Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Jul 1966, p. 6

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\ RO RNGIA ahi -- h i LAAVERSS STAN ER Bhs VRILT SPARA -- memories, Ft TON 4 TEN YF PHONE 985- verse, Other rates on request. 6.00 p.m. Classifield Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢. In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line Addtional four lines, .25¢. : 2 Billing charge of 25¢ if not paid by, Friday following publication. Classified display $1.00 per column inch. " Telephone -- 985- 7383 Open daily, Monday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to Closed all day Saturday. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 pm. TUESDAY IN MEMORIAM BROOKS--In loving memory of a dear sister Sadie Irene Brooks, who passed away July 22, 1965. Beautiful memories treasured forever Of Happy Years we Soil. together, Lovingly remembered Sister Elva ST. JOHN--In loving mem- ory of a dear father, Wreford, who passed away July 17, 1960. If I had all the world to give, I'd give it, yes, and more, To hear his voice, see him smile, And greet him at the door. But all I can do, dear father Is go and tend your grave, And leave behind tokens of love To the best father God ever made. Sadly missed by Wes., --- Merle and family ST. JOHN--In loving mem- ory of Wreford St. John who passed away July 17,1960. It is sad to walk the road alone, Instead of side by side. But to all there comes a moment When the ways of life divide, You gave me years of happiness, Then came sorrow and tears, But you left me beautiful - I will treasure through the ~ - years. --Always remember ed by wife. Stella * CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank neigh- bours, friends, and relatives, and 'brethren of the masonic ~ lodge, David McKinley, and Rev. Buntain, for their visits, cards, and gifts, and special thanks to Dr. Rennie, nurses and staff of | Port Perry Hospital for their care and kindness. Herman Kerry, ..We.__ sincerely wish to--thank-{----- our many friends, relatives and neighbours "for the beautiful} gifts, cards, letters and flow- ers and for all who assisted in any way to make our 50th An- niversary such a wonderful day. Frank & Gertrude Duff We would like to express our appreciation and heart felt thanks for the beautiful oil painting, lamp, electric clock & lawn chairs presented to us in . the Manchester Hall by the Manchester and Prospect com. munities, Utica and Prince Al- bert friends and others and a special thanks to the committee who arpanged this long to be remembered evening, A sincere welcome to all to visit us in our new home, 51 Carnegie St., Port Perry. Lorne and Mary Thompson. We would like to thank all of our relatives and friends for the commode table and plant, which were presented to us at. the party held in our honour in Utica Community Hall, June 18th, Jean and Ken Skerratt. | CARD OF THANKS | and the Blue Mountain boys, 'ment and other Machinery on © 16 Days--Wed. 17th Sept. to Sincere thanks to friends and relatives for cards, flowers, gifts and acts of kindness shown to me while I was hos- pitalized. Dorothy Hargrave COMING EVENTS BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lon gue, FRIDAY, JULY 22nd, at 8:15p.m. Jackpot $260,00. Lucky door -prize and raffle. JAMBOREE Jamboree at Uxbridge Town Hall, FRIDAY, JULY 22nd, 9.00 p.m., starring Jimmy Seymour also Comedy Act. PLOWING DEMONSTRATION Plowing Demonstration at Fisher's Farm Service, Ashburn, Ont., your Cockshutt: - Oliver Dealer, THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1966 at 1,30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m., 7.00 p.m. -- ? If rained out -- Friday, July 29th. Come and try the latest in Tillage Equip- Display. MARITIME COLOUR TOUR - Sunday, 2nd October. Price--$210.00 3400 miles of scenic beauty thro' Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Isle; Cape 'Bre- ton (Cabot Trail) and Nova Scotia. Transportation, Hotel & Motels included. Air conditioned Bus, luxury foam reclining seats and Panor- amic windows. For further in- formation phone Mrs. J. Robert- son 985-2598 or Mrs. M, Chap- man 985-2195. LEGION SOCIAL NITE SAT, JULY 23rd Downstairs Clubrooms "GAMES and DANCING Fun For All, No Admission Members and Guests Only LUNCH SERVED --Y ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arnold Venner of Little Britain wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter Eliza- beth Ann to Mr, David Paul | Newman, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Newman of Port Perry. Marriage to take place