§ | A BEA, Ss oo oR 3] fal EAS Ah Bh DPA sy A LL BEE a Ue 5 ESR PORT PERRY STAR -- Thursday, May 2nd, 1968 -- 7 During the Old Bills' Banquet an oll-painting, the crea- # tion of a member of Branch 170, Wm. Conran, an Old Bill himself was presented to the 'Port Perry Legion. The painting is' based on the famous drawings of Capt. Bruce Bairnsfather who immortalized the Old Bills with his cartoons during the First World War. On the stage Two Sell Qut Crowds For 'Moods In Music' After two successful per- formances of Moods in Music 101 to capacity crowds, the Port Perry United Church '|-€hoir, as host, feel proud at the fine community support given them. Featured in the lor, ably performed' for the production. Seme highlights 'in the programme were "By the Sea", a highly perfected song and dance routine. Much hu- 1d in the i rogramme were the newly [Mour was shown Ht Melodimen and the drum, tambourine and trum. ot ever popular Double Expos- |Pet trio of Mrs. George Bur- Hy ure -- a fine youth group nett, Mrs. Frank Godley and 4 who reach out to the future |Mr- Ted Griffen who per ; formed in "Give me that of the musical world. From songs of the olden days to recent broadway melodies & popular hits, a great variety Old Time Religion. ~ Popular show tunes from the "Sound of Music?;-"South om in mood and tempo was re- [Pacific" and "The King and i vealed. I" made one recall the fine 9 Credit is given to Mrs. [Rodgers and Hammerstein i ; Frank Godley, as Concert Co- ordinator ,who, in conjunc- tion 'with Mrs. Frank Hast- ings as director, worked un- tiringly in establishing dance routines, drama, and humour into all parts of the pro- gramme. As accompanists, Mrs. Don Forder and Mr. Glenn Tay-A productions. As a contrast the great Irish Folk tune, I Know Where I'm Goin' pre. sented a new harmonic flav- our. As a finale to the even- ing performance, Moods in Music - 101 concluded with Ringwald's arrangement "I May Never Pass This Way Again", ' TREE LE Cen Jedokdookkdokok ok okoAkok Xk -_ " to the left is the artist, Wm. Conran, and to the right Uxbridge Padre, Rev. Wm. A. Myles holding on to" the painting. Seated is Ted Jackson, and standing are Jack Cook, Pres. of Port Perry Legion who received the gift from Al Cooper, pres. of the Uxbridge Legion. © 4 i gE . carrying the torch of the 'tunately there are always (continued) the MC, following grace said * by Rev. W. R. Tristram. . W. E. Mulholland proposed 'toast "to First: World War veterans, replied to fittingly by J. E. (Ted) Jackson. - Mr. Jackson reminisced about. the war years some 50 years ago, and expressed his thanks on behalf of the Old Bills pre- sent for the generous invi- tation received from the two branches. g District Dep. Commander, __Eric Hogg proposed. a toast - to Royal Canadian Legion and Al Cooper, pres. of the Uxbridge Branch a toast to Zone F1. District Commander Ger- ald Simpson introduced) the Robert Me- guest speaker, Chesney, 1968 president of Ontario Provincial Command. "To-night, as we pay spe- cial tribute to our comrades who sacrificed -so much for us in the name of Canada and the freedom of all na- tions we may have mixed emotions about the present state of World affairs", Mr. McChesney said. : "I sometimes wonder if we have heen as faithful in fallen as we might have been", he said. He continued to say, for- some citizens willing to give of their time and talents for the betterment of others. Some 43 years ago, a group of World War I veterans united to establish the Cana- dian Legion. Thanks to the foresight of these men thie Canadian Legion today can boast a membership of 300, 000. During: those years the|- Legion has fought for a fair and equitable right of the veterans, and has gained gradual increasés in pension rates from the 1914 beginn- . before you become upset over 43 ! Samuel Eyres and Herb Putland, he guests. Mr. Buckland is a Boer War vet- Cin two oldest war veterans attending the eran, and Mr. Eyres poined th Eo) (Tl TYAN | ing j 2 Bills' Night were among the head table in 1901. yres pe SRoval Navy } §y gstresting job, i & =» IT ill y Ni h ry IE To LE TL EYE TT Te fy of 3: 1 pil Veterans Enjoy | S 19 i ice tray, or pry apart packs of 4 ° RECA , ; ; CHT ing of $150. annually. rades who paid the supreme Following thanks express: iced-up frozen food, or become id The president continued |sacrifice during the first [eq by Port Perry i & president to say, Legion sponsored [century of our nationhood, Jack Cook, to members of UCRUEIEN over the lack of 2, youth programs in education | and to- whom we especially | Ladies Auxiliary for a well ; d Na ii Sons have gained the | pay - tribute tonight would | prepared roast beef dinner, storage space and endless trips : \ admiration of many com- [look for nothing less." wives and friends of veter- " " SA) Bune Ques 1,000 Canes Immediate past president | ans and legionaires enjoyed | to the store, see the new "NO-FROST FEES an , oys and girls | of Ontario Provincial Com-| dancing. toes . mE) have benefitted from sports | mand, Gordon Wakefield ex- relrigerator-frecacrs now on y 3 programs. pressed thanks for the ex- i ; ad The Centennial project, a| cellent speech on behalf of SPECIAL GRAN disphay at your loca) Appliance bl j million dollar Trust Fund is those present. G T . ' : 3 coming to a successful con- Moties 25s hes published dealers. They're bigger, better, clusion. $900,000 has been : n The Ontario Gazette of an : i AA contributed from branches Plans Carnival pmeNSmEp? to. 1h Put NYDN Tost an Naver I9%irs J i all over Canada. The inter- Hospifals Act providing for defrosting... ever!!! \ est earnings of this fund is| Port Perry Chamber of [the making of $75 per bed Cs to provide additional bene- | Commerce is making plans [special grant to Port Perry {Ips fits for veterans. for-a Carnival to beheld .in | Community Memorial - Hos- : WN wh Mr. McChesney concluded Palmer Memorial Park on pital to apply against the ! - oy by saying, "and as we move | August 16 and 17. retirement of interest bear- h ax into Canada's second century Permission to use the park ing debt or capital expendi- our ro 3 let's strive to be stronger | Was given at the last regular ture. The grants are. not : 53 and more dedicated than | meeting of Port Perry Coun. | appficable to medical ser- | Ap pees AAA AA AAA AA AAA Ak NER ever, Those of our com- ils | vices.