Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 26 Oct 1967, p. 2

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FY, onto to visit Mrs. Watson % Jean, On Sat. morning Mr. Ken- neth Jeffery of Parry Sound made a flying visit to brother Gordon's. The reason for the brevity of the visit was that before he arrived news was phoned that his home { and contents had been totally § destroyed by fire. Well the apples are picked but what to do with them now? There isn't an apple that was missed by hail, so ! to use common English, -- 2 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, October 26, 1967 EPSOM NEWS By Jean Jeffery Men's Conference. There were 16 tables of Mr. Wm. Kendry & daugh- Euchre at Community Club | ter Patty were supper guests Part at the school on Friday | with Mr. and Mrs. A. Card evening. There will be an-| on Sunday. other party Nov. 3rd. Mr. and Mrs, J. P. Wilson The winners the other | were supper guests on Mon: night were Ladies 1st Mrs. | day evening with Mr. and Jack Crosier, 2nd Mrs. Ruby | Mrs. Earl Wilson. Rogers, low Mrs. Carson Wat- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Geer & son. Gentlemen: 1st Garnet | Brenda and Beverly Manns Cochrane, 2nd Richard Manns | were Sunday Supper guests {low Wm. Goslin. with Mr. and Mrs. Chas, --- Co" SS v va v 1 y : i 3 vi vi 5 A oe 5 iN EL) = 7 3 1 J h * " 3 i [ a JED 2 a Jr yy 8 ? 4 4 {Ss 3 "4 ) "Hh yA v M) ' \ Winners Of Centennial Costumes One of the main features of the Centen- nial Ball held recently at Club Annrene -was the selection of the most authentic Centennial costumes. The many excellent costumes made no easy task for the judges, but finally pri were awarded R. C. Rose. zes for the winning costumes Mrs. Marie Snooks and Rev. With the winners are former Lt. Gov. and Mrs. John Keiller MacKay, who attended as patrons of the Ball. Mr. Horace Searle of Moore's Falls visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ashton one day last week. The Anniversary service on Sunday was well attended and all 'enjoyed an inspiring service Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ashton and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Catherwood and Ri- chard Ashton were supper guests with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Ashton on Sunday evening. The Bailey Boys attended Expo last week -- Rain and lack of transportation made the visit less enjoyable. Mr. Donald Asling spent Geer. Mr. Harold Cawker of Pet- "They are a mess." erborough, Mr. Douglas Caw- ker and friend of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith and Donald were recent callers who visited with Mrs. Cath: arine Cawker. Mr. and Mrs. Les Card vis- ited on Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Card. Dr. and Mrs. Jerrold As- ling and Jan. of Neustadt, were with his parents Mr.-& Mrs. Don Asling for the week-end and on Sunday ev- ening Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ashton and Julia, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Clarke and Irwin com- pleted the family party. a -- Scugog News Mr. and Mrs. D. Lane and son Terry of Oshawa Sunday guests of Mrs. Mary Tetlow. Mrs. E. Pearson of Oshawa overnight guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. Redman recently. Miss Karen Carter of Tor- onto spent the weekend with her parents Mr. and Mrs. A. end guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. Chandler. We are glad to report that Mr. C. L. Fralick has return- ed home from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. J. McQuinn, Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Chester McQuinn of Bowmanville. ized us since we established our business 11 years ago, and especially the past 13 'months, under the name of Reesor Servicecentre. Charles, Alma and Larry Reesor Gillespie. Church service at 9 am. Sunday. Everyone welcome. The sun shone brightly thro' the Head Church win- dows on Sunday morning as once again Island and former residents gathered for the Anniversary service of wor- ship with the Rev. Alan Barnes of Columbus as guest speaker. The Scugog choir again put forth and excellent Centennial plaid skirt. Four- teen of the sixteen girls were present and they in turn were presented with in- dividual Centennial trophies from Don & Tom. At this time . they also wish to re- member their staunch fans Manchester News On