Friday, August bth, 1966 at 7.30 p.m. leasant Point United Church) ples 630 p.m. 985-2688. -- ----1 CRIB, '| Hillf, Oronon, ENGAGEMENT FOR SALE Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Tripp of Port Perry announce the en- gagement of their daughter Donna Marie to Ross Allan Lane, son of Mrs, Vivian Lane and the late Mr. George Lane, Port Bolster. The wedding will take place at Epsom United Church on Sept. 10th, 1966 at 3.00 pm,' The engagement is announced of Hedi Carol Maria, daughter of Mrs. Stevenson Milne Goss- age of Westmount, Quebec, to Ian Murray Beare, son of Mr. and Mrs. Storey E., Beare of Port Perry, Ontario, The mar- riage will take place on Satur- day, August 20th, 1966 in Wer mount, Quebec. BIRTH LEE -- Isabel & George are happy to announce the arrival of their son Howard George on Wednesday, July 13, 1966. FOR SALE #82 MASSEY HARRIS, self- propelled combine, 10 ft. table. a No Custom Work, excellent condition. © Massey Ferguson dealer, Little Britain, Phone 8% - - : Ty, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Service age Yorkshire Boars, open: gilts. from R.O.P. tested strains. ~All ages available. Larmer Bros, Phone 986-4250 18 PIGS -- 8- weeks old. Call 985-7140. QUANTITY of hardwood, cut in 1 ft. lengths, ideal for fire- | places. 'Two single beds, springs & mattresses, one single folding bed, 8 bags of coal, also 1 dresser and mirror, 1 space heater with pipes, nearly new. Phone 985-2414 or apply to Mrs. Stuart Collins, 114 Parry St., Port Perry. FARM Equipment, New Holland square Baler, Side Rake, Hay | Wagon, Pony and Saddle. Phone 728- 9191. HAY, Alfalfa, Timothy, mixed, 50 acres, standing on Ridges Phone 728-9191. 1956 CHEV. Sedan delivery $75.00 or best offer. Phone "985-2231. PORTABLE electric milking machine used twice. Phone '985-7892. 22 RIFLE, deluxe, bolt action, repeater with 4X power scope. $35.00. Phone 985-7780, -- MASSEY-HARRIS Binder and Hay Loader. Phone 655-3823. July 28. RARE, elegant, whippet pup- "Phone a "af ter 'complete, dresser to match, 1 high chair. Call 985- 2864. McCORMICK - Deering Binder, oil bath, 6 ft. cut, in ready to 1960 PONTIAC, excellent trans- good, $490.00. Phone 852-3494. GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 649-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms -- Trades Jan. 23/66 OFFICE EQUIP.--Typewriters, Adders, Cash Registers, Desks, Chairs, Filing Cabinets. Terms, Trades, New, Used, Rentals, Service. ~~ BILL HAMILTON, Raglan. pam Fe HELP WANTED STORE HELP WANTED | Apply Hank's Pastries, Phone 985-7072. BERRY PICKERS Girls over 14 years of age. Call 985-2749, after 8 p.m. HELP WANTED BOOKKEEPER required by for permanent employment. Re- ply in writing, stating full par- ticulars, including education, ex- perience and salary required to Leonard R. Rosenberg, C.A,, P.O. Box 95 Aurora. ceptable qualifications, to train as Chartered Accountant. Re- ply in hand writing giving full particulars including details of { education, and any business ex- "perience to Leonard R. Rosen- , berg, C. A, Pp. 0. Box 95, Anos, Ontario. CRUSHING Plant Supervisor night shift; front end loader operator night shift; shovel operator for day shift. Reply Sunderland Sand and Gravel 'Ltd. Phone 390 Sunderland." July 28 WOMAN to baby sit in my home, two days a week. "Phone 985-2341. AY WORK WANTED week-end. Reliable Phone 985-7086. CLIPPER BLADES--Sharpen: ing & repairs. Cattle clipper hlades' sharpened $1.00 pair Sheep blades--b0¢ pair, 24 hr .ervice--work guaranteed. Cattle Clipper Service 37 First Ave. Box [90 Uxbridge, Ont. PAINTING--Plain painting, al- 30 special mural and pattern person, | painting. Complete Rec. room- finishing. Will build and repair furniture. J. Kronister, Phone 985-7191, after 6 p.m, portation, radio, body and tires Chartered Accountant's Office: GRADE 13 graduate with ac- BABY SITTING wanted on; Apr3of FOUND TO RENT BEAGLE Hound, black and tan. Russell Till, 986-2733. CAMPING TRAILER by day or week. Phone 985-2170. REAL SSTATE | Si nd OE RELA? ND KEK 3 Horde s: 2 storey insul- brick house, excellent well, all conveniences, 2% acres of land, 1 mile from town, Price $8,500. 6 Rooms Frame House with 4 bedrooms. Oil heating. All MARION HOPKINS 985-7215 FRED BROOKS 985-7168 after 6.00 dwelling in Derryville, 3 apart- ments, bus service, school buses at door, excellent garden. Priced for quick sale 95, 500. 