Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 20 Apr 1967, p. 8

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Co RON LINE SCN, ANS Ada ne AT TO Re A Tet LP eS " i": a Cv i ps vi Ree. SH --- a 5 . Ne DN FG dea 2%. a - a Lo NC ry ----'! Sh --_ SEAN Ny SRA MAN Na Spi toa = Ey " . - RAE oa» - CY a . . . wh) 3 8, TO AAU Oe i afl fe ad Nelli Sos beable h iy om ad hed Bnd damian mld eodhing ha tise uta PHONE 985- 1383 L A PEREIRA anche ss bmainilh FOR ha PR NT Pa SA RSA 8 " re Sdatbamde PHONE 985- 1383 Classified Advertising Rates (Effective March 1st, 1967) ARTICLES FOR SALE -- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE REAL ESTATE -- WANTED -- CARS FOR SALE LOST -- FOUND -- ETC. Cash Rate -- 4c. per word Ist week, 3c. extra consecutive weeks with a minimum of $1.00 Ist week, 75¢c. for extra consecutive weeks. Must be paid week of insertion--if charged, an additional 25¢. will be added. 50c. ADDITIONAL WILL BE CHARGED FOR USE OF A BOX NUMBER. NOTICES -- COMING EVENTS -- CARDS OF THANKS 4c. a word with a minimum of $1.00 BIRTHS -- ENGAGEMENTS 4c. a word with a maximum of 25 words $1.00 -- MARRIAGES -- DEATHS IN MEMORIAMS -- $1.00 minimum for 4-line verse, 10c. " a line for additional lines. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED -- $1.25 per inch with a minimum of one inch. All Classified Ads must be in this Office not later than 6.00 p.m. Tuesday Send cash, stamps or money orders and save money. PHONE 985-7383 -- Clip this out for reference IN MEMORIAM BIRTH GRAHAM--In loving memory of mother and father, Maretta W. Graham who passed away April 18, 1966, and Job Graham, April 29th, 1946. Peace, perfect peace With loved ones far away? In Jesus keeping We are safe, and they. Remembered with love, by their daughter, Frances CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to relatives friends and neighbours for cards, gifts and visits during my --stay in-Oshawa General Hospital and after returning home. Spe- cial thanks to Dr. Bowerman & nurses who helped to brighten the days. Olive McMillan We would like to thank our neighbours for the lovely plant and also all our friends for the many messages of sympathy we received in the loss of our dear sister. Milton and Della Howsam} My sincere thanks to friends that. .sent cards, flowers and their visits and inquiries, also thanks to Dr. J. Diamond, nur- ses, & staff for their kindness, during my stay at the hospital. Willena Goose My cordial thanks to neigh- bours, friends and relatives for personal gifts, telephone calls and cards that I received during my recent stay in the Commun- ity Hospital, Port Perry. Speci- ally to Drs. Diamond and Kan- del and the staff at the Hospital who so speedily set me on the road to recovery. Thanks to you all. Tee ran ioik William Graham ENGAGEMENT Mr. Glenn Hil lis pleased to announce the engagement of his eldest daughter Kathryn . Lisle, to Mr. Douglas Fraser, Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Fraser, Inverness, Scotland. The wedding to take place May 13, 1967 at the Church of Ascension Port Perry. anne." NOTICE Would like to borrow a photo: graph of the foot Church, Scu- gog Island. Phone 985-2765. BANKS -- Teresa wishes to announce the safe arrival of her brother Eric William, weighing 9 lbs, 3% oz, on April 13th, 1967, at Port Perry Hospital. Proud parents are Fred and Doreen (nee Pascoe) and grand- parents are Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Banks, Brooklin and Mrs. Dor- othy Pascoe, Port Perry. Many thanks to Dr. John Diamond. SAULNIER--Paul and Betty are happy to announce the ar- rival of their son Christopher Lee, 8 lbs, 4 oz. on April 18, 1967, at the Port Perry Hospital. A brother for David and Suz- COMING EVENTS FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE HOSPITAL AUXILIARY SPRING FAIR On SATURDAY, MAY 27th, at 2.00 p.m., at Masonic Hall and Presbyterian Church. Mar. 23, Apr. 6-20, May 4-11-18-25 SOUVENIR MOOD Gilbert and Sullivan--one fea- ture of Port Perry's Centennial Choir presentation in High School Auditorium on June 28 DANCE Modern & Old Time