Eb ad J ' 4 | hg 5 g g f= > oy 3 ra Cartwright Central School Announce Field Day Winners 3rd Randy MacLeod--9 pts, Junors 10 & 11 year olds Girls-- 1st Glenna Clement--16 pts, 2nd Kathy Keuning--12 pts, 3rd Leslie Wright--10 pt, Boys-- 1st--Stanley Krockenstoel-- 21 pts. 2nd Barry Malcolm--17 pts, 3rd George Keuning--16 pts. Intermediate 12 & 13 yr. olds Girls-- 1st--Judy Felstead--19 pts, 2nd Susie Fallis--16 pts. 3rd Lorrie Turner--8 pts, Boys-- 1st Grant McLaughlin 138 pts. 2nd Bob Swain and Wayne Kirkpatrick--12 pts. 3rd Rickie Mappin--11 pts, Semiors--14 and up Girls-- 1st, Nancy Stinson--21 pts. 2nd Maija Kinnunan and Linda Mountjoy--11 pts, 3rd Sandra Herman--10 pts, "A very successful Field Day was held at the school grounds. The weatherman co-operated 100 per cent and there was a large number of parents on hand to enjoy the day with the children, . Winners were as follows: Tykes 5, 6 & 7 year olds Girls-- Ist J oanne Wolter s12 pts. 2nd Marlene Krockenstoel 11 pts, 3rd Annetta Keuning and Shelley McMahon--9 pts. Boys-- 1st--Scott Williams--13 pts. 2nd Robert Buma--12 pts, 3rd Colin Asselstine--11 pts. 'Midgets 8 & 9 year old Girls-- = 1st Thea Buma--19 pts, 2nd Gail Fallis--17 pts. 3rd Cheryl Wright--10 pts. Boys-- 1st Rod Campbell--15 pts, 2nd Paul Judson--13 pts. Crosier Family Hold Re-Union| The Crosier Clan gathered at Stouffville Memorial Park for the thirty fifth consecutive re. union. There were seventy pre- sent and the afternoon was spent in renewing friendships and reminiscing, At five o'- ~ clock the usual bountiful picnie supper was enjoyed. President Archie , Crosier of Richmond Hill, presided, Two |1 minutes silence was observed for six members who had pass: ed on through the last year. Following is the slate of of- ficers for next year: President, Ray Listor, Scar. borough; Vice-Pres. Ray Mun- ro, RR. 1, Port Perry; Sec'y- Treas. Betty Munro. A good sports committee. was appoint Prizes were awarded ag fol- lows: The oldest lady present-- Mrs. Marshal Crosier, Toronto, 84 yrs,; oldest gentleman-- Walter Short, Toronto, 86 years, Youngest child -- Craig Bailey, Oshawa, The family coming longest distance--Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Wilson and Janice, Tren- ton, Betty Slack, Stouffville won a guessing contest. An excellent program of sports was enjoyed and the swimming pool was a major attraction, The picnic will be held again | mext year, the last Saturday in June in Stouffville Park. Boys-- 1st--Jack Hurren--28 pts. 2nd Paul Mappin--13 pts. 8rd Ron Bolan and Donald Wright--17 pts. RELAYS-- Intermediate Girls 1st--Susie Fallis, Lorie Gobkes, Elaine Metcalf, Wendy Forest " ' a A ra RANT SS IE SARS 2nd--Judy Felstead, Norma Wotten, Sandra Rogan, Sue Bolan, PORT PERRY STAR lingal, Nancy Moore, Maija Thursday, July 7, 1966- -5- Robert . Wilkins, John 3rd--Linda orkpson, Diane Kinnunen, Quackenbush, Vanderhuel, Brenda Rohrer, |2nd--Denise Forest, Donna POLE VAULT £3 owe be Wabst rry, Nancy di Sale Susan McColl. i er, Carol Werry, Nancy Intermediates Intermediate Boys Stinson. 1st--Grant McLaughlin, Wayne | 3rd--Donna Swain Scott, Keijo Kinnunen, John Pauline Sharp, Lednne Wolfe. Dorrell, Linda Mountjoy: 2nd--Blair Martyn, Bob Swain, Brian Lee, Gary Mountjoy, drd--Douglas Hudson, Brice Wilkins, Kerry MacDonald, James Kelly, 1st-=Rickey Mappin 2nd----Wayne Kirkpatrick 3rd--Herbie Vine Seniors 1st--Paul Mappin 7' 10" 2nd--Vilho Kinnunen 3rd--Allen Argue { CHAMPION GIRL Nangy Stinson--21 pts. CHAMPION BOY-- Jack Hurren--28 pts. = Senior Boys 1st--Jack Hurren, Larry Evans, Percy Grandel, Joel Baker, 2nd--Donald Wright, David Fallig, Archie Stiles, Jim Senior Girls Clement. 1st--Linda Wilkins, Joanne Bal-! 8rd---Rick Bolan, ery Rohrer, $ SH SH] Sil SSO Na ie fies Sifiie ----Suilin Prices Effective Wed. to Sat. = July 6 i 9 EL Te Te a ae TE EE a Sa Se A B¥Fa ve NR) 3 TIS NX ro] for' summer eating ------ roux CARLOAD FOOD MKT., Prince Albert MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSIN WINNER of LAST WEEK'S DRAW MRS. RUTH WALDINSPERGER bY: 32.02, MITCHELL'S FANCY APPLE SAUCE 2... 39 FREE DRAW ON A 20 Oz MANTLE ALARM CLOCK KELLOGGS RICE KRISPIES WITH A $5.00°0ORDER OR OVER. -- STORE HOURS: 8.30 a.m. - 9 p.m. EXCEPT TUESDAY 10 OZ. PKGS. bl: JELL-O INST. PUDDINGS 2-31: 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. FREE DELIVERY MONARCH COLOURED - MARGARINE 2-67 THIS WEEK'S MEAT FEATURES - FRANCO-AMERICAN I MACARONI 2: 3 ES WHITE 200° KLEENEX PKS. 3 S [CARL FOOD MARKETS LEAN TENDER CENTRE CUT PORK CHOPS 7- |» 83 GTTAGE TLS - 69 SPARE RIBS 73: Wi ne 3: 2 | ROAST . 67 WIENERS RN A gs "od $e = OR mri NY I ST Tos -n - . yo -- A a a aa ea rt RR Ta An A 3 ~ EARNER, » "eat EG Sh heh ~ "w & ox 50 tei . Lt. J > r , - it FF »aX Tg - -