Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Oct 1967, p. 11

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+ " FN a Hk dig | Fe i 4 aad SRR ERIR HPF | Lb RRR SUING TS SI SABI 7s i 14 * (Adverti t : ertisement) ; (Advertisement) PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, October 26, 1967 -- 11 % 0 G O S S A R D S The following is a voluntary, unedited statement by the PS ¥ 3 staff of: B | N i" owiing ews 4 Canadian H. W. Gossard Co. Ltd. High Triple-- q x LADIES MONDAY C. Warriner -- 647 oe Port Perry NIGHT LEAGUE High Single-- i The Canadian H. WwW. Gos- «on the ground she was " G : : Pisces ALLL LI AA ILL LIL IA 12 C. Warriner -- 307. we : entlemen attacking wo-| The Floor Lady attacked d ey Lompany 1d, 1s juaking pelted with tomatoes by | men with tomatoes as the{ ith tomatoes i staff had uy Bree 2 Sor " S Singlosen B. Col Bi 1 ir gs the lab the COURAGEOUS MEN | children were on the way to | nothing to do with the Union.| Aquarius ........ 27 _C. 'Warriner--307; B, Col. i] clear t e record on the labor and women on the picket | school. The women picket : quarius ............ lins--297; Mabel Cook--271; hg dispute between the LL.G. line. None of the men | eers throwing hot coffee in| One Union Official using Cancer ............ 24 M.DBoupe -- 268; V. Rider-- Hi W.U. of New York and our are Gossard employees. | the faces of the girls trying foul language in the street to Gemini erarenpeberaisnsererenss 11 255; R. Willoughby--246, 232; Eh Yort Perry operation. We 12 to 15 MEN and WO- [to get in two women workers. Sonia ER 18 M. Healy -- 244; E. Bailey-- fii owe this statement to our MEN on the picket line One : ' , corpio LLL IRTP LE 15 232; J. Chandler--229; M. St. 8. Y ; woman's glasses knock- Our children and your ; ) ' } Nis geitigyl " ploy oye, as pelting one Mother of | ed off by one of these gentle- children have to pass this Me RRL 0 Jon a pis 3 Ost, it hi bei to Port Perry 100 Joie diliren is REAL | men. Some of these "men" way to and from school and LO cere 16 Wilbur- or ip a 993. gi ? m are supposed to be members REET PE Era regis Tl. eld oy iti : , one of them is liable to be ittari -- P il ge we have been good citizens| 4 All our 14 girls were |of a giant Union. If this is pe on this street agin: St 13 Drone 2 BL Hon oR Jor 19 years. ] pelted with tomatoes, by | how they conduct themselves, ' 9 D 1-502 218; D. Porath--216; D. Men- hi The first deliberate mis imported Male and Fe: | something needs to be done.{ Teenage girls have been} . = XOWel kw zies--216; M. Wallace--210. yi statement of fact by the male pickets as well as| We were told by this Union |stopped on the street by High Triple-- Over 600 Triples-- Win f New York y sis Union J. Middleton--662 i V. Ri 38 LL.G.W.U. of New York must by the six girls who went | that all the girls in Toronto | Union officials and asked to + Middleton C. Warriner--674; V. Rider ta; be corrected. We do not pay $1.00 per hour, we pay piece work rates but guarantee at lgast the Provincial Govern ment minimum rate which. is $1.00 per hour. Most of the six girls who walked out on strike were earning and re: ceiving 25% to 309% over the Provincial minimum. This compares very favourably | ith what the Union may pay them for 40 hours Picket duty--$40.00 per week or $1.00 per HOUR! particularly in view of the verbal and physical abuse they have taken. The real crux of the prob- lem is this: #The six girls who want to go on strike are entitled to go -- but -- The fourteen who want to work are also entitled- to work if they so desire -- and without physical abuse!!! That. however, seems to be out. The Company, or the Company's legal counsel, will be glad to supply any interested, civic-minded