Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 14 Sep 1967, p. 20

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Ly 2F LN ~ ERAT RTL RK Ma "PAV RTS AN "TET v I e------ ARE A . SU FRA ER RF EAI LL ATEN Fi To he a i ¥en (RPC SO Sati by Se EF OR Fa ORCA BY SRI os CR FEAT RA My Rust iv NG x : VERA TL NEES aR Vi Tal) EANNY LENGE sviwdies wid Modem naa LRA SNIP a " NR BENS abide ET CORTE INE RAR PEER IRIN CW ER DARIN RR PARR ALA SORTS Va i ah o hE ON 20 - PORT PERRY STAR -- Thurday, Sept. 14th, 1967 ' x : : ANGLIC A N Winners of the races were| 1 Legged Race, Girls 12 3 Legged Race--Michael 5 ¥ as follows: yrs. and over--Denise Edger- | Mansfield and John Murray; ul 'ROU A D TH . P Il C N Il C 5 yrs. and under--Valerie | ton. Diane Hamilton and Denise A On Sat, Sept. 9th under | % Roger Kraupa. Mary Rose. 1 Legged Race, Boys 12 Edgerton. So n cloudy | skies. the combined 6-8 yrs.--Ann Rose. and over--Michael Mansfield.| Shoe Kick--Cynthia 5 oa TOWN Parishes of St. John's Black. 8-10 yrs.--Joan Morrow. 1 Legged Race, Girls 11 |Kraupa; John Wolfe. we stock and Church of Ascen.| ~ Girls 10-12 yrs.--Denise and under--Diane Hamilton. A delicious Pot Luck Su}: Syd ; : : Y .. | Edgerton. 1 Legged Race, Boys 11 |per was enjoyed in St. John's ie Mr. and Mrs. Roy Som-| Miss Anne Shunk a resident|sion, Port Perry held their Boys 10-12 Michael | and under--Michael Hamil- |Parish Mall, Blackstock yal merville of Regina, Sask. are| of Mro. Kings Nursing Home | Sunday School Picnic at Cart- 0ys "14 yrs--Michae ton ) : BRL visiting friends and relatives | celebrated her 94th Birthday |wright Park, Caesarea. Mansfield. : HA 5 in Port Perry and District: |on September 8th. Relatives al LL I and friends gathered to help 5: Port Perry Council has|her celebrate: Mrs: King ser- [Sims A given permission to the Ont-|ved birthday cake and ice ario County Health Unit to|cream. Best wishes for many ) hold a monthly Child Health | more happy birthdays. Clinic in the Municipal Build- 3,-9.3.» ing. Clinic to be held on the 4th Tuesday of each month 2:00 pm. to 4:00 p.m. from September to June commen- cing September 26th. LJ] * * * Miss Mary. Patterson is spending some time with her mother Mrs, Louise Patterson convelescing after surgery in Royal Victoria Hospital, Mon- | fields. One of the most ar- or PX treal, We wish for Mary a|dent "Hmbers" is Mr M A D F ¢ «| CULVERHOUSE speedy recovery. Stichmann who is shooting ig bi A S x ST Mrs.Gwen King and daug- hter Mrs. Lloyd Wakefield enjoyable week with Mr, and *, * * 2 land are fighting a battle with thousands of Blackbirds that are infesting their corn them down by the hundreds. 'ne : " Rig STEAKS Ib. 99¢ | SHORT RIB : Ib. 59¢ esh Minced Essex Brand -- Mild Seasoned . _HICTNrv_ In GROUND CHUCK Ib. 69c | WIENERS 2 lbs. 99 Choice Quality 3 Varieties 1B ---- fu -f-1-Essex-Brand. -- - Mild- Seasoned} Holiday Farms rT p------ . SAUSAGE Ib. 59¢ | BEEF STEAKETTES Ib. 65¢ 19:08, $ : ns In Brougham, 1 b- 1 ! BEST BUY!--Save 9¢!--AYLMER BRAND 10-oz. tins F ; Save 6c! -- Tomato Soup 4: 49: ak bopmer | maton BROUGHAM -- Over 2,000| zens than through the dan- P R La Black Pepper : FEA ES ! people flocked to the little | ces, which will be interpret- 4-0z. tin Price Marked $1.07! » village of Brougham on High- | ed by big Chief Umtuk. BEST BUY!--Save 4c!--WAGSTAFFE or = --39¢ =-PEPSODENT. Family Size Tube 99¢-- = way 7 last year to see His Ladies in pioneer costume Supreme Reg. 49c!--Adult Regular Tuft Lory Th Action, will preside at home-made )¢ BISCUITS PEPSODENT Tooth Brush 39¢ This year it is hoped that |bake sales and sell refresh- Reg. 2 for 49¢! Reg. Ba even more will attend at the | ments to the hungry. There | Sttfawberry or Raspber 24-0z. Jars (with 49 etn, DOVE White or Pink 2 for 45¢ museum grounds on Satur-| will be cider to quench the | BEST BUY!--Save 11¢!