" gp ! FR er A MES vi 4 3 Lt A AERP SFL Bt (at 7 LAE FORO] rer 2 EL NO™ 0 a Cg Nk 4 4 x § LAs Noe Seta ty We SAS. Coin ett A VN J oN Yo sth YEN Y BY VEE ary Ser wl . ¥ Fan ts Ih OE ree TL by ATPL CEST Tr Ee a a ELT i re 3 AF BE Ra ie 4 ' Af of « . pipe GLEE baie v . » EAL ons ne RT : i. Fine 2 i ¥ A Pd SRP ud aA A Piel 4 2 ed & Ebi atint ot A rte 3 1 anion Aids he b dian indatate dai ches EE Ne ama I. HA row ara v in existence in Port Perry for nearly a year and a half. Many are aware of this fact, many are not. The majority of peo- ple, we fear, don't know quite what to make of us. This is a letfer of introduc- tion. We call ourselves the PACE- MAKERS. The PACEMAK- _ ERS, at the present, consist of ten members. This is a small group but we like it like that. We're 'all friends and it does- n't get out of hand. . Our cars may be identified by plaques attached to the rear license plates. Since these plaques (Black with silver let- tering) are being confused with similar plaques belonging to members of various other car- clubs from surrounding areas, we have changed our lettering [is frowned upon by the public. We knew this when we initially formed the PACEMAKERS. It is extremely difficult for an auto-club to keep a good public image; any good we do is soon over-looked, any bad we do is exaggerafed. However, we are trying our best to be good, re- sponsible drivers and an asset to the community. For example: We have our own demerit point system con- sisting of eight points for the duration of a year. A member may lose up to 'two points or more for an offence such as squealing the tires or just gen- erally driving in a manner ob- livious to public safety. If the full eight points are lost with- in that year a fine of five dol- lars is levied, the next time. it . doubled. "At "each club- petus to good driving a small trophy is given at the end of the year to the member having lost the least amount of these demerit points, If one of our members is fined for speeding or otherwise by an officer of the law an ad- ditional one-quarter of that fine must be paid to the club. This money and also our monthly club dues goes into our club bank account at the Royal Bank to be used for vari- os club endeavours such as or- ganized trips, parties, or dan- ces. . We are deadset against drink- ing while driving and a member will be immediately ousted -for a reoccurance of this offence. All cars must be kept in sound mechanical condition. back us one hundred per cent We sincerely hope that this letter will change a few opin- TE we shall continue to observe the rules of good driv- ing. ~--The' Pacemakers AT REST TUMMONDS, John Earl -- Suddenly at the Community Hospital, Port Perry on Thurs., Sept. 8th 1966, Earl Tummonds, beloved . husband of the late Myrtle Medd, dear father of Inez (Mrs. B. Riegle) of Buf- falo, loving grandfather of Kyra, Elyse, and Gene, also survived»--by 2 great-grand- children, dear brother of Sa- muel A. Tummonds of Port Perry and the late William E. 'Tummonds, in his 75th year. Service was from the Chapel of McDermott-Panabaker, Port: "Elsie for UTICA NEWS A pleasant evening was en- joyed in Utica Hall Saturday, Sept. 10th when over - 150 guests gathered to honour the newly weds Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilbur. They were presented with a Record Cabinet and Lamp from Utica Community, relatives and many friends Ralph will always be remem- bered for' his work in the church, hall and community and her kindness in the medical centre. We all wish them a happy married life. : es ry PORT PERRY STAR - 7 Ins THURSDAY, SEPT. 15, 1966 i _ " a HILLTOP i gL % i [ (Ba HERALD 3 " gh The first day of the school Ko year at any institution for edu- ACH cation is by nature one. of gilt questions, But for the stud- 5 ¥ ents and staff of Port High, WUE w Tues., September 6th dawned (4g) a day full of queries. And with (2 the questions were many rum- din oured anwers, Pe Indeed with an enrolment of : over 600 students, and no new SF V facilities visibly prepared, Port 00 Perry High School appeared to thd teem with teenagers. A re- Bg cord number of 104 students, Rona requiring two buses, travel Ads