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Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Jun 1967, p. 10

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ORS {Di of tr REMAN SLE Sy ( : . $y » . + » 3 HE TEAR PEERS AR SSCA SIN INSAIEEE SAL AC LAME Rh CHER SNTIRCRAN Au ORAS ry 8 M0 oid EASY (Hd 10 - -- Thursday, June 8th, 1967 | Warden Van Camp' S$ Held in His Honour Prior to my election as War- | a few of the items considered. den in January of this year, I felt that I had a good knowledge of municipal affairs and county government. However, I have found in the intervening months in my position as Warden, that there was a lot of things I had not been acquainted with in connection with the operation of county government. . I am very proud to represent 'these United Counties, which are recognized as one of the prime Counties in the province, and especially in this Centennial Year, it makes a very busy re- sponsibility, but one that I am thoroughly enjoying. As was the case in former years, the budget has increased again this year and represents an expenditure of approximate- ly $3,400,000. I am pleased to say that due to the increase in assessment of $2,750,000, it was only necessary to increase the county mill rate by .04 of a mill. These days, we hear much of Regional Government and abo- lition of Counties, I am con- vinced that as long as these ~ Counties' Council are progres: sive and are making wise plans PORT PERRY STAR] t RIL iN 3 EE dh 1 ST Let Cats ¥ VR B22 Ry SEAGRAVE NEWS GRE TIENTS] 4 $ 33-0 MELT Br Xa Bulletin on Bethal Cemetery: > | It has been stirred up a little Speech At Banquet | but no real improvement yet. The meeting of the Board of | Stewards was held on Wednes- day evening May 31st. Here are A second tender for redecorat- ing had been received but it was much higher than the first so the committee was authoriz- ed to deal with the first comp- any if and when details could be worked out. The Board was tiling is being considered in- stead. Bill Keen has not yet been successful in getting esti- mates for window repairs but he reported the purchase of a new vacuum and two long ex- tension cords. A proposal to have the Reach Centennial Choir was referred to the sess- ion. Don Crosier is to see about getting crushed gravel for the church drive way and parking There is still some sickness among our friends. Mr. William > IRATE Sots, 45 [5311 a a 5 5 BE. 5 b Ad ing from measles but is recov-, ering nicely. Mrs. V, Tait is still seriously ill in Oshawa hos- pital. The Short families again suf- fered bereavement in the death after a long illness of Mr. Hen- ry Copeland of Oakwood, bro ther-in-law of Mr. Heywood Short and the late Mr. Albert Short. We offer sympathy to his wife and other relatives. Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Trist- ram are sailing for England this week. We wish them a pleasant holiday in their native land. ceived and appreciated. We might add that the pies served for their lunch were well rec- eived and appreciated by the club. Mr, and Mrs. A. Moon had their son Harold and his wife of Toronto for week-end visit ors and Mr. and Mrs. E. Butt had their son Grant, his wife 'and family from Whitby, Also visiting with the Butts were Mr. and Mrs. Gil Thoburn of Pefferlaw. Holidays are over for the Dregars who returned to their Toronto home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Belair, accomp- 'qualified lor of Scugog when they went to ifspect Bob's hunting lodge near Maynooth on Sunday. A number of Seagravers att- ended the open meeting of the Greenbank UCW on Wednesday evening and also the Sunday School Anniversary on Sunday. Our 9.45 a.m. Sunday School meeting wasn't exactly an un- success. Too much clock watching. Parts of the program were omitted but bir- thday money was collected from Mrs. C. Hallett and Diane Barr. Attendance was only 67, Next Sunday Sunday School™ at 9.45 again and then to Pine- Colewell had to be take to hospital on Wedneatly ffer- opposed to having the Sunday School ceiling painted again so The program of