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Mr. and Mrs, Harold Howsam and family {sited with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Weldon's of Storie- ville on Sunday, ye Mrs. Harold Hunter of Scar- boro spent a few days last week with Neil and Mrs, Hunter and family. Field Day was held on Mon- day afternoon at Greenbank school, under the leadership of | Mr. Rowe (principal) and staff. Winner of the Girls Trophy was Tilly Duffhues, with, 21 points, Mr. Waller was forced'to go back by train on Sunday, as they had been in an accident on the way up and their car was almost a total wreck. = They were very fortunate to get off with a few scratches, and stiff necks. Mary 'and Brenda are staying up with, her family for a short visit, Would the conveners of the different groups please phone us in a little news each Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Richards of Oshawa. visited with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Blakely and family on Saturday," "Children in the Corn" (Nancy Nottingham), "Three and twen- ty Pirates" (Catherine Nicholls) and "The Mole's Dance" (Chris Williamson) provided = lighter moments. Another highlight was the duet "Lord's and La- dies" performed by the twins Sonja and Sandra Enge,. Well known classical selec- tions were played with style, in- cluding a Bach "Bourree", per- formed by Kevin Hodgins, and Schubert's "Slumber Song", performed by Calvin Nicholls. Of special interest was the fact that half of these young performers were boys. This happy ratio gave balance and variety to the programme. Re- sounding masculine renditions such as John Steer's interpreta- tion of Burgmuller's "Ballade" contrasted beautifully with Nancy Dowson's delicate hand- ling of Nevin's "Cross Hands"; - 2 My- number, Mrs. Edna Beckett's sensitive interpretation of the first movement of Beethoven's Sonata Op. 10 No. 1, the pro- gramme was one of varied de- lights, 5 Included were several voice solos, featuring Debbie Griffen, Margie Vernon, Karen Camp- bell, Mrs. Myrtle Snelgrove, Mrs. Eva Hunter, Linda Jefford, Nancy Warren, Blizabeth Jef- ford, David Menzies and Bar- bara Taylor . Also included was a piece de résistance, a vocal octette of female voices sing- ing two charming numbers, "A La Claire Fontaine" and "De- dication" by Franz. All these lovely voices are making a valu- « able contribution to the musical life of our area. In the solo numbers, one hears the special quality of each voice and ad- mires the skill with which it is being developed. The piano soloists, now seni- X Mrs. Paul Diamond left on| Dennis Irwin was the winner. x Thursday of last week, with her School closes on Wednesday of Over thirty junior pupils of Christie, David Litt, Kathy De- Holtby, Mrs. Joan Godley, and oe! daughter and family, for a holi- | this week, this should make the | Mys. Gertrude Jackson, A, T.C.M. | Shane, Carol Aird, David Bour- | Mrs. Edna Beckett. , . a day through the Western Prov- | children happy for a' couple of R.M.T, presented their piano] geois*, Charlene Bourgeois*, & The fact that all the piano wh Inges, months but oh what about their recital in the United Church on| Nancy Wanamaker, - soloists communicated with : x } Our sympathy goes to Mrs, | mothers, the evening of June 14. Also All these youngsters are| their audience isca most exciting he? James Lee in the death of her| Mr. and Mus. Bert Tomson, | taking part in the programme | growing musically under the | achievement, Each performer {E8 - © brother Mr, Clarence Cook of | Mr. and Mrs, Pave Tomson and | weye nine pupils of Mrs, Joan | guidance of Mrs, Jackson and] has developed both projection A Myrtle on the week-end. families attended their family Godley. Friends and relatives | Mrs. Godley. Both these ladies | and style. For: example, Mary . Mr. and Mrs. Clare Burrows | reunion at the. Cameron Ken-|,f the performers, naturally | and their pupils deserve the en- | Lynn Holtby's " Lovely Dancer" (he of Hespler, Ont, spent the week | nedy farm home at Little Bri- very much involved in the oc-|[ joyment that comes with a! (composed by Ralph Federer) ag end at the Clements home, tain, on Sunday. casion, made a warm and appre- | sense of achievement. was a piece of artistry. And IR Mr. Ernie Luke of Uxbridge Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Beaton, ciative audience, * Pupils of Mrs, Godley. two Chopin