--BATHROOM C day and Sunday, Sept. 16 and 17, to watch the parade (on Saturday at 1.30 p.m.) of old vehicles, floats, Indians, and steam engines; then see grain threshed and flailed, logs cut and hewn, butter and candles made quilting, spinning and | ing celebration yet. Proceeds | Smooth and Creamy 3b. jar #1 ONTARIO YELLOW COOKING ) weaving, and all the other |of this annual event go to-| yery 0--remon Lime--Pineapple Lemon 4-0z. pkgs. ONI 3b. ; crafts. that were pursued |ward the work and expansion S Bag ¢ when Ontario was first set- |of the Pickering Township tled by pioneers. Children will enjoy rides in wagons and carts as they did long ago, fresh sausages | great Centennial events this HADDOCK IN BATTER 2 2 for. 41 56 00 TU RN | P S | b. (o) will be made the old way, year, is too important to FILLETS OF COD, Ib: pkgs. 2 for 85¢ : ¢ stones will be split, a timber | miss. u : Fancy 4-q%. basket hewn; herbs will be demon- BAKERY FEATURES! -- Reg. 49c! - 24-02. size strated, chairs caned, and the blacksmith will ply his trade. At intervals on Saturday, the Canadian Indian Dancers, in their colorful native cos- thirst, home-made bread, and old-fashioned recipes revived. Because this is Canada's 100th birthday year, ~History in Action. which began as an experiment a few years ago, will be the most ex~it- Museum. History in Action is worth watching, and like other Honeydale W.I. The meeting took place in the Municipal Hall, Sept. 7. Mrs. G. Robertson welcomed and baby daughter spent an | Mrs. Arthur Knott, Scarboro. The farmers on Scugog Is- | PRICES SPECIALLY SELECTED -- VALUE CHECK'D -- RED OR BLUE BRAND Thick Cut -- Branded Ideal for Roasting BALLET Tissue 4: 47: BUY - OF - THE - WEEK PLUMS SAVE 18c!--RED & WHITE PEANUT Butter 99: FEATURE! -- Save 6c! -- EVAPORATED Tall Tins | Camation MILK 2 0 33: PIE FILLING 2:35: HIGH LINER FROZEN FOOD FEATURDS 1: High Liner Reg. 49c! APPLE PIE wo swum : 39; WESTON CHELSEA BUNS "ds SUNSHINE FRESH FRUIT AND VEGETABLES #1 CRISP SOLID Cabbage 2 ms ror 35¢ #1 NEW CROP BARTLETT PEARS 1.19 ol bc, V4 7 . year. Rehearsals will start on two visitors. SAVE 4c! -- NABIS vt] 15% -0z. pkgs. "tumes, will dance to the beat | jG Bartha gave a-re-| SHREDDED WF "WHEAT EE sition ----Pkg. 37c¢ Fart of the tomtom. There is 10 |, on the Fall Fairs. This | SAVE 6c! -- Mall In Offer -_ 19-0z. tins better way of telling the |i ,oq 5 great deal of work. LIBBY'S SPAGH ETTI . 2 for 45c¢ story of Canada's first eith:| "mrs. R. Cornish, Curator of | SAVE Me! -- FANCY GREEN or r WAX ©. oz tins the Tweedsmuir History re-| STOKELY'S BEANS 3 for 55¢ Junior Choir ! . BEST BUY! -- Save 8c 15-0z. btls, Re-0 eo. y|her home, besides being a| HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 29c los aa en rganized financial success it has creat- SAVE 16¢! -- DEEP BROWNED PD tre 5colours a gn . -|ed a great deal of interest, LIBBY'S BEANS 4 f '$1 rl172"x 84" size The Ontario County Junior many have promised to for- : or 6 inch satin Farmer Choir was organized for the first time in 1954. Each year it has been re- organized, and has enjoyed a successful season. : Mrs. Hugh Dobson, Ux- bridge, R.R. #3, will be tne Choir Instructor for this Monday, September 18th, in the Uxbridge Secondary School at 8.00 p.m, All Junior Farmers, inter- ports the Tweedsmuir Tea at ward material of interest to record in the history. The dates for the W.I. Area Convention are Nov. 1, 2, 3, at the Royal York "Hotel. Members are invited to a centerinial tea at Brooklin on Oct. 19. Anyone wishing to go please contact the group leaders for further informa: tion. Centennial dress would be appreciated. ested in choir work, should report for the first rehearsal N A 3 on Monday, September 18th. N : : 9 -- FREEZER FEATURES ~ The Ontario County Junior \\ |] 0 WwW 5 ib N a BLUE BRAND BEEF Farmer Choir executive is \N\ : | Front' Quarter. | Hind Quarter | made up as follows: 47c. 1b 73¢. Ib Past President--Shirley *5id10 . McMillan, Blackwater #1 SIDE OF BEEF .........ouunnne 1b. 59e. President--Donna Robeit on Treasurer--Sheila McGuckin, SAVE 4c! -- TABLE OLD TIME SYRUP SAVE 85c! -- COLOURED PARCHMENT MARGARINE SOLO REG, $1.29! -- 20c OFF PACK PRESTIGE FURNITURE WAX 16-0z. in Decanter 4 for 1.1b. pack -89¢ 12-0z. Aerosol Tin binding -33¢ ED2WHIT "HAMBURG Port Perry. yo Secretary--Pat Hunter, Cut and Wrapped Free. Seagrave #2 PRICES FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. "In colourful Individual 'pliofilm bag REGULAR $5.95 value 69c RED & WHITE Zh | WHERE FRIENDLY PEOPLE SAVE YOU MORE. FREE PARKING FOR 'CUSTOMERS AT THE REAR 'OF OUR STORE. } «\2 Ibs. $1.09

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