resident of Port Perry with the names of these OUT- STANDING "COURAGE- OUS" MEN (6 or 7) who are able to show their great courage by hurling tomatoes -- and degrad- ing verbal abuse -- at your sisters--your daugh- ters--your wives--at the people. i We trust these "COUR- AGEOUS" Men* and Women* will now resort to. peaceful picketing. Canadian H. W. Gossard Co. Ltd. *Names-available on request. A hundred years ago, a Prisoner "in a Turkish fortress in the Holy Land announced a new Revelation of God. His name was Baha'u'lléh. His "letters to the Kings" are, had joined and then find out that none had signed cards. The 17 YES votes for a strike were partly signed by girls who no longer worked for Gossard. There are only 6 girls who actually worked here who could walk out and strike. The girls who are not want a strike at any time. As for the degrading wages that are being paid to us, is there any other business in attend. selected girls were allowed to picket. try, yet a few are trying with force, to tell the majority what to do. There are good unions and we respect them. What type of Union is this to use force and abuse to 'gain entry?" crossing are the ones who did- - SIGNED: Marjorie Redman Vi Nicholas Mary Corriveau Mable Vader This is a democratic coun: Singles Over 200-- M. Smits--218; A. Scriver --220; D. Crgwell--302; B. Hopkins -- 253] S. DeHaas-- 240; J. Middleton--237; M. Raby--231; M. L. Dowson-- 233; R. Brown--247; S. Tulley --203; L. Anderson--207; M. Sweetman--253; L. Moore-- 207; J. Parker--231; L. But: son--214; J. Walker--233; J. Storrey--219; J. Irvine .. 217. M. Moore--202; D. Phinney-- 216: H. McTavish--216. LADIES WEDNESDAY --631; J. Chandler--627; B. Oke--620; B. Collins--609; M. St. John--608; R. Willoughby --608; E. Bailey -- 606; C. Wilbur--602. = MEN'S THURSDAY NIGHT LEAGUE High Triple-- J. Healy -- 865 High Single-- J. Healy -- 325 High Triple with H.-- G. Menzies -- 767 High Single with H.-- C. Jeffrey -- 320 PORT PERRY - SUNDERLAND - CANNINGTON PORT BOLSTER - NESTLETON - UDORA SRT ir WE Oe a A ath 11 REA ERT WI NANI wm PE oak v * i We can document and dis-| mothers of your child- |Port Perry who pdy more Evelyn Stephens NIGHT LEAGUE : prove every statement issued ren! ~ | wages when you are on piece Dorthy Butson | Orioles Jey =TFiples=Ovayr 425m WEE by the LLGW.U. (of you- The Company is an Auto- | work? There are some places Wy Thompson . cen grrhsivessi tens J. Healy--865; y Owen-- b know-where)but it is childish. jnomous Canadian operation-- |that pay very little more but M. Putigna Rg ati ol 827; R. Willerton -- 781; J. tal 0f20 girls who were work- [operated in Canada by Cana- [do not have piece work. Elsie Reid Bobolinks ............. 24 Burky pid wap 9 ing for the Company on Oct |dians. We propose to con- | We have men and women Wilma Hartmann PRETOLS fort ders 23 Tm. Dai pt Liv yi "ober 11, 1967, six -- only six [tinue our Port Perry opera- |following these workers at Audrey Mahaffy BAgIEE oro 20 Dirt. = 705; Vv. Wa ie Eh --went out in answer to the |tion. We respect the legal | Gossards home from work Eleanor Shaw RAVENS «corer 20 fare pg ddl TK Bis strike call. : right of the six girls to go [and throwing garbage at Frances Alger EN 19 ton---083; Cee ey on ae faa Fourteen have continued to lon strike, to picket as an in- | them and swearing. If these Violet Earle Wrens RY 19 a : 6 gy hav. whrk despite difficulties and | formative process for as long |are courageous women, then a A 3 --655; R. Par ar Ha " abuse which will be detailed | 535 they wish. we are glad we are not with GOSSARD EMPLOYEES | Robins ........ 