Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 5 Jan 1967, p. 8

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¥ ' . - » 1 o or. lb rr 05 a Po a mt at -Nog tn JB, i am os ne na mm Po Saryinch . busy -- PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, JAN. 5, 1967 we _SEAGRAVE NEWS -- During the Christmas season this correspondent received a card upon which was written the New Year's message, "Wish- ing you a New Year full of pleasant surprises". This is a wish we would like to pass on to all. May this year's surpris- es all be pleasant. Since the last news budget everyone has been .more than with celebrations. In most cases these were the usual gatherings of families at home with. father and mother for Christmas. Some exceptions were Mr. and Mrs. Moon and Clifford in Toronto with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Moon and the two local Wanamaker families with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Wanamaker and children in Oshawa. "In- coming visitors were just every- bodys relatives and that means too many names to report even if we knew them all. Last week's death notices contained the name of an old friend Rev. A. W. Lougheed, who passed away in Charlotte- town, P.E.I. and was buried in Stayner Ont. His family are Christmas Trees | WILL BE PICKED UP ON B MONDAY, JAMJARY 9th, 1967 Starting at the nort 8 o'clock a.m, | Christmas Tree out. a -- h side of the town at Please have your JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk, Village of Port Perry { colds, widely scattered now, Keith be- ing in Sault Ste. Marie, Bill in Vancouver, B.C. and Rev. Jack in Shawinigan Falls, Que. The only daughter Sadie (Mrs. Fra- ser) "still resides in Trenton, ont. Mr. Lougheed finished his preaching ministry on Sea- grave charge in June 1951. Little Joanne Foote is (so far as we know) our only hospital patient this week. We hope she will feel better without those tonsils. Another of our citizens has become attracted to life in Port Perry. This time it is Clarence O'Neill who has gone to town to live with the Stone brothers. Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack MacTag- gart were Mr. Howard Leask of Uxbridge on Monday and Mr. & Mrs. Chas. Kiddle of Oshawa on Tuesday. Our joint S.S. - Church ser- vice on Christmas day was well attended. The children's ghoir was on hand to help with the music. Mrs. Foote gave a fine rendering of "O Holy Night", and Mr. Harris had a suitable message. For New Year's day the story is different. Due to celebrations, weariness and just plain laziness attend- ance at both church and S.S. was lower than at any time last year. While we are semewhat G. McPHADEN INSURANCE 985-2341 Dec./68 ~ EADE'S NURSING HOME Nurse in Attendance Reasonable Rates, Pleasant Suroundings PHONE 985-2806 DEADSTOCK SERVICE We Pay $1.00 per Cwt. for Dead & Crippled Cattle More For Horses -- Prompt Service -- BURRETT FUR FARM Phone Long Distance Zenith 66550 (no charge to you) Licence #98--C--88 MONUMENTS MARKERS RIMAR | MEMORIALS Phone: 728-1002 1862 Simcoe South, OSHAWA Dec, 2/66 Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public 28 Caleb Street PHONE 985-2127 PORT PERRY, ONT. Dec./ 66 AE. Johnson 0. D. OPTOMETRIST Mary St. 985-2383 July/66 \ & BOOKKEEPING SERVICES see ALEX SHEPHERD Room #2, Post Office Building Phone 985-7031 Specializing in business and "farm operations. Dec./66 DUFF ELECTRONICS ADMIRAL TELEVISION ~ SALES and SERVIC Phone 985-7998 or 985-3728 PORT PERRY . Dec./68 EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY General Insurance a 985-7306 Port Perry, Ont. - Des, 81/60 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Telephone collect, Hampton 263.2721 MARGWILL 'FUR FARM TYRONE License No. 4-C-66 ® Cash on the spot © ELECTRICAL. Contractor COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL ELECTRIC HEATING NO JOB TOO SMALL WE DO THEM ALL TOM SHERWIN Phone 986-4931 Call Collect-- 765-0277 Toronto LIMITED | Mar. 4/67 BUSINESS DIRECTORY For Income Tax| Septic Tanks Cleaned By PUMP EQUIPMENT SEPTIC TANKS AND WEEPING BEDS INSTALLED Reg. Armstrong] Port Perry -- 985-2226 '1.5--Feb. 28/67 Earl Wallace ROOFING Asphalt Shingles, Rolled je Steel and Aluminium iis 'Roofing, Esvestroughing I We will contract for all kinds : of roof work. APT. - Dec.81/66 WANTED | Highest Prices paid according to size and condition Phone Zenith 32800 NO TOLL CHARGE ED. PECONI & SON LTD. "RR. #2 WOODVILLE -- Collectors Licence 802-C-66 " Feb. 4/67 _ FOR ANY OF YOUR Insurance Needs Do it the Co-operative Way Co-Operators Ins, Assoc. ETHEL NOTTINGHAM Myrtle ; 655-4832 Mar./67 RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITHYOUR HELP Sho A LE SPR Ay BR Le 3 o£ CRAKE BET WIRN BL 20 RIT GRC id ---- - SE Eh YL LE Ls 0 CAENARE 4700 4 A Bhd ashamed of this there are signs of something better. U.C.W. executive meets on Monday, Jan. 2nd, at the home of Mrs. Bertrand in Port Perry. The annual meeting of the minutes were adopted as read. The treasurer reported a bal. of $146.66. It was decided to send quilts to the Victor 'home, do- nations to the over and above Turdy and our local chureh. Cedar Creek News oi Mrs. Harper read a .poem "What God has promised'. The ga ter Ral afl Thank-you notes were read.