51 1 FE Fi at ids a Yor 2 EY 9 {4,02 Fao 3 » APs sy lis 3 EAA WWE 6d den SFIS ate 74 4 J * : . 5 ? i INE Gin Famine db wssroniimalodoimnin bass s ak PORT vl a a NL Al fine Tl ive pu Eran VOLUME 101° THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1966 NUMBER 0 Hospital Slogan Contest Won By Joe Baker, Blackwater = © 1 « av k a A Si es a, 4 no au, - a - Sow, i +3 "For Better Health, Shave | ing the campaign, i i your Wealth", will be the slo- Second prize went to Susan fin gan used by the Community Me- Johnstone, R.R. 3, "Port Perry. ke dy morial Hospital campaign com- Winner of entries from the SA mittee during the drive for ne-| High Schools were Connie Jane fei cessary funds for the construc- | Carnegie, 160 Ottawa St., Port Hoi tion of a new hospital in Port Perry, and second prize Bill ) i Wy, Perry. Wanamaker, Seagrave. gh The slogan was chosen from According to the hospital su- %5 85 entries of Public and High perintendent, Mrs. H. V, Hook, 3; A School students in Port Perry | members of the Board were go and surrounding communities' | very satisfied with the entries A schools. A first and second | received, and consider the con- prize of $10.00 and $5.00 re- | test a definite success, ie ~spectively will be présented to a i the two winning entries from | i both Public and High Schools. Toronto Man In the absence of Mr. R. H. ° ° Cornish, retired principal of the Is Victim Of local Public School, Mrs. H. V. Hook, hospital superintendent, Lake Scugog and Mr. H. Phoenix, chairman| A Toronto man, Frank Toth, of the Hospital Board, assisted | 47. drowned in Lake Scugog, Mr." G. C. MacDonald. principal | near Caesarea on. Sunday after- of Port Perry High School, the | noon. The body was recovered second. member of the jury, se- | Monday afternoon by members lecting the winners. I of the Ontario Provincial police. Joe Baker. R.R. 2, Black- BO Sich ih the Aromnhiy iki ) appened while Mr, Toth, ac- water was the. winner of the companied by another man, Gino Receives Certificate For Perfect Attendance Public School entries, and it | fombanied bv another man, Gino also is his slogan For Better boat near the centre of the lake. - We last week's issue of the Star we told of the time. Dean was presented with a certifi- Health, Share Your Wealth". In the boat were two women, Dean Beare who during nine years of public ate hy his teacher BR. Robirtson whe proudly, that was chosen to be used dur- Irene Nagy, 47 and her daugh- school attendance has never missed or been il: "I Ziard 7 : ih ter. Irene. 20. both from Tor.' late a single day of 'school. Unfortunately we 2a ie have rd lk D Pp Sly .an} | Will Close At 5 D.i. oiito : were not able to publish the above Disiile at attendance record like Dean Dah eperations WOrs 7 dL TT During July, August made difficult Sunday, because | Emigrant 'Drowns "In order that the employ- the lake was too rough. Mem- Tro ies, war S PTBSe Bl ) ces of the Star may enjoy a bers from the detachments of i "In Wagner's Lake longer evening at-home; Fyyyiphy, Peterborough and Bow- % rites i cither lounging in the gard. manville Provincial Police took ; A young emigrant from Italy, en, mowing lawns or paint- part" in dragging operations. | Ch Elio Zottie, 22, in Canada less ing, work: will commence SN I A than a year, drowned in Wag- and cease at the Star one { Prizes & Honours, June 1966 _ ~ Programme-- | ner's Lake, North of Uxbridge, hour earlier. Hospital Report 'Following is a list of the | Wayne Saunders--77% Saturday afternoon. His mo- | This arrangement will be- students who placed first in| The Grade Nine Five-Year | ther resides in Italy. | gin this week and continue Week Ending July 2nd ~ their respective programmes. | © Programme-- L The victim was a non-swim- during the months of July | _Admissjons. inven PEIN: FT ------ ~The Grade Nine. Four-Year | --Joanne Jackson--88% bet and it is believed that he| and August. This means ~ Operations ... : re Programme-- { The Grade Ten Five-Year | stepped off an under water| that during this period the | Emergency Treatment... 21 ! Carole Forest--77% Frogramme-- | shelf into deep water. irs office of the Star will close |- Births ................ probate: .... Nil % °° The Grade Ten .Four-Year | William Taylor--86% ar dvers Ball Yorntodl at 5.00 p.m. except Satur- Deaths coors 2 go Programme : The 'Grade Eleven Five-Year | thie Tidy Suiiday y | days when it will be closed Discharges ......... Syed verre e 24 Virginia Mackey--76% Programme-- | : all" day. Remaining ......oiveniiensinns 19 The Grade Eleven Four-Year | Aina Kinnunen--90% p= z : : : Programme-- | The Grade Twelve Five-Year | 3 Clifford Moos die | Programme-- ' : a The Grade Twelve PonreYor | (Continued on page 10) 8 dents Pas Music Exan The foll owing is list 3 GRADE VII PIANO, | | successful' ry exam- | Honours--Lorraine Tors 4 v mations held recently "by the| Marlyn Rennie ': Royal Conservatory of Music of | Pass--Janet Baird; Linda i Toronto in Port Perry, Ont. The Healey. . 3 ' names.are -arranged-in-order-of { ~~ GRADE VI PIANO = 3 merit. ! _..~tHonours--Larry, King; Helen GRADE VIII PIANO : Phoenix; Freida Stein .. Honous--Judith Batten; Elaine | Pass--Herbert iE LY Metcalf, Jean Snelgrove GRADE V PIANO oh (equal); David Gray, Ian | Honours--Jane Stulen a. | rPass--Susan Smitherman ed Pagoitounl), | GRADE IV PIANO 4 Pass--Sharon Baird; Linda Eee doin 8 Jefford; Risa Stein; Gordon -| {!OTOUTS--John Steer Williamson. Fo | Pass--Gordon Malcolm : | gy Ei =) GRADE III PIANO {i Honours--Marianne Smits; . g! Short Of Water Marie Van Camp; Debbie There is a definite short- Swain; Janice Stark; Scott bie age of water in Port Perry, Webber, he . this is due to the long dry GRADE II PIANO He! spell, but rain according to | Honours--Ann Hope; Brian : Ww | 5 the weather men is om its Gibson; Gregory Goode. a Ho -- . 'i vs : STR 3 iB i way. : GRADE 1 PIANO Car Hits Tree, Man Suffers Broken Leg Lo ERS Residents are asked to Honours--Nelson Scott; Cory £4 : MERAY obey the decision by council Gibson; Larry Short tegunl); The driver of the car above, Harold Mar- to the Community Memorial Hospital and . 8 8, ' that use of water hoses is Mark Kenny. : lowe, Oshawa lost control of the vehicle and hit later transferred him to Oshawa General Hos- : ris forbidden for the time GRADE 1 SINGING into a tree at Williams Point near Caesarea. pital for treatment of a broken leg and facial RR being, : Honours--Mary Kent. Brignall's Ambulance first brought the injured cuts, & é 2