waltzes, always dif- | fei a visited with Mr. and Mrs. Rae| Mr. and Mus. Morley Raines,| fhe standard of performance Borat ficult to play, were tossed off, ¥ | Dusty on Sunday. (journeyed to Toronto last Thurs- was high, starting with Begin- | SENIOR PIANO AND ~ with ease by Jean Snelgrove and Ye Mr. Herb Hook has had a day night to see "Sound of | ney John Redman who opened | SINGING RECITAL Elizabeth Stevens. gi. very special and pleasant re-| Music", the programme with "Moon . . It is impossible to leave a EP union this week, his sister Miss The Misses Rynards spent the Shadows" and ending with Musicians of enviable talent recital without looking forward = 20 Irene Hook of Norwitch, Eng. | weekend at their home here, Grade six pupil Linda Hunter | e0tertained their families and | 4 next year. So, a happy holi- | He is visiting at their home in the Mr. and Mrs. Milt Prentice of | who gave a startling interpre- friends on the gvening of June day to teachers and pupils, and =~ Lo , village, after more than fifty | Peterboro visited on Monday tation of "Yellow Jacket". 21st when Mrs. Gertrude Jack- come back ready to provide us Rd years of separation. with Mr..and Mrs. Howard Mc-| The programme was a varied | °° idl im Boat nos with further musical pleasures Gok : TE fein | presente eir- piano and sing-- rp a Those Who attended the Kerry in JO Mrs, Albert Waller ons: eae hy lariguing J recital in te ong RS Gre and Cotton Wedding in Ux- : § fi titles: "T.V. Cowboy" (played From Joamnme Jackson's "God i of Ste. Therese, Que. visited| py Gregory St. John), "Wee gtson's. "0 i bridge on Saturday were: Mr.| . i or y gory " i y with their families here over the | Three Martians" (Gordie Goode) Save the Queen" (Played with Read and Mrs, Raymond Kerrys, Mr, week-and. = " ) a enough authority to rouse up S urn AA and Mrs, Howard McMillans & ; Buffalo Gals" (Dale McQuade) the old empire) to the final frye Mr. John Durdan, of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. W. Sparks 'and family, of Port Hope; were vi- sitors during the week at the home of Mr, John Miller.. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton; Mr. and Mrs. H, Ashton attend- ed the Kerry-Cotton wedding in Uxbridge on Saturday. ~ Miss Vera Leach visited Mr. and Mrs, Gordon English, at Woodville, during the week, Miss Mary Heron spent the week-end with her friend Miss Sandra Cooke at their cottage near Madoc, Everyone who attended. the annual Sunday School picnic at Geneva Park on Thursday re- port a splendid time by young and old. - The monthly meets of the Ladies Guild was held at the home of Mrs. Grant Parrott on Wednesday evening, Church Service in Burns Church beginning July 10th and -r <4 APD PICA rR Oo ah re A . - € art CEOSIA i TE Vig REE * OR A ho Cent h A Rl a a LU DAA PE Se Ha Rint ra ue a > ina CTP Re mi rd i fon ue SE continuing, each Sunday until . The other talented boys and | ors, have arrived at that happy ") I N S E C | 3! girls taking part in the pro-|stage when they can enjoy, or|the end of the nomth will be ~~ Be gramme were: David Redman, | seem to enjoy, their playing. At | at 9. 30 a.m., with Sunday RS Bonnie. Short, . Carol Manns, | any rate, they are able to im- School later. On Sunday, July No We Carry A Joyce Bruce, Margaret Steer, | part pleasure, and for this we | 3rd service as usual at 11.30 Redtni) Gail Birkett*, Brenda Lewis*,|thank them. The pianists "in- | 8-M. Sunday, school at 10.15 a: Complete am. ' Paul Litt, Arylie Rodd, Scott Nelson, Larry Short, Lee Lane*, Jon Bourgeois*, Elizabeth Dia- mond*, Gregory Goode, Andrew Litt, Joanne Middleton, Shirley cluded Jim Gerrow, 'Beverley Manns, Lynne McGregor, Syl- via Wanamaker, Gale. Forder, Joanne Jackson, Jean Snelgrove, Arnold Heayn, Mary Lynn Holt- Elizabeth Stevens, Barbara The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lynde in the death of Mr. Lynde's sister the late Insecticides AND by, Short, Joanne McCaig, Miriam Mrs. Chas. Spencer, of Whitby. NOI BEST QUALITY Fungicides "em | ALUMINUM Farm Amd lpr Home || © * DOORS . WINDOWS | 'Garden | L | ~ * ALUMINUM SIDING hi 3 CHOOSE | instal It Yourself . . .. L | A tion Such or let our experts do the job RE i We Specialize In ; gin ¢ _- King Bug --NEW HOMES || §& ihn -- COTTAGES a J . Chipman -- ALTERATIONS : Rh ley il AND BUILDING SUPPLIES | ig 5 138 QUEEN STREET Phone 9852131 ||[ 159 Casimer St. PORT PERRY Phone 985.7335] - - gi