Prince Albert News (continued) special celebration, It seemed a desire of all to omif a meeting in August. Lovely lunch served during social hour... A number. of friends, relatives ttended our special services from a distance and visited with local people: Mr, and Mrs. B. Jeffs and Robert of Osh- awa; Miss J. Goslin, Port Perry; Miss M. Martyn, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, A. Martyns, ~ Mr. and Mrs. L, Smith, Tor+ onto with her mother Mrs. R. Jackson and the Ross Murphys, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Nesbitt, «Columbus; Mr. and Mrs. G. McCrea, Mr, & Mrs. W, Smylie, St. Catharines and Mr. and Mrs. N. McCrea, Ottawa all visited their parents Mr and Mrs. E. « McCrea, Mr. and Mrs. L. Devitt, Bar- bara, Neil, Oshawa with her father Mr. F. Vickery and the Beacocks, Mr, and Mrs. R. Lyle, Tor. onto with Mr, and Mrs. B. Smith, ] "Mr. and Mrs. G.° Plaunt, "Douglas »Donna and Betty, Rea= boro, Mr. and Mrs. A, Harper, .Saintfield with Mr, and Mrs, H. Jeffrey and family. Miss E, Vance is spending a few days with her brother Mr. and Mrs. W, Vance, , Mr. E. Martyn and Bruce had 'Rev. C. and Mrs Smith, Mr. & 'Mrs, W. Butt both of Oshawa; Rev. R. H. and Mrs. Wylie, Honeywood; Mr, and Mrs. W, Lyle and daughter, Mr. & Mrs. R. Lyle, Mr. and Mrs. McPher- son, all of Toronto; Mrs. Teal, Mr, and Mrs. J. Lake and Brenda, Oakwood; Mr. and Mrs, M. Renmnick, Port Perry and Mr. and Mrs. B. Wanamaker, Seagrave, : Mr, and Mrs. G. Cherrie and Mrs, Reynolds, Port Perry with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hodgins. Mr, Duane Tietze, Linden, N. Jersey, spent week-end with Mr, and Mrs. H, Holtby and family. ~ Mr .and Mrs, B. Snelgroves had Mr. Robt, Plumb on Sun- day and Mr, and Mrs. A. Snel- grove, Sarnia for a week, Mr. and Mrs, F. Gibson have returned from a pleasant trip to Laurentians. Mr. and Mrs, J, Findley at- tended Decoration services at Wick and visited relatives. Mr, and Mrs. N. Wilson were in Orillia on Sunday attending the decoration and all relatives gathered at a cottage as a re- union, Little LOTTA LOVELINES? FOR DINNER,THEATRE | |OR THAT IMPORTANT J DAY, WELL STYLE YOUR HAIR THE PROPER WAY" ip BEAUTY "SALON (Glenda Taylor, Prop.) 985-7991 > Four Seasons Travel (Oshawa) LIMITED : e YOUR CERTIFIED © TRAVEL CONSULTANTS A complete travel service throughout the world. ~ No Service Charge -- 728 - 6201 (3 lines) = OSHAWA 57 King St. East 985.- 2581 -- For All Your Plumbing and Heating Needs CALL ! ART'S PLUMBING & HEATING ~~ R.R. Operated By ART (Pete) PETROZZI #1, PORT PERRY Licenced Mechanic. "HARNESS RACING Port Perry Fair Grounds WAGERING PRIVELEGES "FRIDAY, JULY Ist 1966 POST TIME 2:06 P.M. OSHAWA SPONSORED BY THE HARNESS HORSE DRIVING CLUB A ARCHER'S 3) PARRA. LEGION LADIES AUXILIARY Donations To Salvation Army, Skaters Fund: Gwen Ballingall 22 members of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 419, attended the last meeting before the summer recess; at the Legion Hall, on Tuesday, June 14th, The meet- ings will resume on September 13th .at 8 o'clock. President, Comrade, Gwen Ballingall opened the meeting with the usual ceremony, the colours were paraded and 0' Canada sung, roll "call of offi- cers and executive was read, The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, business arising from the minutes was dealt with, reports on the Rum- mage sale, the booth at the Hospital Spring fair were given by Comrade A. Garvey, both of these projects were very suc- cessful, and the Welfare Fund was given quite a boost from the proceeds received from the Rummage sale It was decided to nH a draw during the summer, Comrades N. Read and M, Jackson to be the conveners of this project. Draw for the prizes will be held at the Sept. 50-50 Dance. After a great deal of discus- sion, and many varied opinions it was decided that the summer entertainment will be a trip to Toronto to see tThe Sound of Music and a late supper, Mem- bers will be contacted as to the date and time. The tentative date at this time is June 28th providing that tickets are avail- able, The meeting resumed after a short recess, the accounts and financial reports were read by Comrade V. Knott in the ab- sence of Comrade Spears. There was a great deal of correspond- USED CAR 1966 BUICK Demonstrator - 4 door hardtaop, fully equipped, 6,000 miles, lic. 38938E, Big reduction on new - car price, 1966 BEAUMONT Demonstrator, 8 cylinder, automatic, radio, white walls, wheel discs. Only 4,000 miles, Lic, 38937E. ~~ 1964 PONTIAC Strato Chief, 4 door, 8 cyl- inder, automatic, 29,000 original miles, one owner. Lic. 240-025, 1962 CHEVROLET Bel Air, 2 door hartop, 8 cylinder, automatic, radio, white walls, one owner. Lie, 359-388. 