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Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Feb 1967, p. 2

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2 -- PORT PERRY STAR = THURSDAY, FEB. 16, 1967 SEAGRAVE NEWS We had two items come in late for last week's news. Here they are. : On. the evening of Tuesday, Jan. 31st, Mr. Allan Crosier at- tended a reception given by the governor of the proposed Dur- ham Ont. College of Applied Arts and Technology. The pur. pose of this gathering, held at the Oshawa Curling Club was to meet the new principal Mr. J. Willey, B.A, Phd. On the sick list we have Mrs. John Kupers who is in Uxbridge hospital. She will be there for a time and would be glad fo hear from her friends. Coming to this week's budget, we note that Unit 1, U.C.W. staged a clean-up at the church on Wed. and of course improv- ed things quite a lot. The same unit was in charge of the Feb. meeting that same night. Before the meeting be- gan, Valentine hearts were matched to mix up the mem- bers who persist in sitting in exactly the same spot year af- ter year. Tt was a good idea even if many of the ladies felt like displaced persons. 'The devotional period, led by Mrs. Tobin consisted of hymns, prayer by Mrs. Abraham, Scrip- ture read by Mrs. Chas. Short and an address on the history and function of the church, by Rev. E. McNeil. Mrs. J. Hal lett sang a pleasing solo and Mrs. Nicholls read the monthly Formosan letter which .inform- ed us that we were now suport- ing a different girl student. From the reports we gather- ed that 1967 activities are just getting under way. The ladies were told what would be ex- pected of them at our own spring tea and a committee(Mrs. Barr and- Mrs. Cliff Short) was appointed -to look after the "Tiny Tots" booth at the spring fair to be held by Pert Perry hospital auxiliary. Has anyone a good pep pill to recommend? Our U.C.W. is suffering from a severe case of apathy which could be serious if not checked. In spite of the efforts of our president the la- dies seemed quite indifferent to several good suggestions. We livened up a bit when Mrs. K. Short conducted a Valentine contest and lunch appeared. Fifteen of our ladies and one small boy helped make up the 40 who attended the World's Day of Prayer service in Green: bank Church on Friday after: noon. Mrs. G. Wanamaker, Mrs. Barr and Mrs. D. Crosier assisted in the program. Saturday evening saw Mr. and Mrs. B. Wanamaker entertain- ing their friends at a euchre in aid of Port Perry Hospital. High scoring lady & gentleman were Mrs. W. Stone and Mr. A." Moon while the consolation prizes went to Mr. and Mrs. B. Stan- dish. Mrs. Stone also received a prize for the person having an anniversary nearest last Saturday. It: has happened again. No. 1 Another car was ditched Satur- day evening at Calamity Corner. No. 2, Another of our ex-far- 'the go as usual. We wish you success, Mr. Bert- rand. During the week-end the Robt, Nodwells entertained Mr. Sam Nodwell of Cochrane and Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hilbert and David of Hamilton. On Sunday Mr. F. Watson re- turned with Mr. and Mrs. E. Dregar to Toronto for an inde- finite visit, perhaps until the weather gets warmer, Det. Dennis and Mrs. Tobin of Oshawa visited their fami- lies here on Sunday. Here are some of the activi- ties of the Bruces this week. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce went all-out for entertaining. On Thurs. they had Mr. and Mrs. Eagleson from town and Mr. & Mrs. MacTaggart from the vill- age as dinner guests. Then on Sunday their visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Bruce and family of Oakville, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Woon and Douglas of Stoney Creek, and Miss Laura Mark of Toronto. Mr. Clarence O'Neill is also staying with the Bruce's at present. The Morley Bruces were on Lloyd was on a Wednesday - bus trip for the High School to Hamilton and in the evening saw Toronto Maple Leafs get another beat: ing. Joyce also was on a bus trip. She went to Peterboro with others from Greenbank school. Then on Sunday after- nroon the whole family journey- ad to Toront to attend the Christening of Robert Roulston, nfant son of Mr. and Mrs. John toulston. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce wcted as god parents. On Friday evening Mr. & Mrs 5S. MacFarlane attended the Parliamentary Dinner honour- 'ng Conservative house leader Michael Starr, at the Carousal nn, Ajax. Over 500 persons in attendance were addressed by Hon. John Diefenbaker. Mr. and Mrs. Reid MacFar lane of Toronto visited at the home farm on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Barr arriv ed at church on Sunday morn ing with no fewer than 7 child ren, all 10 yrs. of age and un der. The two extras were ne phews from Toronto. Another visitor was' Miss Janice Rahm of Saintfield who was with her chum Shirley Short. Christian Youth Sunday drew a larger than usual congrega- tion. The choir was occupied by the Y. P. group with Sylvia Wanamaker at the organ, and three young men Bill Wana- maker, Clifford Moon and Gord. McMillan assisted in the ser- vice. The young ladies were allowed to sing and do the ush- ering, S. S. attendance reached an all-time high of 105 this week when Lawrence Nicholls and Mrs. J. Hallett were on duty. Because of a misunderstanding the adult class goofed so there was ho program number. Little Debbie Crosier proudly deposit: mers has gone into real estate. ed birthday pennies. Ne tee Pega' WES LANE Plumbing - Electric - - Heating PORT PERRY, ONT. 985 - OFFICE et tT tt 2473 at tt Tat TT tt AID. Cartwright Twp. Employees Present Warden With Gavel Merrill Van Camp, reeve of Cartwright Township, and the 1967 Warden of Northumber- land and Durham Counties was presented with a gavel at the start of the February meeting in Blackstock. It was a gift from the Town. ship employees, and presenting the gavel to Mr. Van Camp Is the road superintendent, Merl. in Suggitt. 