Lake Scugog Historical Society Historic Digital Newspaper Collection

Port Perry Star (1907-), 28 Nov 1968, p. 6

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aS Ja NE a Ar ry 0) ¢ ¥ 3 a py Radin de nih ded chine Bin -- PORT PERRY STAR --- "Thursday, Nov 28, 1968 Pree Albert News (Too late for last week) Many interested folk gath- ered in the church parlors one evening recently when Mr. and Mrs. B. Snelgrove entertained the group by taking them on an imaginary tour via their pictures of the Br. Isles which proved picturesque & educational. Proceeds turn- ed out gratifying in aid of "the choir. Members served a delicious lunch. Several ladies were noticed attending the Presbyterian . bazaar on Saturday. Mrs. Lloyd Beacock, Glenn and Gordon, Blackstock were Sunday guests with their neice and nephew Mr. & Mrs. Don Beacock. They all visit- ed Mr. L. Beacock who is confined to Toronto General Hospital. Mrs. S. Rodman, Oshawa spent the week-end with Mr: and Mrs. Carl Graham. Mr. and Mrs. C. Andrews visited relatives in Blackstock on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Snel- grove were company with her marents Mr. 'and Mrs. Len Tavlor, Greenbank. fascinating| Mr. and Mrs. John Beacock, Nestleton were Sunday com. pany with his brother Mr. & Mrs. Les Beacocks. At the present Mr. F. Mid- dleton-is visiting his bfother and wife on Scugog Island. On Tuesday Mrs. Walter Weir (nee Franklin) was laid to rest in our cemetery, Her deceased husband of a few years ago was a former gentleman of our midst. GET HIPY/ READ THE WANT ADS PORT RESPECTFULLY TO THE ELECTORS YOUR VOTE AND INFLUENCE IS William N. @il) Williams FOR HYDRO COMMISSIONER OF PERRY SOLICITED by MY FIRST On Monday, PHIL AFTER HAVING SERVED PORT PERRY COUNCIL I Again Ask Your Support Vote | Councillor For 1969 - 70 TERM ON December 2 ORDE Front left: Mrs. M. Hatel Levinson, Mrs. K. Walker, M.Cornish. Second row: Mrs. ie, Mr. G. Thomas, Mrs. Ann Mr. Norman Mairs, Mrs. M. Pearson, Mrs. F. Gibson, Mrs. P. Gerrow, Mrs. E. Emmerson, Mrs. V. Pentland, Install New Officers of Blue Ray Chapter On Thursday evening Nov. 14, Blue Ray Chapter No. 238 Order of the Eastern Star held their first open Install- ation to Install the worthy matron elect Mrs. Ann Lev- inson and her staff of officers for the 1968 - 69 term. The opening ceremonies were carried out under the leadership of worthy matron Mrs. Carol Nottingham and associate patron Mr. Gordon Thomas. The worthy matron had the pleasure of introducing two grand officers, Mrs. Edna Anderson, past Grand Matron and Mrs. Leola Thrasher, past District Deputy Grand Matron and member of the Grand Executive. Other guests were present from Sunbeam, Dur- ham, Sunland, Whitby =~ Ont- ario, Richmond Hill and Alds- worth chapters. The worthy matron thanked officers and members for the support dur- ing her term of office. At the close of the meeting conductress Mrs, Kay Walker in a. pleasing and humorous manner presented the worthy matron with an aluminum tray on behalf . of the retiring officers. The worthy matron opened chapter for Installation wel- coming all non members and said a few words concerning the Order. The installing ceremony FOR COUNCIL IN PORT PERRY MONDAY, DECEMBER 2nd O [PODRES, Joseph X For Tranportation Call: 985 - 2156 985 - 2494 985 - 2872 '| Treasurer was conducted by Mrs. Hugh Espie and Mr. Leonard Col- bear past matron and patron of Blue Ray Chapter. They were dssisted by Installing Marshal . past Matron Emma Cook and past Matron Adelia White as Floral Marshal. Other past matrons of Blue Ray supported them. Mrs. Mabel Cawkeér was soloist and sang two very enjoyable numbers 'Bless This House" and "Twenty Third Psalm", The new matron started her term by welcoming all guests and thanking everyone for their co-operation and introducing members of her family, her husband, daughter Norma and