Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 12 May 1966, p. 12

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hs on fe Lo tani nn A Se a Er RA a --_-- Sl india dudns _ 3 / Vd 12 -- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, May 12th, 1966 Evening Guild (continued) the result of the most extensive and detailed planing by the members of the Evening Guild and the unsolicited praise of all those who attended, made up, in some small measure for ihe many many hours of excessive toil and preparation which en- abled the event to be the out- standing success that it was. The Parish Hall was decorated in a Chinese motif and the La- » 3 J SE CREE AN THR WS ASTTO BTW Best LPI OS Ltn EEE ERT JAAN : JHB bid RELI BI STATA GY han IN BY Gd 2 otic and resplendent in tradi. tional Chinese costumes, served --in three sittings--a: meal of quality, choice and quantity to- tally comparable to any first class restaurant in Toronto. The Vestry, uually a quiet ha- vén, could be likened to the Tea House of 'the August Moon-- dies of the Evening Guild, ex here, were prepared the most a) delectable desserts which 'cli maxed the main course, _ « ~ Closé' to 800 meals were ser- ved and to the ladies of the Evening Guild and others who helped, should go the utmost praise and compliments for the overwhelming effort they made. The ladies of the Evening Guild can be justifiably proud. To name a few would be un- fair--so many worked sorhard. To the courteous and petite hostesses--to those who served --=to the ladies, who behind the scenes worked so hard over the hot ovens and steaming' sinks-- go the grateful thanks of the Rector and the community at large. Legislation approving the Ontario Medical Services Insurance Plan--OMSIP for short--was passed in the Ontario Legislature on Feb. 18th of this year. Coverage commenced April 1st for social assistance recipients. Coverage will begin July 1:t __for thase. who have already enrolled; or who enroll now before May. 16th. OMSIP PROVIDES COVERAGE OMSIP has been estab- lished to provide adequate insurance coverage for the payment of 'doctors' bills, and to make this coverage available to all Ontario resi- dents regardless of their age, income or state of health. Enrollment in OMSIP is voluntary. o The Plan is intended for REGARDLESS OF AGE, INCOME OR HEALTH. Everyone who has lived "in Ontario for the past 3 months is eligible to join, except those who are enti- tled to physicians' services under another Act. Members are free to choose their own doctor. If a member travels outside the Province, and requires care, OMSIP will-still pay the doctors' bills up: to OMSIP established rates. Many qualify for full or partial assistance for those who require it. Avtomatic fully-paid coverage . Many residents and their _ dependants have automatic- "ally received fully paid cover-. age unter OMSIP. These are people who are already re- ceiving benefits under the fol- lowing Acts: ® The Blind Persons' Allowances Act "\ ® The Mothers' Allowances Act ® The old Age Assistance Act ® The Rehabilitation "Services Act. Automatic: fully-paid cover- age is also provided for old age security pensioners and their dependants declared eli- gible for - coverage by the Ontario Department of Public Welfare. A Since the aim of OMSIP leg- © The Disabled Persons' Fully-paid coverage on S34 islation is to provide adequate Allowances Act application ed dical i for Onta Pople resident in Ontario for 13d 'medical insurance for Ontario eople resident in Ontario fo ti residents, full of partial pre- ° Vos Gand lane the past 12 months and who 3 mium assistance is available" Istance Ac had no taxable income in 1965 get full assistance. " This means if these people make out their application form now, before May 16th, "they will get OMSIP protec-- tion, fully paid for by the government; starting this "July 1st. In addition, many who have been resident in Ontario for the past 12 months will be eligible for partial assistance, depending - on- their taXable income and number of de- a i (See below). DO YOU QUALIFY_ FOR PARTIAL ASSISTANCE? Yes, if you are a singie person' and. your taxable income in 1965 was $500 or less. Yes, if you have one depen- dant, and if together your total taxable income in 1965 was $1,000 or less. Yes, if you have a family of 8 or more, and if your family's total taxable income in 1965 was $1,300 or less. individuals and their fam- People who find they can- Complete cos : Ces : t.......$60.00 Complete cost. $120. 00 Complete@cost. .... $igo0 ilies and does not"provide not continue to pay for all Government pays... 80.00 Government pays.. 60.00 Governmentpays.. 90.00 group coverage. (Group cov- or part of their OMSIP con- You poy 30.00 You pay BORD. You pay 60.00 erage is where a number of tract because of unemploy- . 7 50 every 3 months) ~ ($15.00 every 3 months) ($15. 