Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Jul 1966, p. 11

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4 SAS ERS TREC TE 3 Ei Sry i aleds SERS ER EE ST as Ee ARE RE aad $ = if LE Fa rn Fe ian aria 5 Ad For Pe 2 J $d FY, Oy Sa ERG ATELY es BAI EER EI HEP AEE AEs Bask BE | 22 §¥ 3 STs - avo" 3 * . : it > [ag he ' ¥ ie y A AS r Ew Sn Fry a #1 y aah ro ' fe it Fr dw» ECE RATE Uhsdnty SAE Ae : , \ A 4 ' £2 a Cry £3. Feo Lad Vai WE A HY He or ary FE EAE Ae at sR Se al Ys § 547 ! . i 4 " wi ¥ wf 0s N » » jaf AL] Fis 4 . . Lt 58S F & a he FE a a i LES 1) ; : : A ' hs = SUS TR TX TPES Tn ALPAR SF WISE Sf Li i a a saa na TEESE the Oshawa and District His-| Mayor Lyman A Gifford and | The plaque -- sponsored by Cririns Centen nial torical Society, will be unveiled | former premier of Ontario, Les- PORT PEERY STAR, THURSDAY, JY 21, 1966 - Nn by past-president, Mrs. G, D.|lie M. Frost, P.C., Q.C., will| awa; Farquhar Oliver MPP, |chaeologicaliand Historic Sites Re ort Conant, wife of the late Mr.|address the gathering, Grey South and M. 8. Rogers | Board,-will also be on hand terol P Conant, Albert V. Walker, MPP, Osh.- representing the Ontario Ar- commemorate the occasion. 7 I : i] { SALAD FIX INS i | B CANADA No.1 GRADE 18 : ¥ ONTARIO NEW 2 1867 196 by JOHN W. FISHER IX i gt CENTENNIAL COMMISSIONER [) 'a 3 Every community big enough land for $1 a year, let the em- { | | v te have a weekly newspaper has | ployees construct the course and ¢ A : re. i trial \ it. i ih wll ps Til oy oom ; dik Supplied by THE OSHAWA WHOLESALE LIMITED HY 10 i iB A G oy ' dio et Shain) dididon oe ls point is to stop supply depot for progressive independents ¢ ® i 3 tions and a spruce-up program Broun " "4 g: ass phic HE hd 3 these plants can go a long way wo] ---- Ip only | 3eY Save 1de. IGA Deluxe Instant ) LARGE LUSCIOUS NIAGARA GROWN i F to help give the town a gay at- nuag y. \/ iy | EEE a nos COFFEE | SWEET CHERRIES 49-|, | i tions. Plant Administration editors for / ¢ ; ie 8 Such companies are going | their clarion call. Their com- Vi : ih i much beyond a plant beautificas | ments are representative of a 1d i P tion program. Take, for exam- | new spirit I've noticed in recent 6 OZ. JAR C ) CANADA Nad Sain PBI H io ple, the black Diamond Cheese | weeks. Other editors and other ¥ g Company at Belleville; Ontario. | Canadians are. becoming more S 8c. Jaffa Cr J INE C il It has. plans for-lawn_beautifi- | enthusiastic about 1967. The AVe-fior-Jatic-Looun. Nabiral ! i i Rd re fen emer yee mei : : i] cation, an in-plant museum, an | apathy and the negative atti- Rr -- ORE INA + = oy auditorium and a big commun- | tudes are disappearing. Even r an g e U IC e ' LOCAL GROWN a ity parade. the critics are sounding posi- Vj iS} 4 David Helliwell, editor of a|tive and constructive these days. : "" : hi 0 s & R di i iv mational business magazine call. The spirit of 1967 is growing 48 OL. TIN . C ¢ n I on S a I S es 3b ed Plant Administration publi- | fast, Cm -- = = pe She ee ae a Ys shed ial eight- Cen- > CAR S360 8 Shots ena oon Save 8c. Salco Solid White tennial feature in his May is Prices Effective -- JULY 20, 21, 22, '23 sue on what factory manage- F TABLERITE 4 ment can do for 1967. There © y T We reserve the right to limit quantities. ? . fe are many things that can be Miss : Oshawa anc una ey Tut done 'without much expense, 3 od iad RED OR Helliwell and his editors sug- Fair Contest 7 OL. TIN 3 0. QUAL RAND © pes gest a clean-up war on ugliness | = BLUE B -- Nien and an in-plant project. A feature of the opening day : ER da From a cross - Canada mail | of the Oshawa Fair, Thursday, Save 6c. Lancia Ready Cut survey of 1,000 factories Plant | August 4th, will be the crown- 5 iL wnt fn Administration found manage-|ing of a beauty queen. Miss|| M C : ment in general to be slow in| Oshawa Fair will be chosen dur- acar on I planning to celebrate Canada's ing the evening festivities. 