7 \ Farm near Port Perry with 125 acres of land. Large house and barn with all conveniences. Priced to sell. Near highway 12, 100 acres of vacant land, % workable. Price $13,000.00. Farm near Uxbridge have 60 scenic acres. Excellent barn, 2 laneways and good soil. Selling price $25,000.00, Local Rep. FRED BROOKS 985-7168 REAL ESTATE Two storey frame house in ~ Port Perry on large corner lot, excellent landscaping, nicely de- corated 'throughout, all modern conveniences, 2 bathrooms, sun- porch, garage. Suitable for 2 apartments, Price $13,500.00 with $4000, down. 4 Room framed Home on corner lot in Port Perry, Oil furnace, harwood flors, excellent lot. Full price $4,900.00. 3 bedroom brick bungalow, 2 years old, electric heat, all mo- dern conveniences, nicely fenced 'and landscaped lot. ~N.H.A. built home, $16,800, with $7,800 down. Show farm 20 miles from Oshawa, 80 acres, highway frontage, large 1% storey brick - home with extra apartment for caretaker. Broadloom, modern kitchen, new furnace and bath, excellent fences, painted barn, 'suitable for horses, pond, excel- lent landscaping with terms. ~ 100 acres sandy loam and gravel deposits, 2 storey brick 'home with all modern conveni- ences, bank barn, river. crosses corner of property, paved road, $25,000.00 with half down, -- CALL =-- GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Fok k kk "2 bedroom frame bungalow on 41% acres of rolling land, good pond site, garage 54' x 32' with some equipment. Price $15,600 with' terms. 3. bedroom modern, white frame bungalow, all convenien- 'ces, rec room in basement. Price $12,000 with terms, 3 bedroom frame: cottage. at 'Caesarea inside plumbing, fur- niture and equipment, Selling for $4,000 with terms. ~ Caesarea Large, 3 bedroom frame €ot- tage, large well landscaped lot, pressure system, bathroom, fur- niture & equipment, aluminum boat. Selling for $8,600 with $2000 down." MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd, ~ $39,000.00 | oung Cattle, | years. | No ; RAR EN SR CO cb 1 REAL ESTATE D.W. McQuay REALTOR WHITBY -- PORT PERRY 5 room frame cottage in ima- culate condition on Scugog -Is- land, Beautiful large treed lot with 86' frontage onthe lake, Includes finished Boat House, 1962 Fibre Glass Boat with motor and trailor, and. all fur- niture and appliances. Owner returning to the United States is reason for selling, 100 acres of bush with Non- quon river running through pro. perty only 4 miles from Port Perry, Excellent for hunting, ) . fishing, or a hid-a-way in tha MARION HOPKINS 985-7215 country. Offered for sale for only $6,900.00 with terms. We also have choice building | lots in Port Perry and Prince Albert. WANTED--New or older type homes in Port Perry or the "suri rounding area, -- Call -- DON FORDER 985-7242 Local Rep. - D. 'W. McQuay Realtor Auction Sales SAT.,- JUNE 25th, 1966--Auc- tion sale of near new 540 Cock- shutt tractor; truck, combine, fertilizer drill, J. D, hammer- mill, farm tractor power ma- chinery, feed corn, hogs, miscel- | laneous equipment, etc., at Part Lot #12, Concession 10W, Mark- | ham Township, Entrance to farm off #7 Highway, at C.P.R. station, Locust Hill, property of "| Mr. and Mrs, John Martin. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Termg Cash. No reserves, as owner declining farming, CLARKE, PRENTICE, June 16-23 Auctioneer "Markham phone 640-3686. SAT., JUNE 25th -- Auction Sale of 25 Dairy Cows, 15 -New Tractor; Hogs, Grain, Full Line of Im plements, the property of GEORGE TIMMS, Lot 9, Con. 14, Reach Township, 1 mile west of 7 and 12 Highway at Saint field. Terms Cash, Sale at 1.00 p.m. Farm Sold. No Re- serve, TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, June 9-16-23 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE of Church Furnishings, Qu. of dishes, | cutlery, linens, stacking" chairs, Electric Stove, Cook Stove, or- gan, a number of other articles you may find in a church base- ment, the property of Derry- ville U.C.W, of Derryville Unit- | ed Church. Sale will be held at Derryville on WED,,"JUNE 22. Note -- Most of these things were new within the last few reserve, Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer "THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE 30th, 7.00 p.m, Auction Sale of Household Furniture, including two cars (1954 Chev. and 1968 Dodge); piano and bench, elec tric stove, refrigerator, chester- field, television, beds, chairs, etc., power lawn mower selling at the property of PAT O'BRIEN, 95 Toronto St., in Uxbridge. Terms cash, No re- serve, Owner leaving the coum. try. Sale at 7 p.m. _ LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer Frigidaire range, pw suite, 9 piece dining room} suite