15 Pousomamy A, SD 5 below. We demand the same rights | them. BIOEHIEAS oc. coe. 12 037; ¥. Olsen--bsdy 5. sweck no ha BS wk oo in a democratic society for| Phone calls in the night |==rm----------| man--634. 8) or-Lhe: Ltn Wy. % | the girls (70% of our staff) | with no one on the other end. AY For Gossard ......... 70% to continue working. No One house covered - with REAL ESTATE 2S io s The faithfulness of these | minority should be permitted | paint and tar pA girls is very heartening --|to physically abuse other | {ni Jieotings where only] Salesmen Wanted Vz i duction. Basically the Feed to need pro- gram enables you to feed a constant level of egg-making nutrients (the birds limit) regardless of variation in feed consumption. Laying hens eat to satisfy their energy requirements. In the "Feed to Need" pro- gram we maintain constant energy levels but adjust the nutrient density so that the would be ruined. 2. One girl's white house was painted with black paint and the door locks were glued. 3. One girl was bumped to % the ground & her glass- another story -- without doubt, the most remark- iA The Union draws your at-| abledorumentsin religious history. 7! Tn 'tention to the "Courageous" | Several million people have now rr TT ae aE I a a teste 0 : battle the strikers are waging | responded to His call. is against Gossard. il; Here are some examples of 2 thé "courage" displayed to ENA IRACOIVAR || ( (iT a 28 YOUR daughters -- YOUR 4 sister--the mothers of YOUR |. H IN H OF in 8 children -- on the picket line : | 3 and elsewhere. CO-OP TOPICS a 1. One girl was warned to TURD by Don Rixon : 1 Stop working OF Duay tie BAHA U LLAH * Feed to Need, the new co-op feeding pro- by band's car business ii gram that will help you increase egg pro- We are interested in talking to local area residents, \ U who are interested in learning the Real Estate field. 5) Experience not necessary, all we ask is a sincere in-. ) terest in meeting and assisting people in acquiring property. Knowledge of area a definite asset. Prefer local farmer or Village resident. Local clergy of all faiths have just received an offer of Bahd'u'lléh's Message. We urge you lo investi- gate it either through your clergy- man or by writing: ration will be balanced according to the WE OFFER: i es knocked off by aj BAHAI'S OF WHITBY varying levels of consumption. : i COURAGEOUS MAN. = P.O. BOX 362 : --Y--- The feed to need program utilizes three : -- permanent offices in your area. : fi from the U.A.W. As she| WHITBY -- ONTARIO : 0p postry, : ih jiliferen) Juizient 2 full time assistance at your branch. 3 evels. e higher v reached for her glasses the feed the less the bird will require. 3. -- direct Toronto telephone. A EE Phase Coop 18 o Farly Ly Rati) 4 -- multiple listing service with Toronto and York " ' Designed to be when pulle rst come Cc : N 0 T i C E Y into production, ip as long as production } p Couns 3 isRe! Real Estate Boards. i' . 3 remains over 75%. . Ro RUG and UPHOLSTERY CLEANING Phase 2 Co-op 16% % Chge & Floor Lay in COMPLETE LINE OF HOME FURNISHINGS Ration, use when bird decrease from 75% For further details drop Into our Ushridge office and x to 659, production, Phase 3 Co-op 159 Chge & Floor Lay Ration when production falls below 65%. [J [J United Co-operatives ® of Ontario ask for Gary Newman or write Robert Shea at 8 Wellington Street West, Markham, Ontario. THOS. N. SHEA LIMITED t REALTOR B OUR OWN BUDGET PLAN. : Broadloom, Draperies, T.V., Stero, Appliances, » Furniture, Etc. PHONE OR SEE 2 CTE 8 5 MARVIN APPLETON heal o 985 - 7704 -- PORT PERRY Uxbridge 852-3321 ili ort Perry ZE. 8-4130 852.3443 2979973 | : tx - rar Faw & 5 ge LFS NS > » v Lama . CCE aft TEL NA dr WA , uy 7B) EAL TR AR MRE NE fr t VERE { IEE, 2

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