Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 May 1966, p. 4

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\d - \s hg - = h A - a BR 1 . - | TI The ™ | AEN EN oy! x 5 2 ££. 2.48 Oy XEN MR SP y . 3! £5 Ve a) St "i, \ 3 PHN 4 : 4 ? #4 3 . WH SAL "J wh Pig X10 TH L » . 1 i 3 2 4 SPL oe SX FPO I el . = ' + RAL $i { 'ats x : Seky | fy 3 ty v 3s CA LN Sr 2A NL ATL RTL i L Ad 5% SH PE She WARTS [) 5 ld' vin ve . ! . od . . 3 : 3 : 2 JAHRE arta 5 WY ARN A i 2 4 . yt . f - ' - - . . #0) ig 0 - A 2 ; . 4 -- PORT PERRY STAR, ~~ Thursday, May 5th, 1966 | DON'T BE HALF SAFE! . A Gh i SOR RR { i Por Perry Star Co. Limited ; Xe Serving Port Perry,. Brooklin afd Surrounding Areas = ¢ . JRE Re ¢ Pp HVIDSTEN, T. HARRISON 4 WM Editor Member of the Ontario- Weekly - Newspaper Assoc. . Publisher Member of the' a , Canadian Week!y x 'Fava: Assoc. . SAFETY . PROBE <I IO VISTI Published every Thursday by The Pdrt Perry . St ar Co. Ltd., Port Perry, Ontario, Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for paymeént of postage in cash. Subscription Rates: In Canada $3.00 per yr., Elsewhere, $4.50 per yr. Single Copy 10¢ 5 - Eo 7 rR CCOPDCOSOPOGODODDOOODs A 8 POODDPODODOVDODOOOSDG HOROOPDOOODODDO- ORORCEN OBITUARY = WILLIAM LOUNCE THOMPSON ay mn Blackstock Agricultural Society, Wallace Marlow ton Co- 1 | agi : Workers at General Motors and | The death occurred suddenly yen ! 3 ! ats his home in Cartwright on April 18th, 1966 of Lorne : Thompson, beloved husband of Gladys Cobblestick to whom he was married July 20, 1935. the' Relpphont. / | Burketon | Spring sowing of grain eldest son of the well under way here in the Pine C. and Mrs. | Ridge Tourist Region, Annie May | A very. . successful ' auction Dever), sale was held in the village.on in | Saturday afternoon, heusehold Mr. Thompspn was born Cartwright, received his educa- | effects' of the late Florente tion in Cedardale school" and | C2ughill together with articles spent his .entire life in Cart- | left, over Hom -the Burketon | wright township. He has farni-| Garage. : ed ail his life & Many visitors came from dif- Tivernty-one years', : ago he purchased the farm of | ferent points on Saturday to attend thé sale. his late uncle Mr. Alex Dever, 'Lot 15, Con. 3 where he and. Mrs. Thompson have lived ever since. . He was a member Blackstock Utited Church. is He "was the late William Thompson (nee ~ | * There, was an April Shower | | at Blackstock which many at-| : . el ' » ne Membership Incfease Blackstock ~~ | In Handicraft Guild News | Funeral service was held at] 'who wefe married récently in McDermott - Panabaker Chapel, | the Recreation Centre Saturday Port Perry, April 21st and was | night, April 30th, . and Mrs. conducted by his pastor Rev. P. pp). Laslic Graham 0 " " 1 3 J 1 pi or + . . » r 3 . : . Sos LTE et in Cad yor a Lisp Tay- | By M. Cawker individual~member is asked to By 0: "Hill iy ' did Hanus. Union y | lor an anle aylor were aEL : N 1h He is, survived by his wife | Sunday a at the| The April meeting held ALS ee spi] ot The - April de 1 UC.W. Ly home of our President Mus. ' e pri nera <n = Gladys, one daughter Jean(Mrs. | home of Mr. and. Mrs. Roy Ash- member is asked to have. her mA a A Te Park Tad a and Ivan of Nestleton, of Melfort, 0 Oshawa.' 'Pallbearers were: cack, Lloyd Beacock;- "Charles | Wilson, George Skelding, Jim | Canring and Nick Colaeieco. Among the many beautiful floral tributes were those. from Blackstock United Church Choir | Merle | Sask., and Harvey Toh B 4 to our community. 0 ea- |' 3 i : R 8 [.them in the .community. "gre the -new since returning from hospital. We welcome 1 Frank Pomery owners of the former Turnbull 'home. We welcome. them to our commun- ity. Mr. and Mrs, The Baker family have moved | Louise Patterson was well at- comed. 