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Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jun 1966, p. 15

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| ER sd TR 2 LEAL Pig $0 . : shod b 4 2 Pera 3 a i As ; Aired E SR 3 VAS ALY "3 wu. LET Fe Fo ar 37 . ised Eh Vials fH $71] Yeats ton EE VA, S F. 3358 a2 i . . - . 3 BP . ; a - ERIS PEAS 3 in . wl oh ch drt adios d AiodBA TREAT ~ » PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, June 30, 1966-15 ATHOME... | es Ce Seagrave Ch News ---- i a b> a AN gi ee od - 4 Most frequent question this | week fop<beern®apers was, "Did 44 you pass?" Not all results are J 1) known but the answers so far a F are -- Yes", Although some 1. = admit to just squeezing through. 1 = Congratulations to all the suc- vi - = cessful ones and Wa. special bow AR id ils : to Clifford Moon who again Sh mii W » headed his class and passes into B. All IGA Stores in the vacation area ge fi -~ Supplied by THE OSHAWA WHOLESALE LIMITED On Monday word was received _ supply depot for progressive independents of the death in Toronto of Mrs. _- Garlick Sr. after a long illness. feature low, low Toronto City prices. She was the mother of the late SAVE 30¢ MEATY FRESH CHICKEN CUTS Wm. Garlick whose wife, the oe Nl A I I A gr re - bw ge Me WB iL E {» S or i : former Alma Frise is one of our MIDGET PEAR SHAPE ; : LB C old friends. Mrs, Grose spent : : ° a few days in Toronto with her 408 4 1 Ib, S HY B R E A S T S sister. : bi 2 MS TIN _ ALPINE, PRIMROSE, TRIANGLE BEEF Mr. Orville Boe returned Hi STEAKET i ES ih. =). from hospital during the week Eo and is leading a very quiet life Fis TABLE-RITE y just now. Mrs, Clayton Hal- 3 PS i rg - -- SAVE 11¢ WIENERS 1m. vacrak 49. WT daviy sina ¥ Mr. Harvey Monahon found ° IL 10) , A edn Meaty Spar e Ribs . 69c. to his sorrow that swimming BICK'S 4 VARIETIES bo Is h hard bott Whil HAD pools have hard bottoms. CE) RELISHES JARS gg¢ Chicke Biade A 3 Asst, diving at Sun Valley he hit his : B head, opening a gash which re- 1c en in d asket . Ac. quired several stitches and causing him to have a very PRICES EFFECTIVE JUNE 29, 30, & JULY 1, 2 We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities stiff neck. We hope that no hE Ek MR SO LA LS CNN GROCERY FEA | URES. AT permanent injury will result, CALA Lt AMMA ARMRNLRRARRRAR RRR W i Mr. Nick Newlands was for- gt oe en IT Ee oh Cut iw a aap Ay La ve ce aR > ve RABE oa Fy [i ¥ 3 4 5 4° ¥ te: Ad 7 %, po Pl 3 / ANGELUS -- White & Col 2 i pe / oured 1 Ib. SAVE 12¢. -- TINS 1 1b. , ! oe ay MARSHMALLOWS. Chock F Hommes | : ¢. Chock Fu Nuts Coffee $1. ; 7 |] of it pis dozier Ada tote to 1 ' : / take a position at Simpsons in Ri : ALYMER SAVE 13¢, -- INSTANT : 5 Toronto, then in one of those good ' I. 07, Ch os freak thunderstorms, a bolt of ps . Ee "Ss 'ms, & ; ' C A T S u p ae pert ock Full 0 Nuis batten ' lightening burned out his tele- oF ras ' soe ® J BLL 4 DAVIDS - s H| phone, radio and T.V. : $2 : : : . FL ENE / SAVE 13c. 12 oz. 3% 1b. } On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs, 5% e / BURNS SPAM Week: End Mix 95¢ / Roy Wilkings and Roy Jr. from Ros ' \ a te inte Si i 3 Sill tai id ° 4 Toronto made a few calls a- oR 4 : - FRENCHS = Yh oF / mong old neighbours of ths PA) ¢ SAVE 8c. i: Pp 2 : : Bethel area, "Young Roy" (not High 12 : / , : Bev ' BURNS bo Ir epared Mustard . x 49c. / so young now) is about to be OH / ' pensioned off from the RCAF EA ' ® $ Ho H > 4 Hoy -- White, Pink, Yellow, Agua 4 after 20 years service. ait i ANT) 1 ate E 13¢c. Roll PAT, ¢ Miss Lorna Cook of Toronto oA i I ' he week-6nd with Mr. and wR Hc ' 'TOILET "TISSUE . . 