the Scarboro A.0.T.S. Glee Club was wll re- anied Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Tay- dale Anniversary. TOWNSHIP OF SCUGOG Financial Statement and Auditor's Report, 1966 The Reeve, Councillors and Ratepayers The Township of Scugog: We have audited the books and accounts of your municipality for the year ended December 31, 1966 and have prepared the attached financial statements and supporting schedules in accordance with regulations pre: scribed by the Department of Municipal Affairs. Contrary to Section 234(3) of the Municipal Act, Council did not inspect the surety bond on the Clerk-Treasurer prior to February 15, 1966. opinion the surety bond coverage should be increased. "AUDITOR'S OPINION ~ for the future of this part of | 3 -- the County System; rather they" -- portation and location, I can see nothing but rapid expansion of Ontario, the higher levels of government will never abolish will add more and more res- ponsibilities to the county level of government. I feel it is at the grass roots level we get our best gov't. This has been exemplified during the past few years by the new legisla- tion enabling Counties to inau gurate county assessment, coun- ty welfare, county planning, re. gional jails, county school - "boards, ete. 'These Counties are . experien- 'cing rapid growth. With the efforts of the enterprise people who reside within their bound- aries, the good farms, indus- tries, recreation facilities, trans: population, industry, and oppor- tunity for this area. THIS IS MY COUNTY! My county is the place where my home is found, where my business is situated and where my vote is cast. It is where' my children are educated, where my neighbors my civic loyalty. dwell, where my life is chiefly lived. It is the home spot for me. My county has the right to It supports me and I should support it. My county wants my citizen- ship, not my partisanship; my friendliness, not my dissension; my constructive suggestion, but not my destructive criticism; my -intelligence, not my indif- ference. My county supplies me with protection, trade, friends, edu- cation, churches, schools, and the right to free moral citizen- ship. It has some things that are better than others: the best things I should seek to make better; the worst things I should help to improve. Take it all-in-all, it is my county and it is entitled to the "best there is in me. --Lions Gate Times. 1 hope that in the future as has been experienced in the - past, our ablest persons will take their place and offer their services to the municipalities by coming forward -as candidates for municipal school boards and councils, The future of our country will depend on the calibre of these people. In closing I might just say again, how proud I am to repre- -gent these Counties as your Warden at all the various func- tions in which the Counties are involved. I will do my utmost to uphold the heritage and re- spect that these Counties pre- 5 sently merit.| We hereby report that in our opinion: _1.The financial transactions which-have come under our notice have been within the powers of the municipality. 2. The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE For the year Ended December 31, 1966 Other Municipalities County of Ontario re : . REVENUE , Actual ~ Budget Total Revenue from Taxation ............. $ 84,963. $ 84,339. <= Contributions, Grants and Subsidies ' A Governments: Ontario-- thtour Welfare Assistance ............... $ 120. Highway Improvement ........ 11,455 Payment in lieu of municipal taxes 3. ~~ _. _.# - ~~ Unconditional Per Capita Grants 1,281... pads eres Ambulance ............c.ccceeeieiieiennnnn -125. ' Centennial Project ............ 854. ~ TTT TT WARE WOTES er erreeerenes 2,067. Warble Fly .......ccoooovviiiiiiicine 142, * Tile Drainage ........c.ccommms 294. os 16,341 13,881. 3. The financial _statements present fairly the financial position of the Pine Point Road ........... 3,342, municipality as at December 31, 1966 and the results of its operations Licenses and Permits .....c......c.... 399. 