Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 8 Jun 1967, p. 11

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rT ' yd * A A «1 LEP.) BLACKSTOCK NEWS The general U.C.W. meeting was held Tuesday evening in the C.E. room. Following a sing song the president read the In- dian version of the 23rd Psalm. Mrs. Kenneth Samells, Mrs. G. Skelding and Mrs, L. Thom- pson gave an impressive wor- ship. Mrs. P. Romeril introduc- ed the guest speaker, Miss Ed- ith Wheting of Curve Lake In- dian Reserve who gave a very interesting address on the life of the Canadian Indians. She told a facinating story of an In- dian girl 100 years ago and a good deal of the history of the Ojibwa Indians on this reserve as handed down from her great grandmother and grand parents She had some of the fine work of these people on display also she extended an invitation for one or two to visit the Whet- ung Ojibwa Craft Centre on Curve Lake Indian Reserve. From the picture of the Craft shop this should be very inter- esting and educational to see. Mrs. Romeril expressed the thanks to Miss Whetung. The president and secretary took their places and concluded the business. There will be no more general meetings until Septem- ber. The units are to discuss advisability of a trip and when and--where--- some -time during the summer, A delicious lunch served by the Candace unit and a. social visit and chat with Miss Whet- ung brought a pleasant even- ing to a close. On Tuesday two bus loads of grades 1, 2 and 3 of the public school accompanied by their teachers, Mrs, Margaret McGill, SSS fe > HES > SORE SHH SHE 2 iN ssa SBE ZESEESS POPLAR PARK- Port Perry Sponsoring Swimming Lessons capably instructed by Margaret Terrett and Sharon Baird. . LESSON DAYS--Mon., Wed., Fri. or Tues., Thurs. Sat. -- Time 8:30 a.m. to Sik pm. "Groups -- Tadpoles 4-5 years Red Cross -- Beginner, Fadior Intermediate, 'Senior. R.L.S.S. -- Elementary Intermediates Certif- icate and Bronze Medallion.. Also -- Competetive Swim Team, Synchro- nized Swimming. FEE -- $5.00 Per Person. ADULT LESSONS PRIVATE LESSONS AVAILABLE. Register Before June 17th. Phone - - 2461 at 5:30 to 7:00 pm, "Mountjoy and family. -- Mrs. Margaret Mountjoy and Mrs. David Kyte enjoyed a day visiting the library the dairy and the post office in Bowman- ville. ol "On Friday grades 6 and 7 pr ong with teachers Mrs. Gwen- ith Thompson and Mr. Grant Campbell went to Midland and tourned Huronia and Ste. Marie Friday the pupils who were at school found it quite excit- ing to have walk up the side walk to the four corners to meet their busses at 3.30 as this con- cession was closed to traffic from 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. due to re-surfacing. Congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Wayne McShane who were married in the United Church here on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mann- ing and Mr. Gordon Manning Woodford and Miss Mima Man- | ing, Meaford were week-end | guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mountjoy and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Belyea and Nancy of Bronte, Mr. Les: lie Bushfield, Sarnia, and Miss Barbara Sedgwick, of Norwood were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Byers, Jim and Janice. . ... -.Mr,--and- Mrs. Lorne 'Wanuon of St. Catherines were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wannon of Guelph were week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoskin. Mr. Larry Hoskin, chartered accountant student at Hamilton spent a short time at home on Friday evening and attended the McShane-Mountjoy wedding Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham | visited an aunt, Mrs. M. Griff. in Bon Air Rest Home, Cann- "Yes you can continue your education.' or write to: ONTARIO Toronto 2 ~This bookletshows you how you can get financial help. Do you plan to attend a university or other post-secondary institution? Do you need financial assistance? To learn whether you can qualify under the Ontario Student Awards program, obtain this brochure from your secondary school, or from the institution of your choice Student Awards Department of University Affairs, 481 University Avenue : dinner party at the home of ington on Sunday. Mrs. M. P., Philip, of Scarboro spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs Charles Smith and Oliver. Mr. and Mrs, Austin Beacock, Mrs. Vera Moffat, Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock visited Mrs. M. Parvis and Miss Olive Beacock in Oshawa on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Marwood Mec- Kee visited Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ball in Orono on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kunning have returned home from a pleasant visit with her father, his parents and other relatives in Holland. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Archer accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Vin- cent Archer of Bowmanville and visited relatives in Bobcay- geon and Fenelon Falls on' Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Archer of Bowmanville were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson Samells. Mr. and Mrs. Barry Duns: moors and children visited the Ken Dunsmoors on Sunday. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ger- ald Kelly and girls during the week were: Mrs. Rhys Herbert, South Hampton, England, Mrs. Reg. Boundy, Port Perry, Miss Nancy Harness, Oshawa, Miss June Keller, Brooklin,- Miss Susan Hopping, Bradford and "Mr. Gordon Kelly, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Morton and boys were Sunday supper Pa 4 AL A 4 RE & weaved ddd tinal PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, June 8th, 1967 . : yh ly id ¥ 3 te Fest . AEE 3 sth F $x 3 Fy pe y F ACh » - ' . H i a Whasiiadiaieativainaossidinalatacr dado snc sh adil dis winds yi ion ar dads bi Greenbank Fidelis The May meeting -of Green: bank Fidelis UCW evening unit was held at the church. The call to worship was giv- en by Mrs. L. Baylis. Hymn number 392 was sung. The scripture, taken from Proverbs and John, was read by Mrs. Ferguson. A piano duet by Miss Helen Phoenix and Miss Susan Cook- man was enjoyed by the ladies. Mrs. Baylis read a short story on the theme of the evening-- Family Life. Prayer was lead by Mrs. Har- ris. The offering taken and ded- icated. Mrs. J. Cook read the story of the Protestants in Lower Canada, taken from the Study Book and read some interesting facts on early life in Greenbank. Hymn number 568 concluded the Devotional. The president, Mrs. McKeon took charge of the meeting. Mrs. McKean welcomed all pre- sent and thanked the group in charge. The secretary read the min- utes of the last meeting and correspondence. The treasurer gave her report. " A report on the bale was giv- en by Mrs, Cook. Mrs. N. Hunter reported on the Centennial project. It was agreed to serve lunch to visitors on the Sunday, June 18th. The Mizpah Benediction - was repeated and lunch served. DECLARE WAR guests of -- Mr, and-Mrs.--Bill- Ferguson and boys and Mr. Roy Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Port- er and Seon of Orono and Mrs. C. Hill were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm. Mr. and Mrs. Walton: Larmer of Toronto were luncheon guests of Miss Edna Larmer. All three were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Larmer, Burketon. |} --- In the early p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Larmer, Cadmus called on Edna and Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larmer of Pickering were supper guests and Mr. and Mrs. Morley And- erson of Bowmanville were ev- ening callers of Mrs. Alma Fow- ler. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hoogeven according to Holland custom celebrated their 121% years wedding anniversary on Satur- day evening and report a very pleasant time with friends. Prospect The U.C.W. held it's annual TORE "WITH GUAR: YR FLY KILLERS" The first and still the best dry bait fly killer. Easy to use with the new *'FREE- PLO" top cans. Safe to use in milk gheds, stables, piggeries, etc. Available In 24 oz., 40 oz., and 5 Ib. cans. COWFLY POWDER Protect your cows from biting flies and get up to 20% more milk! One treat- ment lasts up to 2 weeks. 'PINK COWS GIVE MORE MILK". Available in 2 Ib. duster cans and 10 Ib.-box. Ao Pr . FLYMOR Mrs. Clare Vernon, with thirty present, including several visit: ors. There was a carnation corsage for everyone. The cold salad plate supper and desserts were very appetizing. Humor ous contests provided much merriment. The committee had '| arranged a very pleasant even- ing . Mrs. Bert Gray voiced the thanks and appreciation to the hostess, presenting her with a gift. Our community has been sad- dened by the death of Mrs. Herman Walker of Brooklin, formerly Frances Diamond of Prospect. 'Her cheery disposi: tion and active interest in church and community life will | be greatly missed. We share the sorrow of her husband and family and relatives. Miss Maude Chambers of Pontiac, Michigan, and Mrs. Florence Wales of Oshawa were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vernon. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Holtbhy spent last week-end at Welland and Nidgara Falls, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Moffatt. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cowl- ing of Edmonton called at Holt- byholme Farm on Thursday, on their return from Expo and other Eastern places of interest. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith were Mrs. Geo. Smith of Whitby and Mrs. Booth of Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Legge have returned from a visit at Pres- cott, Expo and Ottawa. The premium quality daily stock spray with fast "Killing Power". Safe to use on all livestock or in farm buildings. Available in 1 and § gal. cans. PRES SPRAY The economical and effective aerosol spray for house and garden use. Kills flies, moths, aphids, caterpillars, etc. Costs only $1.45. BARNFLY SPRAY Contains Dimethoate--effective against all resistant flies. Spray on walls, posts, window frames, etc. Kill- ing action lasts up to 8 weeks. 20 oz. bottle makes 2's, gallons of spray. Available in 20 and 160 oz. bottles. Ag FLYVAP The yellow strip that vapourizes DDVP and kills flies for up to 3 months. Safe and effective to use in milk rooms, feed rooms and other confined areas. CHOOSE THE RIGHT "AMMO" FROM YOUR FLY CONTROL HEADQUARTERS! MASTER FEEDS 138 Queen Street, Port Perry Phone 985-2131 RANE ETI TRU nil ia FEF Fog tg

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