3- - 45 spent the wee RA5¢ § Char = Briuols. + FOR Nf, A, C. Lx Mos. Ken Short and gens. {8 : ' ar- -- 32 oz, White, Pink, an a § 2 Li h ROTH e, Pink, Yellow--SAVE 16c. 2 Roll Pak joyed a Tupperware demonstra- 28 | 4 - 1 fer Fluid rd 'ROYALE TOWELS 3 4 tion on Monday evening at the Ha | A &» AA. ALLA ALAA AAA LL LAL R CLARA ALAR RAR RRR R RRR AR® * * 2 be 5 Janie 0 Mrs, B. Gore, gv y i : - AIR E SREB IAL EAR SARA RK Sonya Braves are likely to. Ro? : ; GOLDEN RIPE fi ||| need new caps soon due to Et 4 NT a Ld HE a swelled heads. They added 3 A It N A S more wins this week at the ex- : oi A pense of Manilla, Woodville and Hy: fv SAVE 13¢ Sunderland. teams. .. ie pe Only a few of the really LY | , : : LB. MASON'S (Wil 113) I | faithful braved the heat of Sun bis : 1 6 VARIETIES day morning to attend service, J 35 1k ' 10 oz. We were glad to have with us [A 1A Produce of USA, Cardinal Red ULB again Rev. Cooper of Uxbridge, Ya, iy who has long been a favourite Ft il ~ ; here. The summer slump seems RN ; GRAPES Ei 29. | to have begun -and S.S. attend- oa 5 Sr _ Produce of South Africa ance was down also to 62. The ; er ~ Can, Fancy Grade -- Granny Smith" SAVE 21¢ l{-"In-between"- class taught by fee Mrs. Cliff Short gave a flannel- 4 a Fe graph during the opening per- i Wi 3 i = : ? | APPLES 5 ron "49. # ; ; ! : WITH PORK jod. Those takin SH " 5 . g part were-- NAT f FRASERVALE FROZEN 15 oz. Pkg. 20 02. Nl Dartons Watts, Larry _ Short, fai d RASPBERRI ES ; 3 rE [Hi HAS TINS -|l| Robbie._ Abraham and Calvin : bi 14 : | MM ||| Nichols, There were 2 Short 0% ~ IGA OVEN FRESH Family Size Pies birthday offerings from Sharyn { 5 ; ' 0 --_---- ; and Larry. 3d | ¥ APPLE PIE : hee FOR 69- ir irra This week completes the tht \ i J A RRR a EE Re SH eT ji $2.00 Bonus Tape : year of our membership in 3 | : 0 P Grotiry SIAN Tonia Tape | ahleRfts Seed Cooke Mei, ean charge. Relations | J C L |) S E D Alcan Aluminum, Foil--25' Chicken Loaf, Pickle & Pimento FAR SiS oder Re | x 4 4 ' bot, Vp Imento, quite good but we hope will : i / / Grocery $6.00 Bonus Tape ; Prozeh Food 42 00 : become closer as.time goes on, Ke ' ' Lifebouy Soap, Reg. Coral, McCain F ; h Bonus Tape One of the problems which needs y £F / Fri ' Green, White rench Fries, 2 1b. Pkg, . : $ : Fie, July 1st 4 Produce. $2.00 Bohs Ta to be solved is,--who withdraws 3 : y 4 Grocery $10.00 Bonus Tape Prod. U.S.A., Can. Ex Grade what services for whom on an- } i ' : IAA ALAA AAA A AAR A AR AR ARAB RRR : Oxydol Detergent, King Size Cal. New Potatoes, 101bs. niversary dates (if at all). Per. lA bn : : ; Sak : : haps a re-arrangement could be A : y ai worked. out for those occasions. aE 1 % ! With all the current Ranch = i | ! f S | b A F 0 activity we are seeing more Ron hi 1. ; horses around the village and hohe os a roads than we have seen for SE = -------- : mem-- years, When does dur grocer ; Ww put in hitching posts? Bhi ul TA BTN

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