> 2% tis bg p | p- 3 oF oy EANT Tass FE ESE AG As IATA Id FIA Cagis 6 - | = Sire Y [ER . A LA 4 BEE RIN RY ALE as FORE: PAT ERE #31 Nes 20 FOX RENE Sel hs i} Ti Ae BE » Yo SY --. ab LS $8.1 ' ta - a a * 3 % » a Ye a ee ats wer HY > § fant 4 i Hi atk [Sass ¢ ae WN ria fran ied 97 Net obu" 7] EEN ho SUSY SOME RRR INTE PI ATRIA MN (SS es a 1 TEN RS TERRE LETRA BS WA So MASE Re Ad ALLA eg ad H adi -- SOFTBALL BOOSTER NIGHT swruRoay, Je 2st Parade 6 p.m. (High School to Park) 3 Games (3 i innings each) JUVE NILE GAMEF ~ OPENING CEREMONIES LUCKY DRAWS Admission: $1.00 per person o » i Ret wh . wig > ») Wr «on ur Fw ee uy Co fy A Fae > mf we B20 "i Fy .) ye s wo . vy : » = WY » uo oh. Tt « a or wip, os Ss yr MA a 16 --- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, June 23rd, 1966 --_-- | IN AND OUT OF . & Mrs. Eric Wallace and iy of Weston, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Beare. » . ® "SAVE 10¢! BEST BUY 'General Electric Lamp Bulhs 2 for with Summer food Soecials! |_39¢ BY It is very pleasant to welcome Mrs, Louise Paterson home again after an enjoyable three week's visit with relatives and \ lv BEST BUY!--Save 10c! -- 12.0z. Bag SAVE 4c! Foot Roll ! Cl al POTATO CHIPS S59¢ | SAVE ALL WAX PAPER De * es 0» 2 Weekend visitors at the home HOSTESS CHEESE STICKS cello 39¢ Hl SAVE 23¢! -- Libby's + «of Mrs. Wesley Cawker, were BEST BUY! -- Save 6c! ~-12:0z. Tin~ A "Mos, Arthur Thornton and Mr, KAM L h MEAT 5 3 DEEP BROWNED BEANS 5 oz ST : Douglas Cawker of Toronto and - unc Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cawker of BEST BUY! -- Save 19¢! -- ROSE COLOURED 1-Lb. Pkgs. SAVE 9¢! -- Refreshing 6-0z. Tins 4 a. MARGARINE 3 for 79 # | | Sunkist Lemonade 4 for 49¢ | » = 0» = Mz, = Mrs. One Honors, 'BEST BUY! -- Save 6c! -- INSTANT MASHED FLAKES "| SAVE 6c! -- Birds Eye ; : , ormerly a resident of Port 12-0Z. PACKAGE. GREEN PEAS 12-0z. Pkgs. 2 for 43¢c -| { } Perry and now residing in Windsor, are "spending some POTATOES Shirriff 5 3 ¢ SAVE 14¢! -- Mrs. Luk With Pectin a | holidays in this area and are 3 A) Ww iM staying with Mr. and Mos Br BEST BUY! -- Save 6c! -- Finest Orange Pekoo 60 to Pkg. TRA BERRY Ueor, Jar 39¢ ' sell Buists, Brine Albus R - D ROSE Tea Bags 79¢ SAVE 9¢! -- Fancy or Choice Oz. Tins ! BEST BUY! -- Save 8c! -- CU VERHOUSE p AS 4 | Harman Park, Oshawa, played DELUXE MACARONI : 1.02. Pkgs. -- sc oft Pack! L 3 for [| ¢ 3 host to the Judo Junior Cham- " SAVE 6c!--Get free passports to Expo 67 Pint Size 1 pionships ' recently under the KRA FT DI N N E RS 3 5 [4 I: direction of-I. A, Haunsbetger, LESTOIL LIQUID CLEANER 45¢ " | third degree black belt, and Na- : : ; tional Director for judo in Can- 1-- 2 _ af, Champtons were prosoted oy oD a Specially Selected -- Value Check'd -- Branded to yellow, orange and green CINNAMON 41: ROUND belts. Local champion for under - 15 years was Neil -Clark pro- Thonn, " oo STEAKS or ROASTS ~b. / 9r moted to blue belt. Neil will Save 13c¢!