Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Apr 1967, p. 3

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O.N.O. Club met at the home of Joan Graham on Thursday ev- ening, April 13th. School "At Home" as asked. the Township for PIE EAR A 225 5 iy IRs £7 So ris i . » . 5 Jy AAR IRLOI RAT 0.N.O. CLUB Nineteen members of the Decided to cater to the High Society between now and the end of this month. Some plans were made for the Family Dance in May, note, this dance is for who care to attend, 0.N.O. member families, Elaine any families not just The club will be canvassing | Bailey expressed thanks to all the Cancer who had helped with the T.B. » . g * 4 EE Ea A RL rs Ei : I, cw» Fy oe FY Ai alt a dy Ta Laan bY and Diabetic Clinic. Roll Call was to be a mystery which proved to be. Pat Flet- cher took a picture of each girl on her polaroid camera, to be put in the O.N.O. scrap book. A delicious lunch and social time brought another pleasant evening to a close. A.W. BROCK DEPARTMENT BOXER SHORTS Luxurious cotton fabric tailored to fit trim. No center seam-- eliminates chafing. Heat-resistant elastic waistband. Contour seat for solid comfort in action or at leisure. See our complete collection of ARROW underwear today. Sh NE A. 50 STORE STANFIELD ATHLETIC SHORTS 1.00 - 1.50 SHIRTS 1.00-1.50 MEN'S BLUESTONE Pyjamas | 2.00 MEN'S SUITS TWO PANT | TIP TOP § STOCK MEN'S All Wool Slacks 1295-1495-1795| SHI RTS .4.00-5.00 MEN'S All Weather Coats 52295 = 2995 MEN'S KORATRON WINDBREAKERS 13.99 POSLUN COATS For LADIES ALL WEATHER 24.95-29.95] NEW SPRING DRESSES 5.95-6.95 8.95 - 10. 95 Ladi ies Shirts SHIRT TALES LINE 4.00 - 5.00 CENTENNIAL LINES FLAG SETS $12.95 MEN'S TIES 2.00 Men's Shirts $10.00 Long Sleeve MEN'S CAPS $2.95 and 4.95 LADIES' SHORT. SLEEVE. SHIRTS 5.00 Nylon Flags VARIOUS STYLES ARMSTRONG - VINYL COVERED QUAKER FLOOR sa. wo. 1.50) I sell brand names you can trust. aaa SS -- BLACKSTOCK NEWS -- : r + . 4 EERE SIRELIPS EX | 1 136 HAH Pe SEE Reh DURHAM COUNTY SHORTHORN BANQUET The annual banquet of the Durham County Shorthorn Club was well attended on Wednes- day evening, April 12th. It was held in the Recreational. Centre in Blackstock and the Black- stock U.C.W. served a delicious roast beef dinner, The club president, Mr. Will- iam Slater was master of cere- monjes. Head table guests in- cluded Mrs. Slater, past presi- dent, Mr. David Beath and Mrs. Beath;- vice-president, Mr. Gar- net Rickard and Mrs. Rickard, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Parkin, of Victoria County Shorthorn Club and Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Guelph. Mr. Smith repre- senting the Ontario Shorthorn Club- and Mrs. Smith is presi- dent of the Ontario County Shorthorn Lassies. Shorthorn Lassies, Misses Elmhurst and Flett were also present. The guest speaker, Mr. Tom Burgess of Ontario Agriculture College, Guelph. He gave a re- view of the Shorthorn breed and the beef industry and a prediction of what the future could hold for the beef produc- er, outlining some of the pro- cedures that will be necessary to produce economically enough to meet competition from other meats' Entertainment was provided by Mr. McCormick on the violin and two young people from Orono on the trumpet and the drums. gis ST. JOHN'S ACW. St. John's A.C.W. met in | the Parish Hall on April 13th with the president, Mrs. J. K. Law- rence presiding and Mrs. W. W. Van Camp acting secretary. Mrs. Harry McLaughlin had charge of. the Devotional per- iod. A*card from Mrs. McArt- hur was read. ~ Plans: were made for the Deanery meeting here on April 20th, and a committee was app- ointed to arrange the Mother's Day supper. Meeting closed with prayer. CURLING BANQUET Saturday evening, April 15th the Blackstock Curling Club EY Mrs. Mollon > ' AES TE Erdal It shal ngsetilsa barton iabnd stsolon anieidd ata aan a TPE SHE AEE ARR) SiO hides FER A, SRE Qasr 1 Srv PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, April 20th, 1967 -- 3 held its annual banquet. There were 94 people who sat down to the tables and 'enjoyed a tasty turkey dinner well served by the Blackstock W.I. Entertainment was provided by Linda Mountjoy and Perry Grandell which was greatly en- joyed by all. Prizes for the year's curling were presented and lucky draws made for chickens and a turkey. Financial report was pres: ented and new officers elected. Complete report to be pub- lished at a later date. PERSONALS Sympathy is extended Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton and family on the death of her father, Mr. Harry Hall in Cob- ourg. Misses Betty McArthur and Gloria Frances of Toronto and Mrs. Joan Mott of Whitby were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Venning. