TE - "Man". 'the worship reading 1 Cor,, 10; a commentary on , Life's Tests" and led in prayer. Leader By Olga Hill The Dorcas unit met at the home of Mrs. Walter Wright on Wednesday afternoon, June 15 with 7 members and one visitor attending, Leader Mrs, Llyod Wright opened meeting with a poem -- "The Measurement of Mrs, Leith Byers gave "Meeting gave the offeratory prtyer.. The 13th Chapter of study book was studied and discussed. Following the minutes, roll call, Treasurer's report, plans for our share of catering for the three weddings in the near fututre were made, meeting will be 4in September. Hymn 445 was sung and the meeting closed with prayer by lacedr, after which a dainty Next unit |. Mrs, Bill Ferguson was host- ess for the Esther unit on Wed- nesday evening, June 15th. Just 5 members and one visitor at« tended. Mrs. Arnold Taylor, leader, opened the meeting with a poem, Mrs. Merrill VanCamp gave the worship, also led in a real good discussion on the 5th, 6th and 7th chapters of Jesus Christ and the Christian Life. After routine reports, business was the planning for wedding suppers, Unit will not meet again until September. Meeting closed with Benediction, Hostess served a! dainty lunch and a social time was enjoyed. Excellent congregations at- tended services in both churches Sunday morning. In the United eight young people were re- ceived into membership and the citi - LS 5 J Ls ACEP { GRE . 2 Fy A BSE 2 be . PEs ad | NE RV I Sr Sr . 4 tat amt! / A Ne IE SE IT bo Se eh NEAR ATT WER ail EE ER. TX JPARINTENRL LAR AN VA . . > ; x J TT A ELE NL aR TTI ain a choir rendered a lovely anthem entitled "The Gift", Rev, Rom- eril's address was on the re- sponsibilities of church mem- bers or all Christians. 5 Hymn and tune books have been placed in choir by Rev, Merle Thomp- son in memory of his brother Lorne. In St. Johns Church Rev, Rose delivered a very thought pro- voking sermon from the text-- "The Disciples were first called Christians at Astioch"., He asked are we Christians or Just Anglicans? St. John's W.A, held its June meeting in the Parish Hall with the President Mrs, Lawrence in the chair, The Devotional Per- iod was conducted by Mrs. V, PORT PERRY STAR » " ' a Hie SEARLE wll Thursday, June 23, 1966 ---3 Bailey, The usual reports were given. An attractive quilt top | the gift of Mrs. Wm. Forder was presented, Final arrange- ments were made for the com- bined Congregational and Sun- day School Picnic, involving the members of the Church of the John's Church, Blackstock to be held at Geneva Park on June 19th, The annual Bake Sales to be held at Caesarea on July 2nd and July 30th were discussed. It 'was agreed to continue the August, mther Mrs. Fred Dayes enter- Ascension, Port Perry and St. | regular meetings during July & | Miss Lorraine Dayes and her | tained a large number of friends « "and neighbours at a trousseau | tea Saturday afternoon, Mrs, C. Andrews, Prince Albert and Mrs, W. Ferguson, Bowmanville poured tea. Mrs, Jack Chapman; Port Perry was hostess for a miscel- McLaughlin Friday when the bride-to-be | a lot of lovely gifts, | 29 Scouts and four spent the week-end west of Burketon. Several from this area atten- ded Decoration service at Prine , eAlbert Sunday. Next Sunday, evening received leaders camping (Continued on page 14) A.W. BROCK laneous shower for Miss Donna lunch was served by the hostess | Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- and daughters. per was administered, The 'Central Ontario County District | High School Board Balance Sheets as at December 31, 1965. REVENUE FUND ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: ~~ : Cash in bank .....cccoevvvvvevveerrsrernnnnn Ssetrdsurennivrmiioioiin $121,616.05 + Fees receivable: 5 Other school DOAYAR, wii tnmmmmiunimmmimismssinien 9,965.21 Government of Canada re Indian POPS vovieprerrinen 262.82 Municipal levies receivable -- Exhibit 3 ..cooivennnn.. 795.83 Payroll deductions--due from teachers ................. 58.90 TOTAL $132,698.81 | LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS CURRENT LIABILITIES: - Superannuation deducted ..........cc.coooerrereeerrrrnrrnsrrennann, $ 31,149.24 Accounts payable -.land purchases ............. Kivvisosants 18,500.00 Total current liabilities $ 49,649.24 CURRENT SURPLUS: . + Balance,- December 31, 1964 .................... $96.423.59 ~ Excess of expenditure over revenue - BXNIBIE Bri atiiirdoneimsiimminsmsionrisrcn 13,374.02 - - 83,049.57 |. TOTAL $132,698.81 REVENUE STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE | TRC] DEPARTMENT STORE Legislative rants ..........cccriiconenssn. en. $432,238.00 Municipal Tax levies - Exhibit 3: " eQUSILIONS 1 ion meine torn tists tttibssssensimimmenssdrirsitict sbi 348.,039.2 Supplementary taxes ..........eviiennnnnns SE 2,430.64 | Tuition fees: Other school boards .......ccevvcieeenereeresrenens sersinnse 96,752.67 INAIVIAUAIE ii inumirmmninisnamisin er----.. Brsiserraitiniie - 1,830.00 Government of Canada -- Indian affairs .......... 332.08 Shop fees REE ARTI ET SE. WE SLA SE 523.50 Sale of school SARIDMENL wonrssmmmmiercsmscscspisimpsismmmomens 753.32 BOnlAle innings Positano 215.00 | | SUBARY. snirimiemergiinssiroi asi ssrsvesnimmms------------------ 332.60 Play it cool inside and out, in Total REVENUE ..v...oocereseereser rere, 883,441.95 Tericota sport shirts--Arrow's frosty mixture of 66% Terylene* and 35% "EXPENDITURES | cotton. This refreshing Arrow fabric Cost of INSErUCtON ......ouivvvvvvsivrivcnrecrnnsrrnnnn $619,154.20 is a real wrinkle chaser. A summer heat Instructional supplies .......coviriivivirenrinins 57,877.40 ' 0 : AGMINISEIALION ovo ererrsorsreroererr, wore 3486152 wave doesn't even ruffle Its smooth Plant operation and maintenance .......... 70,296.77 composure. Sound incredible? Auxiliary agencies .....covniririerio eaten 9,614.95 Buy one and see : Evening Classes oii 4,074.00 y d ee for yourself. Transportation civics 71,963.05 : x Debenture, payments .......cocvvvivinininivninns 74,820.00 8 5 0) 0 " 6 5 0 ) Capital outlays ........c: Sefaseienn dining 40,242.84 ° | o CA Interest on temporary loans ......cue. 3,695.07 Taxes rebated - Exhibit 3 .....ccceevennnnnnn. . 865.01 ; Transferito capital fund ............cocerviirnnnne 6.709.36 $ - In-service salary and COUrSe .......cvvrinnn 265.00 > . Tuition fees - other school boards ......... 237.23 *Terylene is a registered trademark for polyester Legal $008 rising IITTTTTIe ' 639.156 fihar eA! tn Pamadat, = ROOM. TONAL vr civr renin irarsiresie HAIL res 656.42 Survey and £oil test ......iiiiiiniinn. 954.00 KAYS E R H S | r RY Total Expenditure $896,815.97 : 8 ik EXCESS OF EXPENDITURE OVER REVENUE $ 13,374.02 | SUMMER SLACKS COTTON 5595 RKORATRON 54395 - 995 TIP TOP SLACKS 1 395-1795 sD D95 SPORTS JACKETS | MEN'S HATS 1. 00-1. 50-2. 95 | ~ LADIES PURSES WHITE s2.98-3. 95 adios Summer DRESSES +5.95-6.95 53.9 SHIFTS s2.98 SUMMER SHADES DELOITTE, PLEND5R, HASKINS & SELLS, Auditors ; 1.19 - 1.39 Summer Toys Nice Assortment TERYLENE sf 95 "w i C3 ALT RY "hae 0?) A one Ais Eh Oe gy EE a ie -- a