1h MEE AY {Oss SIREL eure v : EET ASI NEAR MAD ie Rei fain Sesh rr WS mn ~ 7 dN w FIGS Be et SPE A "re >a Rl PER ENG SAI I TR CL ee. "the Scripture from 8 - PORT PERRY STAR - THURSDAY, AUGUST=I1, 1966 wd Bd wb debi va aie Manches The ladies of the UCW held their regular August meeting at the home of Mrs. Bernice Dob. son last Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Dobson gave the call te worship and hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth" was used followed by prayer. Mrs. Allan Jackson gave a very fine read- ing, the theme, "The Beauty of the Earth", Mrs. Dobson read Matthew, Chap. 5, In the temporary absence of Pres. Mrs. Croxall, Mrs. Aletha Holtby presided for a short business session. She welcom- ed all present, seventeen mem- bers and three visitors, Mrs. Lamb reported $183.22 received from bake sales up to July 29. - The bake sales will continue each Fiday through August. Plans are under way to paper the interior of the church. The date of the annual bazaar was set for Wednesday, Sept. 28th, " Thé September meeting will be at Mrs, Herb. Toombs. Mrs. Jackson gave an amus- ing reading "The Old Wooden Tub". The meeting closed with Ode & Prayer. While Mrs. Dob. son prepared to serve a delici- ous lunch Mrs, Jackson con- ducted rather an amazing con- test "What have you in your purse." All enjoyed a social after- noon, Collection $5.25. i Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Roberts and Mrs. Frances Hutehison en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Gordon King; Mr. and Mrs. James Hutchisgn and Mrs. E. M. Lati- .mer over the holiday week-end. Mr. and Mrs, A. H. Mitchell, Ottawa, spent the holiday week- "end with his parents here. Mrs. Proctor of Oshawa vi- sited her sister-in-law Mrs. Roy | 4 Dobson last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Battae of Kitchener were week - end guests at the Mitchell home. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts will stay ter News are on vacation in England. Mrs. Crosier and Mrs, Meta Holtby enjoyed a trip to see the King family at O'Keefe Centre last week. Mr. and Mrs, Harley Johnston and Dianne of Welland are va- cationing at his parents home here. Harley will be teaching in a high school in Welland. Mrs. Wanninkhof entertained a number of little folk on the occasion, of Jackie's birt Te -- Mrs, W. J. Mitchell visited in Guelph last Wednesday. Mr. Paul Kroes with two boy friends visited the former's re- latives in Holland last week, & are now on a three week tour of Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Art Vander- voort and Joanne are in Holland with relatives for a month's vacation, Mrs. W. S. Taylor and daugh- ter, Stouffville visited her mo- ther, Mrs. Crosier on Sunday. " Miss Eunice Roach, and Miss Jill Cranley, Aurora spent the week-end at Guelph and attend- ed the Highland Game at Fer- gus. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs. L. Best who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on Saturday. 'See The New UNDERWOOD fourth We realize that brevity would be appreciated by the Star Staff th week so will try to co-operate. Here is some of last week's news. Mr, and Mrs, Eagleson's sale of surplus furnishings was very much a success, The lunch sale was also well patronized. Mrs. Tristram took her parents back to Toronto with her for a few days rest. . The S. S. picnic at Geneva Park was also counted a suec- cess, There were about 75 pre- sent, As there were no ball games during the week, players Gord- on McMillan & Bill Wanamaker with some boy friends spent several days touring Eastern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Williams & family of Goderich have return- ed home after their visit to the Moons, Mr. Jim Bertrand of St. Therese, P, Q. had a short visit with his parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Bertrand during the week. Mr. and Mrs, E. Dregar and Mrs. Watson spent the holiday week-end at the family home. Miss Louie King of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs, B. Wanamaker, 'Mr. and Mrs. G. Wanamaker and daughter spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs Gordon Moase at their summer home, ° We congratulate Gene Hurst captain of the Bantam team which won the tournament. That was quite a natural Pigters of Gene. Church and S. S. had the usual reduced summer attend- ance. Mr. McNeil conducted the worship service. At S. S 3 members of one family had birthday offerings-- Darlene, Frannie. and Teddy Watts. Others were Kenneth Imrie and Mrs. Cliff Short, Boy solist for the day was Larry Short who sang "Father while Mr, and Mrs. Mitchell PORT PERRY STAR | SEE at Th SH FP TAS BRO dN TL Ig SF BH TA AN CRRA aan SEAGRAVE NEWS ». a . & AAR * LY oH little fresher. The community was shocked to hear of the very sudden death on Saturday of Mr. Or- ville Boe who passed away while his friend .Bert Wana- maker was driving him to hos- pital. The sympathy of their many friends is extended to Mrs. Boe and the family, Clifford Moon left on Sunday for a bus tour of the west. This is an expense-paid trip which Clifford earned by stand- ing first in his class last year at P.P.H.S. Mr and Mrs. W. Tristram drove Mr, and Mrs, Eagleson to the Cobourg district on Satur- day to visit some cousins. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sturman and family and Mrs, Sturman's parents, Mr and Mrs. C. Rowan of Bethany are spending a few days sight-seeing and visiting here and there. } Mr and. Mrs. B| Wanamaker visited 'with friends in Halibur- ton on Sunday. Mrs. Grose is staying with her sister Mrs, Garlick in Toronto at present. Mr and Mrs. Belair and Mrs. Clements spent Sunday in Ham- ilton with Mr, and Mrs. W. My chie. The last two Veaime games were won by the Sonya Braves who are again league champ- ions. Congratulations. 'All church and S.S. services are withdrawn for August but we have an invitation to attend at Greenbank any or all of the Sundays. We Thank Thee" and did it well, Now for mews which is a For insertion week of August 8 ® EVERY WEEK ELMER IS GIVING AWAY: 4 am IMPERIAL "700" BIKES ONE BOY'S ONE GIRL'S FLYTE ACCESSORY KITS Each Kit contains bicycle lock, handle grips, bell, "mud flap and streamers. HOW TO ENTER 1 Cut this contest out of 'paper along dotted lines and color the picture, Or draw a picture that looks like this and color it. FIND THE Lots of other dandy prizes too! This contest is based on Elmer's rule "Look both ways before you cross the street". then color it and mail to address below. Find the seven errors in the picture It's fun or] ERRORS HERE | Enter Elmer's Summer Safety Contest | + 3 Mail contest and list to ad- 2 list on separate sheet of poper the seven things wrong in the picture, ~ * dress on Entry Form, Don't for- get to fill in your name and address. 4 All entries become the pro perty of Elmer the Safety Ble. phant and cannot be returned. 5 Children of employees of this newspaper, the Ontario Safety league and C.C.M, may not enter, 6 An schoo! final. 7 Judges will be Traffic Safety authorities. Judges' decision is child of 'elementary age may enfer. Elmer Fill in and mail before AUGUST 17 fo : c/o ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE 208 KING STREET WEST TORONTO 1, ONTARIO Contest No. 4 MERA A YP TT IR IRI TIT TI IIIT I IIIT A PN PrP RP LRTI IIIT IIIT Py (Town or City) TELEPHONE TY ITTY LALLY Boy . Perna "| visited Mr and Mrs. On Thursday evening about 40 persons enjoyed a bus trip to Oshawa,sponsored: by our W.I. They toured Parkwood, the R. S. McLaughlin estate, and had the privilege of meeting Mr. McLaughlin and being shown through his beautiful home, Congratulations to Keith Phoenix who has just returned from a week in Manitoba. This is a 4-H club Centennial trip, Keith being a delegate repre- senting Ontario County. by the death of Mr. Gordon Blair on Sunday, July 31st. Gordon was a lifelong resident of Greenbank and will be great. ly missed, Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Blair of Sudbury attended the funeral of their uncle, Dr, John McArthur of Blackstock, and also visited Mr. and Mrs. George Beaton. Mrs. Almer Rennie and Mrs, 'George Beaton visited friends at Fairview one day last week. A very pretty wedding took place in Greenbank United Church on Saturday, August 6, when Miss Marion Pogue was united in marriage to Mr. Mi- chael Hoyles of Scarborough. Mr. & Mrs. Archie Empring- ham, Murray and Miss Pat Hun- ter attended a wedding in Secar- borough last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Phoenix and Miss Jean Phoenix attend- ed the wedding of Miss Brenda Phpenix to Mr. Wayne Wallace at Burlington on Saturday. Miss Susan Hood has been en- joying some holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard McMillan. Mr. and Ms. Norman Smith Armour McMillan on 'Sunday. Our community was saddened Mr, and Mrs, Armour MeMil- Greenbank News lan have just returned from their western trip. Miss Kathy Cookman has just returned from an extended visit in the west. " Decoration services will be held at Bethel Cemetery on Sun. day, August 21st at 2.30 p.m, Rev. McNeil of Seagrave will be the speaker. We are sorry to hear that Miss Olive Real is in hospital again in Port Perry. Mr, and Mrs, Tom Allen (for- merly Miss Alina Lee) is visit- ing at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phoenix's here in the village. Denise Dusty is visiting for a few days with Marlene Thompson of Newmarket. Mr, and Mrs. Murray Smith visited at Mrs. George Till's on Sunday. Terry, Mark and Scott How- sam visited their grandparents, Mr. and Ms. Jim Lee last week. ~Our village is expanding with three new houses being built this summer. Mr. and Mrs, Everett Love and Mrs. Harold Werry of Osh- awa visited Mrs. Alice Phoenix | last week. Mr and Mrs, Robert Baird spent 10 days at Holiday House on Lake Simcoe, oo Bonnie and Malcolm McEa- chern are holidaying at Fred Phoenix's. YOUR RED CROSS IS SERVING TODAY BUILDERS' -- ~ LUMBER - - 'SUPPLIES RR wo oy a TOP QUALITY MATERIAL 'FOR YOUR BUILDING NEEDS OUR PRICES ARE ALL 'QUOTED ON A ~ DELIVERED BASIS. - Reesor Fuel & Lumber Phone 985-7951 ; PORT PERRY 3 Gents -- Shirts. DAN -- AT CLUB ANNRENE MOST MODERN DANCE HALL IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO 2 Sime Safe Sie Slee Safe | CING LAKESIDE BEACH on Lake Scugog at Scugog Island Saturday -- (Adults Preferred) Music by BILL BACKWELL COMBO v Ladies -- No Slacks or Shorts. § Gents -- Cage', Friday -- (Teenagers) Girls -- No Slacks or Shorts. Phone 985-2751 Owned and Operated by PHIL GORESKI. TA Highway across the Causeway, East of Port Ferry and turn North at Couniy B Road No. 7, PORT PERRY