Sheila, three sisters and friends. The worthy patron was asked to say a few words and introduced his wife, and two daughters, Darla and |Mary Lou. The incoming officers pres- ented their newly appointed matron with a jewelry set - Eastern star pattern. She also was recipient of other lovely gifts. The retiring matron was presented with her past matron jewel by her mother, Mrs. Hugh Espie, and gave a very suitable response. Mrs. Velma Sutton won a beautiful picture donated by the worthy matron. = Approximately 200 guests attended and at the close of the meeting a lunch was served under the convenor- ship of Mrs. Jessie Robertson and co-convenor Mrs. Marjorie Edwards. The following is the new slate of officers for 1968 - 69: Wor matron Mrs. A. Levinson Wor patron Mr. G. Thomas Asso matron Mrs. K. Walker Assoc patron Mr. N. Moirs Secretary ~ Mrs. M. Cornish Mrs. M. Hatelie, Conductress Mrs, F. Gibson Asso Cond. Mrs. E. Greenley Chaplain Mrs. P. Gerrow Marshall Mrs. A. Thomas Organist Mrs._ M. Cawker Adah - Mrs. M. Pearson Ruth -Mrs. M. Fisher Esther. - Mrs. E. Emmerson Martha - Mrs, V. Pentland Electa - Mrs. 8S. Kight Warder - Mrs. M. Edwards Sentinel- Mrs, A. Wallace her daughter] Mrs. A. Wallace. Back Row: Mrs. E. Greenley, Mrs. A. Thomas, Mrs. M. Kight, Fisher, Mrs. M. Cawker.' Mrs. M. Edwards, Mrs. S. Greenbank U.C. Wo The afternoon Unit held |n their meeting in the Church Parlour on Wed., Nov. 6th. Mrs. Phair played suitable music while the ladies gath: ered. Mrs, Harper read the Call to Worship, followed by opening hymn #516. Mrs. Raines read the Scripture, followed by Prayer. Mrs. Harper presented a very im- pressive Talk on Peace along with musical - performance with hymn "Let there be Peace. Mrs. Thomson read a poem on Thanksgiving. Col- lection was received and De- dicated. Mrs. Abernathy dealt with a chapter from the Study Book on Japan in a very interesting way. Hymn 520 c¢ Devotional. Mrs. Tait presided for the business thanking the group in charge after welcoming the ladies present.. Minutes proved as read by Mrs. Beat- on. 19 members answered the roll call. $52.10 was re- ported as net profit at Har- pers Sale. Treasurer reoprt- ed $94.89 in Treasury before adding Sale & Banquet pro- ceeds. The Co-Op banquet realized $137.57 for the Af. ternoon Units share. Mrs. McMillan reported that the bale was to go immediately. Mr. Harry Hill was to re. ceive a note of thanks for taking same to Toronto. Let- ters were received from 3 different societies containing Thank You's and urging us to keep up our good work re bales and Donations. Reminders were given on the Family Nite at Pinedale, Nov. 16 and' an evening at Wick on Nov. 7th when Mrs. St. John of Uxbridge will present her pictures on Aus- tralia and New Zealand. Greeting card was to he sent to Mrs. Baker who has- FARMS WANTED REALESTATE LTD -MALTOR 985.7373 of October meeting were ap- n't been well. Mrs. Guy stated Xmas card book is available §iid read an article on Christian Stewradship. Mrs. Phoenix told of two meetings with the Board of Stewards and stated that the New Books for 1969 would be here for Dec. meeting. Mrs. Robert Leask and Mrs. Phoenix were appointed to a gift buying committee. Meeting closed with Miz- Grace. Lunch was served. --Mrs. R. Leask Ii IRIE to drink, that's your WTRLERES if you don't drink, that's our husiness. We insure both kinds of . people. But to those who never drink alcoholic bev- erages, we can probably offer extra savings through Abstainers' Insurance Company. For automo- tive, homeowners' and householders' insurance at substantial savings, call us about Abstainers' * Insurance. ABSTAINERS' /2\ INSURANCE COMPANY 24 PEEL STREET, SIMCOE, ONTARIO Laurence Wagg GENERAL INSURANCE Box 1, Uxbridge - 852-3671 or 649-2002 J i A Sh, BB pah" Benediction followed by =>

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