Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Oct 1967, p. 9

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HIRE * BUY VLE Wanted DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM- ANIMALS » Picked up Promptly For direct line call Long LCistance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime ED PECONI & SON Woodville, Ont. s licence No. 324C- G6 DEAD OR CRIPPLED FARM STOCK Picked up promptly. Jelephone collect, Hampton 263-2721 Margwill Fur Farm TYRONE License No. 101-C-67 Mar. 4/68 "Work Wanted | BILL TAYLOR CONCRETE CONTRACTOR Coloured Floors Cement Finishings Phone 640-3285, 182 Main St. W. Stouffville, Ont. T.F. MOUNTJOY BACKHOE ji SERVICE Foundations & Septic Tanks du gand back filled. Phone Blackstock 986-4737. T.F. GENERAL REPAIRS, 'Roof- ing, Sidings, Chimneys Built, Repaired Concrete Work, etc. Workmans ip Guaranteed. J. FRENCH R.R. #1, Janetville, 324-4061 Sept. 28 Septic Tanks CLEANING & REPAIR 7 SERVICE NORM PARRY Port Perry, Phone 985-7237 985-2292 Notice to Creditors against the Estate of William In the matter of the Estate of William Evans, Deceased _All persons having elaims' Evans, late of the Village of Port Perry, in the County of Ontario, Gentleman, who died on 4r about the 22nd day of September, 1967, are hereby notified to send to the under- signed on or before the 20th day of November, 1967, full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the assets of the said deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED at Port Perry, Ont- Pe this 16th day of October, GREER, KELLY & JERMYN, arristers and Solicitors, ox 131, PORT PERRY, Ontario. Solicitors for the above Nov. 2 : Estate. Tenders Tenders will be received by Community Memorial Hospital, Port Perry. for the replacement of ceiling tile (approximately 4,023 square feet) with non-combustible material. Tenders to be closed at 12 o'cloc® noon, on November NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF REACH CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING OF VOTERS LIST Voters List 1967, Township Of Reach, County of Ontario Notice is hereby given that I have complied with section 9 of the Voters List Act, and that I have posted up at my office at Manchester. on the 26th. day of October, 1967, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the Municipality at Municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And I hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any om- issions or errors corrected according to law. The last day for appeal being the 9th day of November, 1967. Dated this 26th day of October 1967. A. R. JOHNS, Township of Reach, R.R. 4, Port Perry R.S.0. 1960 C.420 Form 3 NOTICE COUNTY OF ONTARIO SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES TO WIT: BY VIRTUE OF A WAR- RANT issued by the Warden of the County of Ontario and bearing date the 15th day of August, 1967, the sale of lands in arrears of taxes in the County of Ontario will be held at the County of Ontario Court House and Ad- ministration Building, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon on the 5th day of December, 1967, unless the taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is hereby given that the list of lands for sale has been published in the Ontario Gazette in the issue of Sep- tember 2, 1967. Copies qf said list may be had at my office. DATED at Whitby. this 5th day of September, A.D.. 1967. Wm. G. Manning Treasurer County of Ontario 605 Rossland Road East, a Su Sept. 7 - Nov. 300 -- Real Estate RICARD REALTOR BOWMANVILLE 623-2503 5 Acres--A lovely lot in a beautiful location with an older type brick home and good barn. 3% acres of orchard and on the edge of small village near Bowman- ville. $1000. Down-- A good start for someone, frame bung- alow with bath and furnace $6000. full price. 10 Acres Lots -- Some with creeks. Ranging in price from $4500. Don't buy without seeing these. Terms. WHEN BUYING or SELLING Contact Area Representative Phone 986-4252 3rd, 1967. Address all tenders to the Secretary-Treasurer of the Community Memorial Hos- pital Board, Port Perry. n Check The Label On Your Paper Clerk of the Real Estate HONEY'S BEACH $3000 down buys this 4 bedroom frame cottage, on excellent dry lake-front lot. mature trees, patio with brick barbeque, well, conveniences, completely insulated and panelled, furnished, 14' cedar strip boat with 35 h.p. John- son, dock, all for only $8,900. 3 bedroom, winterized framed cottage at Sunrise Beach, clean & tidy with lovely lawns, back lot, well, hot and cold water, conveni- ences, furnished. Owner leaving country reason for sale. $6,500-cash.