Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 21 Jul 1966, p. 7

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' Y ' Ty ! ¥ 1] " v ® 1 7 » # a a 'Y + "a iter wn ¥ v = a » ® » n 5 « 4 ) - four tiers of nylon and lace in- . to a chapel train.. of Sunderland. R.O.P. tested & of the late Miss WINNIFRED - B 414 Int. Diesel Tractor, Dion 7 & 12 Highway at Saintfield. ~ Jly 14-21 Beth Elaine Strong Married To Gerald Stu The marriage of Miss Beth Elaine Strong, younger daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Mr. Gerald Stuart Ferguson, Toronto, son of Mr, and Mrs, MNA. Ferguson was solemnized in" Blackstock Unit- ed Church Saturday, July 2, 1966. The officiating clergyman was Rev. Philip Romeril. Mrs. Lorne Thompson played the wedding music and Mrs, Harold Kyte was soloist singing "The Lord's My Shepherd" and "O Perfect Love", For the cere- mony boquets of pink and white peonies decorated the church. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor length gown of nylon. tulle and chantilly lace, flowing out with The fitted bodice was styled in a sabrina neckline, trimmed with sequins and pearls and had long pointed sleeves, Her bouffant, shoulder length veil fell from a circlet of sequined petals and she car- ried a cascade of pink roses and white carnations. * Mrs. Eric Barr, sister of the Auction Sales WEDNESDAY, JULY 20--60 Holsteins, Complete Sun-Ridge Dispersal owned by Harold D, Woodward, selling at the farm, 1 mile north and 1% mile east Classified, 3 V.G., 14 G.P,, 8 G., Cert. Area, Pregnancy tested. Records up to 19000 milk and 724 fat. Latest BCA 120m., 125f. 'This is a high producing | herd with good test. Daughters' of such noted sires as Roeland Reflection Sovereign (Ex & . Extra), Thornlea Texal Supreme! (Ex), Pabst Walker Ollie (V.G.! & Extra), Roybrook Telstar (VG) and Mayers Dark Leader. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1 p.m. Robt. Flett on Pedi- | grees Lloyd Wilson and Mike Brubacher, Sale Managers and! Auctioneers, Jly 7-14! © SAT., JULY 23rd -- Auction Sale of Furniture, Dishes, Bed- ding, Antiques, Etec., property NESBITT, at her former resi- dence, one block south of Reids Grocery on Main Street. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms Cash. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Auctioneers TUES, JULY 26th--Auction Sale of Beef Cattle, Hogs, New Threshing Machine, One Way Disc, Tractor Spreader, Full Line of Good Farm Implements and Furniture, the property of STANLEY ALLDRED, Lot 13, Con. 14, Reach, %4 mile east of Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 pm. Roy Scott and G. A. Wanamaker, Clerks. tens : ~~ TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Auctioneers WEDNESDAY, JULY 27th-- Auction Sale of Modern and Antique Furniture, the property of HERB EAGLESON, Sea- grave. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.80 p.m. Roy Scott & Glenn Wanamaker, Clerk. ' a TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Christian where the bride's mother re- 'lace over white carnations. art Ferguson bride, was matron of honour; Mrs. Robert Strong, sister-in- law, and Miss Anne Poole, Tor- onto, friend of bride, were bridesmaids and Miss Beverley Barr was flower girl. Their dresses were identical, full length gowns of silk chiffon, sleeveless, empire waist, flow- ing back panel, and bodice of french lace, Two were aqua & two were pink. They each wore a short bouffant veil held by a centre rose, They carried mat- ching carnations. Mr. Ross Ferguson, brother of the groom was best man and the ushers were Mr, Robert Strong, brother of the bride and 'Mr. Ronald Ferguson, brother: of the groom. The reception was held in the -Education- - Centre ceived wearing a two piece gold taffeta dress with nile green accessories and cor- sage of bronze roses To assist, the groom's mother . wore a white lace duster over pink or- ganza dress with pink acces- sories .and corsage of pink roses. - -- Before leaving on their wed- ding trip to New York and Washington the bride donned a pastel paisley - print organza dress with matching duster, white accessories and corsage of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson will reside in Toronto until August then in Hamilton, . The bride attended Cartwright and Port Perry High Schools and is an employee of Cana- (dian Imperial Bank of Com- merce, Toronto. The groom is a graduate of Parkdale Collegi- ate, Toronto and Ontario Agri- Church Services |- ANGLICAN at CHURCH OF ASCENSION Rev. R. C. Rose Sunday, July 24th-- Trinity VII 9.45 am --Morning Prayer Mr. "Rex" King ST. JOHN, -BLACKSTOCK Sunday, July 24th-- Trinity VII 11.15 a.m.