Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Oct 1967, p. 11

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, Auction Sales SATURDAY, OCTOBER 21st --Auction sale of Holstein cattle, farm machinery, fur- niture and antiques, includ- ing 60 springing heifers, Int. B275 diesel tractor with manure loader (good), Case tractor (3 pt. hitch), roller bearing wagon and rack, 3 furrow plow. McCormick manure spreader(nearly new) Int. hay mower. Full line of machinery. -: Large quantity 3 of furniture, walnut side- board, toilet sets, glassware, ironstone china, bells, lamps, .ete. the property of HAROLD BENNETT, Lot 3, Con. 3, i£ast Whitby Twp., 3 miles north of Oshawa. Sale 12.30. (Furniture first). Terms cash. No reserve. Lloyd Wilson, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Real Estate, the property of CLAR- ENCE BREEN, Lot 26, Con. ® 9 Scott Twp., 1 mile west of Zephyr on THURS, NOV. 2. Shorthorn & Hereford Cattle, some fresh calves by side, No. of young cattle, 3 ponies. cart & harness, M.M. Water- loo tractor Model G.T., good running condition, Dion threshing machine, I H.C. "8 Cutting box, Geo. White cul- tivator, full line of Machin- ery, Large Qu. of loose hay, also offered for sale subject to reserve bid, 100 acre farm, large barn. brick house, plen- ty of water. Terms 109, day of sale, balance may be ar- pranged with Vendor. Owner giving up farming. Terms on Stock & Machinery Cash. Sale at 12.30 p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Oct 19-26 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 227 SAT. OCT. 21st--Auction Sale of 30 head of Cattle, 21 Hogs, 2 Tractors Threshing Machine, New Drill, Baler, Hay, Grain, Straw, Furniture and Implements, the property of FOSTER BROS, -Lot 6, Con. 2 Mariposa Twp., on _ County Road #28, 1 mile north & 2 miles east of Sea- grave. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 p.m. Farm Sold. Roy Scott, and G. Wanamaker, -Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Oct. 5-12-19 Auctioneer L 4 TUES. OCT. 31st -- Farm Equipment, etc. for Al Beggs. M.F. No. 35 Diesel Tractor (completely overhauled) M.H. No. 33 Row crop tractor, N.H. side rake (new), N.H. 66 baler M.F. Mower (Minute Mount) $ pt. hitch, McCormick Com- ine, No. 64 P.T.O., Mathews hay chopper. Kongskilde cul- tivator, M.F. wagon (new) with -20-ft. self feeding rack, Gehl Forage Harvester with corn hed, Qu. of other first class Machinery, 31 can bulk milk tank, 2 surge milker {inits, 2 De Laval units, Pump & Motor, 5 stainless steel pails, Hay, straw. etc. No reserve as owner is giving up farming. Farm is for sale. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Oct. 12-19 Auctioneer . Ph. Sunderland 227 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements. hay, straw grain and furniture, the pro- perty of WILFRED RAE, Lot 34, on. 3, Scott Twp., 2 miles north of Zephyr or 3 miles east of Brown Hill on SAT. OCT, 21st. 70 head of Hol- stein & Hereford Cattle, 20 Cows, bred heifers, No. of steers, 800 to 900 lbs., heifers and good pail fed calves, 5 sows, mostly with pigs 4 to 8 wks. 225 DeKalb hens (yearlings), 300 bales of hay. 1 bales of straw, 1200 bu. grain, M.H. Ferguson No. 50 tractor (good shape), Ford tractor (recently overhauled) I.H.C. baler No. 45, J. D. Man- ure spreader, J.B. D. sprayer, Ferguson Cultivator. LH.C. Power Mower, Full line of Machinery. Qu. of furniture. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Terms Cash. Sale at 12.30. Gerald Graham, Clerk. REG. JOHNSON, Oct. 12-19 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 227 Auction Sale 2 DAY SALE AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay & Straw. the property of ELVIN (AL. BEGGS, Lot 2 & 3, Con. 9, Brock Twp., 3 miles north and 3 miles west of Sunderland, THURS,, OCT. 26th. 65 Head of Pure- Bred Jersey Cattle. 35 milk Cows, P.B. Bull, No. of Bred Heifers, etc. Anyone wishing catalogues contact the owner or auctioneer. Plan to at- tend this sale. NOTE--This is an exceptionally good herd of Jersey's. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Reg Johnson, Auc- tioneer. AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements, hay, straw & Grain, the property of ROSS McMILLAN, Lot 3. Con. 4, Thorah Twp., 1 mile south of Beaverton (on by-pass) 3 miles east or 6 mile N.W. of Woodville on TUES. OCT. 24th. 40 head of Aberdeen Angus Cattle, about half P.B. 16 cows, calves by side, 5 due around sale time, 3 year- ling 1 P.B. Bull, 13000 bales of hay, 4500 bales of straw, 3500 bu. mixed grain, 9 sows, 28 weaned pigs, 17 chunks, W.D. 45 Allis Chalmers trac- tor, Model B. Allis Chalmers tractor, Fargo 1 ton truck. A.C. loader, A.C. plow, A.C. Mower for B. tractor, John Deere baler, Cockshutt seed drill, M.H. No. 60 Combine, Cobey Manure spreader, J.B. & D. sprayer, M.H. Double Disc, full line of Machinery. No reserve as owner is giv- ing up farming due to ill health. Farm is for sale. 'Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 Neil McEachern, Jack Camp- bell, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Oct. 12-19 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 227 Port Perry U.C.W. . The November meeting of the Port Perry UCW was opened with a Thanksgiving reading by the president, Mrs. S. A. Cawker, followed by prayer. A worship period was con- ducted by Unit 2. The leader Mrs. A. C. Heayn, recited a poem entitled, "Give them now," reminding us to give our bouquets to the living when they can be appreciat- ed. * The Regional meeting will be held this year at Black- stock on October 30th with morning and afternoon sess- ions. The theme is, No man is_an island entire of itself", | every man is a continent a part of the main." Committee reports were given including a very satis- factory report on the turkey banquet. It was decided that we give $40.00 towards shipping expenses of the bale. By way of programme, Un- it 3 presented a skit entitled, "United we Finance." Please keep in mind the 'Bazaar to be held in the Masonic Temple on Novem- ber, 4th. At the close of the meet- ing, lunch was served by Unit 1. At Rest SIMPSON, Hilton Bruce -- Suddenly at Port Perry Com- munity Hospital on Sunday, October 15, 1967. Hilton B. Simpson, beloved husband of the late Ella Aldred and dear brother of Jessie (Mrs. J. Mundy) Udney, Ont. Barbara (Mrs. E. English) Toronto and Joan (Mrs, C. Sornber- ger) Toronto. Resting at the Chapel of McDermott- Pana- baker, Port Perry for Ser- vice on Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. Interment in United Church EPSOM NEWS Remember the Community | Euchre at the school on Friday evening. The Church Anniversary, October 22nd at 2:30. But first on Saturday will the ladies please come to the Church in the afternoon for a cleaning bee. The October meeting of the UC.W. was held at the Manse in Goodwood last Tues. evening. Most of the members were able to attend and had a very enjoyable evening. Many thanks to Mrs. Ingleby for her kindness. Mr. Al Christie called on Mr. Frank Lynde, Ashburn on Friday. Mr. Lynde has been ill but is improving. Mrs. Stewart is home after visiting friends and relatives in the Toronto area for the past week. Mrs. M. Bailey and Mrs. A. Christie accompanied Miss Darlene Christie and Mrs. Lillian Hall of Scarborough on a trip to Montreal where they visited Expo for a couple of days. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Willard ofr Port Perry and Mrs. Cawker called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Asling at Brookdale. Our sympathy to Mrs. Don Asling in the loss of her brother-in-law, Mr. Peter| Freylinger of Rimby, Alta. Mr. Drew McCullough is improving after recent rye surgery and has been moved to Uxbridge Hospital. Mr. and Msr. Gordon Pren- tice had supper on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prentice in Toronto. It was Ross' birthday on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Prentice called on Donald and Murray on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kent Elliot, Clare and Donald of Toms- town and Mrs. Murrell of Sutton West called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson, and Mrs. G. Prentice and Mr. Mr. : and Mrs. Ray Medd, Monday. Cemetery, Little Britain. i Mrs. Lewis Weir and Billy visited with Mrs. A. Card with Mr. Card and Mr. Weir made a trip to Pointe Au Barrill. Miss Patty Kendry spent the weekerld with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Geer. Most of our local farmers took off for a day to attend