| Classifield Advertising Rates For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, etc.--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢. In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line verse, Addtional four lines, .25¢. _ Billing charge of 25¢ if not paid by Friday following publication. Classified display $1.00 per column inch. Other rates on request. Telephone -- 985-7383 Open daily, Menday through Friday, 9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m. Closed aH day Saturday. CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 pm. TUESDAY IN MEMORIAM _ CARD OF THANKS RISEBROUGH -- In loving memory of our dear mother and wife, Allaurien Kight who pass- ed away August 28th, 1962, God took her home, it was His will, But. in our hearts we love her still, ~ Her memory-is as sweet today As in the hour she passed away. Always remembered by husband Tom and family SUGGITT--In loving memory of a dear husband and father Allan Suggitt who passed aw ay August 26, 1962. Happy memories fond and true From us who thought the world of you. Lovingly remembered by wife Gladys and family TAYLOR--In loving memory of our son, brother and uncle Robert Taylor who passed a= way August 25th, 1961. There is a family who misses you, > And finds time long since you went, We think of vou daily and hourly, . But try to be brave and content. Tears that we shed are in silence, And we breathe a sigh of regret For you were ours and we "remember, Though all the world forget. Sadly missed but always remembered by mother & dad. sister Jean, brother-in-law Bruce & nieces & nephew CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this op- portunity of thanking my friends, relatives and UCW for cards, gifts and flowers during my stay in Port Pery Hospital. Special thanks to the nurses & staff and Dr. M. B. Dymond, Dr. Kandel, Dr. McIntyre. Mrs. Lloyd Wakeford. ~T would like to say thanks to friends and neighbours for their kindness 'and for the cards and gifts during my stay in hospital. Wm, Stewart We wish to take this opport- tunity to thank all of our friends, neighbours and relatives for all the lovely gifts & cards received on the occasion of our - twenty-fifth anniversary. A special thank you to the people - who supplied the music for dancing and also the ladies who served the lunch, Everything was very much appreciated. Dennis & Mildred Thompson We wish: to thank our friends and neighbours of the Seagrave Community, for the very happy evening we enjoyed as a fare- well get together. After forty- nine years we regret the ne- cessity to move. However we leave a lot of our hearts and Thanks interest in Seagrave, so much for the beautiful gifts and the good fellowship. Sincerely Herb & Mabel Eagleson We wish to extend our thanks to the Port Perry Hospital staff to friends & relatives for cards and visits, for floral tributes .& messages of sympathy, in the lose gfour-father. Victor & Marjorie Aldred Alan '& Frances Aldred | COMING EVENTS BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lea- gue, FRIDAY, ,AUG. 19th, at 8:15 p.m. Jackpot $190.00. Lucky door prize and raffle. - BLACKSTOCK FAIR Plan to attend Blackstock Fair AUGUST 27th. Parade 12.30. Ladies exhibits, live stock, horse races, etc. Dance at night, Roy Godfrey's Orchestra, Oshawa, For prize list or fur- ther information contact--Mrs. Gerald Kelly, Blackstock. Aug. 25 PORT PERRY MINOR HOCKEY CLUB DANCE Saturday, September 24th at Legion Hall. Admission $3.00 couple. Dancing 8 to 12 p.m. LEGION SOCIAL NITE SAT, AUG. 27th Downstairs Clubrooms GAMES and DANCING 'Fun For All, No Admission Members and Guests Only LUNCH SERVED DANCE--Fireman's 6th Annual Ball, Sat.; Sept. 17th, 1966, at Reg's Marina, Caesarea, - by Caesarea Fireman's Association. 