RS be heath AEN 5 ANE Tw, LAA NR NJ N SILT 4 vy 3 M4 A : f+. » re IN Ftd: \ A Yh ae vy 547 18 ; 4 An : Cd od NVA hadidvit animes hlonumaiie vem bs EY - nie. sixth and second. - first and third; Bert Galton, third and second, v Se) 16 -- PORT PERRY STAR, Thursday, July 7th, 1966 to Clifford Moon. | The Alan Raines Memorial High School William Holtby--80% The Grade Twelve Special Commercial-- Penny Bright--78% Trophies and Prizes are Awarded pl The A. M. Lawrence Trophy for Matriculation Mathematics and Science to William Holtby The Doctor J. B. Lundy Trophy for Matriculation English and History to Dianne Wallace } : The Zula M. Jackson Trophy for Matriculation French and - Latin to Dianne Wallace _ The Scugog Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire Senior English . Prize to Dianne Wallace The Scugog Chapter Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire Scholarship for highest standing in the combined years of Grades Nine and Ten to Brian Donnelly. The Honeydale Women's Insti- tute Junior prize for Hone Economics to Patsy Bray The Honeydale Women's Insti- tute Senior prize for Home Economics to Carol Wallace The Gertrude Jackson Trophy for Home Economics in Grade Eleven to Shirley -Many Attend Horse Races | The Oshawd Harness Driving Club had another successful day of Xp on duly 1st,' Dominion Da ~ i is a list of heat win- ners: . Race 1 and 4--Vie Desota won heat 1 and 5; Meadowview Bird placed second in same "heats; | Red Stone Rocket placed third. |v Race 2 and 6 -- Brandywine Boy. first in both heats; Rusty [- Bill, second and third; Lill An- Race 3 and 7--Farmer Paul, 2 first in-both heats; Safety Man, second. both heats; Avon third and fourth. 3 "Race 4 and 8--Mr. Harvey, ; Fifth and first; Billy: Sunday H . with Mr. & Mrs, Bill Harrison. ker, . cently were: Mr, and Mrs, Ro- IN AND OUT OF TOWN Mr. and Mrs, Roy Evans and family spent the week-end visit- ing relatives in Brighton. 2 - % * * Mr. and Mrs, Frank McNally, |" Scarborough, spent a few days Mr, and Mis, Chas; Cawker, Toronto, were week-end visit- ors of Mr, and Mrs. Sam Caw- Mrs. Chios Bienor has re- turned home from Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital after undergoing successful surgery. She is pro- gressing nicely. Mr, and Mrs. Danny Reesor have returged to their home in Agincourt, after spending three days with their parents Mr. and Mrs, Charlie Reesor. x 5 _» Out-of-town callers at the Reesor home Bigelow St., re- bert Mills, Scarborough, Mr. T. A. Blight, Scaborough and Mrs. T. J. Blight, Toronto, and Miss Eleanor Mulloy, Toronto. PORT PERRY FAIR Special in Hand Weaving--To' the winner of the highest num- ber of points in Hand Weaving --a three year subscription to the Handweaver and Craftsman, donated by Handweaver and Crafteman of New York. ) Farmer and Mrs, Sam Farmer The R. A, Peel Industrial Arts | The R. B. Smallman Trophy for Rodd in Grade Nine to Thomas Patterson The Mr, and Mrs, Hutcheson Trophy for Commercial in Grade Eleven to Aina Kinnunen and John Luecyk. Trophy for Home. Projects completed through Grade nine to ten Elizabeth Cowieson and Floyd Wilson, Trophy for Grade Eleven General Proficiency in Grade Nine to Joanne _ Jackson, _ Trophy for Industrial Arts| The one hundred and fifty dol- lars of prizes of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Port Perry Le- gion will be announced, The | Nasmith fifty dollar scholarship of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion and the five hundred dollar bur- sary scholarship of the : Port Perry Legion Branch will be | ment of Education, announced. The Doctor Dym- ond Scholarship, The Wm. Al- dred Memorial Scholarship, and the Port Perry Lions Club Scho larship will be annuonced, The French Scholarship and the A. B, Cawker Trophy winner will be announced with the Grade Thirteen release of results by the Ontario Depart- BLADE PEAMEAL BACON BEST BUY! SAVE 24c! -- ASSORTED mend BN Cr BRANDED -- VALUE CHECK'D -- Specially Selected ROASTS i You Save Twice with Trim and Price -- Tender -- Juicy SHORT RIB ROAST ar is Ideal for Burgers on the Barbecue -- Fresh Minced GROUND CHUCK Ib _ Always Tender -- Holiday BAI = ~ Lean BEEF STEAKETTES "°° - A Mild Cured -- Lean -- No W. \ " by the piece Ib. 89¢ FROZEN FOOD FEATURE! -- Birds Ey 6-0z. Tins ORANGE JUICE 2 for 53: SUPREME BRAND MIXED VEGETABLES 2-1b. bag 49c BEST BUY! -- SAVE 6c! -- SALAD DRESSING 16-0z. PI MIRACLE WHIP JELL-O POWDERS 10 = BEST BUY! -- SAVE 6c! 'Savé 8c! -- 48-0z. Tin Saico Grapefruit Juice, 48-0z. tin -- 39¢ Saico 2ORANGE JUICE 39: 'BEST BUY! -- SAVE 10¢! -- BURGER DOG FOOD _ 36.0z Pack Cres TOP CHOICE 79: BEST BUY! -- SAVE 100! -- TWO 24. OZ. AND ONE 12-0Z. Mir Mir Liquid Detergent--7 9: BEST BUY! . SAVE 10¢c! 128-0z. Size JAVEX Liquid BLEACH IL FREE PARKING FOR * SAVE 10c¢! -- PALM GARDEN You SAVE TWICE- "WITH TRIM AND PRICE ; FRESH BAKED! Weston or Sunbeam CINNAMON BUNS Reg. 39¢ -- 12 to Pkg. SUNSHINE FRESH PRODUCE ! CANTELOUPES LUSCIOUS VINE BIPENED No. 1s -- Jumbe Size ve . 39¢ each Golden. Ripe PEACHES Home:Grown -- No. 1 NEW CABBAGE 2 Heads 33¢ Favourite for Flavour -- California No. 1 ONIONS 2 for 33¢ SAVE ON THESE FEATURES! 3 £. SAVE 16¢! --_ BURNS Lalhiason. Meat 49¢ Serve Hot or Cold--12-0z. Tin . fe Ye SAVE oe -- Fleischmann's Corn Oil MARGARINE 53¢ Coloured Quarters--1-Lb, Packers X SAVE 10¢! NESTLES KEEN 49¢ Assorted Flavours--12-0z. Jar .......... SAVE 8c! -- BRIGHTS APPLE Sauce 2-35¢ .. Fancy Quality--20-0z. Tins Sees TER BAGS -100 to cello bag --.. 213004040489 d 0000000 SAVE 8c! -- RED & WHITE BRAND 'COFFEE Instant 79¢ It Has the Flavour!--5.0z, Jar LEO RR NN ar SCOTIAN GOLD | STORE HOURS 8:00 A. M. -- 6:00 P.M. EVERYDAY EXCEPT FRIDAY 8:00 A.M. -- 9:00 P.M. Shop in Air Conditioned Comfort. CUSTOMERS AT THE REAR OF OUR STORE. Qual Box ¢ 69¢ 48-0z. Tin APPLE JUICE 27¢ A]