the Plowing Match near Barrie. : Mr, and Mrs. Howard Ash- ton and Mr. Gordon Ashton of Whitby visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGregor on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wilson had Sunday dinner with Mr. and 'Mrs. J. P. Wilson of Uxbridge. Recently Mr. and Mrs. G. Prentice entertained thfxr family at the cottage also Mr. .and Mrs. Reymond Spence of Middleton, N.S. who were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Donald Prentice of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mac Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce | Crosier and Dennis Graham of Hamilton were over-night guests with Mrs. Ada Munro. Ashburn ~ News Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fisher visited Mr .and Mrs. Frank Mitchell at Deep River last week. Recent visitors with Mr. % Mrs. Nelson Ashton were Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Doubt of Vancouver, B.C., Mr. and Irs. George Fisher, Carman, Vlan.,, Miss Emma Fisher of New York and Mrs. Henry Leask of Toronto. : Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Porter, daughter Lynda and Debbie of Guelph spent Thanksgiv- ing Day with Mrs. M. Sparks. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Purdy of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton. PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Octobér 19, 1967 -- 11 fo Milk production * Mrs. Edgar Heron spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McAndless at Don Mills. Burn's Anniversary Ser- vices were well attended at the Centennial Centre on Sunday, Oct. 15th, at 11 am. and 7:30 p.m. with Rev. W. Black preaching at both the services. . Mr. Victor Agnew, Whitby was soloist at the morning service and Mrs, G. Delaney of Oshawa in the evening. UTICA A number from this area district enjoyed the Plowing Match held near Barrie last week. Mrs. J. Philip, Mrs, J. Mit- chell and Mrs, Frank Crosier attended a Birthday party for Mrs. A. Steer, Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kendall 'also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ack- ney were to visit Mr. Tom Brooks a patient in 'Lindsay Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Milt Parkins, Kinsale visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell Sunday. Mrs. Kenneth Hope and children of Uxbridge were guests with Mrs. Barl Field- ing on Friday also Mrs. Bob Westacott and boys, Oshawa visited the Fieldings last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Midgley and family were guests with Mr. and Mrs. B. Geer and family on Sunday. Mr. anid Mrs. Chet Geer called on Mr. and Mrs. Mel Hodgson. Oshawa on Sunday. IMPROVE YOUR HERD! DAUGHTER PROVEN DAIRY SIRES Rated for ability to transmit °* Body type ¢ Y.INRS uf * Test C.0.C.B.A. Calling hours weekdays till 9:30 A.M. For Sunday service in most areas phone Saturday 6-8 P.M. C. 0. C. Port Perry - 985-7373 Zenith - 41450 (toll free) ,#" CERTIFIED rd Steer sons tested for CATTLE BREEDING 4 U4 4 Proven For Beef MEAT SIRES gaining ability and cutout CENTRAL ONTARIO ASSOCIATION B. A. EXPO 67 FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL ARE EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR: CANADIANA VILLAGE, ONLY 250 yards from EXPO Grounds. .25 p.p. (based on party of 4). Free parking, two double beds in each room and private 4 piece bath- Still space available. Also inquire about our tours to EXPO. FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL 576-3131 (5 lines) Oshawa room. 57 King St. East Thank You! Again Success Has Crowned 9 3 - ; , STN - 0 ' «! "an , Nr aoe oy 3 FETE (ENR ALS BRAN Bi RE Ee ae RESREN SAVIO NTIr HN LA CE NDS 4 Ti a --, -- < pn om oe -- rw wr amo it wh ATR TSIEN R SOR 3 wh oh ji ? 5 v iow i iy ARP XT REET Ng Sea a SE AE INY w oN, ~ - . TR yn -- a, A Ir a eI WBS im '! - Sena - "ed AAS SNR Book IMMEDIATELY. MASTER > FEEDS 138 QUEEN STREET, PORT PERRY Phone 985-2131 Our Efforts. Mandate To Co Did The Job In : Pledge Again My Thanks By Working We Have Received A New G00D GOVERNMENT! Your Work In My Behalf ntinue { ONTARIO RIDING To Show For YOU And In YOUR Behalf. Dr. Matt Dymond! hs SARA ARIAS ENN LY) WEED pra a NT ROAR i v. SESE

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