s r 1 EO SOT hy 3] 3 3s A pe Rony [aia I -- EER 4 Prince Albert 'News By Mrs. Les Beacock Well last Sunday seemed to be one of those rush - rush days. First of all several attended the annual Remem- brance Day in Port Perry United Church. Few members of families attended Prospect Special Dedication Service at their Church plus Centennial choir of youth. Our male quar- tette provided music for morning service at Man- chester. And our local choir rend- ered music and song at Blackstock evening anniver- sary service. All enjoyable amid it all. In fact our own worship service was well attended in spite of families involved elsewhere. The nursery seems to be progressing fav- ourably too. Two couples from our vill: age attended . Blackstock morning anniversary service at Blackstock' on Sunday namely Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Andrews Jr. who also spent the day with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. Dayes. Mr. and Mrs. L. Beacock were dinner company with their cousin Mrs. O. Hill af- ter the service. A somewhat different ev- ening or - what one might class a "Family Night", com- prising of community famil- ies gathered in the church parlors at 6.30 for a buffet style of pot luck assortment of foods. Hot and cold con- tributions were brought in by each household. The U.C.W. who sponsored it were pleased with the res- ponse and all enjoyed the meal and fellowsHip. At 8.30 a goodly attendance assembled in the church sanc- tuary for a "Centennial Vari- ety Program" jointly arrang- ed under the auspices of the U.C.W. and choir. Pp Mr. T. Hodgins acted as chairman for the evening. g We were fortunate in ob- taining talent from Orono |P called the "Country Four", a the local ladies Mrs. in accordian and piano selec- tions listening. which proved easy- The audience alse enjoyed combined organ and iano number by two of our B. Snel- rove and Mrs. G. Hunter. Yes our local mixed choir articipated (garbed in old- time gowns of various shades male quartette who shared |and styles) most liberally their vocal chords" in selec- tions in barber shop, modern and religious singing. Another number somewhat interesting and different by a promising young lady Dale Smith (daughter of Mr. and) Mrs. Lloyd Smith of Pros- pect) who dressed in a glit- tering dress gracefully acted two numbers in baton twirl- |P ing accompanied by musical background. Our chairman's sister Mrs. Stan Glass contri- buted a couple of humorous readings. We were also favoured by the young men from Whitby, the Warman Bros. who con- tributed their music ability rendering suitable number for this special year. choir group was trained by our organist Mrs. Snelgrove. This Our minister Rev. Rice was requested to come forth and voiced high praise to all the talent who so willingly enter- tained everyone. Thanks very much to all ersons who attended the supper and memorable musi- cal concert and same appre- ciation is due the many indi- viduals who worked behind the scenes as well. Many interested folk in- cluding parents and friends attended the "Open Night", in connection to the large The Dutch remember, do you Did You Know . . . That All Poppy Fund Proceeds Are Used Only For The Welfare Of Needy Veterans And Their Families. BUY A POPPY! Royal Canadian Legion, Br. M9, Port Petry th J new addition joining the pre- sent structure of Consolidat- ed No. 1. Area School situ- | ated in our village. The room teacher of each class-room greeted the public as they admired the beautiful new trends which proved inter- esting and appealing since §| the days of the "Little Red School House". Each person present was free to sign a guest book too. Appetizing refreshments were available, provided by :| the "Good Neighbor's Service :| Club, proved a nice gesture at end of the tour. Just a few years ago many & | of us can remember a young | boy named Harry Kiezibrink making his way to catch the school bus. Through his suec- cessful teaching experiences we are happy to learn he is now principal of this school. | The best to you Harry, teach- ing staff and pupils. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson and child of Oshawa with his parents Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Martyn in company with their. rela- tives spent nearly a week in Massachusettes. Since that {| time they all motored to '| Montreal where the Martyns '| bid farewell to their cousins :| who boarded a plane enroute to their home in England. RS -- 00 Strikers Of a total of 30 employees 18 are on strike, and 12 cross the picket line, and unfortun- ately some of the women working are married to union men, Mr. Kitts said. He also stated that the plants in the U.S.A. are pay- | ing a minimum of $1.69 per hour and a maximum of $4. "The International Ladies Garment Workers Union is a powerful Union with 22,000 members in Canada, and we intend to stand by the strik- ers in Port Perry--and stand by them we will", Mr. Kitts told the persons present. A motion by Michael Fra- ser. an employee of General Motors and member of UAW "opposing the discrimination and exploitation of the work- ers of the H. W. Gossard Co." was presented and passed by the persons present at the meeting. PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, Nov. 9th, 1967 -- 7 EPSOM NEWS Our sympathy to the Gour- He family. Mrs. Frank Aldder- ley of Toronto passed away. She was a sisit>r of Mrs. H. Gourlie Mrs. Gourlie and daughter, Mrs. Armstgong and son Howard of Osh-wa attended the funeral service. Our sympathy clso to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Asling and family in the lows -of her father, Mr. Joseph Ryall of Little Britain, The grand old man of 93 was laid to rest in Lindsay on Monday. 'Mr. Wm. Asling in in the Uxbridge Cottage Hospital We wish him a speedy re- covery Mr. Harold Cawker, Peter- borough called on Mother Cawker on Monday. Mrs. Jean Jeffery attended the Convention for Central Area Women's Institute last Wednesday at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. The Kerry family have been busy celebrating, Ray- mond and Walter had birth- days in October and Novem- ber. Mrs. Cottyn also cele- brated her birthday. All met for a joint party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H Kerry. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pren- tice were in Toronto for Sun- day Supper with Ross and his little Mrs. Didi. Don't forget this is your invitation for a community shower for Mise Karen Geer to be held in Utica, Friday evening, November 10th. Mr. and Mrs Frank Mack of Marlette, Mich. were vis- iting with their sister brother-in-law, Mr. and ry Alex Noble for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Allie Chris- tie visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thompson at Victoria Corners on Sunday. We are pleased to hear Jean and Earl have recovered from the flu. Mv; Darlene Christie of Scarborough was not home this weekend as she was at- tending Teacher's Convention in London. The Portable School room arrived for the Epsom school last Friday. We sent for more Cook Books and it is time they were here a month ago. I am going to write an article for L.E. H. noting 4t least fifteen reasons why we should give all our printing to our local companies. So far I only know one reason contrary. Miss Denisz Payne was home for the weekend to at- tend Port Perry High School Commencement, Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jackson on the arrival of their son, a first M. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Fred West and Mr. and Mrs. L. Payne were visiting in Toronto on Sunday. The Epsom Explorer group Friday. Our sympathy to Mrs. Brown, Explorer leader in th: less of her aunt last week. (Continued on Page 10) DANCING CLUB ANNRENE Saturday, November 11th MUSIC BY "BLUE DIAMONDS" NEW YEAR'S EVE TICKETS AVAILABLE 1896 Sermon Topic: Guest Solosit: GREENBANK UNITED CHURCH . SEVENTY - FIRST . Anniversary Service SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 11 a.m. ® SPECIAL SPEAKER eo REV. JOSEPH PRICE, B.A., B.D., S.T.M. Queen Street United Church, Lindsay "The Conqueror Of The World" Music by the GREENBANK CHURCH CHOIR, and MR. ALEX. GAUMERS You Are Cordially Invited 1967 Accomodating THE REGENCY ROOM . THE NELSON ROOM . . Your Christmas Party. Le Chalet Dining Room and Tavern. are very pleased to ANNOUNCE THE OPENING of the Le Chalet Banquet House (Corner of Centre St. and Colborne. St., With two Elegant Rooms To Serve You . Suitable for up to 200 Guests . Suitable for up to 100 Guests Perfect for Wedding Receptions; Dance ; and Service Club Meetings . . CALL 668-4377 Whitby) 300 People Bowling Banquets; .Book Now For RAN TY Ai 3.0 SEA Waly VIT oR ET a Nxy: gee grand-child for Mr. and Mrs, -- will meet in the Church on _ en vs re - = = Cond, X Nia ~ or Wi nm eR " - eT pn A Se Aa a --_-- SEE Dn SH LAE hw ni Sa) "en nv wi ---- a Ja x: Bo) ox Ca ey 5 % ) Lt PA em ES a v * . rs x = TT ESN viv ATED SREP I Yt 5 =: Dp SATs & - hdr Loman? 1S Bl rR Le din S03 no don i (Yr tn rata le re ph tS NY 7 Fizk = v Sa ~~ ie IT =X: