: Yoey Bert Rt dest = PORT PERRY STAR ~ Thividy; Awl 25th, 1968 -- © PORT PERRY UNITED CHURCH CHOIR Presents "MOODS IN MUSIC 101" IN THE R. H. CORNISH PUBLIC SCHOOL Tickets Available From Choir Members MEN" FEATURING "MELODI- Fri. - Sat. April 26-27 - 8.49 p.m. FEATURING THE "DOUBLE EXPOSURES" Ladies Hospital Auxiliary On April 22nd, 19 ladies of the Hospital Auxiliary met at the home of the President, Mrs. M. B. Dymond. : * Mrs. "Donald Crozier re- ported on the Hospital Board Annual meeting and expres: from the Board for their don- ation and support in the past. Mrs, George Bell reported that 22 patients had received plants at Easter time while in hospital. Easter lillies were placed in the Hospital at tha! time, Members were asked to ; keep in mind the regional PR ea meeting to be held in Ux- bridge, May 15. Mrs. J. Manns reported that 5 more pair of booties were given out and she read .cards of thanks from Mre, Margaret Carr, Mrs. Lester Baylis, Mrs. Harvey Dear- borne and Mrs Helen Bower. The treasurer Teporied the following donations were received: Blackstock L.OB.A., $5.00. Scugog Grice U.C.W. $20.00. Four little girls of Prince Albert $5.62 Mrs. J. Davidson gave a re- port on the Spring Fair to be held on Saturday, May 25th at the Masonic Hall with a bake sale and tea in the Presbyterian Church, Tickets will be available at the door on a floral centrepiece don- ated by Eleanor's Flowers. A home made rug is displayed in Carnegie"s Men's Wear window and tickets can be bought in the store. The Rose tag day for the Hospital Auxiliary was dis- cussed also a summer draw and plans for either project were left over until nex: month, (Mrs, Dymond Yrought the members attention to a Gift | Shop in the new Hospital and a convener will be needed to SMP PLASTER REPAIR ~ SERVICE Cleanliness is our by-word L arge and small repairs ~~ E_ very plastering need Arches, ceilings, etc. eat workmanship . "CONSTRUCTION F. SHERMAN -- SEAGRAVE -- 9853111 """W. KEARLEY -- UXBRIDGE -- 852-3878 H look after this and also vol- unteer help when the shop opens, * The members are reminded of the Blood donor clinic on May "1st abt the. Oddfellows Hall. Volunteers for typing nursing and registration will be looked after by the ladies of the Auxiliary. "Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Implements and Hay, the property of EVERTON GOODE, Lot 15, Con. 4, East Gwillimbury twp., 1% 'miles east, 1% miles south of Queensville or 1% miles north of Sharon Side rd. (on Don Mills rd) on SAT, APRIL 27th. Case Combine No. 77 Pull type, 7 ft. cut (6 yrs), LHC. Power seed drill, 15 disc Case Manure spreader, full line of mach- inery, Surge Milking Mach- ine, 1000 bales of hay, Here: ford cow, calf by side, 5 sows, 14 pigs (chunks), etc. Farm Sold. - Terms Cash, Sale at 1.30. REG JOHNSON, Apr, 25 - Auctioneer - Ph. Sunderland 227 AUCTION: SALE of. Con- tents of a Dry Goods Store and Furniture, the property of MORRIS KLAITMAN, will be held in the town of Bea- verton on MON. APRIL 29 at 10 a.m,, TUES., APRIL 30 at 5 p.m. and if necessary WED., MAY 1st. Thousands dise, such as children's wear, slacks, sweaters, shoes etc., ladies skirts, house - coats, shoes, stretchy slacks, under- wear; etc., men's 'boots, shoes jackets, pants, rubbers, ete. All kinds of boys wear and Qu. of furniture & store fix- tures. Plan to outfit your- self and your children here. 4 Municipality of the Village of Port Perry Daylight Saving Time | In order to conform with the City of Oshawa, the Village of Port Perry has adopted the following dates for Daylight Saving Time. Sun., April 28, 1968 at 12.01 a.m. to Sun., Oct. 27, 1968 at 12.01 a.m. J. J- GIBSON, Reeve HONOURING Meet The Champs BANQUET Wednesday, May 1st PORT PERRY LEGION HALL' THE PORT PERRY LG.A. PEE WEE SOFTBALL TEAM Ontario Champions of 1967 -- also -- ANNA FORDER and RICHARD STEPHENS Tickets $2.50 per person niay be obtained from members of the Chamber of Commerce. Sponsored by the PORT PERRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Hundreds of prs. of boots, shoes, rubbers. All new merchandise. Property for sale. Terms cash, sale at 10 am. Mon. Gerald Gra- ham, Fred Daw, Clerks. REG. JOHNSON, Auctioneer of dollars worth of merchan-'| ~ THURS., MAY 2--Regular Monthly "Auction Sale of Dairy type Fresh & Spring- ing. Cows & Heifers, Pure Bred & Grade, Open Heifers, to be sold in the "Cow Pal- ace" at Stouffville Sales Barn, Stouffville, Ont. A large selection have been of- fered the past few months and with all cows being Vet- erinarian inspected assures buyer satisfaction. If you have some cows to consign, contact the sale management early, -- in this ever-growing popular Consignment Sale-- Cash Settlement. Please have Cows entered by 4 p.m. BENNETT and N. FAULKNER, Sale Mgrs. & Auctioneers Apr. 25-May 2 The April meeting of the| Mi JU.C.W. was held at the home of Mrs. C. Graham. The president Mrs. Neun- ham opened the meeting by _all singing hymn 115, after which she voiced apprecia- tion to the hostess for sharing her home, and to sixteen members who were present, we were also happy to have a visitor, Mrs. Harris with us. Roll call mnswered by 'a spring flower and 14 visits made. Minutes read and ad- opted by the