00 every 3 months) individuals collectively pur-- chase insurance through their place of eriployment union, ete.) ment, illness or disability, may. apply for temporary fassinuce in paying their ees. What is taxable income? Taxable income is the amount of your income upon which you pay tax after exemptions for dependants and other allowances have been. deducted. HERE'S YOUR APPLICATION FORM--pl=ase use BALL POINT PEN. Cut out form carefully. | Mail today N ; INSTRUCTIONS 9, Print the first names of your wife or husband (pause) | irf the first box. PARTIALLY ACSATED PREMIUMS 1. If you have a Soclal Insurance Number write it in the Then print the first names of all your eligible dependant children, / squares provided starting with the first number in starting with the oldest, in the following boxes. If you have more th Cost for those eligible for Complete Government - You - the first square. If you do not have a number, place five eligible dependant children continue your list In the section on this premium assistance Cost Pays Pay a v mark in the square marked NO. . side of the form. If you avg ete than 10 eligible dependant children, (a) The single Person .uivesseressscesess$ 60.00 © $30.00 $30.00 2. Print your last or Family Name in the box. (Example: list them separately and return with your application form. : toovery SHY the member) ee SL 28, "Smith, Jones, Brown, etc.). Under BIRTH DATE write the number of the day of birth, print the are Ingots 1A 1865 mon ' 3, Printyour firstand second Given Names intheboxes,---- month and write the number of the year of birth. (Example: 18 Sept. 1954). The family of two ) (Example: John, Harry, Mary, etc.). If you have a : (b) The family o cosaserserssensenes $120.00 $60.00 $60.00 nickname or are commonly known by another name Under SEX, write M if the child Is male, F if the child is female. sebyering fhe ead of i Jarmily : 5d for mailing. purposes, please indicate in the box 10: Sign your name on the line marked SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT and 'with sian aaiaTncomo nt 1065 : - marked OTHER. write ifi the date and year, of $1,000 or less * 4. Print your address in the first box; your City, Town, 11. IF YOU ARE APPLYING FOR PREMIUM ASSISTANCE ) (c) The family of three or more...........$150.00 $90.00 $60.00 Village or Post Office in the next box; and your Read this section very carefully and complete either the section marked {conering he head of the family S80 * County or District in the last box. 'A' or the one marked 'B' (not both), 2nd a elig taal income a 3 monired 5. Write the number of the day on which you were born 42, Remember, If you receive benefits under any of the Acts listed under of $1,300 or less 4 : » in the box marked DAY. Print the name of the month 501) In the folder entitled "OMSIP...WHAT IT MEANS AND WHAT IT CAN DO FOR YOU", Loris surgi the Dok pre Mon. . you should hot complete an application form. You will be provided FULL PREMIUMS ; 7 Wa jhe pup 8 = % wh Jo e box marke automatically with fully pad coverage. Cost for those not eligible for premium assistance cost : 6. Men should place a + markin the box marked MALE. _--_. (a): The single TBOMN cecoscccncessssnsesssssssscnss $60.00 a year } Women shoud place a v mark In he box marked | ADDITIONAL DEPENDANTS |ooy Shion | Year [Mort | | 0) oom romty of tore a evry 3 monte . FEM E.- v . a - e fam 0900000 0sssesststeenRRRbORORRTS 1 00 a year ' = 17. If you are single place a v/ mark in the box marked y * koyeing Ihe head o he Joimily ($30.00 every 3 months) SINGLE. If you are married place a+/ markin the box (c) The ot ha gop or more '.$150,00 a year gi marked MARRIED. If your status Is other than single (covering the head of the family we ($37.50 every 3 months) : 4 and all eligible dependants) or married (Example: separated, divorced or widow- ed) write your status on the line marked OTHER. 8. Write your occupation and the kind of business or + TF industry in which you work (Example: Carpenter-- Building Trade; Permiei-Agneuilde) Salesman-- Bakery). SEND YOUR COMPLETED APPLICATION FORM TO: OMSIP, P.O. Box 1700, Terminal A, Toronto, onan, FOR ADDITIONAL CHILDREN ATTACH A SEPARATE SHEET | fis: 57 ONTARIO MEDICAL SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN : | x: a 2) ADDI, rpg PLEASE-READ INSTRUCTIONS ABOVE "Frm he pats APPLICA TION FORM BEFORE COMPLETING APPLICATION FOR La Ait : . PREMIUM ASSISTANCE, ~~ ¥ ih 1.Do you havea Soclal Insurance Number For office use only 11. | have lived in Ontario for the past 12 months. | am ik ; Soc insurance > not covered for total medical care by government. 2. ? " al [| [] a } 57/98 3 alloy ie Metical Services Insurance Fils lo U1] : : re = vision to verify all statements made by me on Aa 2. ou Nome Last or Family Name 3 Given Names (First) (Second) ; RN Other this application. _ ; y ; : 5% | . : he. - - LH ; y " i 4. Your Address | RR § or P.O, Box or Street & Number. . City or-Town or Village or Post Office County or District (SIGN A OR B ONLY) al Please print ha . : : A. NO TAXABLE INcOME i : . Av i \ Lid \ ereby apply for full premium assistance AGE » Bifh | Date oor 6. Sex' 7. Marital a _[ 8 Occupation & Nature of Business or Industry : I and my eligible dependants no taxable in- he 0 : lo" o = > : Ey . come for the 12 months ended December 31st last, a : Male Female le Married ~ Other Gpecify) er i | state that the Information given by me is correct. 2 a % : 9. LIST DEPENDANTS Spouse and/or children (children must be Under 21 and unmarried). Othe dependants and ly employed children must apply for separate coverge. 3 tf : : h = Se Giveh N Birth Date Se ] ; n : Cively naires OY Day Be Year |MorF | Veh Davies Only Month | Year |Mor F -; Sionaturs of Applicant a "Spouse - [3a chia : Date ... 19. ! " i g ; B. TAXABLE INCOME OF $1,300.00 OR LESS | 4th child : ; 1st child hi . | hereby apply for partial premium assistance 2nd child | 6th child : My taxable income and the taxable income of my ¢ : eligible dependants was intotal $__-_for - . | . : 10. In applying for coverage under The Orla Medic Services siniyrance List additional dependant children In space provided above. jit Je bonis Shéed Deconber 31stlast. ¢ + confirm Ontario s ] orma correct. wr | fn not covered for total medical care by goverment and that the Por office use only sonsababiiiud: _ Information given by me is correct. . Signature of Applicant " Date 190 ~ Date. 19 i *

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