Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 16 Feb 1967, p. 8

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- . Wy h vr . TNE - A \ y [ v 4 w 8 PAAR o a RS NAY a - . 2d SH ASA SITES A A Ah tbe ae, Ted >» w Pop AN CL" = ry ps Phong , " 8 ie a Na SA -. 7 re Cl Gl a Lo i SE ee » Feb, 16:23 bh PHONE \ ay b, Ro 9 38 5) - A A Ny 2 | 7383 % rR 2 1A : hE - x SC hasis A oo COMING EVENTS FOR SALE WANTED REAL ESTATE iy J 8 assitie f BR : dvertising Rates PORT-PERRY STOVE and refrigerator. Best WANTED JO BUY * | ¥ a For Sale, Wanted, Cards of Thanks, Coming Events, T E E N T © WwW N offer. Phone 985-2684. DOUBLE WARDROBE in good CUA --etc,--3¢ per word, minimum 75¢. Second and condition. 9852202. NR additional insertions 2¢ per word, minimum 50¢ 8 A N ( |- 1 YEAR OLD Delux Beatty WR In Memoriams, $1.00 per insertion with four line Wringer Washer; large .G.E. WORK WANTED wos = etal ; A verse. Additional four lines, .25¢. at r place, on J refrigerator, cross top freezer. od ' 108 acres, clay loam, 1% 2 Billing charge of 25¢ if not paid by Friday FRIDAY F EB. 17th $60. : each. Phone 985-2290, CLIP ER BLADE harbor storey, 7 room modern frame e v Ad} : at 8.30 p.m. evenings. ing repairs. attle clipper A following publication. itch blades sharpened $1.00 pair house, new oil furnace & bath, 3 Classified display $1.00 per column inch. MASONIC TEMPLE SEE OUR Sheep blades--b0¢ pair, 24 hr | corner farm, pond site & creek HE hi Dress Casual COMPLETE LINE OF |" Cartle Clivper Sorvics | suocthons coniton. $25,000.00 Admission 50c. . . lon. O00. Telephone -- 985-7383 ¥ pd 00) ox 0 with $8,000 down. Open daily, Monday th | Po 6.00 Closed YS Fhawyss40 Bam 10 FOR SALE CARPENTER WORK, also re-| 100 acres sandy loam, 65 * ' dd pair work. Reasonable. J. H.| acres suitable for market gard- CLASSIFIED DEADLINE 6:00 p.m. TUESDAY CLOSED FOR HOLIDAYS Parker, 161 Bigelow. Phone |e€ning, 13% storey frame house, Feb. 15 to Mar. 15 085-2444. T.F. | conveniences, hardwood floors, BILL. HAMILTON, Raglan natural stone fireplace, excel | ? eb SEWING MACHINES SIGNS PAINTED, with or with. a oe io | out illustrations. size. : N MEMORIAM CARD OF THANKS |New & used -- White, Singer, Po opiotrations. fny 850: | gate. $19,500.00 with terms. . 0 ; : Bernina, FREE home demon- 2 . JSR ann loping Bema I would like to thank my!gtration and Service. Full = & : 2916,. 1. Laugille, ties, Ot, Dairy Farm--Going Concern ...of our grandmother Lillian | friends and neighbours for | guarantee, easy terms. . H 500 for everything, 148 Piokard Ym, Dota away Feb-| sending me beautiful flowers & BY Sa GRUMBACHER Bin : clay loam, in ruary ) . cards, als SR . I Line 5, also Manchester UCW.| gofionn Fe 5. Lindsay | ARTIST SUPPLIES | WILL GIVE motherly care to| with hwy frontage. Bulk Milk ; . for the lovely basket of fruit. Bl Feb. 16 children in my home. Phone | Cooler, 47 purebred cattle, com- res SO dear. Special thanks to Dr. J. Dia y : emo pier 985-7208. Feb. 16 | pine, baler, 2 tractors, etc. 1% . : ~ Silent is the voice we-loved - | mond, nurses and staff for P y H NOE TE : : storey frame house with con- -to hear kindness during my stay in Port | 1 NEARLY NEW Kenmore va-| i ©€© ardware Notice To Credit venionees - Dank GadT-with How Too far away for sight or Perry Hospital. cuum and variety of other good LIMITED - otice 10 reairors steel stabling. Don't miss this } speech, - a Mrs. Wm. McCartney | used ones. Phone 985-7704. i - : But not too far for thoughts y Feb.16-23 Dial 985-2431 Port Perry Creditors and others having one. to reach. : LOST claims against the estate of E Always remembered by I would like at this time to 1958 PONTIAC, 6 cyl. aut. 2- ETHEL THOMPSON, late of the ) Kolin 30 20h pi . R the Grandchildren | express my thanks to DI.|goor with radio. 