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mar- low returned home from Flori- da on Sunday. Mr. Paul Rahm of Brockville, Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Porter and Sean of Orono, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm were Sunday supper guests of Mrs. Cecil Hill Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford and Roberta of Willowdale vis- ited Mrs. R. Ford on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Danny Colaci- cco and family of Oshawa spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. L. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer | of Bowmanville visited Mr. and Mrs: Wilbert Archer on Sunday -Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mal- colm recently returned from Florida and spending some time in Toronto, visited his sister, Mrs. H. Taylor on Tuesday also Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and family on Monday night. Mrs. Alma Fowler spent a couple of days last week with in Port Perry. Previously Mrs. Mollon had spent a couple of days with the Harold Martyn's and Sunday guests of the Martyns were Mr. Ted Glover and two friends of Oshawa. Friends from this area might be interested to know Ted is now teaching in the R. S. McLaughlin school. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Swain of Oshawa spent Sunday with Messrs. Harold and Jim and Miss Helen Swain. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Van Camp and family visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Morrow, Hilton on Sunday. Miss Doreen Van Camp, Tor- onto spent the week-end at her home, About 30 young people and the councillors spent a helpful and interesting evening at Hi-C Sunday. Mrs. Donald Dagenais and baby, Debbie of Vancouver Is- land are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dean and Glen. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beacock of Prince Albert were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beacock and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Knott and Tony of Carlingford spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer and boys. . Recents guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bryans and family were, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Fairy and girls and Mr. Phil Johnson of Bowmanville and Miss Barb- ara Brown Courtice. Sunday the Bob Bryans family visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bryans and Don- na Lee in Fenelon Falls. "Mr: and Mrs. Marwood Mec- Kee visited friends in Oshawa on Tuesday. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Lawson and Bruce of Yelverton entertained in hon- our of Mr. and Mrs. McKee's wedding anniversary. GREENBANK CENTENNIAL PIONEERS The VII meeting of the 4-H Club opened with the motto. Our discussion was on China and Japan. Their main dish of food is rice. They eat with chopsticks. The main food of Japanese is fish They fry their food. A Hibachi which is a char- coal burner is brought to the table to do their cooking. The meeting closed with. the pur- - OgOa Og ORR OL OLOLOLOROROLOROROL OR A Cosmetics, ORO SZ AOR ROL OTOROLOROIOR GS OSOIOROROROSORC AOS OSOLOSOROSOSOROLOSORCAOSOSOROR0, : "The DIAL 985-2231 LAWRENCE'S Rexall ONE CENT Sale OR RT ROTOR OTOSTROTORE Just 3-Days More Of This Great MONEY SAVING OPPORTUNITY Be Sure To Get Your Vitamin Products, Household Drugs, First Aid Supplies, Stationery, Adrienne Bachelor Toiletries For Men, Products And A Host Of Sundry Items YY TX XX XTX When Its REXALL You Can Be Sure Its Good! OLOROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLKMOROLOSOSCRORORO, Lawrence Pharmacy Rexall Store" | Rexall Remedies, Oral Hygene PORT PERRY € ad; Ti 4 je ¥ : 3 ' a To &X B17: NSC ANISIE RE

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