1960 PONTIAC ' Laurentian, 6 cylinder, automatic, 4 door, radio, white walls. Lie, H 93851, Large Selection of New Cars to choose from BOB ARCHER MOTORS LTD. 150 Water St, Port Perry Phone 985-7361 110th, Cancer Society ence, several letters requesting donations, and a very interest- ing letter from the Auxiliary adopted boy Dia Man, for whom the adoption has been renewed. A motion was made that do- nations be sent to the Cancer Society, the Salvation Army, of $25.00 each, also a donation to of $50.00. A donation of $50.00 was voted to go to the Lions Fund for ice time for Perry's Skating Champions, Re- ports from the various commi- tees were given, and final plans 'made for a banquet, and a wed- ding was discussed. As there will be no meetings decided that no catering of ban- quets or: weddings will be un- dertaken during this period. A banquet was booked for Sept. ae mt ane The Bingos will resume ih the early fall and plans will be made to make them more at- tractive to former patrons. Date lished in this newspaper, The meeting was adjourned and a social half hour enjoyed, hope to see all the old, and let's hope some new members in Sept. £3 EL SAUNT ANNA : i (riod wish id do odvaivia Tad lids mii butt ase tit qawuned the Legion Auxiliary Bursary Port |- during July and August it was of the new season will be pub- ds ts ¥ "ir Y PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, June 23,.1966 -- 7 SENIOR CITIZENS 'Over fifty members attended the regular meeting in the Hall Wed. the 8th of June, Mrs, M. Cullen, Vice Pres, conducted the meeting. Opening remarks were a welcome to all and en- quiries after those who are still ill, Business discussed, Reports from the different committees were given. The Queen, Social time spent and lunch was served Hall was enhanced by bouquets of flowers, and guest speaker was Rev, A, Rice, His talk was very instructive and we wish he could have talked longer. His work amongst people in his charges and 'the good being done, and is remarkable what overcrowded neighbourhoods in large cities like Toronto, where so many are crowded into a few rooms, --Mr and did his part well. Mrs. S. Cawker and Mrs, O, Jeffrey fa- voured with several well rend- ered duets Several good recita- tions were presented, also. A delicious supper was servéd at 5 p.m., and cards were enjoyed for -a while afterwards. Mrs. E. Webster was convener and much credit is due to the Com- mittee who helped also, Mr, R. (Continued on Page 15) JOHN F. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Business is good and we are short of help. We prefer someone with selling experience, but not an absolute necessity. Must be of good character and having an eager- ness to learn the real estate business. Can also be full or part time. For confidential interview call : REAL ESTATE LTD. BOWMANVILLE, 14 Frank St., Phone 623-3950 De WITH Your Choice Is Baler trouble-free cost. pao, Quis BALER com! or Grade PORT National-Plymouth Twine Only the finest African Sisal "fibre is used in the manufacture of National=Plymouth Baler Twine--a quality product of one of the world's most modern twine mills. Insist on National-Plymouth Brand Twine for service Order today! ® Fully tested and inspected, and top quality at low "A" African Sisal. [J ® Treated against rot, rodents and insects. .® Each bag guaranteed, "MASTER FEEDS PERRY Feeds - Seeds - Farm Supplies - Fertilizer - Pet Supplies 138 QUEEN STREET Phone 985-2131 IRE eal Or Thursday, June 9th the kindness can do, particularly in . Baker was M.C,-- = x CrP II Pua dor ou we Rata TT, 5g ---- Yn ad ST ia Rr A Pha PON ~ " oF re = a - Pond \ Le a v -~ A TR i > o- » po La - Oe AR I ay RA SA IRR er LJ -- g Sle ae - - . - A a ST ve re Sa sr Pu - Ca, ~N A 4 % 20 git - wo vad a a ELEN Sa wr - amt A Sal cr ied SRI ~} Lot - LR or EP So ' RA pt) Et * A Wr Pt St? Nas vo. CNS Shae) v, " AI Res Ny ATE nN Ww 3 = ASA WN em 1% Pom A a or ~ ' T- Ga op fe A Ba re os he Se dl BC SF a PAN SA rs EVI SI Cr Tt ow The, Cr A ol - -