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A, Jones, called on Dr, J. A. McArthur-this week, Drs. Jones and McArthur were class- mates at Western University Medical School over 50 years "oy Dr. MecArthuy's room mate . J. R. McPherson, Highgate a Mrs. McPherson also visit- ed the McArthurs recently. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hoskin, Ron and Larry; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fletcher; Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Mountjoy; Mr. and Mrs, Murray Byers, Jim and Janice; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mountjoy, ". Judith, Linda and Brian attend- ed a picnic of the Norman Mountjoy family at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Belyea Vd (Hazel Mountjoy) in Bronte on Sunday afternoon. Mr, and Mrs, Ted McMahon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Larmer and Mr, Grant Lar- mer attended the Golden Wed- ding of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur McMahon at Lotus Saturday. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmer; Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Larmer and boys; Mrs. McDougald; Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Larmer and family attended the Larmer picnic at "The Acres" Sunday afternoon. Norma and Tommy Wotten spent the week-end at their grand-parent's cottage on Pig- eon River, Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Mrs, Glenn Larmer and Craig and Mrs. A. McDouglad visited relatives in Midland Monday. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Taylor and Mrs, J. Forder attended anni- versary service at Oakwood Sunday morning and spent the day«with Mur. and Mrs, Garnet Murray and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Vin- cent Archer of Bowmanville and visited relatives in the Minden Area Sunday, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Ferguson and Alan visited her mother and brother in Norwich Friday and Saturday nights. On Saturday Mrs. Ferguson attended the 10th year reunion of graduating class at Victoria Hospital Lon- don. Sunday they attended a family picnic at Brantford. Mrs. Harry McKee (Mrs, F.'s mother) returned home with Minister of Health and Minister of Agriculture meet Ontario's Daity Princess and give support to the promotion of milk as a rn Be food. reese assiesnsnanivininicd Bates sesrsrisirarioins ; > -- ; : AMERICAN GROWTH FUND LIMITED OVER 38,000 CANADIANS INVESTED $106,000,000 IN THIS FUND SINCE JUNE 1957 LL LLL LT TT TOPS, JUNE 30, 1957 - - $10,000 Growth of a $10,000 Invested ALSO INVEST MONTHLY SAVINGS OF $10.00 OR MORE WITH SAME GROWTH PROFIT ACCORDINGLY - MARCH 31, 1966 : $31,803. 63 : PORT PERRY ONT. Contact Your A.G.F. Representative 0. EE CROXALL PHONE 985-2629 FADE Fd LIRR 53 HL 3 THR ALEC | . Y » KL oo. $ OM Cag sed Ld 1 hd ET E00 Eh FY, A -- them for a few days visit. Sorry to report Mr. John Ballingal is in Port Perry hos- pital. 'Miss. Phena Hooey, Toronto is visiting Mr, and Mrs, Char- les Smith and Oliver, Mrs, Walter Ferguson, Bow- manville spent the week-end with the Fred Dayes. Mr. Herbert Cobbledick, Lea- mington; Mrs, W. Cobbledick, Orono; Mr, and Mrs. Danny Co- Jacicco and children, Oshawa were week-end visitors of Mrs. L. Thompson.' Mr. and Mrs, Merrill Van Camp and family visited her parents Mr, and Mrs, Norman Malcolm, Toronto, Sunday p.m. Glad to hear Mr. Malcolm is home from hospital and con- valescing favourably, Mrs. R. A. Root, Dunnville, has spent a week daughter Mr. and Mrs. G. Pais- ley and son, Mr, & Mrs. Cecil Thompson: Mrs. Bella Gorde nand Mr. Jack Gorden, Peterboro were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mar. wood McKee, Sunday supper guests of Mrs, Cecil- Hill were Mr, and Mus, Ross MecCann, Oshawa, Paul Rahm Peterboro and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm. } Friday, June 17th was the last get-together of Cartwright High School students for this school year, Grade 12 students were the lucky winners of a Scavanger. Hunt, A movie "Dial M for Murder" was shown in the Recreation Centre. Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Paisley's baby received a gift from the Stud- ents' Council. Outside in the fair grounds a wiener and marshmallow roast 'was held. Later there was a dance to finish off a fun even- ing, A good number of Angileans joined with Port Perry Angli- cans and enjoyed a church pie- nic at Geneva Park Sunday af- ternoon, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Dunsmoor and children, Brampton visited the Ken Dunsmoors Sunday and Monday. Mrs. France is spending a few days with her parents Dr, and Mrs, J. A. McArthur. I require lots of any size providing they meet local _building regulations, Write HARRY O. PERRY, 46 Rossland Rd. E.,, Oshawa Ye SANIT ITAA. a TL ¥ Ws" ELA vos Ny a Rees AS ol, R LN a 5 with her. Norman Dysart, Metz, | ' AE PR TR EE RAAHLE EARS Aran Sunday, June 26th will be the last Sunday School session for the summer -- July and August. The children are asked to bring their books back next Sunday. Mr, Lorne Thompson had a very successful sale on Satur- day, The ladies of the UCW who catered report $60.00 re- ceived. Do-nuts and coffee were served, Se Congratulations to Miss Eu- nice Roach who passed all her second year supbjects at Uni- versity. The flowers in shareh on Sun- day were placed there by Mr. gn Mrs, R., Peyton in memory f his father who passed away in Oshawa last week, Mrs. Fred Christie and Mrs. Hugh Strong were hostesses for a shower last Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. Christie. Over thirty ladies were present, The guest of honor, Mrs, Walter Stevens, a recent bride was the recipient of many lovely gifts, Betty very graciously ex- pressed her appreciation. Bingo was enjoyed and a delightful evening was climaxed by the lovely lunch served by the host- esses. 'Mr. and Mrs, J. Ward, Whit- by and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wil- liams, Toronto were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thompson, Miss Susan Roach has gone to Toronto where she has se- Manchester cured a position, Miss Louise Hirst, Midland, spent last week with her aunt Mrs. A, Fielding, With Mr, and Mrs, A. Field- ing on Sunday were his mother, Mrs. M, Fielding and Mrs. Rose Sommerville, Port Perry and Mrs, Albert Jewell and Doris of Sonya, At Church on Sunday morn. ing two babies were baptized, Janet Patricia, infant daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Hofstee and James Edward, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, Ted Lamb. After the service the follow- ing guests were with Mr, and Watters and two sons, Altona, daughter Stouffville, Mrs. Brass and Mr, Wayne McGee, Toronto. Entertained by Mr, and Mrs. Hofstee were Mr. and Mrs. H. DeJong and four children, Mr. and' Mrs, Jelle Mulder and children, Port Perry, Mr. and Mrs. Duivesteyn and four child- ren, Blackstock, Mr, and Mrs. Osterloo and daughters, Mr. & Mrs. Mac Christie and family, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Dobson and Mrs, Frank Johnston and Mr. Wesley Johnston, Mr. Campbell McBeth and daughter Janet of Toronto were guests of Mrs. Bain and Mr. Earl Mitchell on Sunday, gyre BUILDERS' FOR YOUR BU OUR 'PRICE PRIN Ane ELIVE Phone 985-7951 : Reusor fue -- - LUMBER --- SUPPLIES "CALL US FOR TOP QUALITY MATERIAL ILDING NEEDS ALL QUOTED ON A Shai PORT PERRY HARWOOD CLEANERS 193 PERRY STREET -- PORT PERRY Monday, June 27th | Just North Of Municipal Building OPENING SPECIALS Men,s And Ladies' Suits Plain Skirts and Trousers Jy ARR 1.19 Dresses, Plain s] 19 White Shirts Jro:§0c News Mrs, Lamb: Mr. and Mrs, John ; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Watters and \ --------