Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 25 May 1967, p. 9

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2 . 5 SL L,2 of ; Ft int de adit FERRARI TES eS FORAGE IW DRL RS PE. SERN SR Will Give Away Pretty kittens to give away. Phone 985-7484. HELP WANTED AMBITIOUS man with car in Port Perry and district. Sup- plement your income. Sell and service the products of Electro- tux Canada Limited. Pull or part time. Complete sales training will be provided. Ask for Marvin Appleton. 985-7704. SALES HELP WANTED (Male or Female) Let George show you how you ~ can earn $50.00 to $200.00 per week selling and Electrolux. Call-- GEORGE CROZIER Blackstock 986-4216 June 29 servicing SALES HELP WANTED MALE Stop worrying "about Debts, Pay them by giving Rawleigh Service in Ontario County. Established routes. Easy to start. No money required. Write Rawleigh, Dept. E-343-815, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry Mont real. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Large Canadian and U.S. Com- has a wonderful opportunity for a man with recent farming background in this area. Applicant must have a minimum of Grade 8 education, age 23 to 50, and be well known in the area. Good earnings with excellent opportunity for advancement. Write telling us about yourself. Reply in confidence to Na-Churs International, Box 84, London, Ontario. 'May 11- 17-20 Stenogra cher REQUIRED IMMEDIATELY for full or part time duties at the COMMUNITY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL, PORT PERRY Must be qualified to take dictation Interview arranged by phoning 985-7321 for an appointment REAL ESTATE SALESMAN WANTED For newly opened Main Street 'Brooklin Office (just opposite | "Bank of Commerce). We are looking for a Pickering or Whitby Township resident, who would enjoy meeting people and is interested in learning the real estate business. Drop in to our Brooklin of-| 'fice and discuss your career with us. You can earn com- mission while you learn. No experience is required. Friendly professional assistance is pro- vided. For further information phone BRUCE BAGG, 655-3631 at Brooklin Office or PHONE 294-1372 "ROBERT A. SHEA _ 8 WELLINGTON ST. WEST MARKHAM, ONT. LIMITED REALTORS 1867 UI 1967 pany in the agricultural field| - "OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS" $2000 down buys 2 storey nine room brick home in Port Perry, oil furnace, 2 baths, oak floors, dishwasher, close to school and shopping excellent family home for quick sale. $9500.00. PRESTIGE HOME Two storey seven room brick home in Port Perry. Four bed- rooms, all conveniences, broad- loom, washer, dryer, dishwasher stove and fridge. Large lot with private well-treed back yard. Priced to sell, with terms. Three - bedroom, winterized frame cottage on Portview Beach, 90 feet lake front, well treed lot with sand beach, patio, well, two pressure systems, three piece bath, modern knotty pine kitchen, panelled insulated walls, fully furnishd, good value at $11,500 with terms. + 13% storey 6 room frame home in Port Perry, close downtown, furnace & bath, nicely decor- ated, $9000. with terms. Hardwood floors, oil heating & all modern conveniences, excel- lent location. Full price only $17,500. $6,000 Down Buys 100 -acres Choice clay loam in Beaver- ton area, 2 storey, 9 room brick home overlooking Lake Simcoe, % mile to sandy beach and ac- cess to lake, L shaped barns. Very speculative. Immediate Possession. Only $21,000. with balance at 69%. with terms. Several dairy, beef and com- muter farms for sale. Call for information. -- Call -- GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 50 acres, 10 acres bush, 175 rods road frontage, down $3000. 22 acres, large pond, dam, & '| sluiceway, 685' highway front- age, excellent building site. $5000 down. 100 acres, 1% storey 10 room brick home, bank barn 70 x 40, large gravel deposit situated on paved road. Price $32,000 with terms. 100 acres vacant land, excel- lent pasture, 25 acres bush, good stream, full length of pro- perty. Price $13,000. 100 acres 1% storey 6 room brick home, hardwood floors throughout, 3 bedrooms, bank barn, implement shed, double garage. Price $27,000. MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. Auction Sales AUTION SALE of Farm Ma- chinery & Pigs, the property of ARTHUR HOWARTH, Lot 98, Con. 2, East Gwillimbury Twp., 1 mile North of Newmarket (North Main St.) on MON, MAY 15th. Fordson Major Tractor, Case Tractor, McCor- mick Threshing Machine, Allis Chalmers Combine, McCormick Baler, etc., 6 Sows, 1 Hog. No reserve as owner is giving up farming due to ill health. Sale at 1.30. Terms Cash. Fred Dew, Clerk. REG JOHNSON, May 11 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 221 $5,000 "down buys 3 Pedroom brick bungalow in Port Perry.' '| Grain, Some Furniture," the REAL ESTATE BROKER $5,000 down buys an almost new, 3 bedroom, frame, unfini- shed bungalow close to Port Perry. 