ner, ete., full line of furniture. No reserve as parsonage has 25th, 2 Rocking Chairs, Organ, Steel ther of Quilts, Sheets, Blankets, bid Entrance "Centre St.". Roy Scott and Glenn |- 'Wanamaker, Clerks. Auction Sales AUCTION - SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay & Fur- niture, the property of MEL BLACK, Lot 10, Con, 3, Bexley Twp. (at Bexley Corners) on THURS., JUNE 30, 40 head of. Hereford Cattle, cows with calves by side, 12 yearling steers & heifers, 6 steers, 2 yrs, 12 heifers, 2 yrs., Hereford Bull, 1961, 1% ton truck (Apache Chev, 40) with platform & racks (good shape), M.H. Manure spreader, Dearborn 2 furrow plow, Qu. of other machinery, oak dining room suite, vanity & dresser, refrigerator, electric stove, dinner bell, etc. Farm Sold. No reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.30. Jack Graham, Clerk. ~ REG, JOHNSON, June 16-23 Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of House- hold furniture, the property of the U,C.W. of Vroomanton United Church, will 'be held in |» Vroomanton on TUES. JUNE 28th. Frigidaire refrigerator, Piano and bench, Settee, 1 new bedroom suite, G.E. Washing Machine (nearly new), Gestet- been sold. Terms cash, Sale at 1.30. Gerald Graham & Lary Johnson, Clerks. REG, JOHNSON, June 16-23 Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of House- hold Furniture, property of the late CHARLES: ARMSTRONG ESTATE, 128 Byron St. N. Whitby, SATURDAY, JUNE Refrigerator, Rangette, 5 dressers, 5 'beds, mattresses and springs, 2 chests of Draw- ers, 2 Wardrobes, Writing Desk, Drop leaf Table, 2 arm- chairs, Table, 12 end tables, kitchen' coal and wood Stove, Studio Couch, 6 odd tables, 2 Chester- field Chairs, Card Tables, Rug and Runner, Lamps, Mirrors, Linens, Pillows, Dishes, numa Some Antiques, 3 tons of coal, Lawn mower, Tools. = AlSo a seven room BRICK HOUSE and GARAGE, Subject to He: at Rear Sale at bay pm, Terms Cash, Solicitors for Executors, R. D. Ruddy, Q.C., 111 Dundas. St, W., Whitby. LOYAL POGUE, Auctioneer. | PORT PERRY 'STAR Thursday, June 23,1966 9 EPSOM NEWS Jean Jeffery "May God who watches over us be with you in your sorrow. To give you comfort for to-day And courage for to-morrow." Deepest sympathy to Mrs. Christie in the loss of her sis- ter-incrlaw Mrs. Thomas Martin. of Brampton -- to Mrs, Gordon Taylor in the loss of her bro- ther Oswald Love of Sault Ste, Marie. -- To the Geer family | who mourn the loss of a loving father Mr. Fred Thom of Ux- bridge -- To Gordon Jeffery in the passing of his aunt Mrs, Sarah Blakely of Toronto. Also to Dr. St, John and Mrs, St. John in their great sorrow. We are sorry to learn that | Mr, Herman Kerry will be in Port Perry Homils for a while longer. Mr. Chas, Geer is in Oshawa Hospital for surgery. - " Mr. F. Munro in Oshawa Hos- pital is not improving as we would wish, ' Mr. Robert Taylor also is stil in the hospital, "In spite of all this illness and sorrow we held our Pot: Luck Supper in the Church Monday evening and enjoyed the talk and pictures about India as pre- sented by Dr. John and Shirley McIntyre. Just as supper was finished | Mrs. Jean Millman read a short note of appreciation to Mr, and Mrs. David McKinley for their kindness and help during the past year and expressing our wish for their future happiness, They were presented with a table lamp from the Church, Sunday School and U.C.W. Both David and Jean replied with a few well chosen words. (Mark put in' his two-cents worth ) later on), Mr. Donald Asling was at Elgin House for the week-end attending the Conference for U.C. men. ) Mr .and Mrs. Jerrold Asling and Joan of Toronto were week- end guests with Mrs. Donald Asling. Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarke of Ashworth and Irwin King called on Mrs. Asling on Sunday and Mrs. Asling's brother Wm. Ryall and Mrs. Ryall of: Little Britain were supper guests on Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Geer had supper Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Geer, Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Len Beach of Orillia visited Mr. and Mrs, Ladies of the "Head" don't forget the 10 a.m. Bake Sale on the church lawn July 2. ' Mr, and Mrs, Don Gerrow and sons visited recently at the home of Bonmie's sister at Bradford as the family gathered to visit with Bonnie's mother from Sask, On Saturday Heather and Gilbert Reader attended the Clark - Van De Walker wedding in Oshawa. Rosentiss Mrs. Nelson Read- er"s friend Mrs, Alfred Clarke of Richmond Hill visited at the Reader home as the Clarke fa- mily. are going to Schefferville Que. on the Labrador border where Mr. Clarke is employed with the Can, Iron Ore Co, of Can. This is a young growing town with modern