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Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 May 1966, p. 13

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eC Da von i A » - ately 90 younger Legion mem- the Town and spoke of the high | Mr. Herb, Buckland and Mr. both of Port Perry are seen with President Ed. Mulholland at "Old Bill's Nigh Legion Hall last Satay evening. S $N; 4 ' oN 3 Samuel Eyre, . Port Perry t" held. in the Mr, Buck- Legion. Mr. saw service Jn three wars, the Boer War, World War One ard World Ww ar Two. AAT on BEE bi land, on the left, is the oldest veteran of the Eyre, on the riht, _--Staff Photo "Old And Young Bills" Assemble In Evening Of Remembrance, Fun ~ To the strains of "Tipperary" and "Old Soldiers Never Die" some 58 veterans of t First | World War gathered in the Le-| gion Hall, Branch 419 Port Perry for their annual dinner. As joint host with Uxbridge | Branch 170, the Saturday night "dinner in Port Perry was very well attended,~with approxim- bers turning up to honour their fathers, fathers-in-law or just "Old Bill" friends from both|- branches. The head table riotts were ushered in with a Scottish piper leading the way and the cere- monies were opened by John Maw, immediate past-president of Port Perry Legion and De- puty-District Zone Commander. The colour bearers, Ralph Me- Nenly and Bruce -McCoy were in the charge of Sgt. -At-Arms.| James Norton. ; i Grace was asked by Branch Padre, W. R. Tristram and head table guests introduced, J. J. Gibson, Reeve of Port Perry extended greetings from | t Health Dept Take! Over Amb ances Provincial respo sibility for ambulances has been switched from the Attorney General to the Minister of Health in an over-the-week end move, Attorney General Wishart yesterday told the" Legislature about the change. He made the disclosure as Opposition mem-=. bers asked him about the crisis which has left the Bracebridge area without ambulance service. - Health Minister Dymond, who said on Friday that ambulances were outside his department's control, said | he hopes "he will soon have a solution to the problem, The town's two ambulance _ operators withdrew service dur- : ing -the week end after council vefused to grant financial as- sistance. Dr. Dymond said that on Fri- day the Attorney-General had control of ambultinces but singe then his department has taken over. esteem which Port Perry holds for its. Legion. Mr. Roy Scott gave the res. parse to President Ed. Mulhol- 'and'sStoast to all First World w ar Vets, wherever they may be, "after which two minutes' silence was observed in memory of all departed soldiers. The names of the "Old Bills" who | have passed away during the year since the last Banquet were announced. In his toast to the Royal Canadian Legion, Gordon Wake- field, of Woodstock who is the President for the Province of Ontario Legions, paid highest tribute to all the branches and stated his gratification on be- ing invited to a function which was designed solely in hongur of the "old soldiers from the First World War. Mr, Wake- field introduced the speaker of -the evening, Mr. Fred O'Brecht who is the immediate past-pre- sident from Dominion, Mr, O'Brecht, who has been in Legion work for many years, | spoke briefly of the 21st Na- tional Convention held last week in Montreal and gave some a-| musing anecdotes from the talks .| delivered by Lord I:ouis Mount- batten of Burma to the Conven- "tion" delegates. In his tribute to the "Old Bills" of Port Perry and Uxbridge ~ Legions, Mr, O'Brecht told his audienc of the hopes and plans for the future of Legions everywhere and of -the-great work in the: "two fields of welfare, education and sports. In appreciation, " Mr. Jim' "Munro, President of Branch 170 spoke of many Legion activities. Other speakers of the "évening | were Zone Commander, James Woodward | (Bowmanville) and Mr. Bill Beattie (Oshawa). Oldest vets from World War "Grade 8 graduation dinner June. ia Sa A ALES BE AOE DY v a) h ete DEIN NE ads Dl YG > & Th ow, PORT PERRY STARK, Thursday, May 5, 1966 --13 Blacksto "(eoitinued) put a linoleum covering on the large serving table in Recrea- tion Centre. Joan Paisley is to look after the C.P. labels, Club were asked to cater to a wed- ding July 30th, also to the 21. Both were acdépted. Cards of thanks from Josie Hamilton, Eileen MecLatghlin and Ruby Van Camp were read. Please bring a tea towel to the next meeting which is to be at Marie Medd's May 12th, .Roll was well answered with a house- keeping tip. Games of bingo were played for one half hour, Lunch of make-your-own sand- wiches and coffee was providéd by the hostess and group. A large crowd gathered in the Recreation Centre Saturday evening in honour of a newly married couple. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strong (Shirley De | Jonge) Mr, Dalton Dorrell was M.C. and programme commenced with. community singing, Miss | Aileen Van Camp gave a read- | ing "Betty at the Ball Game". Leanne and Heather Dorrell played a piano duet; Mrs. Mar- wood McKeé read "The Wedding | cent | of Bob Glenn and Shirley"; Messrs. Larmer Holden sang two humorous num- | bers, "Do Da Day" and "Bobby went a Courtin". Miss Elaine Mountjoy read "Bachelor's Ad- vise"; Marilyn Duff and Marie Van Camp each played a piano solo; Mrs, Adelbert Beacock gave a reading "April"; Misses Gail and Bonnie Malcolm sang duvets "Lover Come Back tome" and "He". At this point the M.C. invited the Bride and Groom to seats on the platform while Mrs. .who had accompanied her daughters, also played for the community singing, played the wedding march, Dalton ex- pressed congratulations 'and good wishes and on behalf of I were Herb. Buckland and Sam | the friends and negihbours pre- Eyre, Port Perry and Kelly | sented the happy couple with a Voutt and Lyman Nicholls, of 'Uxbridge. ceremonies were Sgt.-At-Arms, James Norton and his colour party. The piper 'who had led.the guests to the head table piped out the colour-. bearers and the gathering was asked to adjourn to the Club rooms' downstairs while the tables were dismantled, Buin | A social evening for all mem- 'bers and guests got under way around 9 p.m. and the balance of the evening was spent in congenial comradeship, reminis- cing and singing the old songs. 'Legion Presidents attend "Old Bill's Night" in Port Pens, From left to right are shown Presidents Jim Munro (Br. 170 --Toronto Tely Uxbridge), Gordon Wakefield, Ontario Provincial; Fred 0' : gifts. At the dinner's end, closing directed by' swivel arm chair and set -of tables and some miscellaneous Both Bob expressed their appreciation, Dancing to music supplied by | Mrs. A. Toombs, Port Perry and Mr. John Archer, Burketon' with Mr. Brian Hamilton call; | ing for the squares was enjoyed | for an hour. Then a bountiful | lunch partaken of and dancing resumed until nearly midnight, | Mrs. Russel McLaughlin and | Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy attended the Spring Tea at Enfield Wednes. | day afternoon. I Mr. Gordon Paisley was one of some thirty . High School Principals -who were guests of and Richard | and Mrs, Lawrence Malcolm, |. and Shirley | ck News the Canadian Armed Forces at their base in Comex B.C. Thurs- day to Sunday a week ago. The Town and Country Club - sponsored a trip to Cobourg and a tour of the Court House and Golden Plow Lodge Sunday af- ternoon 25 - persons spent a pleasant afternoon. Msds. Stanford VanCamp, Velva Bailey, Percy Van Camp, Carl Wright, D, McLean and Ray Bradburn attended the short course on Embroidery stitches sponsored by Shirley Women's Institute Thursday and Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Barr and Beverley, Brampton were Satur- day night guests of Mr. Mrs, Oscar Graham. Miss Doreen Van Camp, Tor- onto was home for the week-end --Sunday Doreen was guest speaker at the Anniversary ser- vice in Newcastle. She and her parents Mr, and "Mrs, Stanford Van Camp were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James "Barnes. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Bailey tetwned honre from Florida on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Archer accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Vin. Archer, Bowmanville: ta eaverton Sunday and visited Mr. Frank Cook. Prize winners at the Special Euchre in aid of Port Perry new hospital - fund on Wednesday night were: high lady -- Mrs. Fred Middleton; second-- Mrs. Frank Bailey; high gent--Keith Van Camp; second--Mrs, Hayy Van Camp. I Mrs. Jack Prrdy, Mrs. Jim Gallagher, Heida, Andy and Julie, Toronto; visited Mr, .and Mrs. Stanford Van Camp on Tuesday, MEA Mr, and Mrs. Orillia, Miss Beth Strong and Mr. Gerald Ferguson, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong. Misses Lorna Wright, Sharon Larmer, Judy Swain, Nancy Dorrell, Elizabeth Thompson & Linda Gray & Ronald Martyn attended the Conference on Christian Vocation at 'Queen's University Kingston over | week-end. ) Mr. and Mrs, Earl Bradburn and Ivan were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, Janetville, Mr. and Mrs, huel, Orillia were guests of the Cecil Gibsons and Hermanus 'Vanderhuels, Mrs. D."Colacicco, Lisa and Joey returned home to Oshawa Sunday - after spending © two weeks with her mqther Mrs. Lorne ~ Thompson, h "ol Ww. "Cobbledick, Orono, is visiting Mrs, Thompson at present. " Brecht, Dominion President; mander of Zone F-1; John Maw, Past President and Ed. Mul- holland President, both of Port Perry Legion, A 419, N i | w ay ai 5% v EE 1a Sy A EA i James Woodward, Zone Com- ASA A HIE and zr . : Ross Curtis, were Saturday night guests of the' Peter Vander- : week-end -- aN es ADEN » - Wa Te gS EL of Pp a Sw, LP ag, NR tr WN ~~ 3 cv nr a - Pe) AR x i CN ar Li ae A TL Cw yg y . > wb, {0 TN A

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