9857007. ' GERMAN SHEPHERD, malo| [0WnShip of Cartwright in the ote" Eon KB, excel Rennie & Nurses and staff of : pup, five months old, black &| County of Durham, House. pans Be Foto is Rg PICKARD--In loving memory a Hospital, also i Cards &| po) ED HAY for sale, choice|sand, Saintfield .area. Phone RoORL Spo in by a : of our mother Lillian Pickard |' OWerS ini rom friends| ; 0 cut Alfalfa mixture, 40c. | 985-7795. av 1967 are required fo send| 1% storey frame house with who passed away February 19, eu PH he io a per bale. Bob Cawker, RR. 3, lal of So claims to | luminum siding in Port Perry, 1965. vase fom Rev. AliE Rise during Port Perry. Phone 985-7461. TO RENT the undersigned Solicitors for excellent location and land- > , Our family circle has been : : Es i M tr Call for -- ous my stay in the Hospital. ier : the Executor on or before the |ScaPIng. Many extras. Call for Alin gone frdny oi: dha Roy Henders| BLUE pan = ROOM, furnished for light|24th day of February, 1967, af.| information. Bul though were patted tor months old. Phone © | housekeeping. Call 985-7775. |ter which date the estate will awhile Announcement Feb. 16-23 | be distributed having regard RL I Ve Tad Li EE XT : MASSEY Harris, 6. blade tiller,{ or --|- only tothe claims of which | Several dairy, beef and eom- . i y ition. - 'Ph 986- i muter farms for sale. Call fo Some day we hope to meet you,| RICE - CRAIGHEAD--Mr. & [£909 Sy Phons 2 BEDROOM ~ Aferirient 4p re 1185 bash vecelvad Pin Spm dey 9318. Onl for . : Some day we know not when, | Mrs. John M. Craighead R.R. 2, : ' Prince Albert, available March| DATED at Lindsay, Ontario, 4 To clasp your hand in a better | Port Perry, are pleased to an : 1st. Phone 985-7310. | this 27th day of January, 1967. ==. vO land, nounce the marriage of their | CHAIN SAW, blade sharpened : GEORGE S. STONE N i Price $95.00. Phone : STAPLES & CALVERLEY, R * ever to part again. daughter Margaret Laura to Mr. once. SMALL HOUSE 2 bedrooms 3 B is 985.2632 Always remembered by | Robert Samuel Rice son of Rev. | 986-4252. Tih of: Utica. wal: I arristers & Solicitors, her children|and Mrs. Alec G. Rice, Port i h o d es, ign Feb.16 10 William St. South, ' ' ' il heated. one : Perry, on February 10th, 1967. | BALED HAY, Timothy, Alfalfa]. . Feb. 16-23 Solicit LINDsay. are, aly 3 1 SCHELL--In loving nremory Mixture, 35¢. per bale. Phone : ors ; tor the kxecuior » 20 foray. 30 2nd He Qpese of a dear father, grandpa, and COMING EVENTS 985-2844 Feb. 16-23 esate - on; hang arn ol. X 4) Seco great grandpa, George W.|- - a HELP WANTED ; Notice To Creditors nll x 50. Illemeny ed, Schell, who passed away Feb.| ERED DeNURE TOURS |8 MILLIMETER, Yashica, movie pre yy i 18th. 1962. AMBITIOUS man with car in| in the Matter of th ¢| room brick home, hardwo sn, : camera. Phone 985-2512. 8:Reteje 0 floors on paved road, school bus _ He is gone but not forgotten |Florida and cruise to Nassau, Port Perry and district. Sup-| Henry Clarence Guy, Deceased. : Da} : And, as dawns another year, |Bahamas, 20 days, Feb. 27th to ELE CT RIC Womans 3 plement your income. Sell and All persons having claims at gate. Price $27,000. . ; In our lonely hours of thinking | March 18. Phone 985-2195. rtinont size service the products of Electro- | against the Estate of Hemry| ---- ---- WERT XY i burner stove, apartme lux Canada Limited. Full or | 165 acres, % mile river front- Spi Thoughts of him are always diti 085-7486 SE Clarence Guy, late of the Town : ee good condition. : part time. Complete sales ship of Reach, in the County of age, 300 rods road frontage : . VALENTINE TEA and Bake training will be provided. Ask i suitable for 25 acre lots selling Days of sadness will come Sal h United - " p : Ontario, Retired Farmer, who , Frc ale at Manchester United | =--------==----==----=----------=----=--x="for Marvin Appleton. 985-7704. .. for $110 an acre. o'er us, Church, Friday, February 17th died on-or about the 31st day of Many think the wound is' | .,'5 45", 1" Admission 50c y YOUNG MAN for store em.