'For the occasion, Mr. Van Camp was wearing the Ward- en's chain of office, and in bot- tom picture he is surrounded by members of Cartwright Town- ship. Standing from left to right; Gordon Gettins, council. lor; Osmond Wright, councillor; Ernest Swain, councillor; Merl in Suggitt, road superintendent; John Hamilton, deputy-reeve; Merrill Van Camp, reeve and Warden of Northumberland and Durham Counties; Victor Mal. colm, clerktreasurer. The last elected warden from Cartwright Township was the late Mr. Bruce Ashton in 1960. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hunter vi- sited at Neil & Gerry Hunters on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Daire Thomson visited Mrs.. Thomson's mother Mrs. Harold McCowan on Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. Mel McGee and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Alvin McGee in Lindsay on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Howsam and family and Mr. and Mrs, Elwood Clements had dinner on |. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Somerville at Brooklin. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hicks and Janet of Valentia had Sunday dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Cookman. Mr. and Mrs. R. Cookinan. at- tended a wedding reception for Mr. and Mrs. Simon Connell at Little Britain on Saturday even: ing." Last Sunday was designated Christian Youth Sunday in our Church, The young people very ably conducted the service. The offeratory music, the male quartet and the panel discus- sion were the highlights. Mr. and Mrs. George Rahm and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Aldred have returned from a most én- joyable trip to Florida, They report a difference of 100° in temperature between St. Peters: burg and Greenbank last week. Don't forget the euchre party in the hall on Friday night, We are pleased to see our local school teacher, Mrs. Ross Shier, and two of her pupils on a Centennial Broadcast from Peterborough on Sunday after noon. Grant Phair and Jim Phoenix who both live on Centennial farms were interviewed. . Grant, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Phair, held a deed to their farm dated 1861; Jim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Phoenix, displayed their farm deed, written on sheepskin, and dated 1811. Mr.. and Mrs. Ross Shier are owners of the very old Shier property in Brock Township. They displayed old family pic- tures, dairy and farm equip- ment, and answered questions about them. Mrs. Shier's entire Grade 4 class went by bus to Peterbor- ough on Wed. Feb. 8th' and were taken on a tour through the T.V. Station CHEX:. Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Phair, Grant & Bruce, Mr, and Mrs. Glen Till, and' family, and Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Dobson were Sunday dinner guests with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dob: son on Sunday. Mrs. Olive Dusty entertained 3 ladies at an afternoon of euchre last Tuesday. : Mr. Armour McMillan attend- ed a Farm Safety Council Con. ference at Guelph last week. RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP 4) of the son assisted by Mrs. GREENBANK NEWS Port Perry U. W. UNIT #3 By M. Cawker ° Mrs. Wm. Hopkins, Queen St., was hostess for the Feb. nmeet- ing for Unit #3, when nine members answered the roll call. Presiding for the meeting, the leader Mrs. Merlin Dowson wel- comed all present. The study book (Chapters 3 & "Church and the World" was taken by Mrs. Dow- Howard McMullen. A profit of $11.45 was turn ed in to the Treas. from the sale of Church calendars. This project was undertaken by Mrs. Dowson for Unit #3. Another money raising idea undertaken by Unit #3 is the selling of nylon stockings with Mrs. Len Beadle the convener. ' Many or ders were taken at the meeting. Anyone wishing to order same please contact Mrs. Beadle (Phone 985-2465). Calls reported--15. Collection--$5.50. The March meeting will be held at' Mrs. Dowson's home, Rosa St., Tues., March 7th, 2.30 p.m. Committee in charge -- Mesdames S. Ploughman, G. King and S. Cawker." Mrs. Hopkins served tea at the close of the meeting. A sincere thank you to our host: ess for opening her home. It was a pleasure to meet with the afternoon Units at the church, prior to the Unit #3 meeting, and partake of the de- licious Dessert luncheon, con: vened by Mrs. Geo. Hall's Unit #4. Four Seasons Travel (Oshawa) LIMITED ® YOUR CERTIFIED eo TRAVEL CONSULTANTS A complete travel service throughout the world. ~~ No Service Charge -- 728 - 6201 (3 lines) OSHAWA 57 King St. East TL tat. 0, -- nd 4 On, fr PY nL i

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