----- Commercial - Corner Lot 2 storey 8 room brick home overlooking Lake, large well planned rooms, modern Kit- chen and all conveniences, suitable for large family. Close to park and playground $18 500 with terms. New 3 bedroom brick home with attached garage, nice trees, completely painted in- side and out. Oil heat and excellent throughout. $22,000 with terms. 2 bedroom frame bungalow in Port Perry, hardwood floors, new oil furnace, im- maculate throughout, covered patio and excellent land- with terms. Beaverton Area - Hwy. Farm 200 acres clay loam, large L shaped barn for beef and hog operation, 1% storey 9 room brick house with all modern conveniences, corner farm, level land. Illness for- ces sale, $45,000. with terms. Call for information. ESSN +. | EERE GEORGE S. STONE 985-2632 or 426-9303 Beaverton 100 acre hog and beef farm, bank barn, implement shed, modern 2 storey 4 bed- room frame house, fully in- sulated with aluminum storm and screens, spring fed never failing stream, situated on good paved road. Asking $35000. with terms. Lakeside beach vacation home, completely winterized. oil furnace, 3 pc. bath, fire- place, carport, good sand beach, full basement. Re- duced $14,900. $26,500 buys 100 acre farm 26 miles from Oshawa, 2 storey 7 room brick home, bank barn, implement shed, garage. 150 acre beef farm, 2 barns loose hausing 13% storey frame home, modern kitchen 2 baths. Asking $40,000. We have others. -- Call -- MORLEY BRUCE 985-2528 | Rep. for H. Keith Ltd. HAROLD PECK ON TARGET EVERY TIME scaping. Full price $12,500 + SELL? RENT « SWAP + HIRE * BUY * SELL: RENT + SWAP + HIRE * Real Estate For Every Type of Real Estate BUY-SELL THRU' 4.4. LAMBERT ---- REAL ESTATE LIMITED -- 170 DONWAY - W. TORONTO 447-8518 URGENT APPEAL For Waiting Clients We Need HOMES -- FARMS ACREAGE -- LOTS RETREATS -- BUSINESSES SUMMER PROPERTIES AGENT Marjorie Tripp 985-7606 Real Estate Uxbridge--2 bedroom frame house, all conveniences, on a large lot, sunporch, many extras. Full price $14000. Uxbridge--4 bedroom frame house and sunporch oil heating. bath, paved drive- way, includes frig., electric stove 30", deep freeze, town water and sewage, only 30 miles from Metro. Full price $14000. Uxbridge--2 bedroom frame house, floor furnace, close to store and Post Office, on 3% acre lot, well treed. Full price $5,200. with easy terms. CEDAR SHORES, 3 bed- room frame colonial cottage on double lot. fireplace, water on pressure, bathroom, many other extras. Call for infor- mation. BLACKWATER 2 bedroom frame ' house, hot and cold water, new 3 piece bath on 1 acre of land. Small barn. Full Price $10,500. Caesarea, 3 bedroom frame house, hot and cold water, bath, oil heating, patio, large living room, many extras, on large landscaped lot. Full Price $9,500. 10 acres lots ond 25 acres. All with easy terms. Lakeside Cottage, 4 bed- room, furnished cottage and garage, 2 piece bath. hot and cold water, fireplace, ample water supply, on large treed lot. Call for information. Small Acreage, 6 room in- sulbrick house, all conveni- ences, oil heating, water on pressure, hardwood and tile floors. ona beautiful land- scaped lot. Easy terms. Call for information. Agent MARION HOPKINS 985.7215 FRED BROOKS 985-7168 L(Y TT RTT sleeve to save a life... BE A BLOOD DONOR DE i BUY *« SELL: RENT - Auction Sale Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery & Furniture, hay, straw and grain, the property of WALTER SAVAGE, Lot 24, Con. 5, Uxbridge Twp., on Hwy. 47, 3 miles south of Uxbridge, on SAT., NOV. 4. Massey Ferguson 35 Diesel tractor like new (460 hrs.), 1960 Chev. sedan (new tires), 0.K. Potato digger, Front end Manure loader, Geo. White threshing machine. Qu. of other machinery, 600 bu. wheat, 700 bales of straw, Qu. of hay, Large Qu. of No. 1 potatoes, 6 pigs (chunks), Qu. of household furniture. Farm sold. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m REG. JOHNSON, Oct.26-Nov.2 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 227 SAT., NOV. 4th--Auction Sale of 50 Cattle, 25 Sheep, 25 Hogs, 150 Pullets, 2 Trac- tors. Combine, Baler, Full Line of Machinery, Furniture, the property of HUGH STRONG, on 7A Highway, 1 mile West of Port Perry. Terms Cash. Farm Sold. No Reserve. Sale at 12.30 p.m. Manchester UC.W. will serve lunch R Scott, G. Wana- maker, Clerks. TED JACKSON, TED SPENCELEY, Oct.26-Nov.2 Auctioneers SAT. OCT. 28th -- The undersigned auctioneer will sell by public auction, the farm stock and implements off Mr. ERNEST WRIGHT, Lot 35, Con. 9, Darlington Township, Townline of East Whitby & Darlington North. one mile West of Enfield and North, second farm or three miles East .: Raglan and South, on Saturday morning, October 28th, approximately 65 head purebred and grade Holstein cattle and the full line of farm machinery. The farm is sold and no reserve. Sale to commence sharply at 11 a.m. Lawrence Harris, clerk. PETHICK & REID, Auctioneers AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Real