AN' deat bo \ . a. 1 5 Presents Captain With Star Trophy Village councillor and employee of the Star, winner of the Star Trophy at a six team ball ° . Bruce Beare is presenting Gene Hurst, captain tournament on Saturday. of the Lions Club sponsored bantam team, : ° E eo : ° Local Police Chief Issues Warning Three hundred editors and Lo publishers of weekly newspapers | --- 'will méet in Saint John, N.B. next week for the 47th annual convention of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Associa- tion, : Many of the delegates -will bring along their wives and children--more than 80 children were registered at last year's 3 convention--for what is billed as Canada's largest family con- vention. While the convention is-heavy on social activities, a lengthy. schedule of business activities is also planned. Major item of business is the presentation and discussion of the Association's Centennial project while other sessions will be concerned with almost perennial problems of - the smaller newspapers such as rising costs for materials. and mt labor and method of meeting competition which stems from v increased urbanization. Chairman of the convention ~~ The Star Close | For Vacation | i The management & staff bo of the Port Perry Star will take (we believe) a well earned vacation starting on Saturday, July 30th. Consequently, no paper will be published on' August 4th, but work will again re- ne sume at the Star on Tues- day, Augiist. 9th. The next issue of the Star { will be published on the re- ~ gular day of the week, Thursday, August 11th, and BAL it would be greatly appre- ) ciated, if correspondents HE and advertisers will have ' their copy in early, since { the paper will have to be completed in two rather 4 than the usual three days. te Thank you! 00 Publishers Wil Attend Weeklies" 1966 Convention committee is A, C. Anslow of the Cambellton, N.B.; Graphic while current president of the CWNA is Louis McKenna of the Sussex, N.B. Kings County Record. Featured speakers on the program include Theodore A. Serrill, executive vice president of the National Newspaper As- sociation, Washington, D.C.; Col. Victor Oland, and Dr. How- ard Long, head of the Depart- ment of journalism of the Uni- versity of Southern Illinois. The Port Perry police will be clamping down on teenagers who during week end nights use the streets of Port Perry as play grounds. a Chief Cameron has had ») $0 15 Ey * . Ph " Fe rida ake LA =. : Fate ., Feo by LF , TA IOGY i . y . . : HE Lr ere yt EA ' ow * ot pat Ol y A M v TH H : EE lB Re Re a Ln ag A CR {BE CSE A EE SR ox) Fe elev td heidi sicuinilatosiand vs dosh wd wh i'd PORT & PERRY VOLUME 101 The local fire department has | been kept busy during the last few days. No less than four Publish Second Elmer Summer Safety Contest According to a letter from .Ontario Safety League, entries received for the first 1966 Elm- er Safety Contest has been ed. However it is still expected that the winners will be an- nounced in the not too distant future. } The second contest is pub- lished on page 9 in this week's issue of the Star, and again it's a drawing where seven errors appear, which contestants should find and correct. All children in this area, ex- cept children of employees of League and C.C.M. may. enter this contest. The contest is based on Elm- er's "Ride your bike safely, obey all signs - and signals". The big prize is a free bicycle, but other prizes will also be numerous complaints from re- ners playing their radios too loud, singing, yelling or driv- ing cars up and down the street at high, roaring speeds. Mr. Cameron, through the Star is issuing a warning to the teenagers concerned, and that behaviour of this kind will no longer be tolerated. Anyone caught will be charged with dis- turbing the peace, and the law does not.take too kindly to this type of criminal offences. Aldon Smith Is Delegate Hod-H Leadership Week Ontario County's delegate. to the Provincial 4-H Leadership Week. this. year was. Aldon Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Les Smith, R.R. 2, Port Perry. The programme, which is de- signed to recognize the achieve- ments of outstanding 4-H Ag- ricultural Club members from every County and District in the Province, was held 'last week, on the campus at the University of Guelph. Aldon is an active member of the Port Perry 4-H Dairy Calf Club and the Port Perry Lions' 4-H Grain Club, and has served on the executive of both clubs. Aldon has also represented Ont- ario County at two 4-H Inteér- Club Judging Competitions, held annually at Guelph; having judged on a