Sunday, November 5th, Anniversary Services will be held in Manchester Church at 11.30 am. and 7.30 p.m. with Rev. J. K. Braham, Bob- caygeon as guest speaker. Service at the usual hour next Sunday, 11.15 a.m. Mr. Arnold Roach is on a business trip to Chicago this week. Mrs. Daisy Parrinder and Mrs. May Clark, Myrtle Sta. visited 'Mrs. Crosier on Fri- day. " There was a good attend- ance at the Church on Thurs- day evening, when Mr. Buck: land showed slides of Nor- way and England. The pic: tures were beautiful and his commentaries were much ap- have moved into Mr. Ed. Mul- hollands apartment. We welcome them. The many friends of Mrs. Ada Moffatt (nee Holtby) were grieved to hear of her death at Brandon, Man. Sym- pathy goes to the bereaved ones. OV DIRGET EVERY TE GREAT BUY IN HOMELITE CHAIN SAWS! i the weekend at Muskoka| On Thurs. Mrs. Howard Sands at the United Church |Ashton accompanied Mr. and : Mrs. Lorne Wagner to Tor- | yorare your chance 0 get a superior quality Homelite Chain Saw at lowest price ever! Never has. there beén a 'better opportunity to get a top quality Homelite Chain Saw at a better pricel. This 'Homelite C-51 has the quality and features of much higher priced saws. No other tool you can buy does so much yet costs so little. You can cut firewood, clear woodlots, cut lumber, prune and trim fruit trees. Come in and see the Homelite C-51 now. It's worth money to you. Equipment Hp APPLY FOR YOUR MEDICAL INSURANCE NOW Blackstock on Monday morn- ing and afternoon. Mrs. M. Fralick, Mrs. J. Demara and Mrs. E. Reader enjoyed Mr. Buckland's pic- tures of Norway and Eng- land shown at Manchester on Thursday night, 1 PRIZES FOR BEST COSTUME. Music by "THE ENCHANTERS" NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE TICKETS AVAILABLE NEXT WEEK. Remembrance Day hi BANQUE lime we aw EL Th y or gi 6:30 p.m. Legion Hall, Saturday, Nov. 11th, Tickets Now On Sale At Canteen of Branch 419, EE rr Trewin: Farm * Carter. Mrs. T. Redman spent an | effort and many complimen- |preciated. The U.C.W, ex. ox ou Mrs. Ray Milner Slierioon with Mr. and Mrs. | tary remarks of pleasure & |tends thanks to the above to o awa Sunday dinner|A. Martyn who are leaving appreciation were heard. The | gentleman for an enjoyable Cou Co-op ° guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. this week to spend the winter | speaker was much at home |and profitable evening. y Ontario 4 ny) Medical Seryives * ! Aldred. in Toronto. in the traditional setting a-| The November meeting of R.R. 1, LOCUST HILL, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson| Mr. and Mrs. Gary Mitchel | round which he had woven [the U.C.W. will be held at Phone Ajax 942-3787 i Sunday dinner guests of Mr.|of Oshawa Saturday visitors | his message of past & future [the home of Mrs. Jim Mit. gore 8 and Mrs. C. Redman and fa-{of Mr. and Mrs. K. Crozier. and our place in the middle. |chell, 4th Con. on Thursday {J --No ain period if coming _omily. ----Mr-and-Mrs; A. Redman and | In the afternoon the Ram- |afternoon, Nov. 2nd at 2.00 direct m. other. covernge: Mr. and Mrs. McDougall &| family spent Sunday in Tor- | ettes met in the Head Church o'clock. fetid son Jeffrey of Ottawa week-'onto with her cousin Mrs. | with baseball leaders' and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kelly close friends. It appeared to ; be a farewell gathering as ---- ) WE ARE SORRY TO ANNOUNCE THE many of the girls will be go- | and express thanks to them. R i ing into new occupations next oy Sm, there will be a 4 ._e fen summer. Their manager, paper drive so get your pa- = mn eesor Servicecentre [|e Their manager, pers and magaines ready oa] isi win Fhe cl UB ANNRENE | | HAS BEEN FORCED TO VACATE THEIR baseball. Tho' the number | held the second Wed. of Nov. | PRESENT LOCATION DUE TO THE PREV- | |of Island boys seems to re.|at the home of Mrs. Reta | 9 i I0US OWNER CHANGING HIS MIND, || mein steady, the number of Reader. Some have sti notl| HALLOWEEN DANCE : Island girls in this age group furued in jhe Thanksgiving A ; is decreasing. In apprecia-| donation (formerly a sock rd ber At this time we sincerely thank our cus- tion for loyal leadership, the containing $1.26). Don't for- Satu ay, Octo 28th tomers and all our friends who have patron- || girls presented Don with a|&get the Regional meeting at

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