2 storey brick home in Sun- derland on large nicely land- staped lot. Old English Archi- 'tecture, large rooms, former doctor's home, fireplace and hardwood floors, double garage, close downtown, Only $15, 000 for quick sale, 2 bedroom frame bungalow in Pefferlaw, corner lot, very pri- vate with many trees, oil furn-] ace and bathroom, modern kit- chen and fireplace. Excellent retirement "home. Full Price conveniences, 2% miles from town. Reasonable down pay- ment. : Local Rep.-- HOUSEKEEPING Cottages for rent on attractive lake, 1% hours drive from Port Perry, paved road all the way. Good fishing and excellent swimming, safe beach for children, boats and motors. available, Call Dave Enge at Whitby 668-5961 week days only--9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Aug. 11 WANTED TO RENT "100 acre farm within 30 miles radius of Oshawa, Modern conveniences preferred. Phone 263-2306, LOST BIBLE, Black Thompson Chain Refer- ence, left+in car at Manchester Phone 985-2469. MISCELLANEOUS 2 storey. frame and brick | SOR AY, $000; don; - Show ttn 20 miles from Oshawa, 80 acres, highway frontage, large 1% storey brick home with extra apartment for caretaker. Broadloom, modern , kitchen, new furnace and bath, | excellent fences, painted barn, suitable for horses, pond, excel- lent landscaping $39,000.00 with terms: : 100 acres sandy loam and gravel deposits, 2 storey brick home with all modern conveni- ences, bank barn, river crosses -corner of property, paved road, $25,000.00 with half down, a TOALY, ie Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. PAINTING and DECORATING interior & 'exterior. Guaran- teed work, free estimates. Phone 986-4871. Walter Pike. T.F. go condition.- Apply Kenneth| ~~ Phone 5-R-3. 30° TV TOWER INSTALLED + $39.50 PORT PERRY. T.V. Phone. 985-2265 Prince Albert : Hg T.F. CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishing Ph. 852-3891 Uxbridge Free Estimates WOMEN MAR AAARRMARRRRRRRRRS _-aw I\Xttle Britain, FOR KITCHEN APPLY HAUGEN'S CHICKEN BARBECUE ~~ MANCHESTER AAA AA AA AA AA SA AA AAA AAA AR AAA AR AAR RAR RRR ARRAN AS A BS Bh RR hh AAR ALARM ARRR RRR. AA BS 0 A Ng HELP 'WANTED WANTED WORK ss aa MRR AARARRARRRRRRRw -aw Jim Duncan | 170 x b5, stable cleaner, paved Fo kde kofok 3 bedroom, frame bungalow, all convenien- ces. Price $12,000 with terms. "96 acre dairy farm, bank barn 'barnyard, 2 storey brick house with all conveniences. Silver. woods milk contract, Selling for $39,000 with terms. Caesarea 3 bedroom - frame' eolinge, large well landscaped lot 78' x 217', pressure system, bath- room, furniture and equipment, 14' aluminum boat, T.V. aerial. Price $8,600 with $2000 down, 100 acres "clay loam, bank barn 40 x 70 implement shed, 60 x 30, new slab silo 14 x 30, double garage, 1% storey frame house, all conveniences, Priced to sell at $25,000 with terms. MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd, GEORGE S, STONE 426-9303 | modern white |: TOURIST ACCOMMODATION Overnight guests, breakfast if desired at Seagrave, one block north of Wanamaker's Store on right. Phone 985-2079, ' July 28 LIONS 101 CLUB JULY WINNERS Joe Draper -- $100.00 Keith Sweetman--$50,00 Mrs. J. J. Gibson--$25.00 MONEY TO LOAN "I will loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose, providing you are steadily em- ployed and have good credit. Telephone 985-7537 or Oshawa 723-4631. i Aug. 31 7383 several months ago,' W THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE j announces the opening of the : FALL TERM on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 'Nine Day School Courses from Which to choose. Job placement Service for Graduates. College is approved for Student Loans, Individual Instruction 29 years' Experience in Train-, ing Young People. Get your Copy of "Training For Res. ponsibility in Business" Register Now -- Enrolment is Limited. Telephone: 725-3376 10 Simcoe St. North Clip .and Mail Coupon for full details--No Obligation, NAIAG irs shiiirmisrmssmbitinmisinpcts ABATCIE oo insists miioteirenissssios ~Qrade non Aj NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Matter of the Estate of Donald Rossland Anderson, Deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of Donald Rossland Anderson, late of the Village: of Port-Perry, in -the County of Ontario, Retired Me- chanic, who died on or about the twenty-third day of June, 1966, are hereby notified to send te the undersigned on or before the thirty-first day of August, 1966, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of. which they shall then have notice, DATED at Port Perry, Ontario, this eighteenth day of July, 1966, 'Messrs. GREER & KELLY, Barristers, &e., Aug.11 Box 131, PORT PERRY, Ontarie. ~e . b= Notice To Creditors ~~» %

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