'Thé meeting 'chaired by 'the President was opened with the Lord's Prayer, and a warm greeting to all present, Considerable time was spent on finalizing plans for the Rug and Art Exhibition, which will be held this coming Sat. in the { Masonic Temple, time 1 p.m. = LL L9 p.m. oe + + | of Handicraft for sale, and each There will be articles or STARS OF TOMORROW Martin Franssen, Philip Cochrana and Billy Sharpe all took part in the eighth annual Ice part as "skunks", over from last week. Ls, - Revue held Friday, April 22nd. Martin skated in the role as "Tiger" and Philip and Billy took These Pictures were held | The "highlight" of the after- 'ling "Happy Birthday", then the ; in cutting the cake. | | sure this meeting will be re- Quite an extensive array of Tugs, crafts, hand woven articles etc. were displayed at the close of the business session. Mrs. Allen Martyn offered |? her home for the next regular .meeting May 11th, 2 p.m. sharp. 'Lunch ~committee, Mrs. Joe Tripp and Mrs. Sam Naples. noon was the surprise Birthday party for oul' President, and Teacher, Mrs. Patterson, upon reaching her 80th". Birthday, Heartiest congratulations are extended. - All joined .in sing- ladies *in charge of the lunch, Mrs. Hutton and Mrs, Elliott, brought in.a very artistically decorated birthday cake, com- plete with candles. Mrs. Pat- terson was asked to blow out the candles, and' do the honours i: All enjoyed the delicious lunch i the hour of sociability. I'm menibered and cherished by our President for" some 'time to come... Parts Plant Will Close BEAVERTON-- A" Beaverton sheet - metal stampings firm, Lake Simcoe Industries Ltd,, says it will become the first casualty of the auto-trade pact when it closes its plant this summer, 2 David Thorne, the company's general manager, said in an in- | Charles terview that the plant, employ- ing 28, will hin toward the end | meeting was held in the C. E. os D. Co'acicco) and 'two grand- | ton. rtiel iced before hand : WA : . articles price elore hand.| Centre Tuesday evening. . Pre-. KS th t,.3 1 y §) children Lisa & Joey Colacicco, | Glad to know Mr. Cyrus Ash- ul i] ris oid Those interested in a real 'Treat' | sident Yo Kyte -opened with 2 » Oshawa; four brothers, Donald | ton has improved in health please keep this date in mind. an._appropriate thought and extended welcome to all and especially to the several visitors. Mrs. Romeril of the Anna unit led a, very helpful worship Pe eriod oii Faith. "A very interesting Panel Dis- cussion on "the Principals of Union was the program. Mrs. Smith of St. John's . church- was moderator, and panel members were Mrs. Fred Hamilton also of St. John's; Dalton Dorrell' United; Rev. R. Mansfield, Port Perry an An- glican and Rev. P. Romeril. Many 'questions were asked and discussed and all "appeared to really enjoy it. The leader of the Anna unit, who had pre- pared the meeting being ill Mrs. Romeril expressed the thanks ta the pamel. She also brought some highlights from the one day of meeting of Board of Women Annual which she at- tended in Toronto, Fqllowing a brief business period the Esther unit held a sale of- home~baking and plants, Lunch was served by the Candace unit. 35 ladies and 4 gents attended. i Mrs. Jean Kyte was hostess for the O.N.O. club on Thurs- day night. 27 members and one visitor attended. Norma Van Camp and Eleanor Werry have . (Continued on Page 13) of June after work is complete on 1966 model contracts. He said the plant is closing because the removal of tariffs is per- mitting Canadian car manufac- turers "to import the bulk of their stampings from Yelp own U.S. Plants, L a

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