wo re Sn pr Con, SC a rae i = at | Ne - or a . > li x wr i . r a Ya _ i ~ wT le ' le Fe 5 » i Td LSA, Sp J - fed ue ER, aed gt wi at Ln al Od ancl 10 PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, July 7th, 1966 Reyner, Patrick R. H. Cornish Public School Promotion Report 1966 (Continued from Page 2) Flieler, Terry Franssen, Leonard Freeman, Darla Gibson, Paul Graham, Allan Hadley, Julie Hall, Jennifer Kgn. Primary to Grade 1A Bagg, Brent . Bergeron, Debbie Burnfield, Philip Lewis, Linda Healey, Michael McLean, David Hogg, Cynthia Parry, Douglas Lane, Peter Reid, Margo Lee, Fraser Vader, Simone Lee, 'Mark Lewis, Karen Lunney, Kenneth Mahaffy, Kathryn Menzies, Debbie McFarland, Wendy Mabley, Terrie Middleton, Lee Anne Mulder, Joyce Murray, Kim Oliffe, Charlene ONeill, Patrick ; Pacey, Deanna Phinney, Gayle Pollard, Jimmy Redman, Steven H. BAILEY, Teacher Kindergarten "to Grade I - Bateman, Peter Boehm, Gilbert Brignall, Julie Brinkman, Gina Chambers, David Colbear, Marianne Crews, Kevin De Jong, Kenneth Doupe, Marcelle -- Embury, Laurie Evans, Katherine _ Robertson, Grace Rose, Anne Roy, Brian Shaw, Ralph Smith, Sharen Smits, Gordon Taylor, Catherine Veenhof, Judy Wadinsperger, Marie "Walker, Kevin "Wallace, Sharon " Wallace, Mark » Primary Butt, Shirley Ann Bergeron, Stanley Crowell, Carol Franssen, Martin Geer, Stephen Koss, Robert Kraupa, Lynda Leach, Ralph Lewis, Karen Moore, Jacqueline Moore, Kelly Pargeter, Janice Parry, Robert Weidmark, Victor: G. GLASS," G. JOBLIN, Teachers -| September was held in the Hgll Kindergarten to Kindergarten -| ing Citizens Prayer, and Lord's date isn't. definite yet. when 'the BUSINESS DIRECTORY | 6. McPHADEN INSURANCE © 985- 234 For Income Tax & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD DUFF ELECTRONICS | Dec./66 EA D E'S NURSING HOME Nurse in Attendance Reasonable Rates, . Pleasant Surroudings PHONE 985-2806 DEADSTOCK SERVICE We Pay $1.00 per Cwt. for Dead & Crippled Cattle : More For Horses Prompt Service ; BURRETT FUR FARM Phone Long Distance Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) Licence #9--C--68 MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS Phone: 723-1002 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA : Dec. 2/66 MACKEY & BAILEY Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. 23 Caleb Street PHONE 985-2127 J PORT PERRY, ONT. : Dec. / 66 MILK COOLER REPAIRS COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION Sales - Service Repairs Room #2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7081 Specializing in business and farm operations. Dec./66 INSURANCE 'BUILDING A NEW HOME? ® SPECIAL RATES' eo For Homes Under Construction "EMMERSO N INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Imsurance 985-7306 Port Perry, Ont. Dec. 31/66 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. | Telephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 MARGWILL AUR FARM ONE License No. 4-C-66 ® Cash on the spot © Mar. 4/67 MOUNTJOY FOUNDATIONS and SEPTIC TANKS Dug & Backfilled Phorie A ; - BLACKSTOCK 986.4737 Dee. 1 ACE 'REFRIGERATION 281 Wilson Road South OSHAWA 728.2452 A.E. Johnson, 0.D. OPTOMETRIST Mary St. 985-2383 a Call Collect-- BACKHOE SERVICE| . TRENCHES and DRAINS | Or ADMIRAL TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985.7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY Sep Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLE! Port Perry -- 985-2226 Earl Wallace ROOFING Asphalt Shingles, Rolled Roofing, Steel and Aluminium Roefing, Eavestroughing We will contract for all kinds of roof work. Apr. - Dec.81/ 66 "WANTED Highest Prices paid according to size and condition Phone Zenith 32800 ~~ NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECONI & SON LTD. RR. #2 WOODVILLE Collectors Licence 802-C-85 Contractor COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC HEATING "NO JOB TOO SMALL WE DO THEM ALL TOM SHERWIN Phone 986-4931 Apr./68 o- FOR ANY OF YOUR Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way Co-Operatore Ins. Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle 755-0277 Toremto 665-4852 ind / 66 191 Queen St. The last Club meeting until on Wed., June 22nd. Meetings are not continued until second Wed, in Sept. 'We wish every- one pleasant holidays We have accomplished a great deal since this Club was organized four years ago, Hall has been de- corated and furnished by mem- bers, and a well equipped kit- chen added. Numerous bus trips have been arranged for the enjoyment of the members. All in all it was a successful year, : Deepest 'sympathy to Mrs. C, Cook and members of the fam- ily in the passisg of another of our members. Mr. Cooke was well known for miles around, he will be greatly missed. Before ill health he was faithful to our twice monthly euchres & meet.. ings and seldom did he and his wife fail to go on our bus trips, also helping any way he could. Meeting opened with all sing- Prayer repeated by all; The INVEST NO 6% VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments. Interest is payable half yearly or.may be left to compound Emmerson Insurance Agency LIMITED Port perry Telephone 985- 7306 Senior Citizens Club picnic will be held at Cobourg. Unusually 12 to 15 bus loads at- tend from different places. Each Club is expected to entertain fifteen minutes. There is a lovely band shell there and the Senior Citizens put on good numbers, Usually picnic is in middle .of July. Please make bus will be chartered as usual. Next Euchre will be Sat., July 9th at 8.30 p.m, (Hall is behind' Port Perry P.O.) Fans and air conditioner is kept going to keep Hall as comfortable as possible, Winners at last Euchre as fol- lows: Ladies High--Mrs, G. Bradley and Mrs. A. Wallace (tie); Second Mrs. F. Middle- ton and Mrs, R. Howard. Low Mrs. M. Beare Men's High-- Mr. R. St John, Second Mr, G. Smith, Low M, Rowland, D. Nes- bitt and R, Morphy. * * * Summer Holjdays Now is the time to bask in the sun. Enjoy the autdoers. and have some fun. = Children are happy to be out of school No doubt teachers are glad of a holiday too, Time an dtime waits for no man, "Make the best of 1 ti retin all you can, July is here, almost a. week ~ gone. Birds are happy singing their sweet songs, Happy holidays to you one and all Is the wish of us all at Citizen's Hall, ~ Most forest fires CAN be ~~ prevented . . . , by YOU. Your forest, ranger urges you to be careful in the woods, Don't give fite-«" EEL 2 chance to start. Reg. Armsirong 1.6--Feb. 28/67 Feb, 4/66 3, 4 and 5 And Compound 308 DUNDAS ST. W. A (Interest Is Payable Half Yearly May Be Left To Accumulate GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS : 6% Year Term LY Half Yearly ] when interest is left to accumulate your investment increases over 34% in 5 years WHITBY enquiries soon as no doubt a