- - ~ MONUMENTS Gail Marie Cottyn, Arnold Herman Kerry Wed In Trinity United Baskets of yellow and white shasta mums decorated Trinity United Church on June 26th, 1966 when Gail Marie Cottyn, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cottyn became the bride of Mr, Arnold Herman Kerry, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs, G. Herman Kerry, R.R. 1, Port Perry, Reverend J. Mills per- formed the ceremony, Mrs. Jean Millman was the organist. The Bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a full length gown of faille with pearl applique of lace. The scalloped edge of the flowing train was bordered with lace, Her tiered "illusion veil was held by a pearl headpiece which fel slightly over her forehead. She wore a pearl necklace and ear rings, gift of the groom. She carried a cresent of red roses over a white satin and lace Bible. The maid of honour, Linda Stone, and the Miss and Miss Marlene Mol, friends of the Bride wore iden- tical gowns of turquoise-blue chiffon over taffeta. their shoulders. Wiis completed their outfits. brides- -maids, Miss Georgeen- Burnett all tions, A grace- ful chiffon panel flowed from Wedding ring headpieces held short veils RBS AA 4k . i) a 5 sstdsinidat pci ba mcai dl They carried cascades of yellow shasta mums and wore pearl bracelets, gifts from the bride. The flowes gisl, Miss Donna Kerry, niece of the groom, wore a shont, full-skisted dsess of turquoise chiffon over taffe- ta and carried a nosegay of yellow and white mums, Her brother, Paul Kerry act- ed as ring-bearer in a navy blue blazer and grey troosers. Mr, Walter Kerry was best man for his brother and also sang two selections, "O Perfect Love" and "The Lord's Prayer" doring the ceremony. The ush- ers were Mr, Raymond Kerry, bother of the groom and Mr. Gerald Reader, friend of the groom, The bride's mother soesivid the guests at® the reception in the church hall following the ceremony. She wore a beige lace dress with bone aciessories and a corsage of pink iarna- The groom's mother as. sited in a dress of deep blue embossed brocade. She also wore a corsage of pink.carna- tions. Following tiie reception, a wedding dance was held in Utica Hall where many of the friends of Bride and Groom 'at R.R. 1, Port Perry. joined them in the celebration. The bride wore a light green suit with dark green accessor- ies. Her corsage was of yellow roses. Guests were present from British Columbia, Manitoba, Montreal, London, Collingwood, Oakville. Tillsonburg, Hamilton, Toronto, Oshawa and surround ing communities, The happy couple honeymoon- ed in Northern Ontario. Prior to their marriage, the bride and groom were honoured with a shower given by the communities of Epsom & Utica. The bride was also surprised by a personal shower at the home of Miss Linda Stone, who was assisted by Miss Georgeen Burnett. Mrs. Leonard Nixon was also hostess at her home in Port Perry to friends as the bride was again surprised by a kite chen--shower. ores Her class at Toronto Teach- er's College, also presented her with a crystal vase. The happy couple now resides Your RED CROSS is Serving Today | Ready for Tomorrow BUSINESS DIRECTORY . McPHADEN "INSURANCE 985-2341 Dec./66 EADE'S NURSING HOME Nurse in Attendance Reasonable Rates, Pleasant Surroudings © PHONE 985-2806 DEADSTOCK Ee SERVICE We Pay $1.00 per Cwt. for Dead & Crippled Cattle ~-- More For Horses -- Prompt Service -- BURRETT FUR FARM Phone Long Distance Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) Licence #9--C--82 For Income Tax| & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2, Post Office Building - . Phone 985-7081 Specializing in business and farm operations. INSURANCE BUILDING A NEW HOME? RIMAR ~ MEMORIALS ~~" Phone: 723-1002 ~~ 152 Simcoe South, OSHAWA Dec. 2/66 MACKEY & BAILEY - Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public. 28 Caleb Street PHONE 986-2127 PORT . PERRY, ONT. Dec. / 66 MARKERS MILK COOLER REPAIRS COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION Sales - Service Repairs ACE REFRIGERATION 281 Wilson Road South OSHAWA 728.2452 A.E. Johnson, 0.D. UPTOMETRIST Mary St. 985-2383 Apr./66 @ SPECIAL RATES eo For Homes Under Construction EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED General Insurance 985-7306 Port Perry, Ont. Dec, 81/66 DEAD OR CRIPPLED "FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. ~ Telephone soilects Hampton 263-2721 -MARGWILL FUR FARM © TYRONE License No, 4-C-66 0 Cash on the spot © Mar. 4/67 MOUNTJOY BACKHOE SERVICE TRENCHES and DRAINS . FOUNDATIONS and SEPTIC TANKS Dug & Backfilled Phone BLACKSTOCK 986.4737 Dec. 1 ELECTRICAL Contractor COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC HEATING NO JOB TOO SMALL WE DO THEM ALL TOM SHERWIN Phone 986-4931 Call Collect-- 765-0277 Toronto DUFF ELECTRONICS ADMIRAL TELEVISION SALES and SERVICE Phone 985-7993 or 985-2728 PORT PERRY July / 66 Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Port Perry -- 985-2226" 1.6--FPeb. 28/67 Earl Wallace ROOFING Asphalt Shingles, Rolled "Roofing, Steel and Aluminium Roefing, Eavestroughing of roof work. Apr. - Dec.31/66 WANTED Highest Prices paid according > to size and condition "Phone Zenith 32800 NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECONI & SON LTD. R.R. #2 WOODVILLE Collectors Licence 802-C-65 Reg. Armsirong| 'We-will- contract for all- kinds |- Oshawa Couple Wins Murray Lawn Bowling Trophy Saturday, July 80th was a red letter day for the local lawn bowling club. The beau- tiful trophy donated by Mr. & Mrs, John Murray was com- peted for by teams from Flori- da, Oshawa, Cannington and the local club. Competition - was very keen and each bowler did their very best to be the first ones to have their names engraved on the trophy. After the last bowl had been delivered the scores were tabu- lated. Mr .and Mrs. John Murray assisted the president in pre- senting the trophy to the happy winners. Then: the 'presidents of the club Mr, and Mrs. Roy "|'Hohey presented the individual trophies to the winners who were Mrs, E. Clemence and Jack Biddulph, Oshawa. Second prize winners Mrs. H. Willough- by and George MiPhaden, Port Perry; third winners Mrs. Mae Pice and Jack Hunter, Oshawa; fourth winnes Mr, and Mrs I. Boyd, Port Perry, debted to Mr. and Mrs. Murray for donating such a lovely tro- phy for open annual competi- tion. It is hoped they will be able to assist in the pesentation of this trophy for many years. The loca club is greatly in- PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, AUGUST 11,1966 -- 9 EPSOM NEWS (continued) wedding anniversary Aug. T. Mr. and Mrs, Ray Medd called on Mrs. Mina Blewett at her cottage on Chemong Lake. Ross Bailey arrived home last night from the west where he has been following the fairs for the past six weeks" with 'the E. P. Taylor Cattle, "Mrs, M. Bailey accompanied her sister Mrs. B. Snelgrove to Midland one day recently where they visited relatives Mr, and Mrs. George Russell. Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Haugen and Randy were supper guests Monday with Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Brown and Trudy. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Squelch of Columbus, Mr, and Mrs. Gord-. on Marlin, Miss Linda Martin, Mr, Wm. Wade of Bowmanville and Mr. Pathan of Oshawa were recent dinner guests at the Christie home. Mr. and Mrs. N., Cracknell, Mrs. Jean Neeson, and Mrs. L. Bailey were in Oshawa last Thursday. Mr Walter Bushby of Osh- awa visited his daughter Mrs. Lloyd Brawn on "Sunday then accompanied Mr. and Mrs, Brawn, Trudy and Alpin Chris- tie to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clif- ford Hubbard of Pickering, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wal- ker and Douglas Stewart are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart, Douglas Stewart gave everyone a scare by be- coming very ill. Mr. Lyons made a huried trip at 4 am. to Ux- bridge hospital, but it was-de- cided to take him _on to Tor- onto General later in the day. Douglas is now home from the hospital. We do wish him a complete speedy recovery. Mr and Mrs. Parky Lyons, Darlene and Alan spent several days touring the north. Parky got in a little fishing with fair luck. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rogers of Brooklin, Mr." and Mrs Hugh Rogers of Bowmanville, Mr. & { Mrs Ivan Rogers of Windsor were in the vicinity calling on relatives and friends on Mon- day evening. Mrs. G. Jeffery visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Moore in Osh= awa on Friday. - Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pren- tice have returned from a trip to the west coast and are now visiting his parents Mr. & Mrs. G. Prentice. Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Bradley of Brooklin, Mr and Mrs. Jack 'Hill: of Claremont and Mr. Nor- man Hogg of Brookdale were guests Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. H. Kerry. Mr. and Mrs. Don Russell of Toronto were supper guests one evening recently with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Kerry. Feb, 4/66 FOR ANY OF Insurance ( Needs Do it the Co-opérative Way Co-Operators Ins, Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle © 655-4882 We Are 'Overstocked 5 ¥ in ' ob ; ' v TAR A 3 Twat DEE NS - Cin Se nl Na og = aC Ra er -- A yo