Estate, the property of CLAR- ENCE BREEN, Lot 26, Con. 2, Scott Twp., 1 mile west of Zephyr on THURS., NOV. 2. Shorthorn & Hereford Cattle, some fresh calves by side, No. of young cattle, 3 ponies. cart & harness, M.M. Water- loo tractor Model G.T., good running condition, Dion threshing machine, I. H.C. Cutting box, Geo. White cul- tivator, full line of Machin- ery, Large Qu. of loose hay, also offered for sale subject to reserve bid, 100 acre farm, large barn, brick house, plen- ty of water. Terms 109, day of sale, balance may be ar- ranged with Vendor. Owner giving up farming. Terms on Stock & Machinery Cash. Sale at 12.30 p.m. REG. JOHNSON, Oct 19-26 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 227 THURSDAY, NOV. 2 at 7.30 p.m.--Regular fall consign- ment Sale at Stouffville Sales Barn, Stouffville, Ont. This sale will include some good purebred cows and 2-yr.-olds mostly fresh or springing. Foundation prospects as well as high quality commercial cattle. Also offered will be high class grade cows fresh and springing, and heifers of various ages. A number of purebred and grade heifers ready to breed will also be found in this sale. Remember that 1968 is predicted to be the greatest year yet for ex- port markets. So plan now to buy or sell to meet this market. Choice purebred and grade animals will be found here. We will also offer for consignors young bulls ser- viceable age, that carry not- able sire & production pedi- ~~ 1. grees. Please notify the sale management early if you wish to consign. We welcome your participatioi: in these monthly sales. These cattle will be assembled in York County's most modern Sales Arena "The Cow Palace", Stouffville, Ont. Don't fail to attend. Frank Bennett & Norman Faulkner, Sales Managers and Auctioneers, phone 887-5570 and 640-3813. Oct.26-Nov.2 SAT. OCT. 28th, 1967 -- Auction Sale of Household Furniture, the property of the Estate of Mrs. R. J. LAWSON, will be held at 87 Christina Cres., Pickering (Village), Sat., Oct. 28th. Walnut Desk, Ribbon Mahog- any Sideboard, 16 inch Sound Projector with speaker, Wal- nut Bedroom Suite, Twin Beds, Mattress. and Springs, 2 Chests, Dressing Table, Cedar Chest, Large Chest of Drawers (Antique), Upholst- ered Arm Chair, 2-Upholster- ed Stools, Rocking Chair (Antique), Occasional Tables, Oak Dining Room Suite, Spode China, Silver Dishes, Floor Lamps, Table Lamps, China (Antique), Pictures. Wing Chair, Head Board (Double), Lawn Mower, Gar- den Tools, 8 inch Table Saw with Extension Stand, % Horse Power Motor; Many Other Articles. Terms Cash. Sale at 1.00 pm. LOYAL POGUE, Auctioneer Telephone: 668 4271 -- -- 650 CATTLE -- aid ; 10th Annual All Black Breeder & Feeder Sale, spon- sored by Eastern Ontario Aberdeen Angus Association. 650 head: 600 Feeders, Steers and Heifers, 50 Breeders (mostly Cows and Bred Hei- fers), at Peterborough Sales Barn, South of Amber Light on Highway 7, SAT., OCT. 28, 1967, at 11.30 sharp. Sale commencing with Breeding Cattle. , The sale of Feeder Cattle starts sharp 1.30 p.m. E. C. McDowell, Pres., Mill- brook, Ont. Robt. Petch, Sec. Gormley, Ont. Gordon Ribey. Underwood, Ross Bailey 985- 7583, Uxbridge, Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock. Implements, hay, straw and grain, the property of HORACE HERD, Lot 3, Con. 4, Scott Twp., % mile south of Sandford on MON. OCT. 30th. 32 head of Holstein cattle, 10 milk cows, Bred heifers, yearlings & calves, 7 sows, 1 hog. 56 good chunks, 2500 bales of hay, 2000 bales of straw, 2000 bu. of grain. Allis Chalmers W.D. 45 tractor (good shape), M.H. 44 tractor (good shape), M.H. Clipper Combine, N H. baler, M.H. seed drill, New Idea Mower, full line of ma- chinery. No reserve as owner is_giving up farming due to ill health. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30. REG. JOHNSON, Oct. 19-26 Auctioneer Ph. Sunderland 227 TUESDAY, OCTOBER 31st --Auction Sale of Registered Holsteins, 45 bred and open heifers. Nine by Seiling Rockman (EX J. EXTRA) Others by Thornlea Texal Supreme (EX) and other lead- ing sires. These heifers have good type and dairy charcter R. B. BROWN. Bowmanville. Selling at the property of Lot 15, Con. 2, Darlington Twp. % mile west of Bow- manville on Hwy. 2 (Turn North at bridge to first farm) Terms Cash. - No Reserve. Folders available. Sale at 1 p.m. LLOYD WILSON, Auctioneer Uxbridge, Ontario (Continued on page 10) ERY ¥ ! ' " LAH bd ' -d p 157M LI | 3 hittin a nadia writ nhs wiieadanticnuith ook wav HERE AAT & FAL ih" o YL NCL ' rR IRSRGGIT NESE Je ~ S SR - el DA SN Se yr AR Te a BE ei iii ie el Sh Ow ER \ oT TH AA rf Sr inal Ss Jor Fhe sim Ch ~ NEY ARTA ae Et TS - Ww nt el wht v tq» - AT bi hy 3% 2 n Add. A ¥ le --_ 3 - J TR 3 wn Q Oe ar art I nd re ee ar %

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