Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 29 Jun 1967, p. 3

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pin 3 pepe a es o_o pn gL i SAO) SIR on, 3 A.W, DEPARTMENT 21 010d STORE a PLAYBOYS .. HEWETSON Here's an impressive dress PLAYBOYS for you. Dashing! Light! Racey! Living Leather®, Spanish Cuban heels cushioned for your comfort. Steel OXFORDS 4% 3 NEW STYLES RUBBER HEELS 595 Hot idea for you from yl + f . ye BT ss EN . fg eo 3 4 a By Olga Hill The Anna unit met at the Manse Tuesday afternoon "| with all 10 members and one visitor present. i Leader Mrs. G. Skelding | opened with a piece of prose --*"Have a Good Time". Mrs. L. Thompson gave a fine paper on the chapter "No | Random Harvest" from the study book, Jesus Christ and the Christian Life. This was | followed by a panel discus- sion "Living in the Flesh" SAHARA BOOTS WORK BOOTS $9.95 - 10.95 shanks give you extra support. Dress black. Try MEN > .these. PLAYBOYS for -sizel ICU, GUase I SSS Lt psa Mt I $9.95 BOYS $74.95 $ MEY MELT Cras | FEN EE LADIES $74.95 MEN'S MEN'S HIGH CUT BOOTS 12.95 - 14.95 TEENAGERS SLACKS COTTON or TERELYNE 2.99 MEN'S ALL WOOL SLACKS 1195-1285 - 14.95 MEN'S POCKET PACK WILL NOT CREASE HATS 2.98 - 3.99 1.93 MEN'S ARROW SHIRTS coonen *44. 90 Smart Summer Lines LADIES DRESSES |LADIES SHORTS s3. an. . 4.95-5.95-8.95-10.95 SLACKS s3. 95 FLOOR TILE Vinyl Asbestos - Amtico 1-16 Thick SPECIAL 1 2c EACH WALLPAPER PRE-PASTED SINGE ROLL 4 «JC AND uP Room Lots Always In Stock ARMSTRONG Quaker Floor 1.50 sa. va. ACCORDION DOORS $9.95 - 13.90 and "Living in the Spirit". Mrs. M. Byers conducted | the worship period on the i theme of Good Ways of hav: ing a Peaceful Day. A letter from Japan was read. After closing, lunch was served and a social time was spent. Due to so many of the members being also members of the O.N.O. Club who cat ered to the Grade 8 gradua- tion dinner that evening, the Candace unit did not meet Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Dayes was host- ess for the Dorcas unit Wed- nesday afternoon. Leader + Mrs."C. Hill opened with a quotation, "Guide me Today", The worship on the Theme took a Day to Search for God -- was given by Mrs. Walter Wright. For programme each mem- ber read some parts from the Home Edition of Research Supplement. A letter from Mr. and Mrs. L. Elford, Missionaries at Fort McPherson in the Arc- tic was read. Six members and two afternoon. Wednesday evening six members of the Esther unit and two visitors met at the home of Mrs. Arnold Taylor, the leader, who opened the meeting with an article taken from the Onward. Mrs. W. Ferguson and Mrs. G. Larmer were in charge of the worship and programme. The theme of the worship was "The Church" and the program followed the chap- ter in the study book--'The church and the Arts in Can- ada", which was - presented as a panel along the idea of Front Page Challenge. Business at all units con- sisted nasty of plans for July. No more unit meetings to be held until September. In spite of the very unfav- ourable weather splendid ser- vices were held Sunday. At the United at 10 a.m. the following young people were received into full member- ship -- Blair Martyn, Paul Mountjoy; Garry Mountjoy; Grant McLaughlin; Neil Mc- Laughlin; Murray Carnaghan, Richard Gunter; Linda Mc- Laughlin; Eleanor Wright. The Sacrament of Holy Communion was administer- ed. Rev. Romeril chose as text for his impressive ser- WINDOW: BLINDS Congoleum 1.13 sa. vd. Plastic Embossed 1.98 mon "I. would know Jesus". At 2.30 p.m. a large crowd gathered at the Union Ceme- 'tery, where Rev. F. W. Swann of Nestleton - Presbyterian church conducted the ser- SANDRAN 2.25 sa. va. SUMMER TOYS PAILS - SHOVELS - GAMES ETC. - LARGE ASSORTMENT vice and delivered an im- pressive sermon from the text. "Blessed are they that Mourn". Following the service friends who had gathered from many different parts III sell brand names you can trust. renewed acquaintances. ~The Anglican service was > 2d Std shenisnaiueti A a 'attend | "Time Out" and _stressing--I. -visitors enjoyed a helpful ~ « i 4 : y A ators dias averhdt io Salou al a PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, June 29th, 1967 -- held in the church at 2.30 due to the chilly damp wea- ther. Rev. R. Mansfield of Port Perry delivered a thought provoking sermon from the theme -- "Why we Memorial Service". After the service all went to the cemetery for placing of flowers and prayer was of- fered there. Also there were friends from different places who have relatives interned her, attended. Mrs. Roy Corden and Miss Aileen Van Camp entertain ed at a Bridal shower for Miss Joyce Hooey at the home of Mrs. Velva Bailey Saturday evening. A very pleasant time was spent. The bride-to-be was the recipient of many beautiful gifts, for which she expressed heart- felt gratitude. Some of the High School students held a surprise at his home Saturday night, on learning it was his birth- day. We didn't hear his age, but don't think he is old enough for the pension yet. birthdays Gordon. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Pearce; Mr. and Mrs. ford, Janice and Kenneth; Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey at: tended the_wedding of Miss Mary Lou Crawford and Mr. George Carnochan in Port Perry United Church Satur- day afternoon. After the wedding supper, the bride and groom and all their attendants called on Mrs. George Crawford, Black- anotis. Mr. and Mrs. W. Sutcliffe, Jane, Judy and Tom, Parry Sound, called on Mrs. G. Crawford Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Gra- ham; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Duff; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Strong and Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Graham were among the guests at the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Moore of Shirley, which was held in the Ma- sonic Hall, Port Perry Satur- day evening. Mr. Roy Ferguson and Mrs. Cecil Hill attended the wed- ding of their niece Miss Joy Ferguson and Mr. Herb Van Curen-- in --Cosburn United | Church, Toronto, Saturday af- ternoon. Mr. Paul Rahm, Peterboro and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Porter, Orono were also guests. Mr. Norman Malcolm, Tor- onto spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Van Camp and family. Mrs. R. Stinson, Bowman- ville, was guest of Mrs. Al- bert Wright and the Fred Trewins, Friday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fergu- son and four children, Tor- onto; Mr. and Mrs. George Dunbar and three children, Scarboro; Mr. and Mrs. Noel awaw; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd spent a pleasant family ga- day evening. was also a guest. Glad to report Mr. ourably. party for Mr. Gordon Paisley Harold -Craw-- stock and Mary Lou gave her | Auntie, her briday boquet of white gardenias and steph- Morton and four sons, Osh- Wright and four children thering with Mr. Roy Fer- guson and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ferguson and two sons Sun- Mrs. C. Hill Mel- ville Griffin home from hos- pital and convalescing fav- Mrs. J. A. McArthur and Miss Ida Dempsey attended BLACKSTOCK NEWS the wedding of their niece Miss Isabel Dempsey and Mr. Robert Gardner in Stratford Saturday. Miss Betty Mec- Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Ardis McArthur, Toronto, were also guests. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Mr. Milton Payne, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Ferguson and Sharma, Newcastle, were Sunday guests of Mr: and Mrs. Rus- sel Mountjoy. Mrs. R. McLauglhin, Caes- area; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mec- Laughlin, Ralph and Brenda; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, Ivan, Gordon and Don and Miss Judy Lee, all of Burke- ton, attended decoration ser- vice and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mahaffy and boys. Mr. and Mrs. Gib Marlow Brooklin, called on friends in the village Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Ar- cher, Bowmanville, visited Mr. W. Archer Saturday evening. Sorry to report Mrs. Stan- ford Van Camp is in Oshawa Hospital. Camp, Louise and Lois spent three days last week at Expo and visiting relatives. Law- ents Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mor- row at Hilton and Brian the other grandparents Mr. and Mrs. C. VanCamp. .Mrs. Mark Weldon, Ux- bridge was over night guest | of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bailey after attending decoration service. .Mr. and Mrs. K. Dunsmoor and Beth and Mrs. Wilbert Archer spent the week-end with friends in Durham and Sauble Beech. Mrs. Gordon McLean, Bow- manville, visited Mr. & Mrs. Tennyson Samells Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Ed. Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Gra- ham attended the funeral of a cousin in Fenelon Falls on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. K. Voutt, Robbie, Gail & Carolyn, Hali- fax, were Thursday guests of Stan Rahm, Mr. Roy Fergu- guson and boys and Mr. and mily. Mr. and Mrs. Keith John- ston and girls, Belleville, er Mrs. J. A. Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gates, Toronto were week - end guests of -Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vyn Graham and called on several friends. Misses Linda Marion Bradburn and Cheryl Metcalf spent last week on and other points in Eastern Canada. _..Mr..and-Mrs.- Riehard-Van------ Mrs. Cecil Hill, Mr. and Mrs. son, Mr.--and Mrs. Bill Fer- Mrs. Lloyd Wright -and- d-ta spent Sunday with his moth-- a pleasant holiday. to Expo. Custom Made or Ready-to-Hang DRAPERIES » HOMES | ~® OFFICES ° INDUSTRIAL -- Since 1919 -- WARD'S Simcoe St. at Athol 725 - 1151 © -- OSHAWA -- rence visited "his grandpar- Sh i \ a

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