3% acre lot. Includes new electric stove and Frig. Total price $16,500. 2 bedroom frame bungalow in Port Perry, close to schools, with extra building lot. Good value at $11,000. 3 bedroom, lakefront, winter- ized, furnished cottage on Honey's Beach. 3 piece bath, Carport, Dock and large lot. Price $11,500. Three, 3 bedroom, furnished, lakefront cottages on Scugog Island. 2 piece baths. Prices from $6,800 to $9,000. Terms. CALL 985-2881 REAL ESTATE SMALL HOUSE and bath on 14, acre of land, hydro, good well. Full Price $7,000.00. Attractive 3 bedroom brick home, mahogany cupboards and trim, bathroom, hardwood and tile floors, F.A. Oil heating. Many extras. Down $3,900.00, with easy terms. Comfortable 3 bedroom frame home, tile floors, 4 pc. bath, F.A. Oil heating, close to down- town and school. Nicely decor- ated. Down $2,500.00, with easy terms. 125 acres picturesque farm on highway, 1 mile from town, 10 room brick house, two bath- rooms, ample supply of water, hip roof barn, concrete stable, other buildings. Excellent soil. Good possibilities. Many extras. Down $25,000.00 with easy terms. ) Newly, six room brick bun- any cupboards and trim, tile & harwood floors, A-C oil heating, many extras, 11 acres, a stream, steel barn and excellent soil. A good buy. Call for more infor- mation. List your farms with us, as we have clients waiting. Agent MARION HOPKINS 985-7215 Auction Sale AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Straw, property of MAC GILLESPIE, Lot 13, Con. 1, Thorah Twp., 6 miles south east of Beaverton or 6 miles north west on Can nington (on Hwy. 48) on THUR. MAY 18th, 40 head of Pure Bred Shorthorn Cattle, 19 Cows, Cal ves by side, 7 heifers. Pure Bred Bull, 50 Chunks (3 mon.), 2000 bales of hay, 700 bales of straw, 300 bu. of grain, Case tractor, SC 4 International trac- tor W 4, McCormick baler, No. 45, M.F. Power Mower (3 yrs), International 1% ton truck, full line of Machinery. Farm "Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash, Sale at 1 p.m. Gerald Graham, Clif- ford Ross, Clerks, REG. JOHNHON, May 4-11 Auctioneer Auction Sales "China cabinet, Bedroom suites, '| Chairs, Victrola, Qu. of other 'Bulls, 14 cows with calves at | information contact any one of galow, attached garage, mahog-{ STANLE SATURDAY, MAY 13th -- Auction Sale of 35 Holstein Cows, Reg. Holstein Bull, 37 Ewes with Lambs, tractor, com- bine, bulk tank, baler, forage harvester, full line of imple ments, baled straw and furni- ture, the property of KEN L. POWELL, . Lot 12, Con. 6, East Whitby, on Oshawa Suburban Rd., just south of Columbus. Farm Sold. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Harvey Pascoe, Clerk. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Apr.27 May4-11 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE of Furniture, Implements, Hay, the property of ROY SCOTT, Seagrave, on WED., MAY 24th, 130 p.m. Terms Cash. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, May 11-18 Auctioneers AUCTION SALE of House- hold furniture and Farm Ma- chinery, the property of JAMES IANSON, will be held in the Village of Greenbank on SAT. MAY 13th, Case Model S trac- tor, New Holland baler, Levy fertilizer spreader, M.H. Man- ure Spreader, McCormick side rake, Bale elevator, Qu. of farm Machinery, Qu. of baled hay, etc. Roll top writing desk, oval table, - Antique couch, furniture. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Glenn Wanamaker, Roy Scott, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, May 4-11 Auctineer Ph. Sunderland 227 SATURDAY, MAY 27th at 1.30 p.m.-- Complete dispersal of Polled and Horned Short- horns, owned by C. ALLAN RUDKIN, R.R. 4, Port Perry. 50 Head comprising of 3 Polled foot, bred and open heifers, selling at Peterboro Sales Barn south of flashing light on #7 highway. Terms of Sale are Cash. Lunch available at Sale barn. 'Maurice Baker, Uxbridge, Pedigrees, John Howden Colum- bus, Clerk. ROSS BAILEY Uxbridge Auctioneer Also selling Walker Hoof Trimming Stall and large size B & C Feed Cooker both in ex- cellent condition. For further the above. May4-11-18-25 AUCTION SALE -- Estate of Bowmanville, approx. 2 miles E. of Nichols Garage on #2 Hwy. SATURDAY, MAY 13th at 10 am. Dinette suite, chrome suite, McClary refrigerator, rangette, fleetwood portable T.V., vinyl chesterfield bed, | chest of drawers, wardrobe, single bed, gun cabinet, rifle press, complete line of gun equipment, Beach tool cabinet on castors, extension ladder, lawn mower, electric drills, complete line of mechanics tools, 1965 Honda, 1960 Dodge Car, many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash. MYLES KING, Auctioneer, 725-3039, Oshawa MONDAY, MAY 22nd -- The fourth annual consignment sale of ponies and riding horses; to be held at the Stouffville Stock- yards Limited. With a number of horses consigned to the sale now, anyone wishing to consign horses to this sale please con- tact. the sales management Frank Bennett, Unionville §87- 5570 or Norm Faulkner at 640- 3813. Sale at 1 p.m. May 11-18 YOUR RED CROSS IS SERVING TODAY READY FOR TOMORROW Ph. Sunderland 227 cards were read from--Ruby- 3 4 21S PORT PERRY STAR -- THURSDAY, MAY 1ith, 1967 -- 9 Greenbank UCW The Afternoon Unit held the May meeting in the Church Parlour on Wednesday the 3rd at 2.00 p.m, Mrs. Mero played piano music prior to the open- ing. Verses were read by Mrs. Robert Leask who presided. Hymn 358 Ras sung followed by Psalm 743 read in Unison, The Scripture reading was taken from Luke 12, verses 16- 21. The Theme of the meeting was Stewardship and Mrs. Roy Leask dealt with the parable of the Rich Farmer for the Medi- tation thoughts. Mrs. Harris offered a very thoughtful Pray- er. The offering was received and dedicated. Mrs. Guy re- viewed a further study of Ste- wardship. Mrs. Roy Leask read a story related by a doctor fol- lowing the death of an eleven year old patient. Hymn 388 closed the worship service. Mrs. Harper presided for the business, welcoming the ladies and thanking the group in charge. Minutes of April meet- ing were adopted as read by Mrs. Spencer. Mrs. Mero re- ported $283.03 in the Treasury and noted the U.C.W. Sunday Collection was $64.20. Thank you notes for Get Well Beare and Olive McMillan. U. C. W. invited to visit these sis- ter organizations. Ashworh Canadiana Fesival at the home of Mrs. Ed. Brown Sat., June 10th 2-4 or 7-9 p.m. Leaskdale, Thursday, May 17 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Doble of Pick- ering, guest speaker. Columbus and Prospect, May 10th at 2 p.m. It is indeed un- fortunate both of these Bazaars are being held on the same day. Mrs. A. McMillan reported for Kitchen Committee. The sink taps were being looked af- ter and the new chairs would be along eventually. - Mrs. Beaton read a letter of Instruction re- garding the bale which is being prepared. It was decided all heavy articles were to be de- livered to nearest needy e.g. Fred Victor Mission or Harold King farm. Lighter articles to be sent in Bale. May 18th is deadline for receiving goods to be shipped. About 15 quilts were prepared this year. The feasability of serving lunch following Sunday morn- ing service on our Centennial week-end of June 16, 17 & 18 was discussed at length. Some were of the opinion Home Hos- pitality would cover most visit- ors while others thought some would like to visit at the church over the lunch hour. The opin- ion of the evening unit would be respected in this matter. -- Announcement was--made of Oshawa Symphony Orchestra Concert in Eastdale Collegiate Auditorium on Tuesday, May 30. Meeting adjourned. Lunch was served to 25 members and 2 visitors. [-- Sfiin Saiiee re. 23 -- EVERYONE Sores SIEHREE Sie als a =e SSS Sef STH Be SHS SHES lie HRC {CLUB ANNRENE | MODERN DANCE HALL LAKESIDE BEACH -- SCUGOG ISLAND SATURDAY, MAY 13th. 1967 Music by "ROYAL AMBASSADORS" Modern and Square Dancing ADMISSION $3.00 Per Couple. BUFFET SUPPER -- - We cater to banquets, weddings, parties, etc. for 20 to 500 persons. PHONE 985 - 2751 SPECIAL "MOTHERS DAY" DINNER -- ) 1:00 P.M. to 6:00 P.M. Please Phone For Reservation. TEA A TA Tl TT Hie Sil e > = fi Se > Suite Sufi Zo Sse > HSS EC 0 "WELCOME -- REFRESHMENTS Phone 985-2221 Cawker's Food Market FREE DELIVERY RRR Sn Rh Re) "J a] A Vie ON IASI A Rn XAT i ACER WN ae y . SE Te Sa A Ny EY Yom " Vw Laie wily IR he) a 0 a in Spt he Oar x a 3 pps ~ RS et WRT "4 ~ wh . AL eat Port Perry Specials May 11, 12, 13 CHRISTIE'S PILLSBURY Banana Cake Corned Beef MAXWELL HOUSE S.V. S. LIQUID Detergent Chocolate Rolls BICKS SWEET GHERKIN Pickles 1202 FRAY BENTOS Extra Lean FACELLE 2 PLY COLOURED Face Tissues Large Box 2} 29° 43° Mix 39c ze BIC Coffee REGULAR GRIND 1 1b. Bag 17° 24 oz. a1° No. 1 Bacon PORK LOIN ROASTS PORK LOIN CHOPS Centre Chops Fast Fry Chops LB. y 2° wm. 5c wm. HY° 3

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