By TRACY S. LUDINGTON In less than one month -- -Expo 67 gates will be open and showing the best of Canada to the world, and the best of the world to Canada -- as' Deputy Commissioner General Robert Shaw says. "18 : ~~ Checking the situation at this "point in time we find that con struction is pretty well on sche dule. Officials who know, say that Expo with one month to go is in a better position than the New York World's Fair was ' A WEEKLY LOOK at a comparative point. One or two of the pavillions appear to be a bit behind, it is admitted, but it is also stressed that there really isn't a chance even these won't be ready for the target date. __Expo_has -$20,000,000--in--the- bank from advance passport sales. While it is impossible to give an exact figure, even work: ing from this total, it is believed some 12,000,0000 visits are as. sured on the basis of the pass. ports out. This is more than a "Habitat 67, the unique building J snr IIR ESE Te ' + A : 4 a a LL 0 WEy HERR HE A SrA 8% third of the estimated 35,000,000 visits scheduled. Generally officials of the fair are of two minds -- surprised that so much has gone so well; and far more confident of spec- tacular success than they were at this time last year, though then there was so much more time to get the work done. The site is a beautiful' one-- even in winter; and while there has been a mass of snow in the past months, the winter has been relatively mild. Some Canadians, writing from far-flung parts of this country, are interested particularly in that is being constructed at Ex po. According to the experts, this is on schedule, although about a quarter of it will be left in a variety of unfinished stages, so that the unique con- struction methods may be ap- The Curling Season Is Over Winners of the Farmers Bonspiel held in the Port Perry Curling Club was a rink skipped by He is seen acepting the tro- Denton Worsley. The Crest Hardware Bonspiel held two weeks ago was won by a local rink skipped by Jerry He is seen receiving the trophy from Hunter. .. phy from Roy Scott. Harvey Greenway, vice skip, Bruce Cowan, 2nd; Don Tettmar, lead. Gordon Carnegie in the above picture. members of the rink from right to left were: Sam Fisher, Ken Murray and Oscar Beare. The other members are Other + , millions of This was as preciated by the vicitors to Expo. planned, (Address correspondence to Tracy S. Ludington, EXPO "67, at 7005 Kildare Road, Mont- real 29). Legion Ladies Auxiliary By Gwen Ballingall --The Ladies Auxiliary to the Royal Canadian. Legion Branch 419, held their general meeting on April 4th, with twenty mem- bers present and a special visit- or in the person of Comrade Mrs. G. Williams, Zone Com- mander, who was paying her official visit to the Auxiliary. The usual opening ceremon- ies were carried out, minutes | of the last meeting were read and adopted, a financial report was given, and the accounts read and passed for payment. The general business was carried out and settled very quickly, in order that Mrs. Wil- liams would have as much time as possible at her disposal. The Zone Rally is to be held on May 9th at the Oshawa Auxi- liary, dinner is at six-thirty and the meeting will commence at "eight o'clock, all members will | be contacted about this, and a bus will be chartered, we hope that as many members as pos- sible will try to make an effort "to attend thisrally. As the rally regular is being held on our meeting night, the May meeting will be held one week earlier, May 2nd, at eight o'clock. Recess was called and during this time a draw was held, the Winters were Comrades Read & Jeffery. The meeting was then called | to order and Comrade Williams took over, she expressed her "I pleasure in being with us and |" was satisfied with the way the meeting was conducted. She suggested that we purchase a Canadian Flag to replace the Union Jack. Several questions were asked concerning delin- quent members and how this matter should be handled. Mrs. Williams answered these ques- tions to everyone's satisfaction. She also had a suggestion con- cerning our Social Fund. We