£ ALA fis is > (3 8 sh x ; * 4 {3 i ' ky ' ) 1 va ag hd 'y AULAMES SSS haus - dealin ---- lion 4 AIEHGE 7} " ko sh la Sechrest il 7] Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Midgley PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, AUGUST 25, 1966 -- 9 7s dd n C e S te r N Eo Ww S ip Jo wr Ves 'Lawrence ' ¥1 ldgley an aby daughter > o The U.C.W. will hold their | sier. visited. i. and irs, Norman| S€€ The New G reen b cn k N ews Jp Lg regular meeting on Thursday, The S. S. had a very enjoy- Meek, Sandford on Sunday. 4, Sept, 8th at the home of Mrs, | able picnic at Wells Spring Larry and Kim returned home Several of our Junior Farmers Miss Margaret Beaton visit- rn Annie Toombs. Park, Greenbank. The usual |W}! them after a holiday with UNDERWOOD were visiting members of Perth | ing with Mr. and Mrs. George 2A Congratulations to Miss Su- | bounteous lunch, a fine program their aunt Carol Mesk, County Junior Farmers as an | Beaton on Thursday. fe san Roach who passed Grade |of Sports under Mr. Teskey's Mr, "aud Mrs, David. Dela exchange group on the week-| Mr. Harry McMillan and ' 13 at Port Perry High School. | supervision and the swimming | "Orth and Jimmy of Port Cre- end, touring Perth County, and | Gail, of New York, calling on id Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Stevens | pool contributed to a happy out dit were guests of his aunt Mrs, stopping at Stratford and other | his brothers Howard and Arm- hy i were on vacation last week. ing. ay i 2 Neng Mss points of interest. our last week. NON Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCartney, : tors wi r, | Mrs. Rachael Clark of Manil- Mrs. Fred Phoenix, Earl, Jim, j & Wy ay 21s: Suns api Gail, Danny and Billie, were in 2 Syn Nom ig Gayle la visited Mrs. Alice Phoenix | and Helen spent the week-end 4 home they recently purchased Otig wa on the week-end with r ne S. oll, T I" Md Lo 98 Gay aaNet. WIA 1 950 Ms Dar-Dells ; fiom. Mr Tock: Withertooen their daughter Mrs. Arthur go owe 3 POI : Mr, and Mrs. Ernie Kent vi- | at their cottage in Haliburton. Jig We weleciic Hie: Clits family Tippett and family, Barbara & & th an SA ia Jackson sited friends here on Thursday.| Mr. and Mrs. Risebrough of hi toh a Mary returned home after a herr gue rs, Isaac Snell, Mr, 'and Mrs. Robert Baird | Sandford visiting on Sunday 4 ' ge. Month's vacation Ii Ouawa. Bowmanville attended Church attended the wedding of their | with their daughter and tonlly, HH da Roy Dobson spent a - on Sunday and were dinner great niece, Miss Karen Um-| Mrs. Gordon Blair. 4 hd 0, od heii with Oshawa Eons A) Mr. Ji) Mrs. Law Gusts of Mr. and Mrs. Josh phrey to Ivan Goodhand at Last Thursday, Mrs. N. Smith Ge! Mr and Me BW Cotdar | a pa e week-en obson, Cannington on Saturday. of Uxbridge, entertained Mrs. ie : 2 Th, We » ML, rs. James Scott Miss Marie Few, Miss Olive | Wm. Graham, Mrs. Rae Godfrey de and Mr. Clark Harrison, Tor- | and family of Appsley, Mr. and a" ! Loti mily of Appsley, . a RED CROSS PORT PERRY STAR Emery from Toronto and Mrs.| Mrs. A. Couves and Mrs. A. 0, onto, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Tay- | Mrs. Geo. Merchant, Gaspé and Will Holtby of Manchester, at| McMillan 4A . lor and daughter, Stouffville, | Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Best of IS ALWAYS THERE and Mo 7. Sharoe's Web| Mr. and Mrs. Turner Ash 9 . were recent guests of Mrs, Cro- | Sudbury. WITH YOUR HELP : y Yo 0ATDSS Ye Pond Tors, umes Dapen. WY he Ap. nesday. hurst of Uxbridge visited Mr. RE and Mrs. Armour McMillan: on RAN Friday evening. aT A ; Mrs. Walter Phoenix and I) -- a = girls spent last week in the - pA 3 : village. Vir . ; Miss Valerie Sweetman of we . : Port Perry at Mr. and Mrs. Roy He | Leask's last week. - ARE : Lr A good crowd attended dec- fa D R Y. G Oo oO DS oration service in Bethel Ceme- 18 KQ & a Ta BN af : tery on Sunday. Church service ay a a I S / ; '| will be held at the usual time 1) . | | | / next Sunday. hy : hd ; . °o 2 5% Tuesday Morning Tuesday Morning As hburn ir August 30 | . ; Ia ugust A t 30 N i 3 ug ; | AUGUST J ews i : Er R = EEE -- Lo | Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron were: Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dale and fa- mily of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. - - Walter Reynolds and family of " Set . : Ancaster; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. i . 'McAndless and family of Don i . ay 'fl | Mills, Robt. and Lenore Mec. k rr . : ~ Andless and Patricia Reynolds : : remained for a week and attend- : . ; ed Vacation Bible School, (| (| (| Mrs. H. Doble spent the week N | J : } ] J j i | end with relatives in Sunder- | : () / : ) J ) land. $10,000 In Quality Merchandise To Be Sold At Clearout Prices! Buy it NOW, while a lot of our Summer, Fall and Winter Lines go for HALF PRICE and LESS x DRESSES "x COATS x BLOUSES % BABY GOODS "% GIRLS' and BOYS" WEAR - x NIGHT WEAR +x MEN'S * MEN'S - x MEN'S SUITS COATS SHIRTS Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Donald Purdy at Orangeville. Jimmie and Scott spent last week -at a cottage at Fishtail Lake. Clifford Walsh, of Sutton; spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Gard- house of Malton, called on Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Ashton last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Cruick- shank, and daughter Anne, of Stellarton, Nova Scotia returned home last week after spending ten days with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Ashton. Mrs. Gordon Fisher, of Pick- ering spent the week-end at her home here. Mrs. Russell Batten is at the | Crusader Bible Camp this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron, daughter Mary and Miss Peggy * x SKIRTS . x CORSETS and BRAS * MEN'S SWEATERS || Graham spent tho, weskond + SWEATERS x SLIPPERS * MEN'S P ANTS at their cattage at Stokes Bay. ' - DUSTERS * BOOTS * SHOES * Save Money on all Your BACK-TO-SCHOOL Needs *----] Sir SALE DOMINION] SALE VICTORIA and GREY TRUST Guaranteed Investments. Interest is payable half yearly or may . be left to compound Mrs. John Hopkins, Sharon; Emmerson =~ Insurance i Agency LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone 985-7306 Starts | Tuesday Morning August 30 Starts pry GOODS Tuesday Morning U X n w . oO GC E August 30 | ~ 'pyone 852-3633