In a recent issue of the Star we printed a list of names who have volunteered to can- ~vass on behalf of the Port Perry Branch of the Canadian Cancer Society. . These men and women are fully aware of the disastrous toll of lives' this dreaded killer takes every year in Canada, and for that matter all over the World. For this reason they 'have volunteered to help pre- vent and possibly stamp: out cancer for future citizens of this country. It is up to the rest of us, to see that the canvass now in pro- gress in the area, and this week 'in Port Perry itself, becomes a success. This can only be ac- complished by the support of every citizen. When the canvasser knocks on your door, remember, the very money you donate could save your own life -- no one knows when the killer Eipikes ~ next.' quer. the several diseases group ed under the term "cancer" 'represent the greatest co-oper- ative effort that mankind has ever expended on a single goal. "Thousands of medical men and scientists in virtually every part of the world are 'devoting their lives to the solution of this problem. Hundreds of mill- .. I the text of a message from the Prime Minister, in which Mr. ions of dollars a year are being spent on every possible line of approach, Jiast year in Canada there were more than 26,000 deaths from cancer," a disease which was second only to heart dis- ease as a killer. And the toll is rising not only in numbers, but ~~ in proportion to our growing population. But progress has been made. - There is an ever-increasing number of cancer patients who are still alive five years after the discovery of their disease-- the gauge by which cancer' specialists measure the number who have had their condition Help Sar Cancer The age- oi attempts to con- controlled, because there is seldom a "eure"! in the strict sense of the word where cancer is concerned. And perhaps the most progress of all has been made in the prevention of can- cer, This is where the Canadian Cancer Society plays a part be- cause the greatest force in the fight to prevent cancer is edu- . _ : cation. People must know the danger in cigarettes, they must know the danger of too much exposure to the sun, or to many of the noxious elements we might encounter in our daily . round. April is cancer month in Canada. Readers are urged to support the work of the Canad- ian Cancer Society by volun-. teering their hard-won cash, Or better. still, by presenting themselves as canvassers. Eith- er way (or both) you can help to shape the age we live in. CofC Week : Apnl 21-27 President W. M. Anderson of The Canadian Chamber of Com- merce announces that Chamber of Commerce Week will be ob- served across (Canada, April 21-27. 3 ment, Mr. Anderson released Pearson extended his best wishes on behalf of the Govern- ment of Canada, to some 850 - community Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce as they observe their eleventh an- nual Chamber of Commerce Week. "The first year of our second century brings great challen- ges to all of us and I commend these voluntary organizations on their endeavours to build a better life in a growing, vigor-. ous, progressive community re- presenting all the promise that is Canada", stated Mr. Pearson. In making the announce- 50 EARS AGO Thurs., April 25, 1918 ~ Mr. W. U. Carnegie has 'erected an up-to-date Ford Garage at the rear of the Bank of Commerce, and has put in a gasoline how- "ser. in front of his hard. ware store. Pte. Geo. White, one of the first to leave for the front, is at home on sick leave. Mr. Jas. Carnegie that his son, Flight Lieut. wounded in the shoulder. 25 YEARS AGO Thurs, April 22nd, 1943 'A cable was feceived by. 'Harry Carnegie has heen Dr. J. A. McArthur of Blackstock has opened an office where Dr. R. H. formerly Hamilton was located. ; A Port Perry man, and former owner of the Port Perry Standard, Mr. Char- les Mundy died this week. Mr. Mundy was president of the Oshawa Times- Gazette at the time of his death. , 15 YEARS AGO Thurs, April 23, 1953 Council has approved permits for 15. homes. at a cost of over $100,000.00. This is the biggest build- ing boon in some months. Miss M. Bourne, Super- intendent of Nurses, Osh. awa Hospital, and Miss Frances. Hincks, .Superin- - tendent of Port Perry Community Hospital will speak to the Hospital Auxiliary this week. 10 YEARS AGO Thurs. April 24, 1958 Bell Telephone crews installed new phones: this week which will go into use when