 p.m. in Community Arena. Sponsor- ed by P.P.F.S.C. - Featuring Canadian Junior Champions Ri- chard Stephens & Anna Forder. ORIENTAL BUFFET At Church of the Ascension, May 4th, 5 p.m., 6 p.m. & 7 p.m. Tickets available from Church members. Apr.28 COMING EVENTS-- EUCHRE, April 23rd at 8 p.m. at Oddfellows Hall, sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission 50c. Lunch, SPRING BONNET TEA BAKE SALE & BAZAAR at Seagrave United Church APRIL 30th, 2.30 to 5 p.m. Apr. 28 Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Downey, Oshawa wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their eldest daughter Donnamarie Victoria to Mr, James Charles Fishley, son of Mrs. Gordon Fishley of Seagrave and the late Gordon Fishley. The mar- riage to take place at 3 p.m. on Sat.,, May 7th, 1966 at Christ Memorial Church, Oshawa. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Rae C. Mec- Master, Oshawa, wish to an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter, Maureen Bev- erly, to Mr. Kenneth Merlin Dowson, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Merlin Dowson, Port Perry, Ont. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, May 14, 1966 at 3.30 p.m. in Simcoe Street United Church, Oshawa. BIRTH HARTMANN -- Chris and Hilde are happy to announce | the birth of a daughter Barbara | Anette on April 12th, 1966, at Bantam---Under 15 years | Midget-- Under 17 years Juvenile--Under 19 years Girls--15 - 19 years --13 - 1b years Ages not before Jan. 1st, 1966. Registration Fee--- 21.00 Per Family. Coaches and Umpires are asked to register, as:many will be needed, Pres. Bill Harper, Apr. 21-28 P.P. & DM.S.A, Port Perry Community Hospital. Special thanks to everyone who helped to give such a wonderful baby shower in February. Also many thanks to Dr. Kandel and | Nurses of Hospital. FOR SALE | FOX TERRIER, male, reason- Phone 985-7048 able INGLIS automatic Washing machine, still under warranty, with soap saver. $160.00, Phone 985-2961 FOR SALE 30° TV TOWER INSTALLED | $39.50 ! PORT PERRY T.V. Phone 985-2265 Prince Albert T.F. FOR SALE WORK WANTED MUSCOVY Duck Eggs. -- b0c, dozen. Phone 985-2673. Apr.21 2 BEDROOM Cottage, on Lake Scugog close to Port Perry. Call 9865-2433. Apr, 28 SEEDS Corn, United Hybrid, 108 and 7 (while supplies last) Seneca 156. Oats & Barley Alfalfa, Brome and all other Grass Seeds, SWAIN SEED CLEANERS & DEALERS 986-4331 Blackstock | Apr. 28 BRIDES--See our new line of Guest Books and 'Bride's Books' --white leather covers, $2.26 & $1.95. Port Perry Star Office. OFFICE EQUIP.--Typewriters, Adders, Cash Registers, Desks, Chairs, Filing Cabinets. Terms, Trades, New, Used, Rentals, Service. BILL HAMILTON, Raglan. ~ GORD"S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms -- Trades Jan. 23/66 DEKALB Hybrid Corn & Sudax. We are NOT sold out of early corn. We have 29-45-XL304 and later varieties. Call Ralph Veitch, Uxbridge 852-3913. May 5 ARE YOU a hobby boat builder. I built a 14' hull and you can finish it. Will sell at material cost. If you 'would like to see it call 985-2379. BADGER SALES & SERVICE Gordon L. Corner R.R. 1, Oshawa Silo Unloaders, Auger Feeders, Tube Feeders and Self Propelled Feeders PHILIPS Stereo Tape Recorder, Chord Organ, Meat Slicer, 4 Hole Coffee Stove, Steel Shelv- ing, Large Steel Lock Up Cup- board, 7 foot Toboggan, Wine Chesterfield & Chair, Trilite Lamp, Two Electric Underwood Typewriters, Two 8 Cradenza Counters, Fan, Used Filing Cabinet, Office Chairs, Spirit Duplicator. BILL HAMILTON, Raglan, 986-7160, HAY, first quality. $25.00 per ton. Doug Hart. Phone 852- 3919, SMALL two whoel bike. Good shape $8.00. Phone 985-7749, 1964 M.G.B., cologared, 23,000 miles. Phone 985#865. Apr. 21 PIANO and bench, Mason & Risch, 57" x 58", full keyboard, idea for rec. room or beginners $125.00. Phone 985-2839 after 6 p.m, ATTRACTIVE lakefront cott- age, furnished, conveniences, Boat, motor, Lake Scugog. Mrs, F. Goodman, 80 Simcoe St. N,, Oshawa, 725-5352. Apr.28 1960 PONTIAC Laurentian 6 cyl. standard shift, sound car, clean inside and out, good tires, Phone 986-4818. NEW 4 ROOM Bungalow, Terms can be arranged. Phone 986-7639. Apr, 21 1956 CHEV. sedan delivery. Good running condition, Phone 985-2237. FINLAY WOOD Range, good condition, reasonable. Phone 985-2970. FREEZER FOR SALE Large size deep freeze cabinet. 