9 p.m. to 12 p.m. Sept.10 NOTICE TURKEY SUPPER, Port Perry United Church, Wednesday, September 28th, 1966. Two settings 5.30 and 6.30 p.m, Tickets available from the mem- bers of the U.C.W. Adults over 12 yrs, $2.00. Children $1.00 and Pre-School Children free, EUCHRE, Saturday, August 27th, at 8 p.m. Oddfellows Hall, sponsored by Maybelle Rebekah Lodge. Admission 50c, Prizes and Lunch. BIRTH ELFORD--Murray and Linda (nee Bray) wish to announce the birth of their son Randy Steven, 8 lbs., 9 oz. Saturday, August 19th, 1966, at Oshawa General Hospital. Many thanks to the Brooklin doctors, Medical Centre Staff, Brooklin and 4th floor nurses. BIRTH TO RENT WANTED WORK WANTED KELLY -- Gerald and Joyce (nee Graham) happily announce the birth of their daughter Eleanor Marie, on August 18th, 1966 at Port Perry Hospital. A sister for Elizabeth, JAMIESON--Audrey & James are very happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Heather Elaine, 6 lbs., 8% ozs. on Mon- day, August 1st, 1966 at Com- munity Memorial Hospital, Port Perry, A sister for Lloyd and Donald. Thanks to Dr. S. P. Kandel and nursing staff. FOR SALE . GORD'S MARINE MERCURY OUTBOARD Sales & Service Winter Storage & Overhauls TEST DRIVE The Hus-Ski-Snow Traveller, CLAREMONT -- PH. 640-2007 Boats, Motors and Trailers Terms --- Trades ~ Jan. 23/66 OFFICE EQUIP.--Typewriters, Adders, Cash Registers, Desks, Chairs, Filing Cabinets. Terms, Trades, New, Used, Rentals, Service. BILL HAMILTON, Raglan. NEW & USED Vaccum Clean- ers and floor polishers. Phone 985-7704. Aug. 26 HOMART F.A. Oil Furnace, good condition, complete with air ducts, 200 gal. tank, humidi- fier, Honeywell control and wir- ing and switch, Price $300.00. Phone 985-7958, Port Perry Ont. Aug. 25 RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Chicken Bar-B.Q; Soda fountain large fridge; deep fryer; food warmer; garage equipment; Roofing tools; Pipe fitting tools Putt golf games set; small dish washer; Prefab Cottage, 20 x 28. 986-4200. Aug. 26 BUILDING Lot on paved road close to school. Phone 985-7830. HEAVY DUTY range, condition, light = and Phone 986-4354. timer, 30° TV Tower installed $39.50. Tower, heads installed $69.50." Port Perry TV 217 Queen St., Port Perry. 985-2265 T.F. CHESTERFIELD and Chair, 2 Coffee Tables, telephone table, Phone 985-2194. PEACHES--there will be deli- veries of peaches in this area. We have taken over Ken Wood- ward's - route. August 25th. Please order early. Lawrence Morrison, Blackwater, Phone Manilla 15-R-121. TYPEWRITERS for students, office. Models & Portables, reconditioned, 1 yr. Guar. $39. Filing Cabinets, like new, 2 Drawer $24. Four Drawer $40. Bill Hamilton, Raglan T.F. 'HEINZMAN Upwrite- Grand Piano, Terry Roto Tiller, Alu- minum Boat, 9.8 Mercury Motor Heavy Lawn Roller, Fire Place Screen, Small Air-Gompressor, Telescope, Red Chesterfield, Chair, Tri-Lite Lamp, Chord Machine, Rug, Mirror, Music Stand, Single Bed & Mattress, Bill Hamilton, Raglan, 985-7160. Sept. 1 LOST 2 YEAR OLD Hereford Steer, strayed from 12th concession of Reach. Phone 985-7511, good { 40' Heavy Duty Galvanized TV | A complete with double | § ~Jubilees- start || Organ, Tape Recorder, Sewing 3-BEDROOM Bungalow in Port Perry. Aluminum storms and screens throughout. This house is immaculate and can hardly be told from mew. $100.00 per month, Call Dave Enge at Whitby 668-5951, 9-6 week-days only. Aug. 25 FURNISHED ROOM for work- ing girl, downtown, Write P.O. Box 411. MODERN one bedroom apart- ment, electric heating, separate entrance. Adults only. Phone 985-2239. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE, wanted between Port Perry and Oshawa for couple with 6 school. aged children. Phone 985-7603. 3 BEDROOM. House in Port Perry or vicinty. Phone 725- 5268, Oshawa. Harry McKee, 309 Guelph St., Oshawa, Ont. 3 BEDROOM House or similar, Port Perry or vicinity, reason- able. Phone 985-7623, 1 "HELP WANTED SECRETARY for Law Office. ence. Reply in writing to Box No. 25, Port Perry Star, stating age, education, experience and qualifications. tory. Mechanical ability an asset, 40 hr. work week. Apply in Person, Canadian H. W. Gossard Company, Port Perry, MEN for harvesting Christmas Trees, beginning September 16. Apply Joe's Esso Station, Enni- skillen. Phone 263-2359. Sept. 8 A WOMAN to do domestic work about 1% days per week, 985- 7188. EA) --_-- ~ HOME HELP WANTED Three half days weekly. Adult household. Phone 985-2539. | interior & exterior. Preferably with office experi-| MAINTENANCE Man for fac-| RUGS and upholstery to clean. Phone 985-7704. Aug. 2b A USED 12 gauge pump shot- gun in good condition, Phone 985-2076. WORK WANTED ROOFING and sidings, chim- neys built & repaired, Concrete and Carpentry work. Workman- ship guaranteed. R.R. 1 Burke- ton. E, French. 