the. dial ex: change opens this sum. mer. Mrs. Florence MeClin- tock, Mrs, V. P. Stouffer, and Mrs. J. E, Jackson, went to a Convention in Toronto, for: the Music Teachers Association last week. 3 ~~ CW. JEFFERY S Philemon Wright taking first raft down the Ottawa River, 1806. In 1800 he came to the district that is now Hull, Quebec and --settled there. Wright, who was born in Massachusetts, _ brought with~him 25 men, ample capital, - __livestock and tools. - The settlement be- came known as Wright's Village or Wrights. town. By 1804 Wright had sat up a grist: mill, sawmill, smithy, tailer shop, bakery BILL SMILEY . GOOD LUCK, PIERRE! Everything that could possibly have been written about the Liberal leadership con- vention has already been written. But it's Spring, almost, and we have a new prime minister, almost. They're both pretty green, but Summer usually follows: " No, | didn't bet against Trudeau. But I can't see a guy called Winters ever win- ning an-election in this country. We get enough of that nonsense about eight months of the year. As an English teacher, I always look at names for symbolic suggestions. Winters has already been dealt with. ~ Helleyer sounds slightly like "Hell with yer, I'll do as I please." Paul Martin. I think a martin is a small bird. And he sure got it from the eagles and falcons. But he was a game bird, de- spite the fact, and deserves a salute for dignity and courage. (I met Martin. years ago encumbered by a couple of plastered Liberals from the sticks, and he had the same dignity then. These are the people who let him down, after he'd made gruelling trips to Hayfork Centre to speak for some local jerk.) Turner didn't live up to his name. Tough. No turning. Watch out for him in future. He wants -it-all--or 'nothing. MacEachern was a disappointment. He's a man of intelligence and integrity.. But he ran his campaign as though he were running for Reeve of Juniper Junction, and even made a bollix of withdrawing from . the race. A pity. Joe Greene is Joe Greene. I've seen him in action before. A dangerous orator of th old school: motional, convincing, but a pretty fair Minister of Agriculture when you penetarte the verbiage. Sharp was sharp, and always has been. He made the right move at the right time, and he's famous for this. . Despite a couple of abysmal. lapses. - during - the economic crisis, Kierans made a great fight, but who really feels sorry for a millionaire who's going to wind up in the Cabinet, and didn't have a'ghost of a chance in the first place. readers may wish to clip and save.) Sugar and From the Imperial 0jl Collection aud tannery. He took the first raft of square timber from the Ottawa Valley to Montreal. The journey took 35 days throughe the unknown rapids 'and the raft's safe arrival at Montreal signalled the inaugura- tion of the Ottawa Valley lumber trade. _ Later _he had a steamboat built for him, The Union of Ottawa, which became the first steamboat on the Ottawa. (This historical feature is one of a series® si a , Sl RR S pice | Lo Ho Stout "chap though. You can't make much of Trudeau' Ss name, symbolically, However, I think he's' just possibly a better choice 'than that chap called Laframboise from Northern Ontario. I have a vague idea Laframhboise means "The "Strawberry." And where would we be then, internationally? Eaten, with sugar and cream that's where. "All I hope is that Canadians won't 80 sour on Trudeau when the Gallic shrug, » the quirked eyebrow and the chimpanzee's grin disappear after a couple of months of dealing with all the garbage a prime minister must put out. . To the constant disgust of my wife and daughter, 1 knocked J, F. Kennedy con- stantly after his election. I kept saying, "Sure, he's cute. Sure he has a beautiful grin. Sure, he's witty. Sure, everybody loves him, except 49 percent of the U.S. voters. But he's a ruthless politician. When is he going to do something besides charm people?" (Continued on Page 8) PORT PERRY STAR COMPANY, LIMITED. =L Serving Port Perry, Brooklin and Surrounding Areas E P. HVIDSTEN, Publisher : WM. T. HARRISON, Editor Member of the Canadian Weekly : Member of the Ontario Weekly . Newspaper Association Published every Thursday by. The Port Perry. Star Co. Ltd., Port Perry, Ontario, - Authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa, and for payment of postage in eash. Subscription Rates, In Canada $3.00 per yr, Elsewhere, $450 per year. Single Copy 10e,