985-7114. NEW and USED Vacuum Cleaners. Phone 986-7704. ~ WANTED ROOM and BOARD for young man Call 985-7234 after 5 p.m. BABY SITTER wanted to look after 3 a Phone 986- 2062. \_ EXPERIENCED truck driver for Bulk Milk Transport. Apply H. Phoenix, Greenbank. BUYER WANTED For 1964 Rambler Classic, 8 cyl. Auto, Can be seen at 92 Simcoe St. Port Perry. Tel. 985-7371 or write to BILL LUKAS 5 Browning Ave. Toronto, Ont, Apr. 14-21 WANTED reliable man as Dealer in Port Perry. Experi- ence not necessary. Fine op- portunity to step into old profit- able business where Rawleigh Products have been sold for years, Big profits. Products furnished on credit. Write Rawleigh, Dept. D - 343-163, 4005 Richelieu, St. Henry, Mont. real. HELP WANTED QUALITY CARPENTRY Kitchen Cabinets; bathroom floor and ceiling tiles and all general repairs. Call for esti- mate. 985-7682. Apr, 21 QUALIFIED? Are you . . Pleasant? Neat? Over 217? . . Have a car? Have free time? If so .... You may qualify as an Avon Representative, Territories available in Reach Twp. & Scugog Twp. Write Mrs. S. Fitzgerald, 670 Davis Dr., Newmarket or call 895-2437. WORK WANTED CLIPPER BLADES Sharpen. ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair Sheep blades--b0¢ pair, 24 hr «ervice--work guaranteed. Cattle CHpper Service 37 First Ave. Box [90 Uxbridge, Ont. Do you . PAINTING--Plain painting, al so special mural and pattern painting. Complete Rec. room finishing. Will build and repair furniture. J. Kronister, Phone 985-7191, after 6 p.m, Apr.30 PAINTING and DECORATING interior & exterior. Guarazy teed work, free estimates. Phone 986-2094, Walter Pike. T.F. A he A ; ne 5 Shy RUGS and UPHOLSTERY to clean, For free estimates Phone 985.7704. WILL DO sewing and altera- tions. Phone 985-7218. Apr.28 WILL DO gardening or any outside work. Phone 985-7045. Apr.28 WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT or small house, reasonable. 985-7071. Mayl2 TO RENT IN PRINCE ALBERT--2 bed- room Apartment, available May. Phone Don Milne 985-7310. PASTURE, abundant pasture with plenty of good water and shade. Phone 852-3508. A. T. Powell, REAL ESTATE "Storie House on 30 acres" 1% storey 4 bedroom cut field stone house in excellent condi- tion, modern kitchen with birch cupboards, 21' x 17', and fire- place, Living room 18' x 80' with fireplace, dining room 18' x 30', oak floors, winding stair- case, furnace & bath. Pond site. If you want privacy with an excellent stone house, don't miss this one. 5 miles north of Port Perry, $25,000 with terms. 2 storey frame duplex, close to shopping in Port Perry, mo- dern conveniencs, nicely land- scaped lot, very suitable for re- tirement home with income. $13,500 with terms, Commuter farm, 66 acres, % mile east of #12 Hwy. New steel barn, 1% storey frame house, aluminum siding and all modern conveniences. Illness ish. reason for selling, Dairy Farm 100 acrs clay loam, 1% storey 8 room brick home in excellent condition, L. shaped bank barn, bulk milk cooler and all milking equipment. Milk contract to Sil- vrwoods. Priced for quick sale. $30,000. with terms. Dairy, beef and commuter farms availabe for spring possession. CALL GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Fok Ak 76 acre commuter farm, over- looking Lake Scugog, all work- able, buildings in excellent con- dition. Priced to sell at $22,000. with terms. b room white frame bungalow, all conveniences, rec. room in basement. Price $12,000 with terms. 100 acres, Seagrave area, productive soil, bank barn, 70 x 52, implement shed, 11% storey frame house, all modern con- veniences, $30,000 with terms. Call MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. eith Ltd. »