986-4243. PAINTING -- both outside and inside painting required. Tony Marks. 985-2577. T.F. CLIPPER --BLADES--Sharpen- ing & repairs. Cattle clipper blades sharpened $1.00 pair Sheep blades--b50¢ pair, 24 hr service--work guaranteed. Cattle CHpper Service 87 First Ave. Box [90 Uxbridge, Ont. PAINTING and DECORATING Guaran- teed work, free estimates. Phone 985-7626. Walter Pike. TF. Jim Duncan CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishing Ph. 852-3891 Uxbridge Free Estimates FULTON MRS. MARIE TAYLOR, R.M.T. A.R.C.T. Organ, A,R.C.T. Piano Registered Teacher Of Piano, Singing, Pipe organ Form in Composition History, Harmony Counterpoint, Rudiments Pedagody, Viva Voce PHONE 985-2236 Aug. 18 - Sept. 8 SST Shifts YOUNG LADY WANTED FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK Must be neat and accurate with figures. permanent position with the usual benefits. Apply to Box No. 27, Port Perry Star a SHEP This is a FOR Shrubs Geoff. Taylor, Plants, Pedigreed Trees ~ (Strongest and fastest growing trees in their varieties) | DELIVERY INCLUDED IN PRICE Planting and Landscaping can be Arranged SALE Trees Phone 985-2494 Responsible Person: Wanted For BOOKKEEPING and GENERAL OFFICE WORK -- Some TYPING REQUIRED "Apply in writing, giving qualifications, age, experience, wage expected and references, to CHALET FARMS LTD. PORT PERRY Sept. 22 VIOLIN LESSONS Parents interested in giving their children violin lessons on Saturdays from September un- til June, Please phone 985.2690. Sept. 1 LATHING CONTRACTOR Insulation, Lathing, Dry Wall, Roofing; Phone 985-2265, Free Estimates. T.F. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY GREEN MAGIC PLANT FOOD LTD. OFFERS \ EXCLUSIV E FRANCHISES Sales and merchandising training provided. Succ- essful applicants to supply own transportation and storage. Reply in writing giving full particulars and references to Box 69, BROWNSVILLE, ONT. MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN I will loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose, providing you are steadily em- ployed and have good credit. Telephone 985-7537 or Oshawa 723-4631, Aug. 31 THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE § announces the opening of the -- FALL TERM on TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Nine Day School Courses from 'Which to choose. Job placement Service for Graduates. College is approved for Student Loans, Individual Instruction 29 years' Experience in Train- ing Young People. Get your Copy of "Training For Res. ponsibility in Business" Register Now -- Enrolment is Limited. Telephone: 725-3375 10 Simcoe St. North Clip and Mail Coupon for full details--No Obligation. Name DP PT PY PTT PP BOATS. iin nisms ifisiin Grade ............ Age coon. Sept. 1 Housewives THIS IS FOR YOU A Special Course especially for housewives is being offered at the : OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE EL : Attend half days -- Choice of Subjects. Get FREE Literature Register Now. Telephone 725-3375. Start Monday, SEPTEMBER 12, 1966 Evening Classes Commence TUES. SEPT. 13 Classes are held every TUES- DAY and THURSDAY 'evening 7.00 to 9.00 p.m. Choice of Subjects Get FREE Literature Register Now Classes For Shiftworkers Enrolment in all these classes is Limited -- Act Now 10 Simcoe Street, North . C. Barnett, Principal REAL ESTATE ~~ FOR SALE FOR SALE--Excellent building lot on Scugog Island not far from lake, 110 ft. frontage by 200 feet deep. Phone 985-7709. Aug, 25 oe « " 13) o v)