FRIDAY, APRIL 21st at ODDFELLOWS HALL Sponsored by Maybelle & Warriner Lodges 'Admission $2.00 per couple Tickets contact 985-2463 2 Apr. 6 & 20 CENTENNIAL DINNER, Wed- nesday, May 3rd at 56 p.m. 6 pm. and 7 p.m. in Anglican Parish Hall. Admission Adults $1.75. Public School Children $1.00. Pre-School Children 50c. Apr. 13 & 27 --- ART SHOW Paintings by local artists will be shown in the Scout Hall basement, April 29th and 30th from 2 to 6 pm. On exhibit will be the work of members of the Port Perry High School night class under the supervi- sion of Mrs. Irving Boyd. Oil painting, pastels and collage will be displayed by the junior. artists (ages 10 to 17)--pupils of Mrs. T. D. Wallace. Tea will be served. Apr.13-20 REGULAR MEETING of Guide Mothers Auxiliary will be held Tuesday, April 25th at 8 p.m. in the Scout Hall. All mothers | welcome. TOBIN--Frank & Diane wish to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Kimberley Diane, weighing 5 lbs., 14 ozs. at the Port Perry Community Hospital. First grandchild of Mr. and Mrs. J. Tobin, Seagrave and Mr. and Mrs. H. Davey, Port Perry. Special thanks to Dr. J. Diamond. COMING EVENTS BINGO, Thurs., April 20th at 8.00 o'clock at Legion Hall. Jackpot $140.00, 54 numbers. Legion Special $80.00, also four $10. games. ; BOWLING FOR FUN Enjoy an evenig of Bowling at Causeway Bowling lanes. Come along and bring a friend. Pro- ceeds for the Girl Guide Ladies Auxiliary. April 24th. 8 p.m. : Apr.13-20 DAFFODIL LUNCHEON Daffodil Luncheon has been arranged by the Fidelis unit of Greenbank U.C.W. on Wednes- day, April 26th at 12.30. Mrs. Ed. Brown, Leaskdale, speaker. Tickets available from members $1.00. Mar.16 & Apr.20 EUCHRE, Saturday, April 22nd at 8.00 p.m. in Oddfellows Hall. Admission 50c. Lunch & Prizes. J MOTHERS' DAY DINNER Served at Club Annrene, Sun- 'day, May 8th, commencing at 1.00 p.m. May 4 BINGO -- Friday April 21st at 8 p.m., sponsored by Catholic Men's League. Jackpot $260.00, 57 numbers. Minor Jackpot $70.00, 54 numbers. BINGO, Thursday, April 27th at 8:30 p.m: Jackpot $160.00 in 60 numbers at Caesarea Commun- ity Hall. NEARLY NEW SALE Keep in mind Saturday, April 29, 10 am. - 6 p.m. for a Nearly New Sale, in the Port Perry United Church basement. Spon- sored by Unit #7 U.C.W. Pro- ceeds for allocation and build- ing fund. "CENTENNIAL CAPERS" Cambridge Street United Church, "Couples Club" Lind- say, Ont., present "Centennial Capers" in Seagrave United Church, SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 1967 at 8.15 p.m. This is spon- sored by Unit 1 of Seagrave U.C'W. Admission Adults $1.00. children 35c. Apr.20 RUMMAGE SALE on Friday, April 21st at. the Port Perry Community Arena from 10 a.m. to 6.00 p.m., sponsored by Port Perry Skating Club. Rummage may be left with Mrs. J. Baird 985-2800, Mrs. J. Franssen 985 2620. CENTENNIAL BALL Keep this date in mind, October 14th, 1967 Centennial Ball at Club Annrene, ' sponsored by Hospital Auxiliary. : SPRING BONNET TEA & BAZAAR, Saturday, April 29th at Seagrave United Church base- ment, 2.30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Apr. 27 PAPER DRIVE Second Scugog Paper Drive on Saturday, April 22nd. Have papers out by 9.30 a.m. WINNERS LIONS 101 1st Prize--Hefity Slater, Port Perry 2nd Prize--John Lumgair, Uxbridge. : 3rd Prize--Mrs. Bill Richardson, Port Perry RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH YOUR HELP ARCHER'S USED CAR 1964 FORD Coach Gas saving 6 cyl. Clean as a pin Lic. #55094E A good second car $1295.00 1960 CORVAIR Automatic & Radio Lic. #56055E .$295.00 1965 CHEV. St. Wagon V-8 Automatic Radio -- One Owner ; Lic. #X12339 $2195.00 1962 MERCURY St. Wagon Automatic & Radio Lic. #X12964 $1195.00 1955 PONTIAC - 2 Dr.