Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 May 1966, p. 6

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---- PORT PERRY Thursday, May 5th, 1966 \ iw bd ph modem uate wb : ( 3) * TK IED Od le aie cadre ad a ee \ bw STAR, on Saturday for her knee opera- . fion. Meanwhile Mrs. M. Ver- X kuyl is in Oshawa having had oh -S E A G R A V E 'NEWS surgery to correct a hip ailment, iad Both ladies will be confined to NR ------ ----- Aa Despite _ uncertain weather | the hill has been bought by My, | hospital for some time, ted conditions last Sptdey the | Maschke of Oshawa. ae Wy Mr. and Mrs. Glen Wana- Ty "Spring Bonnet" tea and ba- take possession late in May.| maker and daughters visited Sh zaar drew a nice crowd and xl Mr. Douda has not yet decided | with .Mr. and Ru Edwin Mit- | & ¥ Hy Your Cormioris . AL tidy sum realized. Mrs. Harris | where he will locate, chell of Galt on Sunday. They bi I opened proceedings with a few | A second sale was that of the | |eft early to be in time to at- DURING THE COMING COLD WEATHER fac . choice"words and Mrs, G. Wana- | village home of the late Mrs. tend church' there, # A maker our U,C.W. president| Thompson, Mr. Leo Stora and' Na welcomed the guests, We were| Mr, Wayne Cafpsall of Tor On Saturday Mr. and Mrs,| SEE us FOR HEATING on A re glad to have so many visitors | onto are the buyers. Boe journeyed to Kingston to J from other congregations, AEN : spend the week-end with their| @ We have FIRST "QUALITY - Furnace and Stove oil ; Mrs. Norman Vincent and her | son Carl, his wife and sons, The north - east ladies (Unit | son Flight Lieut. Donald Vin- : } and offer you. Automatic Delivery with FREE Cleanout 1 U.C.W.) met at the home of | cent 'of Montreal were in the Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Wilson, X Mrs, Boe on Mon,, April o5th.] village a few days packing up' Burketon, made calls at the | § Service in the Spring. This unit is sponsoring an even- | the personal possessions of the Sleep and Clements homes on | ing's entertainment by the|late Mrs. Thompson, Mr, Vin- Thursday. | . Cambridge Capers of Lindsay |cent who has been a frequent : : | % - on Saturday, May 14. See the visitor here is now seriously ill hs Ag Rov pai Phone Port P2rry 985 7951 oo advertisement. in a Montreal hospital, having ing a few da s in Toronto i Bh ro } Real estate deals put through | suffered a stroke. where she hopes to obtain a REESOR FUEL . & LUMBER b your newest agent Mr. Mor-| Bad legs must be 'catching".| position. 1 ®: ley Bruce, are the order of the | After a long wait Mrs. J. Mac- day. Mr. J, Douda's house on' Taggart finally got to Toronto (Continued on Page 10) ero REVENUE FUND SURPLUS ACCOUNT Township. of Scugog December 31, 1965 : La aos . : Debit - Credit Balance Balance at January 1, 1965 ....cccceererirernenens $1,360.86 " RES Surplus included in Current Budget ........... $1,360.86 ; Nil: . Fi in 2 n C | 9 | St 9 te men t S A n d RR GO CAMELS i 'Totals of Debit and Credit columns ............ © $1,360.86 $1,880.32 ay = A ll di | i 0 r' S R B por rt, 1 g b h Balance of Surplus at December 31, 1965 $619.46 - ~r > flo. 2 C- ; ; . C: 7 The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers STATEMENT OF, REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE The Township of Scugog: . Yor the year ended December 31, 1965 Ye ~ We have audited the books ani accounts of your municipality for he 2 . oR . REVENUE Aviad Budget year ended December 31, 1965 and have prepared the attached financial Total Revenue £10m TAXRHON rns $67,676.32 $68,608.31 statements and supporting schedules in accordance with regulations pres- Governments: ' SLIP 5 cribed by the -Depirinicnl of Municipal Affairs. x ; Ontario-- - : ' wh oe ve gi QUALIFICATIONS ) Welfare Assistance ........e. $19.34 v F Revenue Kund Highway Improvement .......ccoounenn. 9,426.67 = Contrary to Section 234 3) of the Municipal Act, council did not inspect Payments in lieu of municipal taxes 25.12 the surety bond on the clerk-treasurer prior to February 15, 1965. In our Unconditional Per Capita Grants... 1,281.00 opinion the surety bond coverage should be increased. en tine UHR ~Warble Fly-in kL mtn ED ; --10,909. 55. wo 9,81000. Te ~. AUDITORS' OPINION. 