| piss Arienne den Boer has on Sunday, Jan. 8th, The offi-| OW allocation - was accepted. | heen home for two weeks from cial Board will meet on Mon., he hic $ommilien Was i Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Jan. 9th. First 1967 meeting of os Rite De hihi -- Michigan. U.C.W. will be on Wed, Jan. 11 : ' hs Mr. and Mrs. Morris Doherty t) 2 the annual received to attend the meeting ; (we oXpecl), and .ing 4h in the evening. and, children, Mr. and Mrs. Ri- congregational meeting is sche- chard Larocque and Mr. & Mrs. wR duled for Friday, Jan. 13th. The meeting closed with the| Joe Quimet spent the Christmas mizpah benediction. After sing-| week-end with Mr. and Mrs. ; ing grace a lovely lunch was|John Farrow and Audrey and LETTER TO served and a social hour spent. | Ivan at South River. 25 members present. ; 2 * Mr. and Mrs. Roy Poloz and ] HE EDITOR children of Brampton spent 5 Boxing Day and Tuesday with Mr. Peter Hvidsten Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cumming Publisher Little LOT TA and family. id ar LOVELINESS SAYS Mr. and Mrs. den Boer had . ' WE ALWAYS GIVE relatives visiting from Wood- Dear Mr. Hvidsten, mb stock on Monday and from Hol On behalf of The Canadian THE "Peomest Re e, land Landing on Wednesday. LEE LJ Arthritis and Rheumatism So- BEFORE WE GIVE THE Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kiesebrink ciety I should like to thank you and family of Cannington visit- for your demonstrated interest ed on Friday. in the Society in public service Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Trepan- support during 1966. We are Pour ier of Toronto visited Mr. and particularly grateful to you for LOV poe ss | Mrs. Victor Loracque on Thurs- those stories which appeared day. of during September, "Arthritis (7%: Mr. and Mrs. Morris Doherty Month", : entertained a number of their One of the greatest ironies of relatives on New Year's eve. the arthritis problem is that so George Kilpatrick was 'a many who suffer from it know oe wisn dinner guest of the Cummings so little about the disease. It G LEN FTTE family on New Year's. is our belief that knowing the ~ Mr, and Mrs. Victor Larocque so Us facts about arthritis is a vital : BEAUTY SALON and Debbie were dinner guests step in helping people to help| wef BE pei of Mr. and Mrs. Ron Larocque themselves. Your support in| (Glenda Tayler Prop) 4 family in Oshawa on Sun- informing your readers of some 985-7991 day. of the facts about the Society : and its program is, therefore, most important. } e I» It is our hope that we may a : continue to merit your interest ATTENTION FARM ERS and. support during 1867. : il aie S A VE ... WHY PAY MORE Cordially : on Premium Quality --CECILIA E..LONG, Eres b i wii IP Director of Public i GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OILS FARM TANKS AVAILABLE. EY § . G reenban k Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District « b ~UCW. IDX OIL "OEE ° ° ° ~ " | 668-3341 Mrs. Phair played Christmas ; carols as the ladies of the af- . 1s ternoon group of the U.C.W. of | Greenbank gathered to hold | 88! their Christmas meeting 'on Wed., Dec. 7th in the S. S. rooms. Miss Reycraft, leader of the group gave the call to worship followed by Hymn 57. .l Mrs. Ward read the scripture 5 Luke 2, verses 1-20." Mrs. Mec- Ban, TH Caig led in prayer. Mrs. Rahm Pi b = [1] a Te pn|d FW IUMDING = Fieatling favoured us with 'a piano solo. | § : I oe "O Holy Night". The collection |g El | was received and dedicated. 3 ec FIC [I L) Rev. and Mrs. Harris showed a. film, "The Christmas Story" : which all enjoyed. Carol No. PORT PERRY, ONT. 64 was sung. Mrs. H. Phoenix reviewed an- OFFICE 985 - 2479 RES. other chapter of our study book | & 4 J "The Church grows in Canada", Miss Reycraft read a story "Christmas Resolutions". Carol 50 was sung. ' Mrs. Harper then took the chair. A welcome was extend: s do ed to all and Mr. Harris was re- quested to install the officers for 1967. W p @ ze Mr. Harris gave a talk on the e Sp ciali In work of our 'church and the duties of each, after which the Qu ALITY OIL installation took place. . President--Mrs. Harper ° o Vice Pres.--Mrs, Tait - With Service Sec"y--Mrs. Spencer 5%, Assist. Sec'y--Mrs. Ianson eo im LET US SUPPLY YOU WITH Pianist--Mrs. Phair. Hymn 362 was sung. Mr. YOUR WINTER COMFORT t Harris led in prayer. Mrs. Harper thanked Mr. Harris for|$ ¥ his help, and for the film the : : : group in charge for the fine R I f & L b devotional, Mrs. Phair for her eesor ue Lm er sole. Phone 985 - 7951 © PORT PERRY '

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