--Morning Prayer. Mr. "Rex" King PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH . Rev. Alec G. Rice, B.A - Minister Sunday, July 24th-- Prince Albert and Port Perry will Worship in St. John's Presbyterian Church Port Perry During -August' Prince Albert will Worship at 9.45 a.m, ST. JOHN'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. H. M. Buntain, B.A. Minister "Sunday, July 24th--"-- 11.00 a.m.--Morning Worship The congregations of Port Perry United Church and Prince Albert United Church' are worshipping with us during these Sundays in July. . ~ PORT PERRY 'BAPTIST CHURCH (Queen and Rosa Sts.) 1. C. Bowie, Pastor Sunday, July 24th-- 9:45 a.m.--Family Bible Schoo) 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evening Service Jly 14-21 Auctioneers SAT., JULY 80th -- Auction Sale of 30 BEEF CATTLE, Hogs, Poultry, Tractor, Baler, . Full Line of Implements, Hay, Grain & Furniture, the proper . ty of IVAN PROUTT, Lot 15, Con, 7, Cartwright, on #TA Highway Just West of Nestle- gon. Terms Cash. Farm Sold, No Reserve. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Harvey Malcolm, Malcolm, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Jly 21-28 Auctioneers and Victor United Church of Canada SCUGOG Pastoral CHARGE Rev. George Teskey Sunday, July 24th-- 9:00 a.m.--PROSPECT 10:05 a.m.--MANCHESTER 11:15 a.m.--SCUGOG. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Pastors: R. Batten & I. MacLean 18 a.nt.--Sunday School | 11 a.m.--Morning Worship 7 p.m.--Evangelistic Service Wed., 8 p.m.--Prayer Meeting Have a Problem? --- 985-2420 spent the week-end at* Mr. and I'soft-ball .week vacation in the Western "|'be teaching High School | ton, Ontario, dian hg bey 's vl » 0) Greenbank News The following young girls are holidaying this week at Mr, Nelson's church camp at Rea- boro: Miss Sandy Harper, Helen Phoenix, Jill Stone, Mary Jane Crosier, Kathy Stone, and Jane Ann Stone and Beverley Ferguson. Congratulations to Mrs. and Mr. Frank Lee on the birth of. their new grandson last week, born to George and Isabel Lee of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Beaton Mrs. Ed, Prentice's cottage near Minden, We understand Mr, Russel Till is home from Lindsay Hos- pital and is improving slowly. Valerie" Sweetman has been spending some holidays with her grandparents Roy & Kath- aleen Leask. Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Scott of Oshawa were guests of the Blakley's at the week-end. * 'Ruby Dusty is enjoying the season again, She plays 3rd base for the Sunder- land ball-team in the Twin Counties league. Mrs, Paul Diamond returned home last Friday after a three Provinces. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Frank Wagner of Saint- field on the birth of a little daughter. Our sympathy goes out to Mrs. Don Real and Mrs, J. King on the death-of their fa- ther Mr. W. Taylor of Tyrone last week. The Ross Cookman family at- tended the Hill family picnic in Orillia on Sunday last. - Mrs. Wm. Somerville spent last Tuesday in Toronto with her brother and Mrs. Bagshaw. © Mr. & Mrs. E. Howsam were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan on Sunday. Our village is growing again. Mr. James Ianson has a cellar cultural College Guelph and wil in Delta Secondary School Hamil- 'Mr. r High { two piano instrumentals. dug, as a 'start on their new home in the village. Ashburn Morning worship was well attended in Burn's Church on Sunday, July 17th at 9.30 a.m. Rev. H. M, Buntain