'Licenses and Permits ......... A EEO) 421.93 500.00 : 0 Subject to our qualification regarding the inspection of surety bonds, Interest, Tax Penalties, ete. ....coovvmennns i; 886.35 600.00 we hereby .zeport that in our opinion: Other Revenues-- ; il Rn ik 1. The financial transactions which have come under our notice hive been Rents, Concessions and Franchises ral 39.00 AI fhe within the powers of the municipality. ig Service Charges ..w..oiveee. Sreeinissssirin 10.40 2. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the {iiteuerions of ; 3 : : 49.40 . w _ the Department of Municipal Affairs, Misdellareous tet : : : ey am . 3. The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Tax chargebacks Lira LER. aks 20.78 : : Cot 2 © municipality as at December 31, 1965 and the results of its operations Weed cutting... SEINE 7.00 r = : for the year ended on that date. Warble Fly Control ........, 104.75 : DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS Garbage Collection BE PEL TT PPP 1,007.50 1 14008 Navel 2% 1900, Ss Ay, Gross Total Revenue ....... nin for SE 81,083.58 179,218.31 rem ere : . Surplus from Prior Years used to reduce levy ........ 1,360.86 1,360.86 CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET i " : : % December 31, 1965 __ : aon 7 Tolal Revenue Section. idle wismmmini ives $82,444.44 $80,579.17 ; ASSETS oo : ch General Fixed ............. inh gekaiiisveny Frghisersvinmsvniodionins ans ptvinses $22,658.00 ; oe _.... EXPENDITURE al Due from School Ratepayers ti» Pe ) Actual Budget ) Collegiate and High ............... ser e prensa staan 33,619.67 Géneral Government : Cet H ; rt Executive and Legislative ....covovivins $ 905.00 $56,277.67 AdMINISErative egress 4,139.84 : ¥ -- ; OUREr Jl ines iiictioin A SL 925.63 3 r i $i i T -- $5,970.47 $ 5,845.00 s "LIABILITIES Ey . Protection to Persons and Property { . «. Debentures Assumed from Other Municipalities........ «$33,619.67 Fre. rnp mairinmmminiborimsemstirepmittimg, 1,116.56 Investment in Capital Assets co. JRTNENI Soe 22,668.00 Other -- Warble Fly. ..onciiimmninie 523.25 EE : TAVORLORK ornirmenissiipuersivaisnissspisisisns 42.50 ; -- $56,277.67 : EAE Lo -- 1,682.81 1,425.00 A ut stam Public Works--Roads, Highways & Streets, etc. ... 18,343.41 18,000.00 ; : ' Sanitation and Waste Removal .......coveviiiiinniiiinnnns 1,151.60 "125.00 REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET Conservation of Health ...ciisssssmnsssssisssssisssrsens 51.00 5100 December 31, 1965 Social Welfare REAL RN RR HC FARRAR, IL elton SR NO TAR TT er re a WOILAre ASSISLANCE wrsmmisssmrsrsmmissnsgisemssrisssivene 24.18 400.00 Cah S00 BANE oireiemgmmmsbprrisnsnsinsiessincrpontrionominiinfiasiassiasniin $ 720.37 Education, including debt CRATES wont rrrrrennssissssnnnnsions 33,631.64 33,472.17 : 1. Accounts Receivable - : Recreation and Community Services ........onnn. 320.00 " - SURATY. crise smsmsssimr primero ESE 50.00 © Debt Charges | ret rp Province of Ontario ini. 3.220.568 Long-term debt charges .......a.. 5,601.01 . ; ~, Other Municipalities re County of Ontario pestis . 11.44 Less own share of school debt charges 5,691.01. : : Tones Receivable iii, : 11, 003 00 Ei tt erm SEE i Seni : i ' Deferred Charges oi PA RREIIR TH OE 1.65 Short-term 'Interest & other charges 166.17 166.17 200.00 a -- Taxes written off ov, I TE eves 44.47 26000 - OLA] ASSBLS rriseierirresriseissssiesiessssasssstssssssssnssassastseissasesses $15,006.70 Institutional and Public Utility - : : : : . % r ---- Hydro ..c.comimiimmninmmiimiisgsinin, © 125.00 LIABILITIES 2 : i © Capital Expenditures out of Revenue ......n.e. 500.00 1 Temporary Loans ....... WAN ORB Hirvirne SRR Re $ 5,200.00 7 Joink or Special Expenditures ; . ut Lats 5 : 'Accounts Payable IL 4 : "id unty Rates ...cnininnind or liven is pir eiantinesie 18,497.92 18,410.40 SUNATY timid breverrs 1,634.18 Miscellaneous a i : ARIES 13 -Other Municipalities a Village of Port Perry ... 1,182.80 Centennial Project ....ccoiiviiiviinniniiin, Wiregiriesiined 2,000.00." 2,000.00 CF : School Boards iin sirrnsiiineitse iiss 20.26 * Provision for Allowances, Reserves & Reserve Funds 41.91 : ag! Centennial Project «cin LEE tor 2,000.00 - I Reserve for Working LOnds ci amimmmummmeiisnin, 4,500.00 Gross Total Expenditure TU ETUC CI ROO 81,924.98 80,679.17 [S00 1) LLC Rotor, {FE I EA Lo ~~ b19.46 Surplus for the Year cin PA HA aera 519.46 y ' ~y . . " Jot Total Liabilities and Surplus Cr ¥5 #73 $15,006.70 "Total Expenditure. Section Yrinbhidtddd CELT RCEEOTTPRD MAA AL LALA {ALLA $82,444 44 $80,679.17

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