grain team in 1964, Hospital Report Week Ending July 23rd Admissions vive 19 Operations ice. 81° Emergency Treatment .. b BItthE ii innvismrissiinny 2 Deaths. .iniiminnini 21 Discharges ......ccoviiiiivinns 27 Remaining .......iiiiniinn 22 and a dairy team in 1965, The fifty young men who participated in the recent pro- gramme... at... Guelph- received training in various phases of 1éadership. As well, one of the goals of Leadership Week is to create an awareness among the delegates 'of current develop- ments in agricultural production techniques, : The sidents, particularly those Hg is Mond ing on Queen Street about, page nine, groups gathering on street cor- fill in entry for presented to winners, The deadline for contest No. ay, August 3rd. Turn study all the rules, m and send to Ontario Safety League, 208 King St. West, Toronto, Fire Department Kept Busy Bush, Dump Fires, False Gall 'much greater than was expect the Star, the Ontario Safety THURSDAY, JULY 28th, 1966 NUMBER 43 calls were attended to, two of them dump fires and one call was false alarm. On Friday afternoon, a call came, in from Doug Crosier on Scugog. Island, where a fire which had started in a field reached a cedar bush, Due to strong winds and heavy smoke it took about two hours before the firemen had the fire under control. A grain field close by was also saved ' from destruction. * * * -- On Saturday afternoon the firemen were called to the Township dump on Scugog Is- land where some of the rubbish was burning. ' * * * 8 On Monday it took the fire- men more than three hours to extinguish a fire in the Fralick dump 'on Scugog Island. J ® *® Tuesday afternoon the fire- men yshod to the former Night- ingale Re rant north of Port Perry, where supposedly there was a fire in progress. On ar- rival, it was discovered, and not known to the proprietor that a false alarm had been phoned in to the fire department, As far as can be determined, it was a child who gave the message. This is a serious of- fence, and carries a $50.00 fine, and children should be warned in order to avoid similar occur- rences. Guides Attend Summer Camps Local Guides attending Heri- tage camps this summer from Port Perry and area are Bever- ley Carnegie who will attend 'Heritage Camp at Doe Lake and Bev. Hope of Uxbridge who will go to a camp in Quebec. Dur- ing the months of July and Au- gust Heritage camps will be held in seven Caiadian Provin- ces across Canada. Other local Guides attending special camps are Joanne Jack- son and Elizabeth Jefford who will go to Conastoga, Inter Area Camp at Keewayden north of Goderich and June Murray, Provincial Adventure Camp at Doe Lake. = - ed from Prov. International Pioneer Camp at Doe Lake, Some 90 guides attended this camp... The countries studied were Italy, the Netherlands and Japan... On World Day the Guides raised $95.00. for the World Friendship Fund. Chairman Joel Aldred has accepted an invitation from the Port Perry Community Memorial Hospital Trustees, to act as: General Chairman of the Fund Raising Drive for the new Port Perry and District Hospital. A graduate of Port Perry High School, Mr. Aldred mot only has farming interests in the area but is also widely known throughout North Amer ica for his broadcasting and other business interests. Ron cr Leadership programme is arranged by the Ontario De- | partment of Agriculture with the co-operation of the Univer- sity of Guelph. To Compete For Murray Trophy : Saturday, July 30th will be a big day for the local club, The beautiful Murray Trophy | donated by Mr. and Mrs. John | Murray for annual competition will be presented-to the winning | team alongwith individual tro- phies and the usual elub prizes, Despite - the water shortage greens are in good condition, Competition will be keen as. teams are entered from Florida, Oshawa, Cannington and Port Perry. It is hoped the weather man will be kind. Local Grade 12 Students At University Waterloo Lu- University, during a summer session lee'ure break, are (from left) Ardys Winger of Gormley, Lorna Wright of Blackstock, Dianne Wallace of Port Perry, and Steve Naylor of Relaxing in the quadrangle at theran courses. NE SONAR RAR, Woodstock. All grade 12 students, they will be offered admission to the first year of univer- sity on successful completion of two summer Twenty-five grade 12 students were awarded WLU summer scholarships. AFT A Mary 'Nelson has just return- Joel Aldred Sa 1 eT a Co --- ow vi Se ow WP a wow Lu St Se pl RY SE & % A Wa © Ll ed Ww 4 a w _ >, phim, 5% "rr > A ph Sl -e- " x N le me Ls! { Fy a ' Xi 2 gn yp " ST hr Eo: -