facilities and offers many opportunities for youth, On Sunday the Cubs of Sine gog and parents met on the "Grace" Church lawn with the leaders for a picnic at 1, p.m. It was noted that the . Scouts are now without a leader as Mr. Suphal will be leaving at the end of the school 7 His SCUGOG NEWS services have been greatly ap- preciated, If there is someone else who would like to carry on with this work, please talk it over with Rev. Teskey. A- wards were given out to vari ous boys. Rickey Edgar recei- ed ohe for being considered the best all round Cub and Billy 'Bonaeshansker received one as the leader of the best group of sixes, Fathers and sons play- ed baseball. We are pleased to report that Dorothy, daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs, Carlton Graham now of: Prince Albert is greatly im- proved in her serious state of brain hemorrhage but will be hospitalized for some time yet, Mr. Thos. Redman is now home from the hospital and feeling quite well again, = On Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs, Archie Perrinder of Myrtle with Mrs, Leask called upon Mr. and Mrs. S. Arnold, Among Scugog's young peo- ple who have acquired summer work were Karen Carter in the dairy, Janice Carter in Pentland's, Arnold Heayn at David Prentice on Sunday and in the evening Mr. and Mrs, J. Compta of Ashburn visited with them. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Geer and family had Sunday supper with. Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Kendry. Miss Marsha Mulholland of Manchester visited with Miss Karen Geer for a few days. Mr, and Mrs. 'A. Ashton and Michall had Sunday dinner with Mr, and Mrs, H. Strong. of Manchester. Ross Bailey left Monday for his annual tour of Western fairs in charge of the E. P. Taylor exhibit, Pat Caffery of Hamilton is staying with Mr. and Mrs, Bailey for the summer, We also are pleased to wel- come Bill-Stearman of Grimsby 'who is staying with his aunt & uncle Mr. & Mrs. Walter Kerry again this summer. _._ Mrs, Jean Neeson and Mus. Cracknell are staying at the Cracknell cottage this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jeffery were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Moore of Oshawa. Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Lyons & Peter of Uxbridge were with. his parents Mr. and Mrs, L. Lyons for the week-end. Next Sunday morning Mr. McKinley will preach his fare- well serice--Church.at ten, Sun- day School follows at 11. The following Sunday, Church will be at 11,30 and we will just have church service every other Sunday with Sunday School at 10.15 a.m. Centennial Service (Continued from page 1)- 'made happy by ths note of triumph, .~ Music for the evening was supplied by the choir of Kedron United Church, with Mr, Fred Densham, as soloist and direct- ed by Mrs. Grant Hunter. After both services the peo- ple crowded around the front of the Church, on the lawns and in the Church basement renew- ing old friendships, reminiscing; and having refreshments to- A yr Lr 3 ' bra LOG Lh A ah shh BAG SR BOE i vd HF ak oti gether for the much longer than an hour of Christian fellowship. The festivities: continue on Wednesday night, when the Prince Albert men entertain at a Beef Barbecue. (Everyone welcome). Friday evening the Prince Al. bert Women will entertain af their Centennial Supper, with sittings at 5, 6 and 7 o'clock, (Everyone welcome), The conclusion to all this comes next Sunday when the Rev. Eldon S.- Linstead, B.A., will preach on the subject "The 'Church's Thanksgiving", in tha ~~ 'morning supported id the Port Perry Choir, In the Evening there will be . a service when the Prince Al- bert Church will be rededicated, new memorials will be dedicated and as a final salute to thesa' past hundred years of continu- ous service there will be a cere«_ mony of MReconsecration of the congregation) - - This is. a\gre Prince Albert, week for nly once in a lifetime is it possible for any of us to celebrate as the peopla of Prince Albert are doing this week. pra = Chas. Reesor's, Carol & Nancy Crozier in Dowson's Store, Bruce Heayn on .the road sell- ing Amway products, Linda Heayn will soon be going to. We believe her job in Toronto, Carol Crozier has obtained work in Toronto for the autumn, Good luck to all of you. . NE To bu Ct -" - he A CH -r ln Ca ee EE ik FE git by I Fe i "a Shall aA a Fon FE NE a IR 4 Wd Gy ep > A (o Pete Set all pL - Lo) A ha Ay - a Wl Cd Tl ie Ci - > -- ~ Rl Fakims . I een 0d yd ~~ Bar rin att 2 E-- 0 dng n, od J TE py --_-- i " Hod an oA a Bar Va hw y A von a dy " rN r ro". a IK FR PRE A i EB hy RR a fo i Lr ~~ 4 TR LAs RAT [ap CAN ova ; H Tay ~N » , {1% i ¥ i bo Sr 5 a eg RS EE nines, HA Alm AI A . an TY