4 pA TC RS FLEET WASTES § RR sg pete % 5 t At So A Selly A N » Fef F £ % : . 4 4 . 15 aan a Oe ' 5 aaa a SH Scott, Oshawa, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. James Miller of Mount Albert visited on Satur- day with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Thomp- Mrs. Bruce Bailey and Allen visited her sister Mrs. Laura Tucker of Apsley on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug. McKinley and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jolliffe of Toronto visited with Mr. & UTICA NEWS Baptismal and Communion Church Service will be held at Utica United Church on April supper guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper, Oshawa on Sun- day- tar? PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, April 13th, 1967 -- 9 fs 3 3 and Mrs. N. Russnell (Sr.) were | were played in Community Hall is # guests with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. [on Saturday evening. Ladies 4 ' Mitchell on Sunday. first Dorothy McDiaramid; Sec. fh ; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Pilkey | Olive Lane, Third Margaret 5 of Brougham visited with Mr. | Watson. Gent's First R. Manns, bt and Mrs. J. E. Mitchell on Sat. |'Sec. Wm- Brown, Third Oliver Xi evening. if Lane. Next Euchre in two " Thirteen tables of Euchre | weeks. is '| a erown formation with finger Nora Elizabeth Stevens | Weds Allan Eugene Davis groom from Little Rock, Ars were the groomsmen. of | the Ark. Beautiful organ music Bach and Handel, with an altar decorated for the Easter ser vices, with tall white candlebras Arong he Baas was ihe ob lighted, formed the background frames Ja, % wl Rowan A for the beautiful ceremony in '.ces¢ ob kor ort. lexag, ES with her husband and daugh- gi St. George's United Church on Eli | ee : v Saturday. March 25 when Nora ter, Elizabeth Ann; also friends «BS Elizabeth Ann, younger daugh- and relatives from St. Cathar- ; ter of Mr and Mrs. A H. Stev- ines, Port Colborne, Woodstock: Ar ens was married to Mr. Allan London, Lindsay, Port Perry & Eugene Davis, younger son of Newmarket. The ushers were ] Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Davis | Mr» Kenneth Stephens, New- market and Mr. T. A. Cumming, '| of Kansas City, who having re- J LLE ULES AE fi Toronto. + ¢ A cently celebrated their 50th 3 } } For the-reception at Prince Et 'wedding anniversary, travelled to Toronto for the occasion. Arthur House, Mrs. Stevens, the Given in marriage by her fa- bride's mother chose a love bird ) A x ther, with Mr. Lloyd Bradshaw | Pluc' ensemble with hat and gl: at the organ, the bride wore a shoes to match. with a pink cor- Rte gown of white peau de soie, | Sage Mrs. Davis was in a pink with full organdy overskirt em-| antique silk with matching ac- J broidered with lace, cascading cessories and wearing a white LB ' iy fy 2d corsage. ys into a long train;.she carried a sheaf of Calla lillies and wore| After a brief honeymoon in Nassau, the bride travelling in a camel hair suit with brown... ... bag and shoes, her corsage was a gold or chid. The couple will return to Seattle, Washington, where Mr. Davis, who has a MA in Hospital Administration will serve at North Western Hospital and Dr. Davis will continue her studies in Pediatrics at Univer- sity of Washington. ~ Dr. Davis is a grandaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. McMillan, Mr. and Mrs. How- ard McMillan and Mr. and Mrs. Armour McMillan, Greenbank [attended "their neice's wedding. =e tip veil. Her sister Mary, Mrs. T. A. Cumming was her maid of honor; the bridesmaids, Mrs. Donald Stevens of Newmarket and Dr, Anne Haag of Toronto wore identical costumes of swiss shantung, with moss green velvet sashes; repeated on their graceful baskets of white daisies, three of which they wore in their hair. Mr. Albert W. Davis, Jr- was his brother's best man, and Dr. Donald = Stevens, Newmarket. brother of the bride, and Mr. Darrell Burr, a "a classmate of Phone MARVIN APPLETON 985-7704 Port Perry Rug Upholstery Cleaning - Done in your own home and ready to use the same day. Wall-to-Wal Broadloom and Rug Sales leading Brand Names. We instal and have our own budget plan. Call us to-day and let us show you our large array of Rugs and give you a free estimate, be it a new home or an old home. . 16th at 2.30. Mr. Bruce Bailey and Mr. and | son visited on Sunday with Mr. | Mrs. Chet Geer on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall | Mrs. Chet Geer attended the|and Mrs. Don McGillivray, | evening. and Mrs. Delia Harper were | funeral of the late Mrs. Clara | Mount Albert. Mr. and Mes, Wilbur Russel | At Your CARLOAD FOOD MKT., Prince Albert This Week-End, Wai es April 12-15 . - CHEERY MORN This Week's MEAT Features C O - I b- | LEAN TENDER Ths lid <a. | Pork Loins OR 6c OFF 6 O- WHOLE BEAN Tenderloin : or Rib End ROYAL YORK 3 Ih. Avg. Ih. PEANUT BUTTER | Woh | CENTRE CUT : : 16 oz. JARS y| 00 ROASTS or CHOPS bh. 7 9c SWEET PICKLED | AaviMErR 1902. Tins 0 'Cottage "Rolls a ib. §0Q¢ 1 v Peach Halves 2: : 69° DEVON RINDLESS . en AYLMER 19 oz. Tins 1 Side Bacon Ib. Pkg. 7 3 Peach Slices px : 6 5 Jn on Beef Liver w47c AVLIMER BARTLEY 1 or x ns ' SCHNEIDERS COUNTRY PEARS | 2 53 Sausage Ib. Tray Pak Qc ) TULIP Ib. Pkgs. 2c OFF = | FABRIC SOFTENER : : Margarine * 2:55 Fleecy no 43 .» CLARK 19 oz. Tins : AYLMER | Pork « Beans 2 : 49¢ | Catsup ow. 20 eG 3c JOHNSON'S SALADA . |J-Cloths == 53¢|Tea Bags 79: JELLY POWDERS JOHNSON'S PLASTIC FLESH Jello 3 me 32° |Band-Aids we. 39 DELSEV 2 Roll Pls. Co |evesmen Toilet Tissue 2: 59° (Hair Spray w- 79 . LIQUID BLEACH | "A FREE DRAW WITH EVERY |Javex mem 2 iA40Qc| 0 ro0ms om ok over : WINNER OF LAST WEEK'S DRAW : MRS. C. PARKER 3 STORE HOURS DAILY 8:30 to 9:00 EXCEPT TUESDAY -- 8:30 to 1:00 SATURDAY -- 8:30 to 6:00 : FREE DELIVERY PHONE 985 - 2492 BRUTON'S DRUG STORE WILL BE Closed for Holidays FROM APRIL 9th until APRIL 23rd ° ATTENTION FARMERS SAVE ... WHY PAY MORE on Premium Quality GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OILS FARM TANKS AVAILABLE. Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District D X O | L ~ CALL COLLECT 668-3341