Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 19 Oct 1967, p. 1

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» sdeteaiati yA tei RE Sh TES " » w » » EEE ae a ee... Or. Dymond Wins Ontari yA ---- --.--S------ Volume 103 The election room in the Municipal Building was filled by friends and sup- porters of Dr. Dymond when the results from the ridings poll stations started to light in the Among the most enthusiastic supporters were Mrs. Dymond and daughter Nancy who affectionately show their de- outcome of the election. Steer Shot By Rustlers A six months old 400 1b. Hereford steer was shot through the head in broad daylight on a farm at Sea- grave late Monday afternoon. The would be cattle rust- lers were apparently scared away since the animal was left behind. Mr. Raymond Kerry, the owner, found the dead steer behind bushes in the same field where 25 of his cattle were kept at the time. It was valued at about $130.00. |Grants Approved '|By Local Council At the last meeting of | Port Perry council it was de- k| cided to pay the balance of the grant to the Library in the amount of $2,000. "A payment of $1,500 was paid in April, making the total grant $3 500. In addition to this grant, the council also passed for payment a $200. grant to the Port Perry Fair Board, and a second in the amount of $2,000 to the same Board to cover a grant for the con- struction of the new grand- stand passed in June, 1967. * 7 x 0% Port Perry ¢dlincil has awarded the garbage contract to Mr. T. Slute for a period of 24 months, commencing Nov. 1. - A conditional clause was that the garbage truck must)! be covered at all times. in from polling stations in O Legislative. Again Dr. M. B. Dymond wo candidate. The total vote for Anderson with 3,581 and the cast their ballots. with a large majority. Howev Democrats gained considerabl 1963. Two Polling Stations in Reach ina Township had not been publication. ~ i i I es URE LL sR EL 0 Riding With Large Majority At no time Tuesday evening when results began to come ntario Riding was there any doubt who would be representing the voters in the Ontario n and more than doubled the votes of his closest opponent, Howard Anderson, Liberal Dr. Dymond, released by the returning officer, Cleve Kight, was 7,510, followed by Mr. N.D.P. candidate, Mr. Allan McPhail with 2,531 votes. A total of 13,622 of 21,267 eligible voters cast their ballots, a gratifying result, considering the all day rain. About 649, of eligible voters in the Riding ....The Progressive Conservative party was again returned er, the Liberal and the New y from the election held in The final standing in the Ontario Legislature after the 1967 election is, Conservatives 69, Liberals 27, N.D.P. 20. P.C. Liberal N.D.P. Scugog Township -118 39 29 Port Perry Village 795 174 235 Reach Township 599 197 206 Uxbridge Township 508 199 199 Uxbridge Town 605 236 223 Scott Township 369 226 110 Brock Township 670 293 286 Thora Township 249 126 96 Mara Township 506 345 137 Rama Township 325 108 64 Cannington Village 319 127 186 Beaverton Village 369 159 103 Georgina Township 238 139 74 North Gwillimbury Twp. 546 421 278 Sutton Village 481 276 108 ---- TOTALS ---- 6697 -- 30656 -- Township and four in Georg- heard from at the time of 2334 The Port Perry Fire De- partment held their annual Open House on Sunday, Oct- ober 15th, with visitors be- ing welcomed in the after- 'noon and evening. The turn-out of adults in Barn On Bigelow Destroyed By Fire At 4 a.m. on Tuesday morn- ing the Port Perry Fire De- partment were called to a fire on Bigelow Street where an old barn on the property owned 'by Mr. Herman Mid- ley was completely destroy- ed. Although causing consider- able heat no damage was 200 Enter Holstein Show The East-Central Ontario Championship Holstein Show to be held Wednesday, Oct- ober 18th, at Peterboro, has attracted an excellent entry of approximately 200 head. According to Holstein field- man for the district, G. E. Nelson, of Port Perry, this should be a top quality show. Peterboro, Northumberland & Hastings. Top cattle from the county Black and White Days will be competing for district honours and an excellent entry from the best herds of the area will assure that competition will be keen. Will Stage Candy Blitz The younger citizens of this community, the Rangers, Guides and Brownies are very much interested in giv- ing a helping hand to the Hospital Building Fund. As their Centennial project they are staging a Halloween Candy Blitz on Saturday, October 21st, so be ready to Remaining NEAL A SL Oy done to the surrounding homes. There was. no wind and it had been raining dur- ng the night, which helped to keep the fire down. The firemen were on hand for three hours to keep an eye on the homes close by in case burning embers from the fire started more fires. L 2 Police Number Zenith 50000 On a suggestion of John F. Raines. Village clerk, the council at last meeting de- gided to eliminate the pre- sent arangement that the OP.P. use an extension phone connected with the Municipal office. The public will now call operator and ask for Zenith 50,000 if police service is re- quired. | Hospital Report Week Ending October 14th "Admissions 13 Operations ...................... 7 Emergency Treatment ... 11 Births. .......ociiinaaiaiietl Deaths ...........c0. iio Nil Discharges .................. 22 15 Cattle are expected to be shown from the counties of Prince Edward, Lennox and Addington, Simcoe, York, Ontario, Durham, Victoria, Gordon Innes of City View Farm, Woodstock, Ontario, will be judge. Mr. Innes is one of Canada's leading ex- hibitors and judges of Hol- stein cattle. greet them when they Ting your door bell. ; This is an exceptionally good buy on Halloween Can- dy, 100 candies in a bag for $1.00, the afternoon was very diss- appointing for the firemen, as they had planned for a much larger crowd. In the afternoon, displays of equipment had been set up throughout the Fire Hall and the firemen were on hand to answer questions and to demonstrate the use of this equipment. Mr. Bill Williams of the Safety Supply Company of Toronto was at the Fire Hall -and---demonstrated--the--effect-- iveness of fire extinguishers. In the evening a much larger crowd turned out to view the films which were shown. Over 100 children and Residents Not Interested adults were served cottee and donuts and freShie by the firemen and their wives. _ A propane camp stove, do nated to the firemen by the Superior Propane Co. of Whitby for a door prize. This was won by Mrs. Ethel Mark. "Apple Day" Was Success the Scouts and Cubs and the fathers who were responsible for this project which is an annual event, were more than pleased with the res- ponse they received from the people of Port Perry and surrounding communities. ---At-the time of writing all proceeds were not tallied up, but with what had already been turned in, the proceeds for the day will indeed ex- ceed that of last year. After shaking hands with some 450 persons at Centennial Ball held at Club Annrene Sat- urday, the patrons of the Ball were quite Seated from left happy to sit down and rest. Hospital to right are Mrs. M. B. Dymond, president of Ladies Auxiliary, the organization who sponsored the event; next Joel Aldred, Hospital Building Committee Chairman; John Hospital Auxiliary Nets $1,100 For Building Fund Keiller Mackay, former Lt. Gov. of Ontario; Mrs. J. Aldred; Mrs. Keiller MacKay; the Hon. M. B. Dymond, Ontario Minister of Health, A AE LS NY a RA EAN A 7 SAN a fot Boy Scout Apple Day for Cen Bo Sy rn LT EN EA Le = - - a SLR Seat rd « . --- ™ te » * 3 ¥ y o- ~ KL } t ' / i " Netas v oe ANY. 2 ad ~~ N VEX bats SE Jagr C a 0 aR EINES 3

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