-Hard Top Out it goes for Lic. #56155E And it runs. $50.00 BOB ARCHER MOTORS LTD. 150 Water St. Port Perry PORT PERRY 985.7361 PIANOS -- $95.00 and up, also Pianos wanted, any condition, will pay cash. Piano rebuilding Company, Brougham, Ont. -- 942-5547. Apr.27 SEED OATS, Barley and Grass Seeds for all your needs. High- est quality in all lines. United Hybrid Corn, the top yielder in {ing price. POTATOES, suitable for eating or planting. Phone 985-7730 May 4. HAY, good quality baled. Go- Harry Hill. Phone 985-7560, Greenbank Ont, Apr.13-20 BUILDING to demolish and of- fice to remove. Best offer. Apply E, Latcham 852-3643. Apr.13-20 B.S.A. and HONDA Motorbikes sales & service, Don't be dis- appointed. Order now for early spring delivery, easy terms, MIDTOWN FURNITURE & SPORTS, 30 William St. South, Lindsay. Apr.20 '49 OLDSMOBILE, excellent condition, original finish, per- fect mechanically, 47,000 miles. Call 985-2584 after 5. --Apr.20 18' CEDAR Strip Peterborough Boat, and 25 H.P. Johnson mo- tor, perfect condition. Ivan Mountjoy, Blackstock 986-4737. EL APY. 27 FOR SALE OR RENT A one storey house, containing 4 bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, large living-room, bath- room and furnace. Situated in village of Little Britain. Phone 63 Manilla, Ont. REGISTERED Appaloosa Stal- lion Service. Pushlinch Chief #2332, to approved mares only. Also a few good saddle horses for sale. Phone 985-7279 after 5.00 p.m. : 30 WEENED PIGS, 1 good Lan- drace boar, a few good sows, heavy in pig. Phone 985-7279 after 5 p.m. THREE PIECE Chesterfield suite, suitable for cottage or early. test for. last. three. years. rec. room. 116-Crandle St. or Still available No. 108, 3H11, 118, 7 and 10. Also Seneca's top yielders No. 155 & 285 for | grain and silage. Telephone 986-4331. SWAIN SEED 985-2549. HAY, 100 bales straw. R. Aird. Phone 985-7858. CLEANERS AND DEALERS. TYPEWRITERS, $49.00. No REFRIGERATOR, Rangette, bed May 25 spring and mattress, dresser, phonograph. Phone 985-2323. money down, $2. wkly. Adders, Cashiers, File Cah., New, Used, Rentals, Service, Trades. BALED HAY -- Don Leslie, Phone 985-2909. Apr.27 Bill Hamilton, Raglan (North of Oshawa) T.F. Sweetman's Trade-Ins ON THE BIG SWITCH TO CHRYSLER 1964 RAMBLER 660 SEDAN 6 automatic, radio Lic. 56157E $1175.00 1963 PONTIAC Laurentian 8 cyl, automatic, radio Lic. 55196E $1450.00 -63 PONTIAC Strato Chief 6 cylinder standard, radio Lic. 322666 $1295.00 63 METEOR 8 Cylinder standard, radio Lic. 56160E $1195.00 61 PONTIAC Parisienne 6 automatic, radio Lic. 46980E $895.00 Several other Used Cars from 1955 to 1965 Chrysler Credit Terms PHONE 985.2212 STEWART SWEETMAN BROME GRASS SEED 30c. a 1b. also timothy seed 15c¢. a 1b. Ph. 852-6536 or 985-7792. For The Best- Come West 2 Miles West of Port Perry Where 7A & 12 Meet GY WILSON FORD SALES MANCHESTER, ONT. 985-7341 CY'S USED CARS Cash or Terms 1963 PONTIAC, 9 Pass. V-8 Wagon Laurentian PS - PB - Aut, Radio; W/Walls. A real clean family Wagon. Full Price .......... $1595.00 1962 CORVAIR 2 Dr. Monza Aut., Radio, W/Walls 44,000 wife driven miles Full Price $795.00 1962 GMC !; Ton PICK-UP Long wide box, new paint, new tires, a gem at $795.00 § 64 CHEV. 2 Dr., 6 Cyl. Std. Trans. A gas saver very clean, Sandlewood Tan - Beige Int. Fall Price .......... $1395.00 THESE CARS WERE ALL TRADED IN ON NEW FORDS THEY WERE NOT BOUGHT BY US FOR RE-SALE. WE KNOW THE PREVIOUS OWNER Before You Buy - See "CY" Mustang, T-Bird, Trucks MISCELLANEOUS MONEY TO LOAN I will loan you up to $5000. at a reasonable rate of interest to Consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile purpose, providing you are steadily em~ ployed and have good credit. Telephone Oshawa 728-4681. T.F. Hydro - Electric Port Perry Place your order with JIM HEAYN digg apt dl Bg EE TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG CENSUS TAKERS WANTED Applications will be received by the undersigned until April 27th for two local Housewives to take Census for 1967. Also to take a count of Dogs in Scugog Township. For more information Phone 985-7281. $85,000 of 6%%, 1-20 years, for the purpose of a New Substation and Purchase of a Truck J $25,000 WILL BE DATED APRIL 1, 1967 $60,000 WILL BE DATED NOVEMBER 1, 1967 Commission of Debentures the Village Clerk. JOHN F. RAINES, Clerk ~ Ford, Fairlane, Falcon | \ L 2 » v J] " wv J EL) v NN . » e v LJ] hl 4 » « » * u ¥ SAE | ' ° a . . 5 . '

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