100th birthday. . : vy ; 2 LB. PG. In an editorial which wraps | The Beauty Contest will be wp the situation, David Helli- | the first event to take place well writes: "What's needed now | after the official opening. Corden Bleu Boneless is action, not talk. If communi-| Each contestant will be judged ¥ies across the country are cele- | °0 beauty, poise and personality ( H | ( K : N brating Centennial (and 'most | 8nd Will appear in street wear, IM are), industrial plants will look Sven year Ie oe Sunny Morn Rindless Sliced 40 Pafion Smoked retty silly not joining in the | ©3Sh prizes, a sliver tray an -{- Jee . i ; g other prizes will be awarded to 7 OL TINS "And you know that's not | Miss: Oshawa Fair and her two Si p acon Ib. Fi ots Ib. CC dnd Sen iini * likely to happen, Community | Xunners up. Bave Bo. Heing While pressure is very "strong, You The "Miss Oshawa Fair" con- ean almost see the pressure | test is open to all girls between V | N E ( A R Table Rite Table Rite Skinless Pork groups being ushered into the [the ages of 16 and 25. Anyone president's office at the eleventh | wishing application forms or C © hour. Why wait for a last- | further information should tele- 66 oz. BTL. jeners lb. oausage minute mishmash? Wouldn't it | phone 728-3415, the contest] § be better to take the initiative, | Chairman Mr. Bill Marchand. decide now what you've going to © : GREEN GIANT FROZEN 10 oz, Pkgs. do? That way you'll | have much | - SAVE'10c SCOTT 1 ) more control over plans ani eo _ 4 ROLL VEGET ABLES Ss 95¢. > nh Fire Hazard | BRIA): i "What to do? There are dogs ire azar MONARCH PARCHMENT 1 Lb. Pkgs. ens of ways . ... While it's fine ono [e:) % MARGARINE ) hl A to buy a new flagpole or flower Cond itions Cn -- } C. i bed, a project that gets employ- : [GA OVEN FRESH Family Size ees into the act is obviously | ; i i much better, They'll feel more Extreme (018 APPLE PIE 39¢ a part of the celebrations if : oz PP & pL re . I they're involved. ~The continuing hot, dry wea- | VAIN BTL. : ; IGA OVEN: FRESH 'Pkg. of 12 i "For example, -if you decide ther has created very high for- JR. BURGERS 29 * 3] en a miniature golf course, | est fire danger throughout the : HENLEY CHOICE : C. 8 don't Just buy one. Donate the | Lake Simcoe District. Hazard Boz SAVE 6c. SCOTKIN Pkgs. of 50 A ki is extreme in many areas par- FRU IT COCKTAIL TIN - oe : a Ei ticularly in northern sections of N APKINS 2 -- 39¢c 2 po , | the District. Ye hy: ; [nce BI Prompt action by the Depart- LR 2 5 = EB SIU. & [ ment's ranging staff controlled|| ------------ RINE SCOTTIES d- 59¢ i a Aeneas iiag "; Grocery $4.00 Bonus Tapes Frozen Food $2.00 Bonus Tape CEERI Ira C. "i . i : small acreages during the pas Todest : : : > ] , wd Y News ok yr Rae fh i SM Fraservale Strawberries, White, Pink, Yellow, Lilac B 400's i : fire on private property in Oro ! Ar : 16 oz. -- 49c. YORK, BLANCHED 13 oz. 4 res to st p Monarch Liquid Salad Dress- Wie Satisfactory recovery is wish. Township on the weekend tra- ing, Boquetort, § Cudbe- 2 PEANUTS AY ed Mrs, Geo. Skerratt a patient| yelled rapidly in high winds Monarch Liquid Salad Dre 2 mates wun ate 39¢, o in Port Perry hospital. And Mr. | and burned ' 1 Monarch Liquid Salad Dress- Meat $2.00 Bonus Tape 0 hee. and burned over approximately ing, 1000 Island, 8 o0z.--39¢. 5 Le RB) Denny Martyn who is confined 60 acres of young pine planta- ) 5 Freshly Ground Minced YORK, SPANISH 13 oz. ie i BEE sone SRE PEANUTS 35 : i oy Mrs. Ron Me being brought under control. Scott Family Placemats : g * Ce sts es eee gc. i «nd family are enjoying their| The Department of Lands & |. : , 1 eottaze al. Paleam Take. e Pop : Assorted Colours--2 - 57c. Produce $2.00 Bonus Tape oN " g Hm od Forests has again warned va Tide Detergent, King -- $1.52 eo HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS FEATURES e : r. an rae Nolin cationists, residents, and others Pine Sol Disinfectant, ~ Prod. U.S.A., Can. #1 Grade sons attended the. Wilson Re-| travelling in wooded: areag to 16 oz. -- 69. Cello Carrots. 3 Ibs : LADY PAT -- SOF 0 & FIRM 11 oz. i: 'N union at Stone's Park, Green- guard against any carelessness * : ! 2 HAIRSPRAY oo hi bank. with fire, . a Teese 9c. Sk Mr, and Mrs, L. Beacock in f £1 eompany with her sister Mr. & 4 . SHICK 5's AR Mrs, L, Devitt, Oshawa, spent O - S G Stainless BL a she week-end in Toronto. : : ADES -- 9c Hh Se aan Mem, 2 Peat on Frost Speaker s A ¢ a } $ - SHICK ' bY joyed the week-end at their es & ¥. . eettage Trent River. At Ceremony Double Ed d BX Rev, and Mrs. Ken Noble, ounie ge dzor 93c. i Kitimat, B.C, visited with other The unveiling of an historical ; ph relatives at the home of her | plaque to honor Gordon D. Con- a A ; #3 aunt and uncle Mr. and Mrs, F.|ant, 1885-1953, former mayor FROZEN FOOD FEATURES ps Gibson of Oshawa and 12th prime min- White Corn i : § | rite Corn in Butter, Fancy Peas in Butter, Aili Mr. Ralph Olsen, California & | ister of Ontario, will take place : HN Beans in Butter, Niblets * Butter, ' 3 8 his mother of Toronto visited [at Lakéview Park, Wednesday : Mixed Vegetables in Butter : & i his brother Mr. and Mrs. Fred |at 2.30 p.m. EA ! Olsen, 3:

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