each day to the Uxbridge Se- Ake condary High School. Yet still 5% dg . at home classes took place in a lunch rooms and efttrance halls RS while workmen laboured furi- Bt - ously to complete five desper- 3 S ately needed rooms. These Briss a ) : Shia aa fh a © | were hastily prepared for Wed= Rar Th : 3 ; ; . Iq . nesday afternoon, although the wea e letter printed below this picture is from a habits are concerned. Front row: Ralph Nottingham, Doug. Scott, Jim cativent walls rotlocted: Bittle ED » group of young Port Perry men, all members of a There are 10 members of the club, and nine of Gibson and George Bright. The 10th member, wainth oop the: thitiAdvo us 5) motor club called the Pacemakers. After reading them are seen above with their cars. Back row Rick Prentice was absent when the picture was ed he . HE, the letter, we became quite impressed with their fine from left to right: Larry Davidson, Dennis Dawson, taken. , Yor of eoustryetion little sor Ber ; top : . thos ; ; : clusion. These new rooms still Hie public spirit and high ideals as far as driving Chris Mumford, John Thompson and Joe Timms. i ET oi ; : HEED present the problem of longer ig class changes so that it has eed Th Aj A C i A d Py Dri H bi Tf been necessary to lengthen elr ims re our eous n roper riving a | S their time and subsequently Si There has been an auto-club A clubs are generally, another member. As an im- good thing and that they will ions us for the better. Bolg sehbol until 3.05 pa..- Ag the buses depart at 3.40, the students are unable to enjoy an activity period. This is, of course, on a temporary bases only. . If, however, the school encounters further difficulties the school board has authorized use of a shift system. It is sincerely hoped that this in- convenience will not be neces- sary. Through all the 'confusion, school activities still persist. Both a senior and junior foot- 'ball team have been organized 'under Mr. Cole, Mr. Dooley and Mr. Dekker, Mr. Peters respec- tively. Practices are being held at the fairgrounds in the absence of a campus, and all those involved should be com- mended for working under such strenuous circumstances. The Student's Council is also busy preparing for the Grade ry, - - v - bor FE a arom, OE A a FUNTION BARC ~ ECT Tart TAT " R Get HO Fa ni i Ye 0 2 RAC en Ba LA Pe AL "it i . tL Sw on Mh plate Vat CY EL a a Ph, + Cn CM rl Bein NF A € J Y. Ky fg WES SR "Se 7 AEE TS ty vf za = - w to phosphloresent paint.-- We | meeting, held in our respective Chief Cameron and Officer | Perry on Monday at 2.00 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. W. Scott and | Nine Reception and Freshman's He were being blamed for some of | homes, it is up to the members | Rob Roy have both assured us| Interment Kendall Cemetery, family of Toronto visiting her | Frolick being held Friday, Ra a. their shinanigans, to report on any misconduct of | that they think our club is a | Utica. parents for the week-end, Mr. | September 23. wer : ro and Mrs. Jack Crosier. So even though as you pass 7 --- ; ; Mrs. Beverley Brown and|by Port Perry High confusion RY, - daughter of Oshawa spent a| seems to prevail beneath this, i: few days with the Larry Ken- | the students and staff striving Bn: dalls. to make the best of the situa- ey Pick yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your family sees Expo 67 -- April 28 to Oct. 7 at Montreal, POI S PASSEPORT R LA TERRE DES HOMMES AW > EIN 9% exXpPOG7 TO MAN PASSPORT AND HIS WORLD THE CHARTERED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY Mr. and Mrs. Chester Geer enjoying a vacation for a few days. Mrs. Toogood of Port Perry visited her daughter Mrs. Storie on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton calling on Frank Kendalls Fri- day evening. Sorry to report Mr. Ray Mac- 1-Donald-in-Oshawa hospital with a broken leg. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carban of Oshawa visited Mrs. Cecil Har- per "Sunday evening. tion, flows the lifeblood of a school. Student Cuncil Press Reporter Timothy Brunton. RED CROSS IS RLWAYS THERE WITHYOUR HELP - Slater's Service Station CLOSED FOR HO LIDAYS FROM Sept. 21 to Oct. Ist