400. for the year ended on that date. Interest, Tax Penalties, efc. ............... 978. 650. Other Revenues-- DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS, Rents, Concessions & Franchises 5. April 5, 1967. Auditors. Service Charges ............ccccevvevueennen. 1,170. Li INO. BOG mmr ree re ee a > gd 1,175.00 a =fcense 0: j 5 wMiseeHaneous----""""""" TT Date of Filing: April 12, 1967. Miscellaneous .............ccccomveemree. 105. Tax write-offs charged back ........ 23. CAPITAL AND LOAN FUND BALANCE SHEET Centennial project provisions: ; December 31, 1966 : wd OBB icici viens ernest eres 2,000. --Current year ...............eeeu.e. 2,800. re ~~ ASSETS --Future - 1967 & 1968 ............ 4,500. 2 General Fixed EIN ACICI ETI, SER SER Ble $ 35,969. 9428. 9,300. fr f D t " . ee chentures aE, Gross Total REVENUE .................. 116626. 108,570. ririats tans trsnseiradormec mies siinesnrias ' . Surglis trom Prior Yores uron to rediuos 1677 oy oy 68,786. : 3 Seqee. 117,146. 109,090. u LIABILITIES Total Revenue Section ..............o.. $117,146. $109,090. 'Debentures Assumed from Other Municipalities .... $ 32,817. Investment in Capital Assets 35,969. EXPENDITURE ri dain 5 Actual Budget $ 68,786. General Government ; -- Executive and Legislative ............ $ 959. ¥ REVENUE FUND BALANCE SHEET Analy £2 3 Lidell ho © December 31,1966 : $ 8001. § 8650. Protection to Persons and Property .. ASSlerS: RT SE 719. Cash in BANK ........cocooooeioieiereieneneen aires ssssesnes $ 581. Warble FIV Gromrimmmiscisiimni 495. Accounts Receivable . Ambulance Grant... 200. LJ - Province of Ontario ...........cins 5,751. Livestins EA EI TR SRL RRL 112, 27 Other ManiCIngliies .......cmamscmseasississmasmnies i 33. REINER EYE a TU, 1,586. 1,950. Taxes Receivable .........c.nmernesrrmssrmsisssssssssssssionses 13,894. Public ry Highways (0 inn RIL I AN 1. and Streets, ete. .....ivniiiirnens 22,629 20,000. Deferred costs -- Centennial project Sanitation and Waste Removal ............ 1,415. 200. to be recovered in 1967 and 1968 levies ........ 4,500. Conservation of Health ........ccoovree 1: RRL TN CEI EL a "Social Welfare ~~ : Ny " ATOLAL ASEOLS ..couriserdeiiussisimpupsseginegivsrsrsiiosssersribinss frit 35s $ 24,760 Welfare Assistance ................cccou..e. 285. 350. Education, including debt charges .... 42,323. 42,010. Recreation and Community Services .. 375. 400. LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Debt Charges Temporary LOANS ...........cocoocovererveereererenriersessesserensssiens $ 16,800 Long-term debt charges ............. 4,862. ' Accounts Payable Less own share of school ; SURAPY 08 i hun, iii dis detitios viades 1,392. debt charges ...........c.coiees 4,862. ' "Other Municipalities .................ccooorrrveeiirnirnnnren 849. i: Fyn Hydro arrears onl fax roll mmr 855. > ee aa TRESOIVES v.cvvor ices rere Rerrirsrsscrsrsnisessnismsinsssesmssressenes v 4,500. Short-term interest & other charges 523. 450. SUEDE oii ind itis tiv iitrimisgieasiosisiissinsos iptinsniny 864. Taxes written off ..................ccoeiiiiiinnn 30. 100. Capital Expenditures out of Revenue 13,311. 9,300. Total Liabilities and Surplus ..........ccccoecevvevivvenrvennnn. $ 24,760 Joint or Special Expenditures i : - Copies Rates [i iin 22,088 22,830. v Mi REVENUE FUND SURPLUS ACCOUNT soollatens] ber 31, 1966 Centennial project December : gins Cio Bet --1966 Provision ................. 2,800. 2,800. . id redit plants, Provision for Allowances, Reserves Balance at January 1, 1966 ............... $520. and Reserve Funds o.oo. | 1 Surplus included in ; Current Budget ..............ccooeevveinn ) $ 520. 1E dit 116,282. 109 oA Surplus for the year ................ 864. Gross Tol geen MIO drsisdrmiostiurisns ! 02,090, * 116,282. 109,090. Totals of Debit and Credit columns... § 520. § 1,384 Surplus for the Year ...................... 864. === fotal Expenditure Section .................... 117,146. ) Balance of Surplus at December 31, 1966 $3 B64 Teil Expenditiire Section $117,148. . : 3100000 4

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