hope her sugestion can be car- ried out. This will be discussed at the next meeting, and it is "| hoped that some - solution can be arranged so that all mem- bers contribute equal amounts to the social fund. Mrs. Williams found our books to be in good order, but suggested that we have just two accounts instead of the four we now have. All business now concluded the meeting was closed and a social half hour enjoyed. Pictured above are the winners of the Beare Motors Curling Trophy which was won by a local rink at the annual Beare Mot- «ors Bonspiel held recently In the Port Perry Curling Arena. From left to right: Storey Beare; Gerry Hunter, skip; Bud Sonley, vice; Art Panabaker, second; Gord Prentice, lead; and Bill Beare, ESTATES EET ; A $ . yt 4 . lawman ca re wala tama ower rin ana dowian ary Services Branch, and--Dr: "VICTORIA and GREY PORT PERRY STAR - Yiursddy, April 20th, 1967 - Mastitis Is Serious Problem For Ontario Co A Mastitis Control Workshop was held in the Legion Hall, Uxbridge, on Wednesday, Mar. 22nd, with around 70 farmers in attendance, The meeting started at 10.00 a.m. and was completed by 3.30 p.m. Dr. H. J. Neely Veterin- Julian, Region. Veterinary La- boratory, Brighton, were in charge of the discussions on the various aspects of Mastitis Con- trol. In spite of all that has been said and written about Mastitis, it is still the most important di- sease of dairy cattle. Each year it costs Ontario County farmers many thousands of dollars. = It is the one animal disease for which the situation is not im- proving, and the problem is more serious today than it was twenty years ago. The seventy farmers, attend- INVEST NOW 6% TRUST Guaranteed Investments Interest is payable half yearly or may be left to compound EMMERSON INSURANCE AGENCY LIMITED 191 Queen St. Port Perry Telephone .. 985-7306... unty Farmers ing the meeting in Uxbridge, received first hand information on the latest developments on the control of this disease. - To help farmers further with the control of this disease, as- sistance is now available through a Mastitis Control Pol- -icy "sponsored by the Ontario . Department of Agriculture and Food. Every dairy farmer in Ont- ario County is eligible to apply for enrolment under this new Policy. The milk samples from =. his cows will be examined at the Regional Veterinary Labora- tory, Brighton, Ontario. Further information on this Mastitis Control Policy, and an application for -enrolment, may be secured from Mr. H. L. Fair, Agricultural Representative Ontario Department of Agricul- ture, Uxbridge. 4-H CLUB NEWS GREENBANK 4- H The Greenbank 'Certoniiil Pioneers held their VIII meet- ing as a Centennial Party in Greenbank Hall. We decorated using pictures of countries we had studied and also antiques were on display. We also dress- ed in costumes from different | countries. Helen Phoenix and Janie Parish demonstrated Potato Pancakes and Donna Rodd de- monstrated Blueberry Buckle. Our mothers and ladies of 'Women's Institute who were our invited guests were asked to sample each of the dishes BRUTON'S DRUG STORE | | RE- OPENS | sion SEE "ON | Monday, April 24th | st. obits Cl Uxbridge (CATHOLIC TRAINING SCHOOL) EGUIeS or For September 1st, 1967 "3 Elementary School Teachers SALARY SCHEDULE MIN. MAX. Level 1 .. $4,500 $ 6,500 Level 2... .. $4,800 $ 8,200 Level 3 ................. $5,200 $ 8,600 Level 4 ............ $6,200 $10,200 Level 5 ............... $6,600 $10,600 Level 6 ................ $7,200 $12,000 Level 7 .................... $7,700 $12,900 Plus a, Correctional Education Allowance of $500.00 above category. (Dept. of Reform Institutions). For information and interviews call Em, 40556 in Toronto or 852-3351 in Uxbridge, or write to St. John's School, Uxbridge, Ontario. le sii lie ET -------- a8 ATL FR ns dg ASIA LES wir ify + A ' di Bote . s HUD dof L750 NTL A EST S14 TE 4 ASSATRRE FPR AEE TH PR po a a Lal x 1 4 A Me A ASR . " -- ENR we NR a nC dig ion . -we-had-learned-to-make during ----- 4% the Unit "A World of Food". CIN = " an i AT RS He pe i. CN oo wo I ro - 0 A 3 am roam Pm AL © od y= a