"ant evening, AR ore TN A 4 . 0" 1. EASY ofa ed TT. "Senior Citizens (Continued) St. John thanked Rev. A, Rice for his very inspiring address. Another highlight in our en- tertainment was a bug trip north on Friday, June 17th, Two bus loads left Port Perry at ly lakes, etc. We were also tunate ta visiting Lake Jo- seph Holiday Centre~ A joint project of the Lions Club of Ontario. It-is a lovely resort for the Blind and Lodge is built overlooking Lake Joseph. Scen- ery is gorgeous and one would have to visit this Centre to ap- x . "88p a.m. The day:-was perfect. W4q§ travelled to Bala and then - f et north, enjoying the preciate all the beauty that| surrounds it, Lions have com- mitted themselves to raise $350,000 to give pleasure to blind & those almost surround- ed in darkness, There is-a good --pandy beach, swimming and all kinds of recreation is planned. We were taken on a tour of the buildings and we were amazed at the way everything has been planned for comfort and beauti- ful surroundings, The Lions Club deserves much credit in pledging such a large amount of money in this worthwhile project. When its possible let us help by giving our assistance. We travelled back home, had supper at Orillia and browsed around awhile, Burley bus drivers certainly spared no trouble to show us the north eountry, We arrived back home about 7.830 p.m. Maybe tired but thrilled with another lovely day out. Our last meeting until Sept, . will be Wed., June 22nd. Our Euchres will continue through the summer, Next Euchre will | be Saturday, June 26th at 8.30 p.m, Come and enjoy a pleas- Winners at last Euchre (June 11th) as follows: Ladies high Mrs, L. Wilson; second high Mrs. A, Leighton; Consolation Mrs. D. Nott. Gents |. high Mr, G, Baird; 2nd Mr. F. Goodman; Consolation John Bright. Another interesting trip for some of our Members 'Senior Citizens Week was a bus trip to Port Hope. They invited |: Seagrave to visit them there & a pleasant time was spent on June Tth, so ended a busy week for Senior Citizens. * x 0» Father's Day Father's day is here and gone Let's not forget what he has done, To keep us happy, supply our needs, We are grateful for these le "blessings indeed. ~~ |" Let's honour our parents ther are no limitations, That can take their plang in any generation, They form our characters, in happy homes, No matter what country we are apt to roam, Parents usually are just loving and kind, Having their children's happiness in mind, We can honour our parents, and all we hold dear, Not just for a day, but all through the year, YOUR RED CROSS EJ THANKS YOU On Wednesday evening, June 16th, 1966, the members of the Port Perry United Church Wo- ment met at the church for a pot luck supper, The ladies of Unit 1 made tea and arranged the food attractively on the table. : After this delicious meal was enjoyed by members and their families, the general meeting was held. The president, Mrs, S. Grif- fen, opened with a weclome to all, a poem entitled "I will take a. Ay ; ' x "s/ aor TENE es id . BE TY At FSM IF U.C.W. Introduced To Trinidad By Speech, ' Pictures, Music Time", and a prayer. A minute of silence, followed by prayer, was observed in memory of Mrs, Philip Orde, Mrs. G. Hall, leader of Unit 4, conducted an inspiring devo- tional service using Psalm 11 as her Scripture. She was assisted by Mrs, Wm. Chapman, 7 The minutes of the last exe- cutive meeting were read by the secretary. September 28th was 'approved as the Hate for the banquet. A roll call of the units was 3 i ' taken and reports received. Mrs. Hall announced a bus trip planned by her unit for July 14th, Reports were given by the treasurer and corresponding secretary. Mr, Griffen, chairman of the finance committee on church ex- tension, reported on the pro- gress of that committee, A church vacation school was announced, beginning August 8. Mrs. Edgar Leask introduced the guest speaker, Mr. Suphal, a school teacher on Scugog Is. land, and native of Trinidad, Mr. Suphal gave a most in- teresting and informative talk on the history, climate and peo- ple on the Island of Trinidad, ssl didmld asm iogiocas ~ RECS WN EF - A . ) ss # » ~ . diab saa ap vhathansteina phosimlotoned wd sonia ovina a - PORT PERRY STAR Thursday, June 23, 1966-15 His pictures illustrated his talk and showed the type of homes, public buildings, products and vegetation found there, Music plays an important part in the lives of the people of [RED CROSS} 1S ALWAYS THERE WITHYQUR HELP CI Yar . + x Ld 5 ' 2, AF TARRY Supplied by THE OSHAWA WHOLESALE LIMITED supply depot for progressive independents cash register tape totals $18.64 you receive an additional $18.00 in Bonus: Tapes FREE! . another reason why we say you always get a litle more than you expect at IGA. E DAYS IT'S SO EASY . .. This week you simply get DOUBLE the amount of your cash register tape--complete dollars only will be doubled. This gives you additional tapes to use for items fr Eaton Merchandise Certificates, : IMPORTANT -- For easy counting at the checkouts, only complete dollars will be doubled, for example if your Double Tape Days is just TAKE ADVANTAGE OF DOUBLE TAPE DAYS TO CLAIM GIFTS FASTER! »» LEAN FRESH LEAN - FRESH #74 SAVE 9% GRANULATED SAVE 11¢ evaporaten IGA MILK SAVE 18% 16A HOMOGENIZED FOOD FOR YOUR HELP | FRESH YOUNG ONT SWIFTS PREM WHITE SUGAR PEANUT BUTTER =~ «= We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities. Prices Effective -- June 22 - 23 -24 - 25 HOPE'S IGA MARKET ARIO PORK SALE 2.:.99° 37¢ 4 : 50¢ 49° CE bd A nad A FIR A PORK SHIULDER ROAST _ Pork Butt Roast 57+ Park Butt Chops 67: PRODUCE OF USA, CAN. NO. 1 GRADE. CALIFORNIA NEW POTATOES 10 LB. om the IGA Gift Catalogue -- or for BAG Hf: PRODUCE OF USA, CAN, NO: 1 GRADE' PEACHES Dinnerware This Week SOUP BOWLS ar. 39 - ¥ pees - »! " Ae» BF ERT pe ew ee oe ow a ay ope NT -- + 5 a ai we »~ 9 a ~ a pI RA Na iV - ho ge N, a is ly Se Be In no ee > ol - - - apr Xe Ene, DN vaca oe FE re Lr - # i ENR 7 1d RA T98T - en SER Gn ~ Ro Ey AY Ate et JER eal -- fe Je nd re a oz FN FF Th . pT i ik ., - WA on Set 3 CT Rov 4 rR SN ve LOR ra J en : " " Sa », - ~ ~ ES ATEN Ren Sl a? A A Ti Sh Oe PtP he fi wy AC wy ho BRP Juin 1, SEAR ER acs by --__.. Sed See ot 4 PP rs A As rosy. TE S 14 a Cn Led TA TE a I EE hr AY wn RY t