--Lifebuoy : - | AND MINCED ROUND -- All One Price! * attend judo classes for seniors 10c off 3-bar Pack BONELESS ROLLED : at Curtis. : : a Ao Deodorant Soap 43¢ | RUM P te PR RECEIVE 25 YEAR RINGS 50-Lb. Cotton Bag [4 Three General Motors em- Ideal for Stews or Meat Pies --- Boneless -- Cube Style : un ployees from Port Perry, Milt anu ated Sugar 3 19 Butson, Johnny Greenwood and S I E Ww N 4] B E E F Ib. 69¢ Milton Howsam, who have ac- Pre-Priced 35¢ and 63c! For 1 ch Snack cumulated 25 years of service PE P S (0) D E: N T Always Tender Fresh Sliced Sih Mila rig gi By The Piece with the Company, along with %! DENTAL CREAM BEEF LIVER Ib. ud B 1 9 ¢ many other G.M. workers tra- Cp. : 5 OLOGNA b. 3 ! velled to Toronto Saturday ¢ eyen- Reg. Size 29¢ Giant Size 5 7 ¢ i ing by special train from Osh- : 2) : ERE RARE awa, for dinner and an even- pm iB ve-Bel- Ee ---- : . 5 ing of entertainment, : : . 2 _...They were presented with Sunshine Fresh DREAM WHIP "rings signifying 25 years of he sq ¥ service to the Company. Fruits Vegetables * Dessert Topping TROPIC'S BEST | . 4 : ; 2 OZ. PKGS. 29 N.D.P. Picnic i ¢ ACO! DESIGN ~-- Sunday, Aug. 28 RB A N A N AS | save 10c! -- Fancy Quality ACQUARD ' On August 28th the N.D.P, . LIBBY'S of Oshawa, Ontario and Dur- ol od - p> ham will hold a Monster Picnic TOMATO JUICE at Lyndbrook Park near Whitby, B. IC + This will be a family picnic and' : Toki a anyone intending to attend is : 43 OL tin 29: ry fy Deep Textured -- asked to_also bring their child f. Sun Parlour. --. Hothouse -- No; 1 SC ----------------------------Y Rt § Tumbled Bern die ren. He 4c! -- Plans are now being made to TOMATOES "Ib. EY A Save 101 i have Provincial Leader, Donald NABISCO Lj McDonald as' guest speaker. Yellow Flesh -- No, 1 SHREDDIES mmm -- | 1 |JUICY PEACHES 5 for 39¢ : i "ORE wr A " ¥ OW, GREEN QUALI L : Port Perry| BOL hare 3 9: 32.90 ool U $C : WwW. | SAVE 14c.--8c. off Pack Sta-flo LIQUID STARCH 64 oz. size Jc. (Continued from page 15) - . ' / Trinidad, Mr. Suphal gave his A -- SPECIALS -- : audiencé an opportunity to | hear some of this music played Presswood 'WIENERS ......... woe 2 1bs. $1.09 on a record player. : Members showed their interest SAUSAGE, Farmer's Stvie ..... 2 lbs. 89c. in Mr, Suphal's lecture by ask- XA 7 i LE Toe VT y n ing many questions about life SAUSAGE, Link Style ............... 2 Ibs. Me. in Trinidad. The meeting was brought to Co emiecedion FREE PARKING FOR CUSTOMERS 3 | 8 | expressed the thanks for every- ie : t to Mr, Suphal f he EE Ed . AT THE REAR OF OUR STORE.