chose for his text St. John 16-32. Mrs, | Wm, Hopkins sang a solo. Flowers were placed in the church in memory of the late Fred Stephen by members of his family, Next Sunday, July 24th the ordination of two newly elected elders, Mr. Wm. Gardner and Mr. Hugh Knight will take place. Congratulations to Miss Jud- ith Batten on being chosen as one of the 23 students who tra- velled by train to Estevan, | Sask., as part of a government youth travel scheme to promote better relations among Calite dians, Judith was chosen as a rep- resentative from Anderson St. School, Whitby on her high academic and extra curri- cular merits. A northern Alberta group will visit Oshawa and district on the same exchange basis Aug. 11 - 18, Rev. K, A. and Mrs. Heron, and family, of Petrolia; Mr. & Mrs. Wm. McAndless and fam- ily, of Don Mills; are spending the week at the home of Mr. & Mrs, Edgar Heron. Mr. George Gardner, of Ver-| dun, Manitoba; spent a few days recently with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Gardner. Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Strong, of Pontypool were Friday visit- ors with Mr. 'and Mrs, Nelson Ashton. Mrs. Alfred Fisher was host- ess for the July meeting of the Ladies Bible Class on Wednes- day evening last. Mrs. Harry Lade was guest speaker and Mrs. R. Hedge, both of Myrtle, favoured with : 'F i . $ sctadss Sina IE BRITA FR br uirtaiini sabbath rhsbedesidib io a gs THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1966 kk EEA atin od A PORT PERRY STAR -- 7 Refreshments were served by the lunch committee and a so- cial half hour enjoyed. _. Ronald and Arnold Ashton spent a few days last week with their aunt and uncle Mr. and ERT Mrs, Donald Purdy, at Orange- ville. Misses Hilda and Mary Hop- kins, and Mr, Walter Hopkins attended the funeral of their cousin nat Midland on Saturday. At Norm's, you pay no more FOR QUALITY : Try Us . . . You'll QUALITY ym - be glad you did. GRADE A Chickens 41 BOLOGNA! By The Piece DD wv. LUCAS PORK SAUSAGE 59. Ib. Silverwoods BUTTER 63 | | Chicken Breasts 59 Chicken Legs 3 TOP QUALITY FRESH -- Freeze Orders Dial 985-2562 - NORM. MIDDLETON BUTCHERS and COOKED MEATS Custom Cutting PORT PERRY ve at aly ts ' idole bd bndotaridt nisin ug sn -- ---- For insertion week of July 18 "Supplied by Ontario Safety League, 208 King St. Ww. Toronto 1 ® - EVERY WEEK ELMER IS CCM: BIKES ONE BOY'S ONE GIRL'S FLYTE ACCESSORY KITS Each Kit contains bicycle lock, handle grips, bell, mud flap and streamers. HOW TO ENTER 1 Cut this contest out of paper along dotted lines and color the picture. Or draw a picture that looks like this and color it. GIVING AWAY: "IMPERIAL 7700 FIND THE obey all signs and signals". ~ ture then color it and mail' to address below. YoU Cpl Wil | A FREE BIKE- 'Lots of other dandy prizes too! Enter Elmer's Summer Safety Contest This contest is based on Elmer's rule "Ride your bike safely, Find the seven errors in the plc- W's Funl mn | 3 ERRORS HERE 2 list on separate sheet of - paper the seven things wrong in the picture. 3 Mail contest and list to ad- dress on Entry Form, Don't for- get 40 fill In your namie and address, 4 All entries become the pro-, 6 Any child of elementary \ perty of Elmer the Safety Ele- school age may enter. , phant and cannot be returned. 7.Judges will be Traffic Safety 5 Children of employees of this authorities, Judges' decision Is newspaper, the Ontario Safety final, League and C.CM. ney not enter, Elon, (ah Hl in and mail before JULY 27 fo: ~ Contest No. 1 NAME BERRA RAN ARRAN RRR RN ER EE ER ER EE RRR LY) ELMER c/o ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE ADDRESS . (Town, "or City) FENN ANNNARNRRINR INNS 208 KING STREET WEST AGE EARLE ELEY TELEPHONE SI0000000008 Ast IY Boy ELLE LTT Girl arsenite | TORONTO 1, ONTARIO te iv a en er I Ta INCE in ote Aa ro ee a Ee -- mE a Paar, = -- Ed RAAT A) ia £33 " 18 i: v { NER », De ee ah eo al Sly NY TS Somme ut 2¥. oh - -- a ENA nia iy fd + > fw rare 8 oo fra Yo Le oh, np bo 3G a "eo dow

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