Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 30 Jun 1966, p. 3

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hob Fh 4 . WSR EFS J FLY at' "PRET. wl 7 NOR ah ra AE 4 hacks AEN daaic a a. LAIR IN Poe Wk hd (REIN BERR SAME A inimeeiuitoni calpain bionathiiion EPCRA RR IN BOIL NA HR Wl -k k | PORT PERRY STAR Thursday, June 30, 1966 --3 i E P S O M N E Ww S B ac stoc games were organized and a i : . : i ery pleasant hour sped by very | He By Jean Jeffery from Victoria B.C. 8 News | quickly. 2 Is this the time for schoolboy |. Mrs. Ruby Rogers, Brooklin : \J ol or 2 Howlers has been visiting, with Mrs, H. Mr.. Harold Potts, a former Several of the public cho i What is the chief use of a Kerry for several days. tee hion in" our high school, teachers attended the retire- | : i "cowhide 7-- Mr, and Mrs. Alan Card and brought a bus load of' grade ment banquet for the inspector, | 5 A.--To cover the cow. family joined the Dick family| 3 ] 3 ... | Mr, Earle Webster, which was 5 v i ' : ako' . eight students from Drury 8% Milk is found mainly in bottles | Picnic in Elgin Park on Sunday. . : . . held at Hampton last Thursday: a but it also grows in tins, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wilson | Junior High School in Willow- on - cocoanuts and goats. and boys visited with Mr. and | dale to visit at Cartwright| Don't forget the L.Q.L. par- i Many ships go from Pacific to | Mrs. Rupert Lee in Pot Perry ! Central School on June, 20th. | ade with Cartwright Band lead- 4 fr Atlantic through the Sew-|on Sunday. They were enroute to Lindsay. ing and service in the United Hts age canal, Mr. and Mis, Howard Ashton | for the afternoon. Two ball| Church here Sunday evening, £1 . Ali Baha is a legitimate ex- entertained their family on < ar. * pression: It means you - | Sunday. i ! were not there when you Mr. H, Ashton and Mr. and oF committed a crime. Mrs. David Prentice joined with 5 Op The Grades V to VIII went | the Senior Citizens on their tour (VRS on a bus trip to-day, They |of Muskoka Lakes. 00 plan to visit Casa Loma, Pioneer| Mrs. Elizabeth Wilson and 3s " Village and Toronto Island.| Mrs, Frank Hawley were dinner 4 4 Their principal could "not ac-| guests on Monday with Mrs. NE company them as she is ill in| Chas. Geer. : i the hospital. We wish her a| The Rev. Mr. Nelson LeGrow i speedy. recovery, of Newfoundland has been at- FA We are sorry to learn that | tending a Conference in Toronto i we Mrs. Chris Jagers is very ill in| but took time off to come back ge : ARROW ine ele Port Perry, to the community and several Fike ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Bruce 'Hough- from Epsom wént to the home || I IAT SE lind pees pmnrbuc] cod ig land and family were supper | of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall | ; \ % - guests with Mr, 'and Mrs. Ar-|one evening last week to renew S P O rt S h rts thur Taylor on Sunday. their friendship. the seal a B 4 } Mr. and Mrs, David-McKinley The A, T. Powells have wel: ere WHITE, COLOURS -- SHORT SLEEVES is are busy . getting ready to |comed two new grand-daughters ° VA move to their new home in|to the family recently -- All - of solid : (h < . Oshawa. daughter for Mr. and Mrs. sd] 00-4 50-5 00 peas Mrs, Gordon Prentice attend- | Arthur Powell of Whitby and a : " Hm " Pris ed a trousseau tea for Miss Joy- | daughter for Dr. and Mrs, Allan comfort = ' TR ce Fisher at her parent's home | Powell of Philadelphia, Mr. and . Te oe ' © RE 2 at Taunten one evening last.| Mrs. Powell visited with Dr. & MEN'S : ( ' week, Mrs, A. Powell recently, H X 8 - Our sympathy to Mr. David| Quite a large number enjoyed : be * Simmonds whose father passed |a lovely 'evening at Epsom S U MM E R S LAC K S 9 away early Sunday morning. Church last Monday evening : & ' . Our condolences also to Mrs. | when Dr. John and Mrs. Mecln- 8 Ada Munro and Mr. and Mrs. tyre showed pictures and films COTTON sl 05-5 og | Ray Munro and family in the |taken on their--recent trip to ; L] a loss of a dearly loved husband |India, The informative talk ints >. 3 and father. was interesting and we did so : ¥, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Evans| much appreciate their kindness KORATRON 8.98-9 95 were dinner guests with Mr. and {in coming to our little church. mo . : ; Mrs, John Weirsma on Sunday. Our Epsom Softball team # Miss Mildred Evans was visit- | would sure appreciate a- little TERYLENE and WOOL ___ NRE { ' | ing her family over the 'week- support from their parents and ' AX end. friends, : $12 05-1 5 05 BY, | | Mr. and Mrs, Don Prentice of Come and see our boys play. . . i 4 { I'\ Toronto and Miss Didi Vanden- | ball. They are. a good team , 2% berk of Willowdale were week- | and deserve your patronage. In 7 end guests with Mr. and Mrs, | fact they won the game with | ALLWOOL § fein i G. Prentice, Greenbank last night, " i ~ Mr. & Mrs Harry Geer visit- ; is ie ed hermother Mrs, Florence | - Lhey play all home games on || / BATH F RS a Middleton of Whitevale Monday Monday evening. M E N S 5 , sprain o J - - evening on the occasion of her |. -Lhis Thursday evening they a ¥ : birthday. . will be playing at Udora, We : "CATALINA : : 3 Guests last week with Mr, & | Sure wish them much good luck. Pe - br ! § Mrs. Chas. Cottyn were her ; : win 53 09 500 b 05 Prey J py i parents Mr; and Mrs. Lepla, : : : re : ~ - RAE i also Mrs, Nestor Lepla and go fires ns =AR 7% 0 W->- a fa . ® ii it Miss Evelyn Dennis of St. Rose Your forest ranger urges PEELS / | : . - 4 + Manitoba. Coin] Jie he caret in we || SPRINTER SHORTS | LADIES BATHERS i Mr .and Mrs; George Cottyn| woods. Don't give fire a i ha kd AE] were "with the Cottyn family chance to start. Co Here's the lasting, allover 'comtort every - od : man wants! Smooth, easy-fitting Arrow | . ; ny _-- bh # ~ I, a "Shorts in popular waistband styles--in 4 J selected "Sanforized" fabrics. For tops - ia i, SL N TI CE J | | in comfort, choose Arrow Shorts to- -day. S ummer D res Ses § 1] / : ; : i L¥ | Store Closing Il Summer Toys Canvas Shoes 1 : Port Perry Stores Will Close ||| SAND SET O° 1 MEN 3. 44 w HAL, i ; Friday, July 1st a SAND ras G9 BOYS sD, 99 = BAL. ; D OMIN A ON DAY BEACH BALLS 49- 98 LADIES 2. 98 White Oxfords 5 | Stores Will Remain Open THIS WE E K: Open Thur S. Until { . m. | ¥ [ Thursday Night, June 30th i Closed Friday, July 1st - Dominion Day] Until 9.00 p.m.

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