secretary Mrs. Heayn who also read an' ap- preciation note from Scugog 1st Cub and Scout Organiz- ation plus a cheque for use of kitchen facilities during the banquet. Mrs. Jewell the Treasurer reported on finances. Mrs. Beacock had received a letter from Uxbridge Sal- vation Army apppealing for aid which was read by the secretary, as a result $10.00 was voted to them. - A sum of $5000 was also voted to the S.S after being informed their finances were slim, Mrs. Snelgrove, card con- venor was given authority "to purchase sick cards and hand in bill. Mrs. H. Holtby, U.C.W. rep, of Church Board voiced she had attended a recent steward meeting therfore stated .the discussion on the Church front steps were tab- be renovated plus new type of trimming added. The secretary has secured a speaker Mrs, O. Bayliss, of Toronto for our forthcom- ing 1 o'clock Salad Luncheon on May 21st. for same are Mrs. Graham, Mrq. Beacock, Mrs. Holtby, and Mrs. Roy Hope to arrange the food. A small programme to be planned by Mrs. Snel- grove and Mrs. Hunter with prizes "awarded. Emphasis were also received regarding Hospital Spring Fair. In fact several bedroom articles were brought in that night. It was the general unider- standing one or two on the church board were to operate a shovel on a certain chosen site on the church premises in order for the committee Mrs. Deeth and Mrs. B. Smith to purchase shrubery for + SAT., MAY 11th--Auction sale of house and lot and household furniture, incl. 6 pe. dining room chrome set, refrig., 4 burner electric range, -china cabinet, studio couch with matching chair, bedroom suite, full line of furniture, dishes, an- line of furniture), '57 Pon- tiac car (good condition), the property of the late Mrs. BLDEAN RODD, 'village of North Myrtle. time and place a seven room white frame dwelling and lot |' will be offered for sale, in good condition, 59 payable days. House sold subject to reserve, For further infor- mation contact: the auction- eer. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. ROSS BAILEY, Auctioneer Ph. Uxbridge 985.7583 Apr.25-May2 oT suite, | tiques, (Note--this is a good, At the same ; day of sale, balance in 30]. planting. . Being no further business on file the meeting ended with devotion given by Mrs, Jewell, Mrs. Hope and Mrs. Mn. Jewell. : Then Mrs. Ben Smith in charge of Study! Book related an interesting summary on Japan with aid of map. Launch wae served by Mss. The committees. red Hope, Mrs, Mw Mrs... Deeth. - Last Thursday evening an- other euchre was held in the Recreation Centre when en- thusiastic card fans from far argd near were present. As a result the high end low count prizes were presented: High lady score--Mrs. Manns. Low--MTrs, Grimshaw, High gent--Mr. J. Demara. Low gent--Mr. E. Jewell, Floating lone hand--Mr. C. Graham. A letter has been received from Mr. Vincent Groupe of Philadelphia stating that his mother (formerly of our vil- lage) is confined to a Nurs- ing Home and would be in- terested in a note from her friends. For address contact any U.C.W. member. We extend our - deepest sympathy to Mr. Newman and family in the loss of a wife and mothen. The New- man family resided in our Prince Albert News Heayn: village just a few years aio. We are pleased to lean Mrs James Norton is hom from being hospitalized. ~ Mr. and Mrs. N. Wilso and son Bruce were Sunda visitors with Mr, and Mrs. T Wilson and family, Oshawa Mr.and Mrs. D, Southwel Tyrone were with her mothe and brother Mrs, Stella Heay and Robert. . One day last week Mrs I Stanton was visited by ol¢ time friends, Mr. and Mr: Percey Gray, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. I. Devitt an family, Oshawa were Su: day visitors with her faths Mr. F, Vicker and the Bet cocks. Mrs. H. Holtby visitdéd he mother Mrs, T. Bailey an relatives in Brooklin, Dr. S. Henderson, Toron* visited her friends, Mr. an Mrs. Scott Lindsay. ort \lumbing FOR ESTIMATES & SERVICE CALL 985 - 3112 Heating & Ventilation INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL |B REPAIRS = ALTERATIONS = CONTRACTS RA led as a result, steps are to | [fl jected 3" to WSTINT GYVERS Y TS Te, United > CO-OP TOPICS by Don Rixon Liquid Nitrogen Corn Fertilizer Service can make your crop investment pay off in higher fyields, higher profits. If you want better corn and more of it from every acre you plant -- supplemental liquid nitrogen can make money for you. And the most effective and economic- }- al way to supply, the nitrogen needs of a big- ger yield crop is with Co-op Aqua-Ammonia. This low cost liquid nitrogen fertilizer is in- 4" below the surface of the soil and gets into action fast. With this method of application the corn gets maximum bene-§ fit from the nitrogen because the soil retains all the nitrogen applied and there is no loss during application, of Ontario From expert recommendation to trained- operator application, .the Co-operative Liquid Nitrogen Service gives you the best of supple- IN mental nitrogen fertilization without your cost. Mly investment in time, labor and equipment, Conf! Call youir local Co-operative now and plan to kt 7 a your profits this_season, Co-operatives : (UXBRIDGE BRANCH) Uxbridge 852-3321 Port Perry IE. 83-3130 |