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That this is so, and that it is done right here in Port Pefiy. was clearly demonstrated Saturday a week ago. "The local Chamber of Commerce and Village Council through planning and preparation worked together and' staged one of the most successful banquets held in Port Perry. This time it was honouring the young people of the community, next time the occasion could be of an entirely different nature, but knowing that the various organiza- tions can and will work together, is something that the residents of this community should indeed be proud of. The banquet Saturday, held in honour of Anna Forder and Richard Stephens, Canadian Junior Pairs Skating Champions and the members of "Tripp's Bulldozers", Ontario Intermediate "C" Hockey Champions was a de- finite proof that such co- operation does exist in Port Perry. err RIT gagETe The Hon. Dr. M. B. Dymond, in his speech also voiced his admiration for the combined arrangement of the Village Council and Chamber of Commerce. Added proof that co-operation does exist between service 'clubs and council came when Storey Beare, an- nounced on behalf of the Port Perry Lions Club, that a "Skaters Fund" had been established by the club. The purpose of the Fund is to share in the high cost - ~ of ice time, ete. and give added incentive to the young "skaters, Anna Forder and Richard Stephens, while. train- ing for higher laurels. To give the fund the initial York Ken Jackson, on 'behalf of the Port Perry Branch of the Canadian Legion : presented Mr. Beare a cheque for $100.00. The banquet was a success all the way, and the trophies presented to the champions will no doubt be cherished by each individual for many, many years to Conia was indeed well done. tome, days. Mr. L SARA TY Le RO) Eres U LES BNI 3 4d # LEAD METO =~ THEM PUSHBUTTONS ! #3 A REMEMBER "WHER 50 YEARS AGO June 21st, 1916 Three new constables have been appointed for Port Perry by the County Judge, Messrs. S., Graham, T. Ste- wart and Cyrus Crozier. There is a lot of building operations in town these John Leask is building two new houses, also Mr. Wm, Doubt, Mr, J, F. McClintoch and Mr, C. L. Vickery, At Reach Council meeting Mr. Jason Stone and Mr, Abe Wallace were appointed pathmasters, 25 YEARS AGO June 19th, 1941 Mr. O. H. Downey, Myrtle left on Sunday from Guelph with a car of cattle for a Western Canadian point, Miss Patricia Jackson has finished her three year mura ses training at Western Hos- pital, Toronto, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Evans on the birth of triplets, two girls and a boy, The heaviest rainfall in years occurred about noon last Sunday. The lawn bowl-_ ing green and streets were' flooded and the retaining 10 YEARS AGO June 21st, 1956 The Oddfellows of Brook- lin put on a Minstrel Show in Port Perry High School. Sponsored by the Oddfellow and Rebekah Lodges of Port Perry, in aid of the Cancer T.B. and Polio Fund, Mr, Jack Griffen, Port Perry, a student minister spoke at Manchester Chureh\ Sunday. The - W.M.S., Convention was held in Seagrave church. Miss Edwards, Lindsay was the guest speaker. a : SUGAR ONE WEEK OF SACRIFICE We were sitting around bickering after church the other day. : was generally owly. 'She didn't think much of God. "How can God let so many people in the world be starving?" she wanted to know. , Well, it's a fair | "question, . , Her mother and I tried to explain. that it was not God's doing, but man's. We said it was man's greed, insecurity and fear that made us live like kings (far better than medieval kings, in. fact), while hundreds of millions of people in the world, our 'brothers, starved and died of illness unneces- sarily. She wasn't buying any. "It all sounds pretty foggy to me", she grumped. "I don't think much of God, if that's the way He runs things," I asked her what she'd do about the situation. Like all kids, she didn't know, except to repeat that it was all wrong. Well, you can't have a 15-year-old sitting around running down God; so, like all fathers since the cave-days, I tried to come up with an answer. First, I explained that the government did a great deal to help less fortunate countries, with our taxes. When she cornered me on details, IT had to admit that it was a drop in the bucket with a lot of strings, attached (try that metaphor on for size), I fur- ther admitted that government could not do much more without 'creating a Je and ery among the taxpayers, ¢ 'My daughter had a bad cold, and In desperation, I looked around for.someone elsa to blame. "The churches should take the lead, and start a nation-wide campaign to help feed the hungry." My wife reminded me that we give a buck a week to missions, "Yes, and all these pid- dling church missions add up to a spit in ine ocean," says. I. " "So what would you do, Mr, she. "So I can probably think of something, Mrs, Wise Guy," says I. And I did. The result-is National Tighten-Your-Belt Week. It's very simple, Canadian family willing to help will live on a bare subsitence allowance. The difference between that and the normal cost of living goes into the pot, Every cent of this pot goes to buy food, clothing, contraceptive pills and other necessities for the vast, poor, down-trodden masses of the world, It's hard to believe that this world- shaking con- cept took seed and blossomed right there in our living-room. But it did." Swiftly we did some figur- ing. It was rough, but close enough. The average family spends from $20 to $30 a week on food, One week a year we exist on $5 per family, It could be done, you know. Lots of rice, macaroni, porridge, bread, home-made soup. Water instead of coffee, tea, milk, beer. The same week we walk everywhere and save $3 on gas. We turn off the furnace and learn what it's like to be cold, We clean our teeth with salt, We avoid Smart Alex? ug says For one week a year, every - if they lost a week's business. Well, wall badly broken. Ct SMILEY shaving and hair spray and deodorants and drugs and cigarets. We wear nylons with runs, We turn off the hydro, except for cooking, and use candles. The average family could kick about $30 into the kitty. Take a town of 10,000 population, Let's say a minimum of 1,000 families, That's $30,000, That will pay for a lot of 'wheat, penicillin; and birth- control pills. Multiply this modest token by all the families in Canada, and you could jack up India in about two years. I know, I know. You've aiveddy picked 84 holes in the plan. All the supermarkets would go broke there's no reason they couldn't tighten their belts, too, for a . week, All the fruit and vegetables and meat would rot, - Not if the producers knew such a weék was coming, "and planned for it, d The provincial government would: collapse, if it lost a week's taxes on booze and beer. I doubt it. A few miles of highway might not be built: So what ?- 5 Seriously; I think it would be fun. Many people would take part because it is something concrete, rather than a vague thing like foreign aid or mis. sions, And. thefe'd be beneficial side effects. Slimmer waislines, A new slant on our good life. And I can guarantee that, after three days of macaroni, the squirrels in our attic would never be a problem again, They'd be stew. ~--Toronto Telegram News Service