|January, 1967, are hereby noti-| rape vk 2 : healed, 5 in Feb. 9.16/11 ployment, full time in Port|fied to send to the undersigned | pe a ow A es. la But they little know the : Y §| Perry. Apply in writing to|on or before the 17th day of i NPE Tage, SOIrrow, BINGO, Thursday. Febr ar 16 Box 4, Port Perry Star, March 1967, full particulars of . ary EE Son That lies in the heart concealed. 0 u a > : dion A hi [o) ; their claims. Immediately after Se on . conciion, ted Lovingly remembered by 83 DIN: §JaCEDO $135.00 in LADIES--Are you in need of |the said date the assets of the road, frontage, siigiited: on: pay. 55 numbers at Caesarea Com- i : tid ed road, school bus at gate. . daughter Blanche, grand- itv Hall ; £ - fl more money? Serve your said deceased will be distribut- Priced at $27.000 with t children, and great |MumMty Hal. neighbors during convenient |€d among the parties entitled Tice ok $27.00. oe : ~ grandchildren.| ~~ : ay hours as an Avon Representa-| thereto, having regard only to ig uf BINGO -- Catholic Men's Lea-|| oo crac Sedan, 6 cyl. || tive. Write Mrs. 8. Fitzgerald, | claims of which they shall then| 85 acres, bank barn, 3 bed gue, Friday, February 17th, at * Yl 670 Davis Dr. N k ' have notice. room inskl~frame home, new CARD OF THANKS [535 pm. Jackpot 49 numbers i d any Dr, Newmarkel; ori: bathroom, stream and pond. ; : p ackp || Automatic, goo Call 895-2437 Mar.2 : ! - : $180.00 Minor Jackpot $30.00 transportation $1395.00 : x DATED at Port Perry, this| Selling for $22,000 with terms. We wish to express our sin-|in 46 numbers. 14th day of February, 1967. RR yp cere thanks to friends and rela- BABY-SITTER, daytime. Phon We. have others. : : tives for cards, messages of -_ AVELOGUE ; 63 PONTIAC Wagon, rpibhl , day . e| MESSRS. CHOIR an) KELLY, . 7 > sympathy and floral -tributes, : 4D 6 ovl. $1350.00 od ni Vn -- Call -- that roetived GUIPE out To. Travel by pictures presented oor, y HOUSEKE " Mar. 2 Box 131, N BUWS Tardive funing by Mitchell & Waite Travel IUYSEKEEPER-with- 1..0or 2] Port Perry, Ontario | MORLEY BRUCE 985.2528 cent bereavement, in the loss Agency, WED, FEB. 22nd : children to care for two school cif : of a dear mother and grand- 1967 Proshytorad ar 2 25 FORD $149.00 children in small village, near Solicitors for the above estate. Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. mother Mrs. Emily G. Bush. ' : : 54 Port Perry." Phone 986-4704. p.m. Prizes and refreshments, Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Reesor 50 AGsD] f Women's 1 and family | 29¢. , auspices 0 CLERK - TYPIST Must be ac-| $ Hospital Auxiliary. 62 G.M.C., %-Ton Truck, curate, dependable, and have Ae We wish to express our = wide, long Box i $1095.00 J | previous office experience. Five ; IS Ji : warmest thanks to relatives and EUCHRE HARRIE day, 40 hour week. Company friends for the gifts and cards| At Scugog Grace Church Base. x benefits. Reply by" letter to RESEARCH received on our Golden Wed: | ment. Thursday, Feb. 16th at TERMS -- OTHERS Fritz W. Glitsch, P. 0. Box 307 ding anniversary, also to the a DA Lam Large choice '67 Pontiacs or telephone 852-3381. . ; congregation of St. John's Pres-| © . 3, i758 and Buicks byterian Church, Port Perry for U.C.W. MISCELLANEOUS their lovely card, A special MONEY TO LOAN "thank you" to the ladies of | BINGO--Thursday, Feb, 23rd at 1. will Jog 'Wick Presbyterian Church for|8 p.m. Sponsored by Ladies BOB ARCHER at li Riis 10 $5000, making our "At Home" so en:| Auxiliary Royal Canadian MOTORS LTD. . to Consolidate your bills or for ~joyable. A very special "thank | Legion. Jackpot $100.00 in 50 any other worthwhile purpose, ¥ you" to Mr. Wentworth Watson [ numbers. Legion Special $60.|§ 160 Water St, Port Perry providing you are steadily em- HE for the beautiful cake which| Winner of last week's Jackpot PORT PERRY 985.7361 ployed and have good credit. oY was admired by all. | Susan Mason, Myrtle Station. : Telephone Oshawa 728-4681, CANADIAN HEART FUND Mr. & Mrs. William Graham T.F.

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